SALES BY AUCTION. SALES BY THE UNITERSITY FIFTEENS. (FROM A CORRESPONDENT.) To judge from their performances in theit opening games Oxford tua a better balanced side than Cambridge, though h6 Light Blues possess in K. G. Maoleod much the best centre tbjree-quaxter and in Q.
0. 00p fastest and most dangerous wing threlarter at either University. CoaexutldjT, the Oxford oap-tain, has ia-iaot an fiagier task 'before him than F. H. p.
Hearsoa, Last season the position was reversed, tea L. M. Maoleod had a side ready made to hand, whereas D. Munro had to build rap the Oxford team by a process of elimination and selection which lost the side more than one. match.
Munio's chief difficulty last-season lay at centre throe-quarter, in finding the best possible partner for himself at MILLS, MANUFACTORIES, WORKS, TO ENGINEERS, MOTOR-CAB MANUFACTURERS, PACKING-CASE MAKERS, AND OTHERS, Eligible Site for Works of any kind. TO BE SOLD by Private Treaty, a Valuable PLOT of LAND, containing (Including street land) about 3,600 square yards. The Bite is in close proximity to the Pomona Docks, and part fronts Chester Road. On It Is erected a modern, well-built brick workshop, ttlth steam engine and boiler. The site and premises are well adapted for an engineering or any other kind of works, or could be used for manufacturing burposes.
For further prtticulars and to view apply to CHAPMAN A BBOOKS, solicitors, 23, John Dalton-street, Manchester. LAND AND BUILDINGS. LIST of PROPERTIES ON SALE, with full particulars, po-t free. Mr. CLAYTON.
10. Albert Square. ADVERTISER developing private estate: lad. car stage: low rates. Semi-detached VILLAS: a rare chance for co-operative members and others for securing well-built pairs of houses at lowest cost.
Addtyss 94, at the printer's. BRAMHALL. ON SALE, Pretty Detached HOUSE, Teady about December 2 good entertaining. 4 bed rooms: large ardens: fields back and front: cheap land: no cost road making: no motor dust: clear, bracing air, sewers: gas, water: easy purohase terms. CLIBRAN, Grove Lane, Ciieadle Hulme.
CHIEF. First Freehold, 16: secured on rental 94. 19s. price 221 years quick settlement. Stanney.
25, S. Castle-st-. Liverpool bpmiUV RENTS FOR SALE. October iJat can be nad ires JruLLKKa. so.
Brazennose-street. Manchester. (IHORLTON-OUM-HARdY. THREE Gooi HOUSES, 26, 28, and 30, High Lane: rental 71 (tenants pay rates), chief y.nj. equity saw: mort.
uuu air, uoe. do, mosiey-sT. CHEETHAM HILL. TO BE SOLD, 23, 6MEDLEY LANE. DTT.T.A a ouhBtnnMnllv hiillt nornl.
detached residence, in own grounds, comprising handsome entrance hall, large dining-room, drawing and morning rooms, large bathroom, fitted with marble lavatories (w.c.'s separate), five bedrooms, front and back staircase, good kitchen, scullery, and dry cellars: two minutes' walk from tram. For terms and order to view apply to W. H. SUTTON A SONS, estate agents, 3, Brown-street. DAVENPORT.
Valuable blTEs for ali classes of house property within a short distance of station: low chief. Apply PEIRCE A SON, surveyors, 30, St. EQUITY 260, is splendidly built Corner Property In Hulme: 91 after chief: mortgage 400: w.cs. fixed. Address 87, at the printer's.
EVENSHULME. Block of Well-built PROPERTY i rent os. 3d. to es. all tenanted genuine offers cheap.
uuuuer, 1 1, otocKport itoaa. OW PRICK TO nmsp. a trust th rick HonsEH. 14. fri 16, and 18, Richmond Grovo East.
Longslgbt: 1 at 24, 2 at 23: chief 13! price 725. ROBERT T. DONE, estate agent, 62, Corporation-street- Telephone 6,877. LOW PRICE TO CLOSE A TRUST. ONE HOPand ELEVEN HOUSES, 47, and 2 to 20 (Including 4a), Cross-st, near Hulme Church: gross 193.
Us. chief 37. 7s. 6d. price 1,125: perfect drainage: w.c's.
ROBERT T. DONE, valuer. PmpilOllO I. PECKHAM RYE. A Large Weekly ESTATE, in a flrst-class letting neighbourhood, only about three miles from Bank of England: in thorough state of repair throughout: showing, after paying ground rent, rates, taxes, and mortgage irterest, about 500 a year clear: 890 cash buys equity of this valuable estate, having a long lease to run, over 70 years: mortgage is fixed for about 64 years still to run, so cannot be called in.
Call to view Agent. 65, Peckham Boad, adjoining Art School, CamberweU, London, S.E. REDDISH. FREEHOLD SITES, low ground rents, for works or house property for all classes: frontages ta main roads, canals, and railways. Apply PEIBCE SON, m.cjmn, gc, au.
ot. etersgate. stocaport. CALFORD (to close a trust). EIGHT HOUSES FOR SALE situate anu nunioeren ana wuson-street, Kb, jricton-street, 57, 69, 6L and 63.
Klnc-stroet: freehold: chief rent 7. Is. 4d. rentals 88. 3s.
8d. price 445. 36, ot the printer's S1 EVEX HOUSES and Shop, w.c. Land for Four more: no cuiei. r.ijiiuM, bzo.
Barton Lane, Barton, Eccies. STALYBRIDOE. Attractive and Commodious Family RESIDENCE FOR SALE, on favourable terms: built by and still In occupation of owner: overlooking well laid-out and extensive rark, and within half an hour of Manchester Exchange: well built and in excellent order: modern conveniences: paddock, tennis lawn, and garden: chief rent only 19: immediate possession can be given. Photo and full particulars on application to Mr. TURNER, 118, Stamford-street, Ashton-under-Lyne; or to Mr.
ROBERT INNES, solicitor, Norfolk-street, Manchester. THIRTEEN Good and Attractive HOUSES. 7s. nnd 7s. 3d, A situate at Monton: close to tram and train: good letting! easy collection: equity 750: mortgage 1,203.
Mr. COE, Be, ri0 BUILHEHS AND OTHER-) For conversion into shops, EIGHT HOUSES, ll.von,I Tlrt.iH nH TOIrlilnornn Boad, Whalley Range. Particulars of Mr. Coe, 88, Mosley-street rpwo Good 25 HOUSES: sunny aspect all conveniences i small A- front gardens: Greame-stroot, Withlngton Road, Whalley cuiei prico )ou. uiiis, do.
mosley-street. TO BE SOLD by Private Treaty. One oi' the most Pcrfe wid (In every way) Convenient Country RESIDENTIAL ESTATES in the county, and ready for immediate occupation i not a more hoalthy climate in the kingdom a bargain to an immediate purchaser. Cards to view and full particulars from omnmuaji gtu. ran man.
uancnester. TO BE SOLD. ROWSLEY GRANGE. Cheadle Uulme, tho residence of the late Qeortre Gooddle. Ean.
Annlv on tha premises. THIS EVENING, at seven o'clock, at the Thatched House HoteL CALE of Semi-detached DWELLLNG- HOUSE called Sey-c-ir Lodge, Charlton Drive, Sale. W. H. ROBINSON.
Auctioneer. FHYTHIAN A BLAND. Solicitors. 27. Brxzcnnosiv street.
Manchester. Small Building Estate at Bushotme, free from building restrictions and chief rent. Freehold Land and Residences in Victoria Park, Busholme, Manchester. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. W.
H. ROBINSON, at the Thatched House Hotel, Newmarket Place, Manchester, TODAY (Tuesday) the 23rd day of October, at seven o'clock in the evening prompt, suoject to the conditions of sale to be then produced: ALL that PLOT of FREEHOLD LAND, containing 9,170 squats yards or thereabouts (excluding street land), with the Two semi-detached Residences known as Wcsterfield and Boundwood, standing on a part thereof, fronting Park Crescent, Victoria Park. Westerfield is in the occupation of Dr. A. F.
Thompson as tenant at 85 a year, on a lease expiring 24th June, 1913, and Boundwood is at iresent vacant, but was until recently In the occupation of the ate Mr. Henry Wood, solicitor, at rent of 140 per annum. Each house contains three entertalning-rcoms, seven bedrooms (except Westerfield. which has only six bedrooms), bathroom, and other conveniences. Is cellared throughout (the cellars being unusually lofty), and is surrounded by a well-planted garden.
Boundwood has a two-stall stable, harness-room, and coachhouse; also a handsome conservatory and a double greenhouse. The site is freehold and free from chief rent. The property Is conveniently situated to the centre of the city and within a few minutes of a well-served tram route, two publlo parks, the Owens College, and new Infirmary, and is admirably suited for business or professional men, oharltable Institutions, or private residences. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, 11, Cromwell Buildings, Blackfriars-street, Manchester; or to Mr. Leonard Goober, solicitor, 83, Colmore Row, Bizmlnghaxn, SHIPPING.
CUNARD LINE. FINEST. FASTEST. AND MOST COMFORTABLE OF BRITISH STEAMERS, including The "CARMAXIA" (Turbine) and CARONIA," the latest and meat luxurious Hotels afloat. From LIVERPOOL (Via Queenstown).
27 I IVERNIA Nov. IS The LUSITANIA and MAURETANIA," the LARGEST STEAMERS IN THE WORLD, are now lauriched. Unaurpassed accommodation at moderate rates. Passengers booked through to all parts of America and Canada. A regular twin-screw passenger service between New York, Gibraltar, Naples, Trieste, Flume, and Palermo.
Frequent sailing's of cargo eteameis from Liverpool to Mediterranean ports and Havre. Apply to the CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED, Liverpool or to 98, Mosley-street, Manchester. DEAN DAWSON, Book Passengata to all parts at current rates by all lines. American and foreign money exchanged. Packages sent daily to the Continent.
Furniture packed. Insured, and shipped abroad. Offices i 49, SHORT SEA TRIPS to GIBRALTAR, the MOROCCO COAST, CANARY ISLANDS, and MADEIRA. Fortnightly Sailings from London. Voyage ot about 24 days.
20 to 22 guineas Inclusive. Illustrated Handbook gratli from FORWOOD BROS. OXX, 46. 8U Mary Axe, London, E.C or at tbe offices of the MANCHESTER AGENT. J.
23 to 27 Days 16, 1st Class throughout Other Tours to PORTUGAL and Madeira. 13 to 27 Days 12 to 20 Inclusive; Sailings every 10 Days. BOOTH LINE, 30, james-street, Liverpool. EITH, FAROE ISLANDS, ICELAND. (Roval Mall Service of Steamers.) TJALDUR (Faroes only) closes for cargo 6th Nov.
s.s. LAURA (Iceland and Faroes) closes lor cargo TltbNov. This steamer calls at Faroe with and fur malls and passengers only. All roods, distinctly port-marked and numbered, should be fori, arded to our care, Alnert Hock, South Lelth. For freight and passage apply to GEO.
V. TURNBULL A LeltB. CHEAPEST SEA TRIPS IN THE WORLD. QANARY ISLANDS. Beturn Tickets for about 1 15 by Wednesday Steamers 30 days, Including everything 18 by Saturday Steamers 3,000 miles of travel, including a Fortnight's Board and Besldenco at Hotel Metropole.
Grand Canary. Sea tTlp a week each way, making about 30 days' delightful holiday. Full particulars ELDER. DEMPSTER, A 20, Water-street, Liverpool; 30, Mosley-street, Manchester; 4, St. Mary Axe, London; Bristol, and Cardiff.
OB 33 3 5 1 A p. m. MANCHESTER (Victoria) dep. 9 3 heysham ff gig 3 a. m.
