Pensacola News Journal from Pensacola, Florida (2024)

TUB PENS ACOLA JOURNAL, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9. 19iaf City Derives Much Benefit From Cotton HOLIDAY NOTICE AUTOS CRASH WITH DAMAGING RESULTS (Continued from Page One.) valuable assets. I In order to determine the exact 1 value of the movement of a bale of SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES FOL-1 export cotton, we recently gathered I some statistics on that subject, and LOWED WHEN TWO VEHICLES found that every bale pf cotton that ENCOUNTERED ONE ANOTHER moves through the port of Pensacola 1 leaves aoDroximatelv $2 in the ritv. Today Friday, October 3, "Farmer-s Day" Legal Holiday This is not the total amount of reve- AT CROSSING. nue per bale according to the city, for it does not include Cotton factors' Just an the stroke of no-m vpkW- commissions, or insurance, but is the dav.

at. Hi intrrtim nHHTi I amount that accrues and is paid for "Dress Up Fever" is around about town, is very contagious everybody is going to catch it, no doubt the sooner the better. from the other maladies -everybody is going to like it, and the "breaking out" (of the old clothes into trie new) will look good and feel good. It will be a great in-vigorator for all concerned. It will take families at a time, Ind as we have FAMILY DAY every Saturday, and IT begins today, Why Not Catch it Here? A good spirit, a happy mood, and a little money will do wonders, and what is more, the welcome (merchandise) you get here is thoroughly dependable, and the cure from the "old way" will be lasting.

It's around today in good and earnest, and the headquarters are Watson, Parker Reese Company The "Dress Up All the Time" Store. American National Bank land Guillemarde streets, the large th physical handling of the cotton automobile owned and driven by R. ana 8niP tnat carries ana a E. L. Daniel, encountered the grocery large part of the $2 is paid to labor delivery truck of the McHugh Gro-, ad is immediately put into eircula- tion by being spent for food, cloth Ashamed of her bad complexion If you.

too, are embarrassed by a pimply, blotchy, unsightly complexion, nine chances out of ten Resinol Soap will clear it Just try Resinol Soap for a week arid see if it does not make a blessed difference in your slcin. 'It also helps to make red, rough hands and arms soft and whhe. Ia vwr or mibbarn om, Ruinol Soap shool4 idd by a Httl Resinol Ointment. Brthar cold brail Drncruts. For trial (re, writ te Dept.

t-P, Resinol, Baltimore, Md. a negro named Fayette MitchelL i house rent, fuel, school books, City Probe is Devoid of Any Big Sensation I (Continued from Page One.) Both cars were going at a lively clip "tc and. the crash when they struck was The amount distributed annually in heard for blocks, and very shortly a Pensacola by reason of our movement Your credit is good with us for anything you need in ladies or men's wearing apparel. Prices just as able as cash stores. Come see.

Galin's, 26 S. Palafox. of export cotton, on the basis of $2 large number pf people were on the ground. per bale, may be seen by a glanc Both vehicles were badly damaged, at the following figures: but the grocery truck suffered pos4 Cotton exported through Pensacola sibly the most e-tious injuries. NW Juring year endin; June 30th, and body was hurt.

The grocery truckj 4mount of money put in circulation nnrn iim nn mirn which was going north, and which at JZ-per bale HbtU A DtLUVtU leaving ten days unaccounted for. The proceedings were devoid of the expected sensational disclosures. It was developed, however, that instead of the payrolls showing up for 104 working days during the last half of September as made by the' eight employes, a total of 122 days were paid for. This means that, instead of eight employees, working thirteen days in the latter half of the month.the payroll showed up for 18 days over. In explanation of this, Mr.

Jones stated when employes reported sick during the Bales. .220.218 .126.061 .160,719 82,061 440,436.00 252,128.00 321,438.00 164422.00 1912 1913 1914 1915 LADY DIES, FRIDAY FLORALA HNS IN D'EDNIAK SHOOT carried a large supply of roceriesj was lifted from the pavement and: wedged so tightly on the larger car that it required considerable exertion to pull them apart. Witnesses stated that both autos were sounding the horns when approaching the sharp crossing, and dozens were seen who said they were Baseball Fans 589,062 $1,178,124.00 The movement is thus equivalent to having an industry with an average annual -payroll of $294,531.00. unable to tell Just which driver was at fault. Late yesterday afternoon month, he had placed others in their places, thus running the number of MRS.


