The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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RIDAY CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER (TELEPHONE MAIN 45001 PAGE TWENTY Personal Buine Notices 1NDK0S BOOIN DIED for Twent' CITY HALL STEPS Alzol aptain Danchter Ivan ft? 3 to 1 Hard Lines Leads All Whiteway Second With 80 in 0 A Event at Lake orest beloved list choice of the or umes Suit Ends as Crowd umes odds of 4 to 5 Race Entries everything they also Out 81 have Auto Bus Travel 86 4 46 Kiuc 110 Morfair Arrow Travel 50 SPUR USE AIR MAIL 36 Par ou 6 Lost and ound Moving Storage Packing aIo AUTO DEALER IS SUICIDE region Shady MARINE NEWS ilfvfland port list Card of Thanks High 11 £6 Cement Brick Work fl 2 40 am ('alumel Hobsuu Educational 20 pm Huron to am 6:20 a nr Legal Notices 1 0(1 am fi2D am Painting Paperhanging Sa rnohie Time 1 3 5 00 am 20 6 0 10 164 Help Wanted Male 0 MO 0 BN The Sport Trail Thnrold Rradte Irt tr JAMES DOYLE 1 :05 Odarlnn 68 0 18 70 The Buckling Game 66 Elections of Cuya 60 O' pm Awl Hall Ayeri Hall 7o pm I Hubbard 9:00 pm By Carroll Mansfield American Rights HIGH LIGHTS HISTORY PSVJ SOPLS RUNNING RACES CRANWOOD (Continued on Next Page) Monk Blanche Harum Mat San fallen from the eastward tu th? has jt changed 4:30 am 900 am Par in Jaeger in Hark llkey 3 4 0 am 3 am old Misston 116 Stormy Dawn 64 53 0 10 Prop Prop Prop Prop Prop Prop 12:30 am I :40 am 6s 66 6s A I ten Walsh Truesdale altendcr Durham 40 43 STEP Gallasher am 50 am am 90 pm :3) urn MAin 6950 STORAGE light: Cleared: falo grain Beaver Crudoil McG nnas'le I pm 3 OU pm 7 40 pm 1 0 pm 1 1 :00 pm 5 10 am 5 JO am 0 0 Toeolile Gates Young Coulder R5 64 Lady ran the be 90 91 9" 92 74 54 I 1 0 nm 5 00 pm 5 10 pm 36 3 0 NH0 74 86 66 1 5o nm 2 20 pm 3 40 pm BILL THE MOVER: Moving 1 25 room: 3 men covered vans GArfield 427b be drawn into an committee mem I it a 1:15 urn 220 pm 1 :20 pm 1 :25 im 200 pm SI 25 ROOM: 3 WHITE MEN RAGGaO TRANSERRED GLENVILLE 7330 Rivnm 93 95 98 light 532 Chen? and he to con written A ffj 'rk River Da via Starting at :30 and playing entirely by moonlight Harold Pad dock and George Nabholtx of More land Hills played their course last night in 38 and 39 respectively They reported no difficulty in locating the position of shots In even to lead Tommy srt IB I io 5 Jones PUBLISHBO IN THE NEWSPAPER THE AATlCLES MADE A TREMEtOOUS IMPRWS3DN UPON THE PUBLIC BECAUSE THEIR CONVINCING ARGUMENT ANO SOUND COMMON SENSe andotte 930 am 11 :2 i am $3s 5340: Smith 1 52 SH I Montgomery) St Jim 113 Matthew ECuie Denmann Today9! Weather Government orecast 1 formed? of Sept 17 10:00 am 1 Tomlinson Alpena KNCW WHO ALEXANDER HAMILTON WAS AND THE ARTICLE: wens AT IRST SsuevED TO BE THE work or JOHN JAY A 0OIUJANT ATTORNEY out Tim? SEPTEMBER 16 1932 King I 53 7 4 $270 (ArvaroL 346 Time Huntingdon Lady Clasbys Choice Panchio who 8O0 and Representatives Lines Meet Orchard Beach Country Club Ver milion has postponed its field daycheduled for Saturday until Satur day Sept 24 they rewarded inn nf Davis) passed 4 al late Ave uneral Open Masonic Title Series Bigelow and Masters will clash in the first of a three game series for the city Masonic baseball champion ship tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 at Gordon No 1 Ed Wrobbel is ex pected to be on the mound for Bigelow with Tom Wintie opposing him CANVASSERS: aal sellinr new item: ex cellent otrnmiwion fast ate $5 day 6101 Euclid Suite 501 DETECTIVES: Personal cast' advhe free 808 Public Square Bide MAin 3002 DOG LOST: Black wRIte wire haired fox terrier: license 39223 reward LAkp wood 0624 RKCLINiNG Chair Sin 50 Cal 35: Chi $55o $2 50 prh250 Depot 71S Superior MAin 6560 AMOUS