ALCUTTA DIRECT. HARRISON LINE from Liverpool, STATESMAN. 8.163 ton. Saturday Oct. 21 CRAFTSMAM .6,196 Fridar.Nor.
9 HUNTSMAN 7,480 Wednesday, Not. 21 ruunuiAA tons sionuiy, iA3. a HARRISON. Mersav I.lvBTOOOl. A NCHOR LINE.
LIVERPOOL TO EGYPT, BOMBAY. KARACHI, AND CALCUTTA. Bavaria Nov. I Dalmatlt, Dee. 6 Bcindla Nov.
IS Massllla use 14 Assyria. Dte.30 nirmntn. 24 Arabia Nov. 17 Casta! la Nov. 24 J-irga last new steamers.
First-class accommodation sad Cuisine Low Fares. Services recognised by Indian Government. Appjy to Ajiwnuu js (ttenaerson nrotners), Ldnusea, water-street. Liverpool, or i-ocai Agents. COUTH AFRICA; IO ellermaN-harrison line (Joint Berries), Begular and Direct Service from Glasgow and Uverpooi.
CLOSDNG DATES FORCARUO. Glastross, LivemooL B. Deto0 Sutton Hall ZZil StUSl Counsellor Deta8a and Loaning Bertnsi (jueen-soocK. Glasgow; cast Float. liirkenBsad.
Annlv to the owners THOS.i A JAS. HARRISON. MORT AL EX AN DER A CO, Liverpool; GEORGE SMITH A SONS, Bothwell-street, Glasgow. Or to the Brokers STAVELEY. TAYLOR.
A CO, Liverpool; GELLATLY. HAN KEY, A Dock House. Billlter-atreet, nnilAt, 1 A H7 TfiIia dAafQ sjviiuuu vr hi must ohoum, fvig owaisi nrn Dllupjur Uancbuter. PACIFIC LINE, WEEKLY SAILINGS. ItOYAT.
MAIL Twln-af-rAWf AnTfl rAnftl HTP A UTV. TO BRAZIL, RIVER PLATS, ARGENTINE COAST, FALK- a.u 10l.Afl03. I. til 1.1. APiU i f-it ij era.
ana cargo. anacarsro. (a 8,000 1,633 6,303 4,449 9,265 4,585 5.321 Oct. 25 Nov. 3 Nov.
8 Nov. 17 Nov. 22 Deo. 1 Dec 6 (b) SABMIENTO. Oct.
29 Nov. 12 Nov. 28 (S) OROPE6A (a) ORITA (C) BOGOTA (b) CORCOVADO. (a) OBAVIA () Rio de Janeiro, Monte Video ((or Buono CAyres), Punts, Arenas (Straits), Valparaiso, Ac, calling at La Bochelie- rauice, apamsn ana ronuguese ports; also alternately at Fernambuco, Bahla, Santos, and Falkland Islands, (b) Monte Video. Bahla Blanca.
Port Madrya Punts Arenas (Straltsi, Valparaiso, Callso, Ac (o) Bio de Janeiro, Punta Arenas (Straits), and West Coast ports up to and Including Eton. Loading Bertn Queen's Dock, Glasgow, and Alexandre Branch Dock No. 3, LIvarpooL For fares, freurhts. Ac annlv to tha Paelfln RtAnm Knyfratinn wu9-Btrcrot, i-ivorpooi anu jiuaersoD, Anaerson. ana 28, co*ckspur-street, b.
and 5. Fenchurch Avenue. London jRE YOU TAKING en everyday care of yourself? Prevention, you know, Is ever so much better than cure. A little Irregularity of the etomiicn seems sucu a trivial tnmg to-aay, but next week it is a malady, getting more serious; llttlo ailments soon become big complaints. Cure tbat little Irregularity at once.
Negleot it, and It leads swiftly to dyspepsia, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, biliousness, headache, and perhaps a train ot greater evils. Even these will yield to CHAM'S EEOHAM'S A EEOH AM' EECHAM'S PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS But why run the risk of so much suffering? what folly to delav waiting till one is 111. A dose of these famous pills taken whenever the least weariness Is experienced will effectually nrevent nnv nn. pleasant developments. Don't watt till you have to be cured.
Take an everyday care of yourself; remember always If you keep the bowels regular and the liver In working order you will never be troubled with indigestion and its attendant miseries. Taking care of course means that the standard remedy must be always at hand. In many thousands of tomes BEECHAM'S FILLS are regarded as the family medicine and are kept in an appointed place always ready for use. When you notice a symDtom vou want. tn.
-in of it at once there is no time like the present. To be always prepared, you too must keep a box ot these famous pius AT HOME. IF YOU TAKE BEECH AM 8 PILLS you wlU find that it will pay you. You will gain by doing so. In return for the small outlay which a box of the pills costs you will ensure a healthy stomach and regular action of the liver and bowels, resulting in good digestion, pure blood, and a feeling of general tonicity.
Health Is the best wealth, and it is sorely remunerative to exchange tbo weariness and depression whloh always accompany the reverse condition for the vigour and activity of physical well-being. UU1UK UlUllOlU AWOU, UUU IIUO. -IU-, AWV, ICIOKIA PARK Aimon Road. FuR SALE, PAIR ot ani 108, Regent Boad aforesaid. Semi-detached HOUSES rents 50 each.
195. at printer's i Lot 2- A Perpetual YEARLY CHIEF RENT of 11. 15s. BASTE SEVEN 8s. Weekly HOUSES: worth more: let payable out of a plot of land containing 566 square yards well and In (rood condition 110.
13s. after chief wanted or thereabouts, with the buildings thereon, being No. 227, Old-best offer over 1,075. Address 89, at the printer's. field Road, and the buildings in the rear thereof, occupied JgEE CHAM'S PILLS gEBCHAM'S PILLS EEOHAM'S PILLS EEOHAM'S PILLS JJEECHAM'S PIIrLS Cuerden Hall, Thelwall, near ORDER of SALE THIS DAY (Tuesday), October 23, commencing at one o'c'ock, OIL PAINTINGS.
Coloured Prints, Engrantgs, Drawings, and Miniatures in Oak Boom, and Oil Paintings and Engravings In Library. CAPES, DUNN, A PILCHEB, Auctioneers, Manchester. Catalogues, price by post Is. 3d. each, can be had at Cuerden Hail, or from the Auctioneers, at their offices.
No. 8, Clarence-street, Manchester. N.B. The Cuerden Estate is For Sale by Private Contraot. Refreshments may be had at the Temperance Hall at reasonable charges.
The Patten Arms Botel, Warrington. ORDER of SALE THIS DAY (Tuesday), October 23, 1906, commencing at twelve o'clock, KITCHENS, Servants' Hall, Bedroom No. 20, Waitress's Bedroom, Cook's Bedroom, Bedroom No. 27, Attic Bedroom, Bedrooms No. 29, 31, 32, and 30, Housemaid's Closet; and at two o'clock the Horses, Carriages, and Outside Effects.
CAPES. DUNN, A PILCHES, Auctioneers. Manchester. On view. 10 and 12.
Sale of the Remaining Stock of Mack, Hamilton, and comprising a Large and Varied Collection of High-class Furniture, Bedsteads, Oriental and English Carpets by the best makers. Silk, Tapestry, Damaiik, Serge ana Lace Curtains, Table Covers, Ac. C1APES, DUNN, PILCHER have re-' celved instructions from Mack, Hamiltons to SELL BY AUCTION, To-morrow (Wednesday), October 24, and six following business days (Saturday excepted), at eleven o'clock each day, on the premises at 10 and 1Z, Oldham-strect, Manchester, tho Remaining Stotk of FURNITURE, Carpets, Curtains, and Soft Goods. May be viewed this day (Tuesday), October 23, from ten to four o'clock. Catalogue on app.ication to tne Auctionrjers, Clarence-street, Albert Square; or Mack, Hamiltons, Oidham-street.
N.B. The Dullness will be continued as Mack, Hamilton, and with new stocks in all departments, under tha proprietorship of Bellamys, Limited, 102, Dean sgtte. On Vltrwl Chorlton-cum-Hardy. -Sale of Excellent Household Furniture for Entertaining and Bed Rooms, including Excellent Pollard Oak Appointments in the Mcrnlng-room, the upholstered portions covered in frieze velfet: Ebonised Drawing-rooin Suite, by Gillow, well upholstnred and covered in blue silk terry; Spanish Mahogany Dining-room Requisites, Capital Full-size Billiard Table, by Burroughes and Watts, in brown oak frame, and the usual Accompaniments; Ax-minster and Brussels Carpets, a Collection of Artists' Proof Engravings, after Sir E. Landseer and others; Several Hundred Volumes of Books, Oil Paintings.
Old Diamond-cut Glass, upwards of 300 Ounces of Silver Plate, of Georgian and Early Victorian periods; some Personal Jewellery, Electro Plate, a Pair of Important Dresden China Ewers, with figures, cuplds, Ac. in bold relief; Well-modelled Bronzes, Mantel Clocks, Two 13arly English Tea and Coffee Services, Costly Walnutwood Bedrcom Suite, with ebonised reliefs, by Gornett; Kitchen and Culinary Utensils, Brougham and Victoria, by Cowburn Harness, Plants, Outside Effects, and other Valuable Property. CRAPES, DUNN, PILCHER beg to announce tie receipt of instructions from the Exors. of the late John Holt, tj SELL BY AUCTION, on Wednesday and Thursday next. October 24 and 25.
1906, at twelve o'clock prompt each day, on the premises, Beech House, situate at the corner of Barlow Moor Boad and Beech Boad, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, th Excellent HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS, Pictures, Bronzes, Silver Plate, Billiard Table, Carriages, and other Eilects. May be viewed this day (Tuesday), October 23, 1906, from ten to four o'clock, when catalogues can be had at the house, or on application to the Auctioneers, at their offices, 8, Clarence-street, Manchester. THIS DAY (Tuesday), at elevon o'clock. ARTINGSTALL HIND, will SELL BY AUCTION, at the Rooms, Princess-street, Excellent Modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE in complete Suites for several Reception and Sleeping Rooms, Ten High-class Upright Grand and Ccltage Pianos, American Organ, Violins. Display and Muaio Cabinets, Overmantels, Chimney Glasses, Clocks, Bronzes, Bookcases, Books, Pictures, Carpets, Curb Fenders, Fire Appliances, Bedsteads, Hall Fittings, Safe, Typewriters, Office Desks, Tables and Chairs, Motor and other Bicycles and Domestic Eflects.
X.B. The Safe and Office Fittings will be sold at 12 o'clock; Pianos and Cycles 1 30; Bedrooms about tiro o'clock 0RDERolSALE THIS DAY Ootober 23, 1906, at Bedclyffe, Oswald Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, commencing at twelve o'clock noon prompt: Kitchens, Breakfast-room, Top B-sdrcoms (numbers 1, 2, and 3), and Books. The property of R. V. Madgavkar, who has left the district.
Per ARTINGSTALL HIND, Auctioneers. To-morrow (Weduosilav). at one. at 3, Albert Square WH. HUGHES SONS will SELL BY AUCTION 20 Cases of DUTCH BULBS, being a second sale of the famous cousUnment, and Include tino named tulips, narcissus, lltlum, scllla, croous Ac.
Regent Road. Olaflold Road. Essex-street, and West Cross- street, Salford. Valuable Chief Rents and Freehold Properties, free from chief rent. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Messrs.
C. W. PHOVIS and SONS, at the Albion Hotel, Piccadilly, Manchester, THIS DAY (Tuesday) the 23rd day of October, 1906, at three for four prompt (subject to the conditions of sale to be then and there produced), in the following or such other lots as may be determined t'pon: Lot i. Perpetual YEARLY CHIEF RENT of 3. 18s.
payable out of a plot of land con taining 235 square yards or thereabouts, with the buildings V. I xr. nrm 1. .1 .1 rA inia as staonng, ate. Lot 3.