THE PENSACOLA TEAM FAILED TO SHOW UP AND MUCH DISAPPOINTMENT WAS THEREBY OCCASIONED. days up to a larger number than had been At the and as soon as the meeting was called to order yesterday, Mayor Greenhut announced that it had been called for the purpose of We appreciate your patronage of yesterday, and hope to see you all back today and many others, at the same old place Theaftre one o'clock. FLOYD CURRIE, ED. MOTTA, ROLAND WHITE. looking into any irregularities which might exist in the street foreman's office, as had been rumored.

The mayor then made the announcement that Mr. Johnson, in whose department the street foreman was employed, wouldi conduct the examination. The street foreman, Danny Many friends of the family will be pained this morning to learn of the death near Chumuckla Springs, yesterday of the beloved Mrs. N. L.

Fauver, the aged mother of Mrs. W. T. Barker, of; this city. The aged lady expired yesterday and the remains are jn Pensacola this morn-ing.

The funeral will take place at 2:30 'clock 'this afternoon from the residence of Of. R. Bryans, at 928 East Gadsden street, the Rev. Mr. Brown, of Christ church, to officials.

The interment will be made at St. John's cemetery both of the autos were yet standing near the scene of the crash, one on Guillemarde street and the other on Gadsden. Mr. Daniel, accompanied by a friend, was driving his car west on Gadsden street and had crossed Tarragona street in safety. The steep hill between Guillemarde and Palafox streets was to be climbed, and he gave his car a little headway to get up the hill in good shape.

The negro in charge of the other car told inquirers that he was delivering many articles which he Ranted to have at their several points before d'nner, and he was said to have been moving just a trifle faster than safety would suggest, especially on such a sharp crossing. They were both sounding their alarm signals when the crossing was approached, but neither was able to see the other on account of a store on the corner. That was mainly the reason for the crash. Officer Chestnut and. Hall were hurried to the scene, and the cases will be disposed of in the city court today.

FECIAL TO THE JOTJRN-AJU DeFuniak Springs, Oct. 8. Florala was the only town to send a team to shoot againstj DeFuniak at the Farmers' Day celebration today. The wind was bad and both teams did medium sorry work. The Florala boys won by the following score, out of a possible 250: Florala Sam Hutchinson 42, J.

H. Mattews 35, A. E. McLeod 42; G. M.

Cannon 87. J. Bar SO; total, 186. DeFuniak M. T.

W. Cawthon 37; L. S. Cleveland SO, W. S.

Matthews 40, C. H. Gordon S3, J. J. McCaskill 34; total, 174.

Both teams i regretted the absence of the Pensacola boys i as they had been confidently expected. Jones, with about twenty employes of Examinations. Audits. R. T.

RAINES But as large as the amount is it is much smaller than it should be, both in comparison with the movement in former years and in comparison with the total production in Alabama, from which stats the major part of our export cotton is drawn. By referring to the above figures it will be noted that our movement of cotton in 1015 was only 82,061 bales 44,000 bales or 35 per cent less than in 1914. Measured in terms of dollars the movement of 1915 brought to the city $88,000.00 less than that of 1913 and $157,316.00 less than that of 1914. As the larger part of this heavy loss fell on the wage earners of the City, is it any wonder that we have heard the cry of "hard times" from, the merchant and 'Hack of work" from the wage earners? To illustrate further: During the past two years the production in Alabama has increased and the export movement through Mobile, has increased and -the export movement through Mobile has increased, white the movement through Pensacola has decreased. The Alabama crop in 1918 amounted to 1,483,669 of whicn 18 per cent was exported through Mobile and Pensacola.

Of the total amount exported, Pensacola handled eight per cent and Mobile nine per cent, or about half to each port, 1914 crop in Alabama amounted to 1,731,751 bales. Of this 30.8 per cent was exported through both ports, and while Mobile got 21.8 per cent of the movement, Pensacola only received 9.5 per cent of it, or 2 1-4 bales the department, were then sworn, and all but the street foreman himself were excluded from the room. In his own behalf, Mr. Jones stated that he had never put anyone on the payroll who was not entitled to be Public Accountant. Auditor.

401 American NatinaJ Bank BulMtn. TELEPHONE 902. PENSACOLA, FXA. there, so far'as he had understood. Efficiency Engineer.

Accounting Systems. and that, in carrying the men on the pay sheet who would report sick, he Fresh Fish Roe. Parlor Market. Phone 173-174. Recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.

t- winter I used a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a bad bronchial cough. I felt is beneficial effect immediately and before I had finished the bottle I was cured. I. never tire of recommending this "remedy to mv-friends' writes Mrs. William Bright.