Dr Eble collection of rare UhT nesc antiques on sale IS19 lassar Apt 2 East Cleveland Rudy ielltx professional of Lake wood Country Club speaks over the radio tonight from WTAM at 10:45 on the subject of the A in America Stands and will outline some of the problems and plans of the national professional organization CEMENT MASON WORK SLAG DRIVES repair: reasonable GArfield 2215 Don't change your horses in midstream" admonish the Repub lican spielbinders Gee do they think we want to be taken for THIS kind of a ride forever? io? ij Garrick TEXA" 1EXG1E PI AWI Beaumont 9 Dallas 6 125 R(X)M piano 2: experienced larg closed vans Michigan St52 125 R('XM piano $2 cloEfd vans long distance Liberty 2179 DEATH NOTICES EUNERAL NOTICES LODGE NOTICES trk (It Knlrn Hold bet Khaki John Ilion Athol Arundel Schults of Wooster visiting Canterbury yesterday as a guest of 8 Duty and Seagrave holed a No 7 iron shot for an ace on No 11 a 140 yard hole thrce vAA mile Larran ua 117 Snanback Parry 107 Dark 115: co*ckd iuj: aweepinr urni SALESMEN: Gncwj following for wash ilreseea ashionable Garments lnc 208 St Clair $226 Woodgain Lord Marmion LOCAL Long distance moving 3 white mn covered vans low rates CEdar 1435 WANT part load to and from Io Baltimore CEdar 0344 Montlouis 345 am ChuTribune 7 ain Beaverton 19:25 am Misrnrr Calgarian Le Moyne $5 MOVES 5 rooms in city covered vans white NdicoU Lower takes Mostly moderate lo nnrihwet wind: partly cloudy to cloudy riday followed by fair Upper lakes moderate west to northwest winds generally fair riday P08 0 M20: MEN Time rd Jimmy Little Turtle 6:30 pm7 3(1 nm Winding up the match by chipping in for an eagle 3 on the 33d hole (No 6) Al Atkinson won the cham pionship of Wooster Country Club yesterday by defeating Bob Schultz 5 and 3 in the final round Atkinson with a 76 to SI was 8 up on the morning round In the semi finals Schutlz eliminated Coach Boles and Atkinson put out red Smith 6 46 43 40 Crusader Maida Pr nce Davis At rl and 11 5 Molnr Rich 1 1 :59 pm WU LIAMS: Charles G4 May and father of Sept 15 at th? late Wick ford Rd uneral WILSON: Glonn a at Tears Picture reed At her request a charge of de stroying property brought by Mrs Marie Schmitt 9216 Wade Park Ave nue against Ralph McCurdy 1787 86th Street who she said tore up her picture of Rev Ralph Walker "because he said my home was no fit place for the picture" was dismissed for want of prosecu tion yesterday by Municipal Judge rank Day Edwin Woodie Mrs Schmitt's attorney said later that the dismissal jvas without his knowl edge Notice to Printers for Bids for Print ing Ballots Notice is hereby given that the Board of Elections of Cuyahoga County Ohio will receive sealed bids up to 10 A on Monday the 26th day of September 1932 at its office in 119 City Hall Cleveland Ohio for the printing and furnishing of Ballots according to the specifica tions on file in said office Bids should be sealed and indorsed "Bid for Printing Ballots" and must be accompanied by a bond of the bidder in a sum double the amount of the bid with at least two sureties or a surety company satisfactory to the Board conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract foisuch printing as may be awarded and for the payment as damages by the bidder to the Board of any excess nf cost over the bid or bids which the Board mty be obliged to pav for work bv reason of the failure of the bidder to complete the contract The contract will be to the low est responsible bidder In the County The Board however reserves the right to reject any or all bids By order of the Board Dated this 16th day of September 1932 Attest: Board of CniintV By MAURICE BERNON Chairman LOUIS SIMON Clerk 9125 piano $2 1 exirri'iiCTl