A PLOT of LAND containing 643 2-3 sauare vards or thereabouts, with the Shops and thereon, being Nos. 229, 231, and 233, Oldneld Boad, and producing a net annual rent of 78. Lot 4. A PLOT of LAND containing (Including nortlons of West Cross-street and Essex-street resnectlvelv) 6291 souare yards or thereabouts, and having frontages of 24 yards 24 inches to Regent Road, of 22 yards 1 6 inches to West Cross-street, and or hy yams inches to together with tne Lock-up 3hops. Nos.
76. 78, 80, and 82, Regent Hoad aforesaid, estimated to produce (with the coalyard and site of the stables and vacant lard) a gross annual rental of 120. air. oamuci mown is a yearly tenant of the stables from naidsummer, and has the right to remove, at tho expiration of m8 tenancy, the stabling or building erected by bim on ms maamg goou aii caused ny suon removal. Lot 5- PLOT of LAND (a Wing lot 4) containing Si5 rj3 or thereabout, and laving a frontage of Mess Bailev and MS i wo elven on comnletlon.
or lurtner particulars app the Auctioneers, No. 40, nrnznnrinHA.HT.rAai. MnnpnMi. nrazennose-street, Mancnest. tc Messrs.
Samuel Kershaw MQ 6ons e3tlt0 aent8 nron, Grosvenor Chambers. Dcansgate, Mfachester; or Mjssts. EARLE, SONS, and COj. solicitors. 54.
Brown-stn ot, ManchesterT to Messrs. Samuel Kershaw iiSViSSrKiS rnSZ-r v. M-V .4 snrinrT Th.c..17' Sa' TUESSRS. W. PBOVIS SONS "wUl M1 SELL the Maeniflcent HOUSEHOLD FTTRwrTTTRP.
(by Messrs. Kendal, Milne, and James Lamb, Ac), OH Paintings, Upright Grand Pianoforte. Iron Safe, Ac-, on Wednesday and Thursday, Octobnr 24 and 25, 1906. Sale commences at 11 30 each day. Catalogues may be had on application, price 6d.
each. Auctioneers' Offices, 40, Brazennose-street, Manchester; or Messrs. Lupton and Fawcett, solicitors. 26 and 27, Bond-street. Leeds.
fWaBnmqnTMN WW WFVVnW IJ'DVVAKU ir.LO10JN, bUiN. cV; ililiiN YON T- niArrnm IVarlnnurln V. f3l u.l.l. J-J are instructed to SELL HY AUCTION. To-morrow (Wednesday), October 24, 1906, on the promises as above, lne FIBE SALVAGE of CALICO PRINTING MACHINERY aad PLANT, all more or less damaged by fire.
Ironwork from Buildings, and other Effects. Sa to commence at twelve "'clock uoon. On view prior to Catalogues may be had Irom the Auctioneers, 13, Norfolk-street, Manchester. JOHN COWEN bas received instructions from Mr. W.
llolmai to SELL BY AUCTION. without the least reserve, on tbe premises, Egerton Nursery, Tlmperley. Cheshire, on Wednesday, October 24. at tweive o'c'ock prompt, the Entire Stock of ORCHIDS, Stove and Green- iiouse i-ianis, uiassnousos. Hot water pipes.
Brick Walls, Ac. Cowan. Oatoacro." Te)oprione No. THIS DA I. atl it nrnmnt.
t3K7SV-H 5 "Swt FRANK WALKE Will SELL BY th8 L'sefnl HOUSEHOLD FUBNITURE and EFFECTS, under Inatructlons from W. J. Laurence, who 11 leavlrg the Auctioneer's offices, 49, Princess-street, On behalf of whom it may concern. Fire Salvage of about Sixtv Tons of Paoer. 1TR.
GEO. UNSWORTH has been favoured with Instrnctiona from Messrs. Charles BrnrlrlAhurvt ana bons. are loss assessors, to tiELL BY AUCTION, in wawson's urort anus, ureengate, salford, on Thursday, October 25, at 11 30, tho FIRE SALVAGE of about SIXTY nature brown, yellow from the recent fire Limited. On view clock.
Further par ticulars may be on aDDivlng to Messrs. Charles Brccklehurst and Sons, firo loss assessors, 26, Market-street; or the Auctioneer, 49, Princess-stret-t, both of Manchester. On bebalf of whom it nay concern. Fire Salvage of about 170 Pieces of Woollen Flannel. MR GEO.
UNSWORTH has been favoured with instructions from Messr'. Charles Brocklehurst and Sons, fire Iojs assessors, to SELL BY AUCTION. In Dawson's Croft Mills, Greengate, Salford, on Thursday, October 25, at eleven o'clock, the FIRE SALVAGE of about 170 PIECES WOOLLEN FLANNEL, as advertised, removed from the late fire at Ealers Mill, Litileb irough, near Rochdale; a large quantity damaged by water only. On view day prior to saio from ten to four. THIS DAY.
To Close a Trust Beswlck and Ardwick. SALE BY AUCTION of Valuable SHOPS, HOUSES, and CHIEF RENT, In Baslow-street, Beswlck, and Kirkstall-street and Curry-street, Ardwick, at the Thatched House Hotel, Newmarket Place, Manchester, at six for seven o'clock p.m. For particulars see lt Saturday's Guardian." MARRIOTT A CO, Solictors, 12, Norfolk-street, Manchester. THIS DAY (Tuesday i. at eleven, at 34.
BrMge-strcex. City. ERNEST WHITE will SELL BY AUCTION a Large Collection of Capital HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Pianofortes by Westpbai and others. Harp by Erard, Case Clock, Antique Furniture. China, and Effects.
For Rent. Booms occupied by the Manchester Novelty Company. Fourth. Floor, Fireproof Bull lings. Commercial-street, Knott Mill.
GEO. H. WHITEHEAD will SELL BY AUCTION, THIS DAY. at 11 30 prompt, THEATRICAL FnTTNGS, TIMBER, BENCHES, Ac Auctioneer's offices, 54. Deansgate (Tel.
228Y): and at 14. Blackpool. 133. Lnnsworthv Boat. Seediev, GEO.
H. WHITEHEAD will SELL BY AUCTION, at nhove address, it 11 30 o'clock. Thursday next (for rent), FIXTURES and FITTINGS of a Butcher's Shop. Further particulars from the Anetioreer, 54, Deansgate, Manchester, and at Blrlev-street. Blackpool.
To-morrow (Wednesday), at Smith's Horse Repository, Park-street, Cheotbam Hill Road, Manchester. WJ. SMITH will SELL BY AUCTION FIFTY Useful Cart, Van, and Harness HORSES, including three horses from S'ater Bros. also ten useful cart and van hones, Sand 6 years old, heights Irom 16 2 to 17 hands; ail warranted quiet and good workers. 1 Entries can now be made.
Sale at one o'clock. tcL 3471. THIS DAY. at 12 3d BradshaWs RepMltory. Whltsrorth-stnet- SEVENTY-FIVE Harness HORSES and COBS, Draught Horses and Vannors, Traps, Capital Furniture Van, Lurries, Ac Catalogues.
Next Monday. October 2a -Bmdshaw'i Repository, Manchester, THIRTY-FIVE Useful Van and Harness HORSES, by order of Messrs. B. White and Sons, Ltd. Barnoldswtcj TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr.
WILLIAM WEATHER-HEAD, at the Railway Hotel, Barnoldswick, on Tuesday the 30th day of October, 1906, t.t 6 30 pjn. precisely, subject to the conditions to be then produced: TTALUABLE FREEHOLD DW1JNG- HOUSES and LAND. In the following or such other lots as may be deeded upon at the time of sale: Lot 1. THREE Through DWELLING-HOUSES, with garden and back yards. Nos.
1. 3. tnd S. Pleasant View. Lot 2.
SIX Back-to-Back DWELLING-HOUSES, No. 1, 3. and 5, Bessie-street, and 2. 4. and 6.
Alice-street. Lot 3. SIX Bsck-to-Bsck DWELLING-HOUSES, and ONE Through DWELLING-HOUSE Nos. a. 10, and 12, Alloe-street, and 7.
9, 11, and 13, Bessie-street. Lot 4. FOUR Back-to-Back DWELLING-HOUSES, No. II and 13, Alice-street, and 12 and 14, Bobert-etrest. Lot S.
A HOUSE and SHOP in Commercial-street sad Bobert-street, In the occupation of Mr. William Hoidaworth. Lot 6. THREE Through DWELLING-HOUSES, No. 3, 5.
and 7, Robert-street. Lot 7. A COTTAGE, known as Croft Cottage, with Vtt Garden thereto, in the occupation ot Mrs. -Jane Fort. Lot 8.
A DWELLING-HOUSE, with front Garden, No. 1. East View, and a DWELLING-HOUSE, in the rear thereof! Back East View, in the occupuion of Mr. BoberT. Hartley.
Lot a. a uwcuiisu-twuab, witn rront garden. Ho. A. iTlO.
A DWELLING-HOUSE SHOP. No. SHOPS, OFFICES, tP TO BE LET. in Deansgate Arcade, Deansgate, with good Basem*nt: electric liirbt and all modern convenience, urther particulars apply BENDY A FATEBSON, 6, Cross- Urowti-street. with gwnt tinn or 0 mk.
CAWOOD DYSON, 4. Brazennose-street ti.N (Ko. SO). BAsem*nT. contalnlnFtwo UNO GARDENS AND YORK-STBEET: PARR'S BANK n.i..
1U UJS LKX. ADMy 1 cnv mrriviir a pa'jn' wtm.Mn op, sUlPHKhS. Double offices: excellent light. JOHN i rvKNSQX A SONS. LlMITEi IL pVtertreet SMALL GltOCERS.
QREEXQHOnKRR AWr wn. VISION DEALERS. ONE or TWO SHOPS, 98-100, ILsa Lane. Cily Road. Hulme: rents 9a.
eacli clean fix plate-cbM front. Key No. 94. 1 K.KHS. i Ut-estahil9hed BUSINESS, 345, Kccles New mvuciii nup: excellent nouse ana gooa ovens, ko.
j'i't" jpi. jvhjq. 1 1 Bufls, w. nesnsgate. lib LET.
Capital God SHOPS, In main thoroughfare The Handsome, Centrally Situated A Eil ENT. Nos. 49 nnd 51. Mosley-street. recently occupied km Hie uu to joaca ueorge-sireet; rent El LP A SON.
19, Chapel Walks. I.I'.APKRS, MANTLEMEN, BOOTMEN, ac to be l.KT. with immediate possession, Capital Modern and D-iii. PREMISES: line position, and mala in' Lccles: moderate rent; leaao granted. Apply j.t wdiutuv, jriccatuiiy, M1TKHAVEN: 61, King-street.
SHOP and HOUSE: in 1-1111333 ii.rii iiiuunm iruuL. rent aw. Apply S.SOX HROTIIERS, Bootle Dyeworks, Liverpool. INNS, PUBLIC HOUSES, BREWERIES, 1.UII0CSE: rent 60: 15 to IS barrels weekly: Ingoing 450. Address 99.
at tho printer's. in good district! rent 75 Ingoing 500. Auurvss iuc, at tne printers. il Little BEERHOUSE, ingoing 150; also One, 120: ents sinaii oia-estaoiignea. Aaaress lire, at printers, AAL HOTEL.
DOUGLAS TO BE SOLD, this Old-o'abllshed HOTEL. For particulars apply J. W. 1HSO.V. COOKSON, ft 6.
Liverpool. li-KSTARLISUED PUBLIC (Stockport): tied ales and Ingoing and stocK about 650: also Roadside Public, bowlinR-Kreen, ingoing and stock about 1,000, rent 80. ouJonis please note Country Roadside Publlo adverU-ed woe, i is let. Address FRED H. LEES, auctioneer.