Ft. Wayne, Ind. Obtainable verywhere. (Adv) Try The Journal's Want Ad Way next time. said, he was simply following the long-time custom, which had been in existence since the day when: Capt.

THE ICONOCLAST'S EDITOR TO SPEAK Might now. this store ready to exhibit er your approval aorr reatly xelualva atylaa eulta. sraaaca, and caate at moderate prleea. LAM ODE Hutchinson was street superintendent, and for whom he had worked. He recalled that -one man had been sick more than ten days, was the time limit for anyone to be car-Vied on the payroll, and that, bringing the matter before the commissioners, he said, he had been ordered to carry him longer.

He said that there had never been instructions to the contrary given him, when asked the direct question by Commissioner Johnson. Mr. Jones said that he wanted to stand and make his state-men so that the public would know what he had to say. He frequently referred to Commissioner Johnson as "Boss," especially in addressing that officer personally and directly, Phone S37 122.124 S. Palafox.

C. A. WINDLE OF CHICAGO, WILL 'it YC .1 DELIVER AND ANTI-PROHIBI TIONIST SPEECH TONIGHT AT MALLORY COURT. through Mobile to one through Pensacola. Accurate figures for the 1915 season are not yet available, but from the information now at hand, it rathar i seems that the ratio in favor of Mobile for that year will be greater than in 1914.

C. A. Windle, of Chicago, editor 20 S. PALAFOX ST. "BETTER CLOTHES." of Brann's Iconoclast, a publication which had its inception in Waco, Texas, about twenty years ago, will deliver an anti-prohibitionist address Some of the transactions which he wa3 asked about particularly by the tonight at Mallory court.

He will commissioner was why the following alleged discrepancies had occurred on begin speaking at 8 o'clock, although the pay sheet; why Mullen was on the payroll for eleven days when he I DELIVERIES made en purchase amounting to 10a or over to any part of the ettjr. Hie VOGUE worked but eight; why Birthright a band will commence a musical program thirty minutes earlier. Mr. Windle is said to be the most effective orator allied with the anti-prohibitionists and his address of tonight is being widely advertised by those fighting prohibition in Escambia county. was down for thirteen days when he worked but ten; why Santo was down Phi 67 tS WMt Oardan Street.

for thirteen days when he worked but eleven why Cardenas was down fo" i thirteen days when he worked but eight. All these questions were SAVE 50 CENTS The only conclusion to be drawn from an examination of these statistics is that some other port is taking away Pensacola's share of Alabama's export cotton, and with it the $2 per bale that goes to labor at the port of transhipment. This is a situation that should not be allowed to exist, aiid must not be allowed to continue. Last year the Chamber of Commerce, noting the trend of events, sent its secretary with a representative of the cotton interests of Pensacola and a representative of the F. A.

railroad into the cotton producing territory opened up by the F. A4 to try to secure a part of the business from that territory, all of which had formerly gone to Mobile. As the result of that trip and the strong; subsequent efforts made by the cotton factors, more cotton was handled into Pensacola by the F. A. railroad in September, 1915, than the: entire year of 1914.

However, solicitation is not the solution of the of how to get more cotton through Pen-sacolt, tnd it is somewhat uncertain just what the proper solution lis, but one thing is certain and that is that by making these cotton loans you are removing one of the most annoying A Good FOUNTAIN SYRINGE pe-- Uvered Anywhere fee 75c. Worth S1.SS. The Central Pharmacy, Phewae. ITT. ITS.

Chronic Constipation. "About two years ago when I began using Chamberlain's Tablets I had been suffering for some time with stomach trouble and chronic constipation. My condition improved rapidly through the use of these tablets. Since taking four or five bottles of them my health has been fine," writes Mrs. John Newton, Irving, N.

Y. Obtainable everywhere. (Adv) OH, MAMMA fi jr A CAN'T WE SEE EASY ON THE STAIRWAY NOW?" S-2" Gas Light, throwing out Its )wer of lierht in everv direction, will Watson, Parker Reeao Company -EVeWYTMINO TO WEAR." 'hi 1 1 tffs brighten up any dark corner you may have in the Jones were Messrs. Jim Cope, Kim-mons, and or two others. Wm.

Crook was the concluding witness. Asked about the results of the inquiry yesterday afternoon, the commissioners stated that they had not as yet read the testimony, ar were unable to say just what steps would be taken in the matter. The investigation was not of the nature that the crowd which assembled to listen to expected, and there was some disappointment expressed on all sides. Phone 310 LEE LUMBER CO. BuOding Materials.