mon lircr cloerd van Michigan iLRSMEN WAST TO EARN MONEV yiili'ELY'r SEE MR DANNY i2 1 BLOG TO it I Many of the leading amateurs of northeastern Ohio will vie the pros in the Cleveland District open championship Monday at Canton Brookside Ralph Weidenkopf Big Ten Club pro and A secretary already has received entries from Jack Cummins of Canterbury Harry Ramsay of Lost Nation Low er of Westwood and Dale Holwick and rank Quinn of Barberton Among the pros already paired for play are Al Espinosa of Portage Denny Shute of Lake orest Lloyd Gullickson of Aurora Archie Ham brick of Zanesville George Howard nf Canton Harry Rees Bay Waldo Crowder of Reggie Myles of Ashland Shave and Chick Morgan kiki Weidenkopf expects well over 100 players The ment 36 holes medal preceded by a pro amateur at Canton Brookside ferwr'i'iny Jack Dempsey at g'TAM the other night And a part of the gah vtent like his: "Hov: much money mould you say pou'ae made since you started box ing it mould tale a year or tmo to figuie it all out but I'd guess of hand it's been about three four million 'ciosh' An eases beenf "ive mil lie of Dover Kirtland and Bob of Mana field of tourna will be Sunday rnlln Albert f'lawnih Xc4e Annette eaee De Bt bet Koke REIMONT A snappy comeback eh chat? Browns Buy Knott and Gulllc ST LOUIS Sept Jack Knott pitcher and Ted Gulllc out fielder have been bought from the Milwaukee Brewers by the St Louis Browns Bill riel business man ager of the Browns announced here todav up 1 6 miks Martini S' HAMP 113 DEEMSTER 113 I 1 nw Sambo Brown Play Bill alo ran 1:13 3 5 Rual Ara Lite also ran THIRD K'CE allowances two year old tain Logan also ran ieid SECOND RACE claiming I vldt UP (I furlongs MARTIE BECKMAN 1340 Union Truft 5529 4 ACRES near pavement: 1 hour fine for horn? ir a poultry80 ranh 2( month Liingaor? WE WISH to extend our heartfelt and appreciation for the acta of kind iea of aympathy and beauti ful floral offering received from our many friend in Cleveland and other oitie durinc our recent bereavement eanecialljr thank Hen haw for hi kind word encotirairc MARK RANCES BURSRV Margaret bursry and Harriet BURSRY OURTH RACE aHowanv? three year ol ir up TWEaNTY GRAND 125 tKuninzer) 4 to 5 out out: SKED KNIGHT 110 Hi HostwicKi out: PINTAIL 101 (C WilliM ut 1:36 4 5 Americana a)o ran ITH RkCE year old rourel aPP 1n 114 rR mother of Henderson ideeeawd) Mr Jennie Row? of Bradenton la Henderson of Pasadena Cal ami Mr A Van of Chagrin awav at ner num? tmerai uneral Tftdd'wawa THOKM IIMK MaMer Hobble Mahan Khaki John Aralmi Prvwweep 3 aiMork air Jack Wt let Tclenhunc lo wll a hlshlaw arth'l? to th? of Clete land' nwtt rxclnaive atnre CALL nbKKi inr anpnminiein mile V4 Grand inotan uam rumour rirw trir Riittnn I'n 102 nndly Wae 104 My Ju 1UG: Mintman 314 Raysul 102: 109 Rivr Lee Iu5: Thom La 109: Dirzy 104 Winning Way 107 Strongheart 114 Bright Way 76 WINS BY OUR STROKES Temp dry bulhi Temn (wet bulb) Humidity Precipitation Wind direction Wind velocity Weather Hirhcnn wind from the south at 5:14 TEMPERATURES AT 3 6 Stmr Stmr Prop Prop Prop Prop Prop Prop Stretch Run Wins MADC TA lADITC I Grand IVIU I 111 I LO SEPT 15 Citv of Detroit Detroit naw ntde Oily of Erie Buffalo pae md? Durtoti Duluth ore William Nelon airport coal Way lisrht itzgerald Port Crescent and Tristan Chicago steel A Patmore Detroit light SEPT 15 City of Detroit Detroit pas mdse City of Erie Buffalo pas mdse Marita Monroe light A Thompson coal A Patmore Toledo oil William Port MrNichol coal Way Racine coal MeGean light ARRIVALS AM) SAILINGS SALESMAN: Who has had honk or simi lar sal? experience to work with super visor in Ohio outside of Cleveland: live lead furnshed: complete training given Phon" MAin 