Stock- lit: SOLO, a Country PUBLIC-HOUSE and a BBElt- il sc. brewing own peer. Address in ou, at me printer BE LET, a Fuily Licensed PUBLIC-HOUSE in Maccles- ho also on-licence in Denton. Apply personally a. KKK Sandy Lane, Stockport.
"v.n' 80LD. Fully Licensed PUBLIC-HOUSE and COTTAGE adjoining, situate in borough or Rochdale: i brewer or spirit merchant: prlco 600: grand for small capitalist: no agents need apply. For apply to C. MOTTO AM, 25, Graver Lane, Bridge, near Manchester. WAREHOTJSES.
eor co-street. GROUND and FIRST FLOORS) rent 35. ISAAC KEILD A SON, 19, Chapel Walks. Yorlct'reet (21): tiled walls and concrete floor: electrician, Ac: good back loading and staircase, GEO. 'N 4: SOX.
8, York-street. NNuX bT. (So. 56). Good WARE anrt WORK.
ROOMS and OFFICE. Apply 64. Cannon-street, vs onTiTR ET (No. 12). Large ROOM on top floor I from No.
14. Apply J. HERBERT HALL, ot. 6. soiun-r-teei leu o.uoo.
Alii of TE-si'BEET(No. 8) -Commodlousand Well-lighted of OFFICES and WAREROOMS TO RE LET: i -r poods lifts: good loadinR: electric light: rent mod. BKEW1S. BABDSLEY. g6.
Spring Gardens 'NQATi: (corner of Cumberlandtreet). Well-llghtedT msEMEXT. containing 235 square yrds: front at rtfsne6. IS.1AC NEILD SON. 19.
Chapel Walks. WJ'IAIE 'No. 32). Well-lightod WABEROOM, in Shep-i'curt. uith use of hoist.
DUNLOP, WAL1S, h.i-t;-s iieu i ntvIVST" 44 44 Ground-floor WABEROOM UAbEME can let separately. GEORGE BENSON s-iS. i. Voik-tret. tty.
i I 1 A LV1'. (No. 60a). Capital PULLAK: central uosl- tiark loa'ltlltf. Uoo.
Benson and Son, 8, York-street. ii Vrr-TREET (No. 33). TO BE LET, Excellent no" loading. Apply WADSWOBTH.
6. CrosB-fitreet. i-'vliT-STREET, KNOT MILL. TWO Spacious i i MS GROUND FLOOR, and BAsem*nT TO BE Aiji.y iri'takor, St. Peter's Schools.
li HAESIEXT, alio Small One, 16, John Dalton-streetl 'Jitmn: fe'oo'l l'ght, easy loading: two entrances. oY II IS" El SOX, on tne premises. uftl i- V-T. Large GROUND FLOOR, consisting of Ware-'room and Oillces: sultuble for crey cloth, prints. cn ro ISAAC NEILD A SON.
19, Chapel Walks. Xii KYSi'HEET 3J, Yi'KK. BUILDINGS. Excellent iron- 1'. mils ami OFFICES to Mosley-street! welllightedi iiltiM ar.a lilts, li ul- ofc JvJf luift-wnwi T' A VN'TTTsTilEET.
WAREHOUSE: two floors: good :i.d loanniH lacmuw. Apply WADSWOBTH. "s- HAILTON. 86, Bs irUawS-STREET. WAREHOUSE.
'lr each earlv 200 yards net: hovel and good SON. BAILTON. 86. Orosa-at. i.MntIT-MIU'.l-l.
AliliiUALiLi id a lanuiBOburers, Aentu, and OthnrR- TO BE LET, with possession. Capital mill il PHKMISES, comi rtilor an area of about 85 square u. .1. H. llltlDUPQHD 5QX3.
65. King-street. o. S.u:lTvil.-il' r. i HE LET, lirge ROOM, with.
v.n liplll. if. t. mn Lh, HiCA, aacKvine-streefc. EAR Central Stotion.
ItoollS, 6 yards eaohi good light i. nl nit t.citr.l: electric lift: sanitation perfect: deco kiiliabloSoriii uiy tra Apply RICHARD HAWORT1I CO ii. D. e-tr0dt. (61) Excellent SUITE ol OFFICES, vl'U Uarenwi'i or, serond floor, in oomer builalng: i p.isfe:ii;er and.
goods lift. Apply Hoist-n on or I1AXDLEY WILDE. 9, Tib Lane. OOM. 48(t.
by rent 30) capital light and load-b Jei tnrea minutes from irnary. A. 49. llalc-street. klT.KX-STKELT ,1.
1,1 ro Well-lighted BAsem*nT. Applv L. umlii.ltr. Prlncess-atrew, Manchester. liASKMENT And GROUND FLOOR: 'jt, craiio, ste.
Apply 14. Braa annote-atreet. Wo OA BAsem*nT (over 400 yards): 1 1 back staircase: hoist. Apply WADS-IUH. OX.
prr-' rFqu.rrmsnts: all conveniences. Manchester Central iln- WsM'. a.pi. Limited: registered ofllce. 40.
Prlnom it tlirPPEi(Several SUITES of OFFICES and iis. Major-street, and 2-4, South-street. Mill'! Splendid SUlTEof Superior OFFICES and iVAitrnoi'MS on tirst floor In packing-house i suitable for -t. or: n.i tbe Royal Exchange. Address 86.
printer's i UK LET. tlio Moilern WARK HOUSE, being Now 1. Ohorl-i -met. at the corner of Bloom-street, which Is shortly v.i. hy Mows.
Beer, aud Simon, comprising good 'i' nt. vriU. iti tirst, second, and third floors: be.nga it oii.tin- liiht Is excellent and there Is good independent J. It. HlllUiil-i'Rl) SONS.
65. King-street. 11 It Excellent BAsem*nT, No. 21, specially a lor the provision business: all conveniences: rent -il'ly E. E.
LEVY, estate agent. 17, Withy Grove. ARLllorst: TO BE LET, in New Brown-stroet, in of city. Important thoroughfares: good frontages: in 1 and four up (Ave storeys): splendid lights: hoist. bells, ail modern conveniences: within three Exchange and Post-office: immediate possession, ly Messrs.
Jones, Cretvdson, and Youatt, 7, Norfolk-st, MILLS, MANUFACTORIES, WORKS, good lights: suit wood rke-. tradui will divide. Kaskervllle, 69. Brldge-st ALCLIOKIELD. MILL, pan or whole, cheap labour.
Or silo. saNKKY. Moston Ijin-. Manchester. tti'HKS: 2.000 yards flooring: four atorevsi yard 700 lanli: inlio from Exclisnao: on Rochdale Canal.
Apply KSU OlSTII, SOX.i HA1 LTOX. 86. Manchester. CXIil.ETOX Extensive JUAXUFACTURING PREMISES To liE LET: fultanv business requiring good light 1.800 Ii or spsio: food olllce and yard. J.
SHERLOCK and i2. lHle-tre-, Manchertor. irulme Church). New WOBK--ll'jl'. with Bcor aiiovM enfrtneer or motor firm 3.
r. RT1 1 ALL. 6, Souih-struot. tjbert Square. Tel.
3.065. 1 HE LET. with Power, the commo.llous WORKS of--the liiuil'oii Ltd, Ocean Works, Cross Lane, Salford, witb'n oa-y distance of the Docks. Apply PHILIP H-K. chartered accountant, 64, Cross-itreot, Wancliestcr; A.
KXI-'HT. at tho works. oKKbliOPS. near Lotuion Roadi two large rooms, suitable for caliitiot-makers. Joiners, garment makers, 4c.
rent 75 1 a possession. Apply to A. G. W. FOi, solicitors, 53, os.
Iroot. i'KKSUOpT for light work: one stcrey only (ground -iso squsre yards: rent 50. Apply kila.nds s' 'xs- LIMITED. Gorton MUls, Manchester. TO BE LET.
with good water supply, within easy i-innco or aianc.iMter. Apply uailco -Trinters' Associa-Llmitcd, Estate Department, 60, Manchester ROOM AND POWER. rE I.LENT GROUND-FLOOR WORKS, also compact Two Four Stoiov Buildings: eior-triollcht, steam anapower if ...1 would illvlJe. R. K- LAKIN.
Cr.ift-street. Pendleton. OMS, near Sack vllle-strre: TO BE LET, with or without it r-n t- oq hu. oMS TO HE LET, with or without power.
Falcon Works. Poland-street, Oldham Road. Apply FAULKNER'S, ater-street. mSCEIANEOtrS. it.ES TO BE I-ET.
BS. Pa'allne Road. irtl. YAR1. STABLE.
C-on-M. W. W. TOM LINs. 7.
Biiiennojo-sti o-stree II HOl CLAYTON. LAND, now in occupation of ii ivuo. contont about i6 acres. Apply J- SH-RLOCK ,1.... uj.B-ai.pp.i KS i arrlago Shed, Ac.
Lloyd-street. Wllmslpw Road, roomv: suit livery or garage: rent 50, or will II- II. 11I1UU1J. HE LETTthiwe Extensive PREMISES 30 and 32. Stockport Ardwlcit Green ili.rge floor epaoe: suit any business re- i-nty of room or social quo.
A K-'sriiEET (231. Larue HOUSE, euilable Tor work- 11IBBERT. 29. Princ-s-treet. Manchester.
ITillSCToN.TO BE lT, Two-stall STABLE, with and Hftmcjv-room. Apply llmslow Road ORKROOMS. lirst Uoor. new buildings. 20, Brook-st.
(cm. J. No: lo si: suitable for sewing machinists or ther business s. Hight. GEO.
'J i-tcd to suit 15 hands cob: must Do styiisa i -n Aridresa 2. at the printer's. sale. i wo 6-year-old Welshty, Shorvjegged. ie 15 tuuU iirh LURRY HORSES, suitabio MantAester hevv runiav contraciors, i-ok ajwup i i -crkn Al having decided to go In for motor-oar has FOR SALE t.
e. n.w t'lisiunor tyres, and all the latest tonrownetit. 5 Bav Horse, with black point. 16 hands.and same; (jOTerness iir, uy 2ir- t.ilt 11 hands, cost 23; also new rony nj alii Cir. by Smith's.
Stockport; also HfwsfoT ay be seen at St. Anncs-on-Sea. Address at iioXTED Double BROUGHAM, by Codoc. In condition: complete with rubber tyres, pole, -iff. brake, 34, High-street, C-on-M.
ENGINES, MACmNERY, TOOLS, tut. lSbvfi. 70:16 70: Marme. iu vy JCiTmca, stock HYDRAULIC PRESSES and ill PS 55. Uncle-street.
Placadllly. Manchester. Tel. Mi UC WOODW ORKING MACHINES a1, (irpciwood's. Hill- treet.
Rochdale. Tel. 242 -r 'n -ton wTwni.KV. nirKaaiB 'ws -AS and OIL ENGINES, suooessluuy exmowoa a okhm. onlcK delivery i Ali oi.umi iiuuuiw, Suction Gas Engine nnd Gas "Plant.
Denton. Manchester. Tel. 50. Denton Z6.t to 30ft.
long by Sift, to 8tu aiameter, for JOHN ovjji. 1" "iVindcrs. Two Brooks and Doxey's, 92 parallel. Box 64, Boyal Exchange, City. Et-SE Winders.
Three Dobsoa and Barlow's, 120 drums, 6 ends. Box 64, Boyal Exchange, Manchester. good nnd 7, at, iti b2i post ana iZZ 1 Ti.k hold AS -a. ywii. nnd buiu shop full touts and at to best down, stock rent SHOO: qmy, over 77, A weak 36 fTIO JL now win TO rro grand New acres rrvi Boad trade! Ti of stood i sion and rxv Sn lor TeL FTIO 6 Bury, ENGINES, BTACBINRY.