OUR PRICES ARB ALWAYS RIGHT features of the problem, and hastening the day when Pensacola will be one of great primary cotton markets, although much work remains to be done by the steamship and traffic men answered by the street foreman with the statement that he was only following orders, and that everyone of the men who were on the payrolls for more time than they actually made was on account of following' the precedent set many years He said he had carried the men on I the payrolls "only when they were sick, Boss, but never when they were off drunk somewhere." He said, however, that he had never questioned a man's claim of being sick, but had taken the man's word for it. A number of employes were then called and eamined. Clyde Roach said that he had worked ten days and on the eleventh when he showed up sick, he was sent back home. He was too ill to work for the next three days. He was not "docked" for the lost time.

Tom Mullen, a regular driver, said he 'had worked ten days. This witness said he had been hearing a lot of rumors, but that none of them weretrue, and that he- had never made; a dishonest dollar in his life, and would not come to lie" about it to anybody. John Birthright said that he had lost four days out of the last half of the month of September. He said he had always signed the payroll hinfself and had always endorsed his own check. Among other witnesses who were called by the street commissioner were Messrs.

Gale, A. Roach, Paul Santo, Holifield, Joe Cardenas, A. L. Busby and J. Joseph.

Witnesses who were called at the request of Mr. yyp house. ti Jfl See this new light when our representative calls. He will show how it can be installed at a cost of only 70 cents or 90 cents with your old shades of the type shown in the illustration, or for. $1.25 with an artistic new shade.

Special easy terms. Pensacola Gas Company 25-27 E. Garden Street. Telephone 2041 before that day arrives. As stated before, Pensacola's present cotton business is equivalent to an industry with an average payroll of nearly $295,000.00 per year, and njjICCO ICE CREAM LEASES everybody It's Pure.

That's Sure Don't just "nibble at" crackers they are real food good any time. this payroll is capable of indefinite expension. Anyone assisting in its expansion is bringing more business to every merchant in Pensacola and more work at higher wages to every laboring man. I hope you will continue and, if possible, extend the policy you have inaugurated. Yours verv truly, JAMES F.

PHILLTPS, Secretary. Jax Biscuit Afford delightful menu changes, have mora nutriment than costly foods. Stamped Night 7 Gowns. All Made Up, at MISS HERRIMAN'S SOUTH PALAFOX. JackeaamlU Cracker Werfca, fi-UanKa, fk.

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Pensacola News Journal from Pensacola, Florida (2024)


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Why is Pensacola famous? ›

The city has a proud military heritage, thanks to the Naval Air Station. In addition to being the "Cradle of Naval Aviation," the Pensacola Bay Area is proud to call itself home to the renowned Blue Angels, officially known as the U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Pensacola News Journal? ›

FAQ. How much does an obituary in the Pensacola News Journal cost? Placing an obituary in the Pensacola News Journal starts at $100.00.

What is the circulation of the Pensacola News Journal today? ›

The Pensacola News Journal is a news and media solutions company with a print circulation of 24,472 daily and 45,546 Sunday.

Who is the editor of the Pensacola News Journal? ›

Lisa Nellessen Savage is executive editor of the Pensacola News Journal.

How do I cancel Pensacola News Journal? ›

How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-877-424-0028.

What famous person is from Pensacola Florida? ›

Emmitt Smith

Emmitt Smith was born on 15 May 1969 in Pensacola, Florida, USA. He is an actor, known for Little Giants (1994), How I Met Your Mother (2005) and CSI: Cyber (2015). He has been married to Pat Smith since 22 April 2000.

What are people from Pensacola called? ›

Note that Pensacola natives are referred to as Pensacolans/Pensacolians.

What is the nickname of Pensacola? ›

Pensacola was given the nickname “The City of Five Flags”, due to the multiple nations that have at one time governed the area. These countries include Spain, France, Great Britain, the United States of America, as well as the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.

Why do newspapers charge so much for obituaries? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

What is the name of the newspaper in Pensacola, Florida? ›

The Pensacola News Journal is a daily morning newspaper serving Escambia and Santa Rosa counties in Florida. It is Northwest Florida's most widely read daily.

How much is the Pensacola News Journal? ›

*After 3 months, Sunday-Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday + Wednesday Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. The Sunday + Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/Month after 3 months.

What is the local news station in Pensacola, Florida? ›

TV market. WEAR is Northwest Florida's #1 news.

What is the name of the Pensacola newspaper? ›

Pensacola News Journal. How much do beach tourists add to economy (and how do we make it more?)

What channel is Pensacola news? ›

WEAR ABC 3 News, Pensacola.


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.