TOOLS. So COMBINED Hor. Engine and Loco Boiler: 20 h.p.n. cylinders Sin. and 15ln.
stroke 241n. automatic governors, undertype condition by Bobey. G. H. Jones, Blackfrlars Road.
Salford COP REELS FOB SALE: 40 hank, with cross and stop motion ere. order. Box 64. Boval Exchange. Manchester lslntegrators (Christy Norrlses): rep aced by larger machines.
Annlv marine WUITB Jh HHHI! 1 1 111 I B. DRAWINGS, three heads, six Heth. Rovings, 180 71n. lift, equal to new Lord's Inter. Frame, lOin.
lift, 26 staff, good condition, good stock; Shafting Pulleys. W. L. HOLLAND, machinery dealer, Preston. IAGONAL ENGINES, Pair, 8 by 12: H.P.
Horizontal Engines. 9 by 18. 12 by 28: good order. KAYS, engineers. Bury PYlVOl, Tt nnTrmi 7Z wvn EIGHT-INCH, and 12ln.
Centres S.S. and S.C. I-ATHES. 4ft. by 2ft by 2ft.
PLANING MACHINE, cut gears. Oft. bin drt ef CF. CI. TIOTT WM.
NEWSOMe'a LTD. SOWERBY BRIDGE, TOR SALb, TWO Premier GAS ENGINES, each 250b.h.p.; 82 and ne 60 b.n.p. Croisley Engine. Lumsden Machine Company, Limited. Gateshead.
Ton of 4Clb. Seoond-hand STEEL FLANGE HAILSj 60 tona oi second-hand Steel Flange Ralls, 3,000 second-hand Square Sleepers, 6ft long by new also Railway Sleepers, 9 by 10 by 5. ciSSiS iAmPfiE GILLOTT, railway aud contractors' mer- T51SAW5. Steel Lancashire BOILER, 26ft. by reinsure in.
by reinsure for luoin. Wtu lln- reinsure for 1001b. w.p. Two ii w.p.i Three Cornish Boilers, 'nil 6tt- for J20'b- W.p: Two ditto, 16tt. lln.
by b- w.p. 40 irxwo-type Boiler, reinsure BoliVri W-1S for 1001b. w.p. Three Marine irSIh3 bjrutt- 9Jm- for 1001b. w.p.
Copies of Company's Reports on application. FuU list "osV7 WARD, LIMITED. Albion Works, Sheffield. TelegraDhlc addraxs. Vnrwnni fihffiAiii Horizontal PUMPING ENGINE, cylinder l.W tli 1.
Two Eans Cornish Pumps, J-AXANDEB. MonkweaV 1 288 'Pe! three grouos: modern principle: good conrininn a.i ready for immediate delivery. 'lai AZtntr't vt tAf bD IllHkCt BoljnK an Milling Machine, by Greenwood ana isatlev: f-ood mivljni ti txr i. -v minster. P.mDi Ire30 in stock Engines.Shaft- mg.
Pulleys. Steam Fmnin. irnL, r-i. JatV lit lor copy. post, free, of the i i.
"f-41-1 (offices, 146A, queen Vlctoria- iie 'eauing nusmess medium for buying jelling machinery. Price id. every Friday, from newsagent! Accrington 1201b' ANDUTON ONS, Practically new, 23tlo, wide, for 48 DODD SONs: 2 LOMS, 38In.roed space, Butterwoi-th and 40in. reed space. Butterworth and Dickinson 7 Dickinson; 12 and Dickinson 8 Looms, 42in.
reed space. uwii. icou ojjiuu, naiiiiiK buu a uuu MacEmEDWINifiKP rre: PlalUne ONE 6-wtieel Coupled. Saddle-tank LOCO-M. MOTIVE, by Hunslct Engine Company, Leeds, 14in.
i. iT recently overnauiea ana nttea with le7' uow and new brass tubes: can be reea or w'tuout steam. For further particulars apply fc.vmv.mna 1,111., juower ince, vigau. Punching. Shearing Machines, Power Presses: large stock fow SttCOnd-hand.
GITTUS. HftillnnH Wortr IVsrlu! QTEAM SUPER-HEATER. 43 tubas, nearlv new. hv Andnr ton. with stOD valvc3 and Tiitvas: rhwiTi satwttv.t.
zf machinery merchants. Accrington STEAM WINCH, doutle 6In. Cameron pump, feed water heater, 6in. outlet. HUTCHINSON, Mansfield Avenue, xnoraoby.
STEAM BOILERS, aU sizes. Vertical, Cornish, and other typos; also Vertical Engines. Boiler and Crank viiuipany, united, wysart Road. Grantham. nrULPE-DBESSING MACHINE (second-hand): In good endt--1L tions Howard and Buliough or other good makeri state A Appiy -appeta, jrkiimarnocK.
THREE Hoe Rotary CASTING BOXES, to cast plates 6, 7, and 8 columns wide, of 153 ems. by 23JID, long, and suitable vy imwia ituti. uiameter. ONE Hoa BOSINA or SHAVIHrl at A OTTTWTM If ml suitable for above. f.H.V wrought-lron STEREO FURNACES, cast-iron pot, to lOcwts.
metal, with hood. 4c, complete. ONE Flat long. OXE MA NOT. TO Mnfi.1v Rollins tohU Off- ffltn between racks by 3ft, 61n.
long. npp'r me jaanonester unaraian. cross-street, mancnest OLFF'S BRICK DRYER, with cars, complete, heap wi vswiu. AuuieHB or, at printer s. SHOPS, GOODWILL IN TRADE, MONEY-LENDING Buslnesi for Sale; good results.
87. A GOING CONCERN. An Old-established PAWN-BROKEB'S BUSINESS, in one of the host Tmrtn of Manohoster: pledge stock about 1,500: sale stock about 900. For further particulars apply T. THEODORE ROGERS, BOWLEB, 4 chartered eocountants, 30, lacknool.
Comnanr-houae. Promenade 17 ha a tinn nonltlon low ingoing to quick tenant. Hawortb Johnson, South Snore COAX, Business, near lthington household conno'otlon net profits 250: valuable Inventory: easily managed. 216 EGO and BUTTER BOUND, with good little Shop Business attached dolmr 60 week: inzolnir. horaa and cart.
350. iiuiiniBB jr of, at tne printers. fnANCY DRAPERY AND MILLINERY 1 best position rising town South Wales i genuine concern: takings nearly 1,200 per annum: good profits-, owner taking larger business: capital about 400. A. R.
BRETT lc valuers, 3, vram-ontrei, jriocacuiiy, Atancnester. 7OR DISPOSAL, HIgb-olass SWEETS: established: house attached: on rand, lunnvfllrlfnini tf.wn (l.lw. srirauu ciiaiice proprietor going aproaa. rt gio, printer s. OOD LltUo JEWELLERY BUSINESS fittings, safe, jsoo.
81Q0K at valuation: ienca-. week clear. iaz. printers C2.ROCEBY, Confectionery, i.lso Patent Medicines: established over Quarter century: turnover 50 ner month: rvasoiiBPie oner reins ea. Apply amatora itoaa.
GROCERY (Lancashire) returns about per annum: nartlv wholesale i canttal Dosltton in nonuloua market town manufacturing district: stock in trade about 1,500 1 will be ut valuation, witu nxtures, nttings, c. large aouoie iront and stockrooms. Old-established BUSINESS FOR DISPOSAL, to close a trust excellent opportunity for an encrgetlo proprietor to considerably Increase the returns. Messrs. WILLIAM POPE A SONS.
Downham Market. Norfolk. AND LAUNDRY: exoollent connection: 20-30 weekly; books shown; every investigation: up-to-date plant. date pi 2. Si vehicles, fto.
prlos low. GREY, accouiitant outh jraraao, rtocnaaie. ARROGATE. FOB DISPOSAL. BOARDING-HOL'SEi nest position: goou connection.
Address lm. primer s. HAT and Hosiery Business for Disposal: busy thoroughfare: seaside town: rent 80: satisfactory reasons for -elllncr. For particulars apply BllUnaton, 22, Claremom Road, Blrkdalo. LLANDUDNO.
TO BE LET, with immediate possession, Larse BOARDING-HOUSE in North Parade: central! eltuated. Full particulars on application to KNOX, HASSAL, puiw, es L.O., onarterea accountants, uanquano. ODGING and BOARDING HOUSES at Scarborough FOR SALE: cheap, Wilts C. H. WRIGHTSON, estate agent, Scarborough.
LONDON ROAD, LIVERPOOL. FANCY DRAPERY and MILLINERY BUSINESS: handsome new-fronted premises: long and valuable lease: large and increasing turnover: caoltal about 2.600. A. R. BRETT A accoun- nan yqiuttrn, uure-aiigpi, xmuqiuuy, axuciiuaicr.
and Secand-hand Furniture Business and Workshop: going aoroaai must sen. A3i, utier-street. o'cnsm itoaa. OLD-ESTABLISHED PLASTERER'S BUSINESS, several contracts In hand: thriving locality: sole reason pro prietor going abroad: will sell on valuation. WHITAKER ROPER, onarterea accountants, 10.
punnriage Mraaiora LD-ESTABLISHEDHOUSBFUHNISHING BUSINESS TO BE DISPOSED OF, through II l-health great sacrifice if taken once, or would entertain practical working partner wl' 633 work the business with adult torn good family trade i situated road In Manchester! stock, 400 to 400, at valuation: no goodwill. Address izn. at tne printer "iLD-ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT FOR SALE: beer and 1 AnnnA-n InAAnTTVlk. Al.V 1. Will.
11UBI1VB. KWU tll.lUUl... proved: no agents. Address 157. at tne printer's.
OWING TO DEATH. GROCERY BUSINESS, with Wine and Snirlt. Licence. Striving Younz Man can have old- established Business on good terms: stock 340: halt amount talanco nau-yeany instalments: rent ttoo per jwn. Apply J4.
Xa, Oia. Jtaixes rtnau. POULTRY FARM. IBaoi-es, wlchin twelve miles of Manchester: utirf jMithiiiiiifneB rent 16! valuation with Pve and lurnltura about 22C Apply BATEM AN BROTHERS, incorporated accountants, no, ot. i-eteracate.
otocKport. RELIABLE GENERAL DRAPERY CONCERN Yorkshire: present hands 16 years: returns approaching 3,000: of prominent corner premises ana aweuing-nouso ou.y Ailing. a. nlnallnn. hinn nHM BIOCX.
aitlllOB, OMll reasons. A. B. BRETT A valuers, 3, Qore-etreet. Picca- jaancncaier.
ESTaURANT anu CAFE, high-class. In one of the busiest u.n.h.,tA,. ti1tj.tiA for famtlv or avndlcate: turn 1,924: illness sol calls? of disposing. Apply ASHTON, HARWOOD. ft SOMKHS.
solicitors, i. uooperetreet. SEASIDE. MILK and DAIRY BUSINESS: net income about 450 yearly: every proof and satisfaction, given: business managed: ex. premises: gardens.
200 SHREWSBURY. TO DRAPERS. BOOTMEN. MAX'ILE-MEX AND OTHERS. For Immediate DISPOSAL, the TENANT'S IXTEREST and LEASE in Central and Valuable Premises, occupied by Mr.
A. C. Thomas, draper and milliner, Mardol Head (facing the market), Shrewsbury: rent 145 fixtures at value: stock optional. a. a.
uwyi a. valuers, 3, Piccadilly, Juancheeter, ana at Birmingnam SMALL Wholesale Children's Millinery Business: turnover about 700 to 800: stock, goodwill, fixtures 320. 21. Lee and Nightingale, advertising omces. uverpooi.
STEAM LAUX'DHY: South Coast: a sound business, viewing 300 clear profit: family trade: good machinery: com fortable house, detached from worss: oenenciai leasw: unco 760. BERTRAM HOWELL, 114. Queen's Road. Brighton. TOBACCO and Cigar Business: main road: taking 26 weekly fixtures, fittings.
180: ex. premises. 215. 'POBACiO and CIUABS (wholesale and retail) doing over 60 per week: rent ingoingiw. muk win amy two to inti-diuA htit-er.
Address 83. at the printer's. TAILORING. Snug Little BUSINESS: main thorough-fare Manchester: present hands nine years: rent only capital about 250. A.
B. BRETT A valuers, 3, Gore-street, Piccadilly. Manchester. DRAPERS. CLOTHIERS, AND STOCK BUYERS.
Mr. HODGKINSON. 15, High-street. Manchester, is instructed to SELL, by Tender, the STOCK of a 8outh Wales Clothier and Draper, together, amounting to 150. On view until ibursday next, at tnreo ivuucn do openea ana purcnaser ocumbu.
PIANOFORTE AND SHEET MUSIC DEALERS AND oTHPR.4. vnn sat.e bv Private Treaty, as a aroint! concern, the PIANOFORTE. ORGAN, and SHEET-MUSIC BUSINESS of Edmund Wrigiey, us, imuxe-streei, nocnaaie ri.hi:iini for nw ftfrv -reaxs. tocether with the laree Tuning Connection: stock In trade at cost, about 300. Full on application to WAiiimt o.
ijliiu auj. incorporated accountants. 3, King-street, Rochdale. BE DISPOSED OF. the Old-established MASON and CON-JL TRACTOR'S BUSINESS carried on at Peel Green, Patrl-crott.
bv Mr. Goodwin falling health the cause of retiring a opening tor a pushing man. Apply to Mr. J. BOYLE, 72.
Lane, Patrlerof t. MILLS, MANUFACTORIES, WOJtXSfto. MOUNT PLEASANT, BLACKLEY. SmaU WORKS, with good supply of watert suit dyer, bkraxher, or laundry or would be sold cheap, with adjoining house nd five of land freehold. Apply WILLIAM DALE, 43, Oinnon-streeW Manchester.
BE SOLD, as a going concern, tne business carried on by the Blackpool Engineering Works, Limited, at New Blackpool. Including plant, machinery, and stock in Apply BOWMAN A GBIMSHAW. chartered accoun-tints. Blackpool. stTu.
TTouin and Land attached, total contents about in Bnlllntrton. near Macclesfield. In the conntv Chester, and known ut the Beehive Mul. Tho mill has a supply of water, is situated on the canal bank and is quarter of a mllo from BOllington station. Vacant posses Far lurtner particular "i-vjr wmuni, wpoLAi.
BE SOLD, or LET, tha Extensive BUILDINGS and SHEDS known as Beurrave Mill, and about 25,000 ri ot vacant Land, situate in Honeywell Lane (off Ash ton Oldham, and one mile from railway station: suitable foTcotton doubling and dreloc. twining, ring spinning, or w'" res money can remain on mort- For further particolars apply to HUGH SHAW and BOSS. auctlQneand vatuws. liVSt. Peter-street, Oldham KO.
BE SOLD by P1 TPVGINEEnlXU wuf. MILLS, with OfflMS. Stables. lately, in the 5t kind ofVorLC-d n6t disposed rfStn bejet in i any kina cikwi--. t0 w.
CBOMPTON. nortiona iolicitor. 6, Fleet-street, Bury. half, and in filling the last three places in the paoK. He overcame the difficulty, and the Oxford side that did duty at Queen's Club were not only a fine side but were also the best team that could have, been picked from the men available.
This season the Cambridge captain will be spared the trouble of finding his best third line, for the four that played on Saturday can hardly be improved upon. A good partner for Pitt at half is, however, essential, and it is highly probable that Godby (Loretto), who played against his University on Saturday will get a long trial. The pack, however, presents the greatest difficulty. Indeed, there is some reason to fear that Cambridge may be comparatively weak forward. At present Oxford are and promise to be much stronger in this important department, simply because all last to judge from their opening match the Oxford captain's only anxiety will be caused by the half back positions.
Of late seasons, with such piavers as atoop, aiunro, ana iiyie available, Oxford have been so exceptionally well served at half that players in that position are necessarily judged by a very high standard. Takine a broad view of the nrosDects. Oxford have greater assurance of a good all-round side owing to xne possiDHity oi Cambridge being weak forward and of only, average strength at half. Moreover, if Macleod were hurt the chief source of Cambridge's strength would be gone. To judge from nis display on Saturday Macleod Has come back to nis school form, which means that he is the best centre three in England, if not in the United Kingdom.
GOLF. HALE. The eighth qualifying; round foe tbe captais'il prize took plar on Saturday, wben O. H. Hartocod and o.
Aiorneon la a net score ol tu. scores: G. H. N. U.
H. N. C. H. 95 12 81 J.
Morrison 99 18 81 W. Owen 102 18 84 6. E. FairbrotherlOO 15 85 6. Brldrford ..87 1 J.
M. Leake) ..88 5 83 J. H. Yates 107- 24 83 Dr. BotTiwcU ..94 8 85 t)ISLEY.
-In tha first winter medal nomnetltiom nn Saturday Bell qualified for the silver modal and A. H. Bunn for tbe bronze medal. Bunn took the first sweepstakes nod H. S.
L. Slater the second. W. B. Worthingtori Is tho winner ot the cumme*r silver medal and P.
J. Bkeuon oi toe summer bronze medal. Scores: O. H. K.
O. H. N. W. Worthingtoa 87 7 80 E.
W. Cowan 89 9 80 W. Scott 92 12 80 F. J. Jackson 97 17 80 D.
Tongo 88 7 81 8. Wannaa 89 8 81 T. O. Sorria 95 12 81 A. H.
Mayne ..89 6 83 A. 95 11 84 E. Bell 77 8 69 A. H. Bunn 87 14 75 H.
S. L. Slater 83 9 74 G. H. Greenwell 83 8 75 B.
Aahworth 87 12 75 T. A. Higson ..87 12 75 G. O. Greenwell 81 5 76 A.
N. Monkhouse 81 3 78 J. P. Mayo 85 7 B. Beswick 93 15 78 P.
J. Skelton 15 86 WITHINGTON. The first of the winter medal comneti- tlons was played on Saturday. A. W.
Orr qualified In the first class and A- Heighway in the second. Scores) G. H. -n. a.
H. n. A. W. Orr 82 12 70 H.
D. Olarlc SH 20 "3 O. F. BrockbanlcSO 10 80 B. Oswald 92 1Z to 3.
E. Hamer 9d Id 80 H. Horkheimer-ol ac. 81 A. Clegg 88 G.
P. Eaundrup 89 7 fB2 A. B. Maxwell 93 13 85 A. Helcfiway 16 r.l ilfilti O.
Heywood 82 8 74 w. l. aaiiworth bo 10 76 W. Leo 88 10 78 H. Russell 84 16 rti W.
T. HiU 95 14 73 G. Heignway ..95 16 79 Anaerton Uj 15 vg C. A. Creigllton B9 14 85 STAMFORD (STALYBBIDGE).
The seventh round lathe monthly medal competition waa played on Saturday, jr. E. Roebuck qualified, won the memento and first sweepstakes, J. G. Lowe and H.
'Harvey dividing, tbe eecond. BWlw -a. h. n. J.
E. Boebuet 92 19 73 O. Lowe 85 10 75 G. H. N.
C. Roberts 106 26 80 96 15 '81 finowdon ..105 24 81 xt. Harvey 88 13 75 S. Taylor 88 12 76 B. Kirk 99 21 78 D.
M'Laron ...406 25 81 W. yt. Wihwra 90 8 82 Tbo President's (Mr. J. Schofleld) prize, lor the heat three net eoores in the "monthly medal competitions May to October inclusive, was won by H.
Harvey with an average of 75. DISLEY LADIES v. MANCHESTER LADIES at iiaiumi urn. qjj riuay. DIsley Ladies.
Manchester Ladles. Hits. Hhys Davids M. 0 Miss Wilson a Miss Ferguson 1 Mrs. Botsford 1 Mrs.
Saatweber :1 Miss Lawson i Mrs. Harrap 1 Miss Deane Mr 3. Johnson I Mrs. Scott Mias A. O.
Murray 0 Miss -Murray Mies Bennett 0 Mrs. Monkhouse 0 Mis D. Leigh 0 Miss Flague 0 The competition for the Lancaslure Coronation medal wlU be belli nn ltnVa November 6 under L.GiU. handicap. luutwun uviiiijtlbiuu oy mutcxt play under handicap was concluded on the linker ot Hed-valea Park.
In the final Messrs. Johnson and F. Yates, with a handicap allowance of 11, beat Messrs. G. Murgatroyd and B.
Dearden (handicap allowance 14) one nmoniTDV fr. a nc wuiwr iirmnijiy oogey competition was held on Saturday, when W. A. Wilson put in a win with a score of 1 down. Scores W.
A. Wilson (6), 1 down: E. 3. Bridgford (4), 2 down; P. B.
Burn (1) 3 down; L. Foster (7), 4 down; A. O. Coubrough (10), 4 down; E. A.
Parry (7), 7 down; Jamca Bkldel (16), 7 down; li. Hilditch flO)V 8 down. juu Anuari uAxitM). Apriz presented by holoa under handicap. M1m Brofldhwat wa the winner with a net score of 91, Misw Irene Prestwich following rirh OA nwA t.ra.
rt r' i -i i XfTT71T.mYlV TrlO At. n.inllf.lnn. I A a.1 tain's prize was played on Ssturday, and resulted in O. H. Mather and T.
A. Lonirworth oualifvinir. Rust scores fl IT VI i O. H. Mather 98 30 69 L.
Bealey 1C5 20 85 T. iongworth 96 25 71 T. Smithies ....107 20 87 W. Plovnrfh 1nt 04 nn I Tl 1 i. B.
Steeple 97 15 82 S. C. Oldham ..113 25 83 H. 20 82 I J. B.
Horrox 103 8 bo nElTnV UAAD 11. ll.1 i ui. uivku. a no Btrvcuvu uiuubuiy cwmpetibion I'T the captain's prize took pi nee on Saturday, and resulted In 3. Shaw and W.
S. Miller qualifying. Shaw won the memento. Miller the first sweepstakes, and J. W.
Adam and T. W. Crook divided tho second. Best accres: vr iff n. if H.
J. Shaw ..82 9 H. B. Crook 84 J. Laurie 86 W.
Macfarlone 97 C. 3. Jepson 93 T. Jamieson 90 4 6 17 13 8 80 80 80 82 W. a.
Miller ..83 6 I. W. Adam 83 Dr. Crook 83 It. Graham HS 5 5 3 82 H.
W. Oldham 92 wiuuaiu .3. ncailVWI JL OC iVSflV TV, Anal for tn. Vv 1 13 J. 8.
Meadows 90 8 82 on Saturday. H. D. Hulme won the first prize. A.
Edwards and F. Morris tiArl Inr tho uam will play off. TiMPtULBY. Two prizes were played for on Saturday, Mr. J.
Wilier presenting one for tbe married men and Mr. S. B. TTunt one for tho. smirk-.
The formr by J. Neediiam and tbe litter was tlert nr hv vr Deone ond A. Ford-Smith, who will play off. Best soonis: Mr. Wilier prize: J.
Needham (3), 4 up; H. 8 Willco*ckfl (3), all square A. B. Bamm (plus 1) 1 down -T. O.
Armstrong a). 1 down; H. O. Cooper (3). 1 down; T-Jr.
tax a -r- 41. NT'. wwaa. vcurm WW; a. JjriUKltTa 111, OOWXII F.
(9). 5 down J. H. Wauwn (U). 5 town.
HunV priae: T. W. Dean (3), 1 up; A. Ford -Smith (8V 1 Tjn; down J. O.
Fallalove (2), 3 down O. A. Harrop 4 TlHiULpYCLADlESy. dxth mjalifring' roond tor aSnf. Oooper.
6 down Mn Groom 10 dawn. a frt rncl" nvifrrrt v. mh competition tock plnce on Saturday, when a record rlltTnhdP ft sfivwi rn nLM M.L rv Vk 1 vAAwu u. Lfi jioain SCQ T. Scott qualified for the final.
They also took the Dbww.K tuc llliTll goniir to W. M. Brothers. Best return: O. H.
N. 0. H. X. G.
B. Graham 93 26 67 3. L. 94 16 78 T. B.
Scott 82 14 63 I A. F. Graham 98 20 78 G. H. 86 15 71 I J.
F. Grime 97 17 80 W. M. Brother 83 7 76 I W. Whitworth ID 3.
Banninter 99 22 2 77 FOOTBALL. RUGBY UNION COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP NORTHUMBERLAND v. CHESHIRE. For this match at Whitley Bay, Northumberland, on Saturday, the NorQramberland team isi C. F.
Stange Leathes (Sorthern); T. Smnaon (Bock-cliff), 3. E. Scott, C. RtisaeM (Pt-rey Park), and Hnt-chinson: M.
M. Snowball and W. Adamaon (Tyiiedale): A- Kewncy (Bresidilr), B. Beckeraon, p. Hardwick (Percy Park).
F. B. Ctomberlege, W. M. Dodds (Northern).
B. Blrknp (Gosfortb Nomada), W. Sbortt (Tynedale), xl Stewart (North Darhcm). REFEREES FOR SATURDAY. The referees for next Saturday's matches are Manchester v.
Ecdes, Hugh Wiifisunaosv, Heaton Moor v. BrcrigijtraPark, T. J. Bradlram; Oldham v. North Manchester, w.
TempJetcn; Prttetoa Onmhegoln v. Waterloo. 3. Asbton; Cheadle Hah YJI.CXA-, A. M.
Walton; Rochdale r. Bowdon Baageta; V. Waidron-Wining; Old Oestrians y. ScutiipTrt Olympic, H. Pepper: Bolton r.
Birkenhead Park V. Eooles iTv. HancJiesfatr Dr. OL 8. OTSUul; BeotttMaa Park A t.
Beaton. Moor H. Leather; Matvihester trntyersity a Preston OntsvhoopesS A. H. Lees; and Bowdon Bangers A.
Bcchdale t. Clark. TEAMS POR 8ATUBDAY. T.1ULA.: H. B.
Oetaldea; E. Seed, 3. H. Baxter teS Y.M.O.A- A v. ENGTNXEB8 A At 'TTsabrd Mk.
T.M.C.A.: Norwood; Fenton, J. OaromS. end Grimshsw; Bandall and Clarice; Lowtirck (csavuSS. and Crbnel. TRi Kw.
toak or paper, consisting of 636 ysfrtsz rtHlNGTON. Several Lots of Weekly and Quarterly iMw.iuui, iron lyOuu. v.a renco xvx. SHARES. FREDERICK W.
NISH A 17. St. Ann's Square, IMan-Ohe-ter. SELLERS (subject)! buViekers Maxim, -lus, 0 A. J.
WnltaPL, 10s. 100 "Daily Mall" 2U 15J 20s. 3d. 60 Ltpton 19s. ltd.
c.d.; 200 British Oil Cake PL, 17s. 10)d. 40 Vl-Cocoa 16s. 6d. i 100 Van den Bergh 82.
3d. 100 Humber 22s. 3d. 150 Newnes PL. 18s.
25 Iiford 30 Burnelis 29s. 6d.i 100 Aux 100 Moss Bay 12s. 85Weldons IBs- Bd. iooCanro i Fleet. A HOPlvnnn i A.
(sub liiSSqAt'M- Chester Hippodrome, 6, 180 Electrolytic Alkali 100 yiekers. Son, and Maxim, 49s. 6d. Wanted. Electro Peat Coil.
2s. 3d 1 r. Tin. to ti "-orporation-sireei, aiancnester. biSLJUiCK: fcj uuui tfuiiuuii.
i bv i.iiioiRiini. irZT oouusuii. in oiiepiey i.inoieiiiii, aj 1 J4- ynln Banks, 300 Deb. Bishop Auckland, 100 Holyhead Gas. 10 20 Knowles, ji uiiiiara.
x. Black Dool iancajiiire 'alt. iuj. Kiectroiytlcs, 50 Cottons. BUYER: Small- wes, ngqales.
Hoyton Groves. WUBrftb.r8l ft S. HENRYS. Seller: 3 20 Ord. Buyer: 10 Debs.
and Ac. DEAN, 36, Corporation-street, Manchester MOTOR CARS AND CYCLES. ARGYLL, 16 h.p., 4 cylinder: side entrance: long-wheel base: beautiful condition. GRANT. 259.
Oxford Road A UUYLL 18-20, white, imhoisiered red: tX. car on road: cost 550 ast June: sell 440, ownr o-nin abroadi any trial. Seen Sbrublands. Ellesniere Park. Eceloa.
HUMBER detachable gls limoslne. aluminium reliable car condlilon guaranteed trial or expert e.taminatloii 2y5 (cost or small Car part exchaucra. 1 18. Asliton Morecambe. SPLENDID BARGAIN.
Almost New HUMBER CAR, four cylinders, 16-20 h.p.: chocolate boly; seat five: all spares, ec. ir.spcction invited: in first-class order. 8, Jackson's Bow, Albert Sguaro, Manchester. FURNITURE. TTOUSES Completely FURNISHED, from 10 to 500.
at js-a-striciiy noiesale JrTtoes. up-to-date Furniture, Carpets, special snow or sideboards. oooVrWnf Xr. Brown-street (four I iU-CHAIRsTcoveredln City. MODEL FURNISHED HOUSES always on view: everything I guaranteed new, tasteful, and durable' 7-roomed 200 gs I 6-roonied 100 us.
Also 30 8ptclmen Furnished Rooms at 10. 20. 1 30, 40, SO, 60, 70, 80, 80, ICO, A. guinea-, earn uuequaiiea eisewnere i PlTTS'S. London Roa.1 i atconfltqerapiy more money.
DEUSTEAD8, Metal and Wooden, hundreds. All-brass. Brass sJ mounted. Enamelled, various co'ours; unsurpassed selection of up-to-date designs; Children's Cots. Folding Bedsteads.
Sprlngand Upholstered Mattresses. Plus's, Furnishers. Lond. R.l URNISH With Good. Sound, and ItollahlA Nw nnri saonnn band FUiSNllUBE, CARPETS, Ac.
at 20 per cent Ices New Rond. Manchester. Tel. 0250 H.B. Five minutes per 10.
car irom ueansgate, Viotoria, and Exchange stations. mSCELLANEOUS. BILLIARD TABLES, new and second-hand and returned from hire: complete from 60s. to 50: best make: approval: cash or credit: illustrated catalogue post free. Empire BUiiara company, 756.
Qia Kent itoaa. London, s.e. SALE. Small Collection of Good Old COLOURED PRINTS. MEZZOTINTS, Ac Address 106.
at printer's. Mi ILNER'S and Cbatwood's SAFES: largest selection: best makers: half new prices. Withy Grove Stores. 35. Withy ITHY Grove Stores for OFFICE DESKS; just re celved ltnner jjefics: paryains.
oo. unny orovo. ieu Oi SALE. ENCYC1X)PDIA BRITANNICA. last edition.
entirely unused revolving case. Ad.tres 29. at the printer's BC LAMPS (10i, noted makers: bargain: new: guaranteed FOOT, 120. Fenchurch-street. London, E.C A Lady, recently back from Russia, wishes to SELL a PERSIAN ASTRACHAN COAT, blue fox collar and muff: cost over 100 guineas, net price 40; also a Fur Stole, cost 20 guineas, would accept 10 guineas: no dealers.
COWLEY, 10, Lyme Prove. Urmston. GEORGE PRICE SAFE: fire, fall, and burglar resisting: suit Jeweller and pawnbroker. 92. Princess Road, Moss Slue.
OFFICE FURNITURE and SAFES, new and second-band Roll-top Deks, Clerks' Desks and Stools, Safes, Ac Bought. Sold, or Exchanged. Store. 11. Victoria Bridge.
N.T. L47. XfALUABLE Axminster Bordered CARPET, suit first-class botel, 194 by by Gillow. sage green cost i0: excellent condition: 12 guineas. Address 110, at tbe printer's.
SALES BY AUCTION Important Sale of High-class Household Appointments, removed from several private residences for' convenience of sale. THIS DAY. Upper Galleries at 10 30. Lower Galleries at 2 30, at 37, Bridge-street, Deansgate, Manchester. MR R.
S. BANKS will SELL BY AUCTION Fine PIANOFORTES, by Erard and others; complete Furnishings for Enteitaining-rcoms and Principal and Secondary Bedchambers. Budge-Whitworth Cycle. Antique Tallboy Chest, Kitchen and Outside Requisites in every variety. By Order.
THIS DAY. at 10 30, at 37, Bridge-street, Deansgate. R. S. BANKS will SELL BY AUC- XvJL TION Brown HORSE, 16 hands, fine action, and very fast; Cart.
Trap. Lurry. THIS DAY, at 11 30. Dunham's Falstaff Salerooms, Market Place, Manchester (near Exchange). THOMAS DUNHAM will SELL BY AUCTION upwards of 700 Lots of FURNITURE, and comprising bedroom suites, dining and drs wins-room suites, side-beards, cabinets, overmantels, hall stands, bureaux, bookcases, dining and other tables, carpets, bedsteads, bedding, Ac.
At 1 30, Planes. TO-NIGHT, at 6 iO, at the Star Hotel. MR. WILLIAM DAVTES will SELL BY AUCTION 125 and 127, HYDE BOAD. Ardwick; 24 to 42, Markington-street, Moos Side.
MARCH, CLAYTON, A PEARSON. Solicitors Thursday next, October 25, at No. 312, Great Clowes-street, Higher Brocghton, Manchester. THOMAS DUNHAM has been instructed by G. Butler, to SELL BY AUCTION the Contents of his House, comprising piano by Neiceimeyer, suite In Utrecht velvet, divan, easy and other chairs, dining table, overmantels, chiming clock tn mahogany ease, chest of drawers, secretaire, polished ash bedroom suite, satin walnnt bedroom suite, pairs of stands, pile, Axminster, and other carpet squares; rugs, beds, bolsters and pillows, all bed and table linen, cutlery, electro plate, antique plate, table decorations.
vases, cushions, window drapery, bress curb suites, kitchen di-Asser, tables, arm and other chairs, dinner and tea ware. JTl nd.Wood Bed- i -L" 3 vaur monAV mtiirnM. A n.nB m.i!ar rtt n.ti.rintA piirnl. fca feTaCis Ac. in the North of En tf.
CIUMjrinM. III. AXO. 1. U.
1 1 i 1 I tn a ii A 4 il Is si The trains arrive and depart alongside the steamers at. Heysham. LUGGAGE TRANSFERRED FREE. 1st Class nd Saloon. 3rd Class and Saloon.
3rd Class and Steerage. Single. Return. S9sT" Slmrle. I Return.
Single. 16s. I 23s. 3d. 7s.
65. W. GUYGRANET, General Manager. ALLAN ROYAL MAIL CANADA U.S. Unsurpassed for First, Second, and Third Classes.
Spi-oial Kates to Ontirlo. Manitoba, and Canadian North-West, VICTORIAN Oct, 28 1 VIRGINIAN Nov. 9 IONIAN Nov. 1 PAHISIAN Nov. 15 Note the sailings of the new Turbine Steamers Victorian, Ovt.
26, and Virginian, Nov. 9. 12.C0C tona steadiest, fastest, no vibration. Shortest sea route. Apply Allans, 19, Liverpool; li.
Pall Mail nnd 103, London, E.C. or to In Manchester Swan and Leach, 3, Prlncess-stK and 212, Stretford Rd Trios. Cook and Son, 61, Market-sL, and Victoria Bridge, and Midland Central Hotel: Dean A Dawson, 49, Piccadilly; Walnwrlgbt A Sons, 2, Pall Mall; T. Coles, 77a, Market-st, Staveley, Parker, and 1. 66, Cheatham llll), and 2, George-st.
G. Shepherd and 12, Piccadilly; Geo. T. Shailoross. 135, Alexandra Boad, Moss Side, Manchester P.
Barre. Newton Heath W. Barlow, 21a, The Crescent, Salford: T. Williams, 96, Rochdale Road T. Meadows and 51, Piccadilly; Brlce and Ktnc-street West, Manchester; McAlplnn, Seed, A Hodson's Court, Corporation-st.
I. Van Oppon. 81. Petei-st. W.
Beecher Smith. Y.M.C.A.. 56. Peter-st. ND.L.-IO AUSTRALIA IN LUXURY bv the Imperial Mall Steamers of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, from Southampton everv 28 days, via the Suez Canal.
By Large TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, BARBABOSSA (twin screw) 10,915 tons. 5 SCHAKNHORST 8,131 Dec BREMEN 11.670 31 BULOW 8.500 Jan. 27 Apply to KELLER. WALLIS, A CO, 69. Piccadilly; and at London and Southampton.
M.S. P. THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM I PACKET COMPANY. Weekly Sailings from Southamston and Cherbourg. IV ER PLATE, Brazil, Vigo, and Lisbon.
nexisaiiinff AAiun vol i. Via SU Vincent. Fortnlg-fitly Sailings from Southampton snd Cherbourg (or XTEST INDIES and NEW YORK. Central America. North and South Pacific Ports.
Next Sailing LA PLATA Oct. 24. Via Vigo. Monthly Sailings from Sou'hamoton for AVANA (Cuba) and MEXICO, via Bilbao, Coruna. and Vigo.
Next Sailing SEVERN Nor. IS. Offices London 18, Moorgate-street, or 32, co*ckspur-street, Manchester-. 5. Albert Square.
Liverpool: 14, Birmingham: 83. Colmore Row: and Canute Rotfi, Southampton CANADIAN PACIFIC LINE. NEW EMPRESS" ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LARGEST and FASTEST to CANADA (Four days open sea). First.
Second, and Third Class from Liverpool. LAKE ERIE Oct, 24 EMPRESS OF BRI I AIN Nov. 2 JAPAN (22 days), CHINA, AUSTRALIA. Inclusive fares from Liverpool via Vancouver. Apply Local Agents, or C.
P. Railway, 92, Cross-street, Man- cnester. aim z. james-street. ivarpoui.
First-class passengers only. Fare lt. LIVEBPOOLTOWE.ST INDIES, SPANISH MAIN, A MEXICO. Fsstsstroutatrom England to West Coast. Pacific ports, via Colon.
1 For particular, apply to Frederick Ley land and Co. (1900 I -td 27. iimns street, Liverpool or to U. St. Ann-street.
Manchestei. JAMAICA, THE IMPERIAL DIRECT MAIL SERVICE BRISTOL TO KINGSTON VAMAICA). PORT ROYAL Jov. FORT KINGSTON 17 Magnificent accommodation for Saloon and Seeond-cuv Passengers. Fares moderate.
EW RIVIERA, Apply ELDER, DEMPSTER. A CO. Manchester St. Mary Axe. Indon uverpooi Mo ley -St, Aftiawin-street.
ssnatoL LLERMAN'S HALL LINK-LIVERPOOL TV BOMBAY, KAHAUUI. AND PUNJA9L Excellent Accommodation for Pimigen. Fares ixudeiats. ASTON 11 A 1.1 for Bombay Oct. KNO WSLEYHALL.
for Karachi Oct. 23 Tat freight snd passage apply W. H. Nott and 7h Brazsn-no-e-elrefit, Manelie-ter Ball Line, Agency, ana IL Fenchurch Avenuebondon, EG. or to ROBERT ALKYAMDEB and CO.
LONDON and SOUTHAMPTON To CAPS COLONY, NATAL. DELAGOA BAY. BKRA, CaJlinc trequeatiy at Madeir. Palxnaa, Texierifle, Aseansloa. and St.
n'-n Weekly Sailinrs. Fas; Passages. Superior Aeoonimoilatlos. EsstRoatSk For rates of passace money ami all further informs tirm apply to tn Managers, Donald Carrie and Ixndon. or tne COMPANY'S OFFICE AT IS.
The Steamers ot this Line sail regularly Every Fortnight from GLASGOW and LIVERPOOL with Cargo and PMSencsrs te RANQOON. via Son CanaL Excellent Aoeommodatloa and Moderate Fares. Apply to F. HENDERSON A OO 15, St. Vincent Plaea, Slasgow; or to Lamport and Host.
SAVILL, and ALBION COMPANY. LiMlTED. despatch their magi)Iaean BOYAL MAIL STEAMERS from London I Royal Albert Dock vary four weeks, calling Plymoath. Ksxt depat-turesi Nov. 15, tiOTUIC (t.
.7.756 1 Dec IS. KUMABA (USM Cheap tans, stogie and letmu. CAPETOWN BKDUCKO KATES from 8. 9sl Apply to ISKAY. 1MRXE, A Uverpooi.
and 1, or te SHAW, SAY1LL, A ALBION COMPANY, LIMITED-. M. Iadenhap-stteat. K.C sad SI. rail Mall.
S.W. CAPETOWN. -The BEST and CHEAPEST war to go to SOUTH AFBIOA ts by Steamers of the SHAW, SAVILL. A ALBION LINE, as per Drecedt IN I A. LLBRMANS CTTY LINE FBOM LIVER POCI Average wa passage BOMBAY.
EGYPT. HKW FAST LARGE BOATS, ugtien esa. Excellent esilsue and wines. Regular service neogzussd by Indian Goyenunant. F-yotmbie 1st and I no eia9 fare- Ceo.
bmitb and Sons. Glasgow; MontgoinTie Workroao, 38. Graceclnreit-sUeat, Londoo, X.C.; or AOaa.v IS, Uverpoot. BELFAST arr. (about) 8 6 0 A Through Carrlago Manchester (Vie.) to Heysham.
In direct connection at Belfast with breakfast or dining car expresses to and from Londonderry, Port-rush, Antrim, Ac. aU :3 1 p.m. I p.m. BELFAST den. 3a 9 0 il 30 a.m.
g'g Rg ajn. HHV4HAM arr.a 1 0 HEYSHAM 1ep. 5 7 25' MANCHESTER (Vic.) arr. 3 1 9 42 2 Through Carrlago Heysham to Manchester (Vic). are a safe, simple, well-tried medlolne of Incalculable valea for tho relief and oure of all Irregularities of tbe bowels etimonl, linn.
TrMnJMra Moat of the 'ills that flesh Is heir to arlso from tbe neoieot of those organs. An occasional doso of BEECHAM'S PILLS win piumuiA, mni cofiuinr w.nuu, tuiu oy removing the first causes of disease will prevent the establishment of trrav oia. orders. At home or abroad, on business or pleasure, von should never be without BEECHAM'S PILLS. Always tan tu.v i .1 Wnm TT WILL PAY YOU.
Bold everywhere in boxes, Price Is. lid. (66 mils) and ss. i inn mn. COTCH AND IRISH WHISKY.
iu urswing tne attention of all users of whisky wa uu uur atucK is uie largest in tbe provinces, distilled from malt only, matured In our own bonded vaults, and blended when old In our own vat, under Customs supervision. No or purer spirit can be obtained, and at mnoa less cost thsn the vsry extravagantly advertised brands of "ch inferior quality. PerDoxen- Flne Old Highland sbs Very Old SS5" a blend of Sheeted Old Highland Malts'." 60a! Old Irish, maturta In sherry wood 38s Very Old Irish, no whisky can surpass it Extra Old Irish, a connoisseur's whisky 60sT Very Bare Irish, equal to brandy, 21 years old 72s. JAMES SMITH Wine and Spirit Merchants. 26, MANCHESTER.
ON'T LOOK OLD. With advancing years grynpss Increases. Stop this wlih LOCKYER'S SULPHU'R HAIR RESTORER, which tlarkens to the former colour by a gradual prmess andjpre-erves the appearance. Lockyer's Best. Safest.
Surest Hair Restorer. Bottle la. 6d LONDON AND FOREIGN PORTS. A COMPARISON OF TRADE. At yesterday's meeting of the Conservators of the Thames, the Finance Committee submitted figures showing that the increase in the net register tonnage of vessels entering with foreign and coastwise cargoes during 1904 over the total in 1895 was 2,15,937 at London, 2,857,986 at Antwerp, 2,004,476 at Hamburg, 3,126,843 at Rotterdam, 488,893 at Bremen, and 566,806 at Bremerhaven.
With regard to the London figures, there ought, it was stated to be added 1,000,000 tons, representing the tonnage from the estuary ports. Mr. W. W. Glenny, chairman of the Finance Committee, stated that the increase during the past nine months over that of the corresponding period in 1905 at the Port of London was (satisfactory.
For foreign vessels the tonnage this year was 13,388,772, an increase of 674,782, and for coastwise vessels it was 6,734,815, an increase of 133,133. Tho total increase was therefore 897,915. It was further pointed out that London was only one of a number of ports in this country, while the foreign ports were the principal of their countries. MODERNISING A DIVINE COMMAND. A young man named Abner Jones, belonging to Garth, Wales, was yesterday for the second time brought before Mr.
Brierley at the Manchester Police Court on a charge of obstructing the traffic in Market-street by preaching to a crowd of people. A police officer who was on dutv about eight o'clock said he cautioned Jones, who, however, persisted in preaching, and continued to do so as he was being taken to the police station. The defendant, when asked why he persisted in obstructing Market-street after repeated warnings, said he felt bound to obey the Divine injunction to preach the Gospel, and he chose Market-street because his message was there likely to reach the greatest number of hearers. The Magistrate told him that there could be no objection to his preaching, but a crowded thoroughfare like Market-street was not a suitable place. The traffic must not be obstructed.
Why could not the defendant go to Stevenson Square, where he would not be interfered wfthf The defendant said he must obey the biddings of his conscience. Why could he not preach in Market-street? The Magistrate (who was evidently puzzled with the oase) said it was bis dutv to protect the traffic against obstruction, and as the defendant had, been twice warned ho must now be fined 2s. od. and costs. There was found floating in the river Ouse, near King's Lynn, yesterday, thef'body of Captain Hartley, of the ketch Evening Star, which was run down by a steamer at the entrance to the Ouse op the 21st October last year.
His body had thus been missing for twelve months and a few hours. The bodies ot the two hands who were also drowned were recovered within a-few days of the mishap. JS, JZZS. bv Vkl MIlrTTs oT S. ul Boad- and TWO DWELLING-HC CSES.
Nos. 52, great taste supplied by JEokUI, Milne, and Co, On view goad, nnd 3. Back Turner-street. to-morrow (Wednesday), from 13 to 4. Sale at eleven o'clock Further particulars may be cUtaintd of tne Auctioneer on Thursday.
Terms cash reserve. Particulars from his offices. Low-street, Keightey; of Mr. William Holdi-Aucttoneer, Falstaff Offices and Salerooms, Market Place, tith, Camraei cial-streat, Barnoldswick (who will show tha Mtnrhsrvtaa 'property); or of and M. W.
Piatt, solicitors, Btnglsy..