1191 morning Madison professional and shot SALESMEN: Experienced lo represent an old esl natmiul concern operating in Cleveland ami central Ohiub op portuutly for immediate 'income and rapid advance ment financial kelp and fre? training at start to ngli men Write 2264Q Plain lor Nearly a thousand men and warn i en led by Communist organizers stood on the steps of City Hall yes terday afternoon cheering booing I singing and listening to speeches while a committee reprewentlng them presented a voluminous set of un empluxment relief demands to Joseph Silber secretary of the mayor Silber acting as administrationspokesman in the absence of Mayor Kay Miller who was conferring with James A arley chairman of the Democratic national committee greeted the committee with this statement "Your requests will be turned oyer to the mayor who will formally reply And 1 might add that you solve the problems fac ing by speeches and demonstrations The mayor and the City Council are as aware of the situation as you are and are doing legally can Silber declined to argument with the bees and announced that the "meet ing is mittee left he said hold 6i 10 70 0 Washington 15 officialweather fnreosi lor riday and Saturdsv Ohio West Virginia and Penn sylvania fair rtdiv and Satur day cooler rida New York Most cloudy and pooler probably local rain in extreme portion ndav: Saturday (sir Lower Michigan Generally fair riday and Saturday: cooler riday in extremeouthcat portion The could yards greens John Jaeger young cham pion of Sleepy Hollow yesterday on first Place in the Cleveland Dn invitation Country Cranwood Results IIK RVCE purw S2OU i liiininr ear oic un futunty onrsc' joii ss riday Sept 16 al 2 in Msime I nee Roverl beloved wife nf William daughter nf Amelia Lowrie of Lillian Rose fiiv at resident? 1362 Gladys Av? Lakewood Saturday Sept 17 st 2:30 tn HUBRELLr Mari? beloved daughter of Rev Hubbell and Jeanette (are Imgardi of Wilbert and Kathrvn suddenly at the residence 4152 lllth Sired Service al the residence ri dav Sept Itf at 7:30 Interment Wooer Saturday JORGENSON: Par) beloved husband of Inger (nee Sept 15 father of Ovidia Macarlane Anna itzpatrick 4'hri and Arthur grandfather of Jack Macarlane Carl and Thomas Jorgenson i 2:30 Macarlane MOVE EREE TO STORAGE 4020 day' ('Hilar 4(iN! nii nvntivkR 11 SOO HAL DALE 112 iWalld $4 40 SI MASTER GEE llu Ch4lham $4 I 12 1 5 brain! Voivode Midday Moroier PoblKh El Rrvreo alo ran SECOND RACE nurse elaindn two vear oldr 3 furion MISS 4RISK4 Ills (Mwrel S52O ST S2611 AGATHS in (Brettl Sltm 1 so I4UR4 CLAY Ills (Hemandea) 1 132 Bud' ChoHv Bnmn Lrvka BiHe Buford Waudrel Mary Pli1b a1o ran THIRD RACE purse $100 etalmfnv Hiree var oh! up 6 furhmc TOLLlh YUUNG 113 irwinl $4 fin S3 20 $20 MIC MOON 109 Wallace) $3 $20 THE ENGINEER 1'9 ReeM360 Tin 1 4 I 5 Mill Hand Mar jory Nell Lexington Lady Play Choice Jaree alo ran OURTH RACE punw chiming three vear old up i futurity murwi HARD LINES Ill) 5420 MOVING $125 R(X)MT3 COVERED VANS GLenville 5838 Ill: Animation xmox uouc Robert 111 Hop? 113 light Ill: 104: Knnarrf and Waldron entry lH RACE claiming thr? year old tin 1 mil Top Hattie 115 Atho) 115: Lion 11U: 110 Clear Sky 115 Arundel 112 Rejuvena tion lib Caryldon SIXTH RACE claiming year old Ik iuch? 102: Th? enaM disturbance i centered tonight about 75 mile rat of Wilmiarton and moving northeastward with gradually uh The temperature ha Rocky Mountain region upper fake region and it materially elsewhere Cnrallv fjtr usalhr day and Saturday Il will cooler in the 1 Him vsupv ann ida iowac ikp riday and riday night ana in the middle Atlantic and nurth Atlantic tatrs riday or" Saturday STORM WARNINGS Mill remain dia tlayed on ihe Atlanta toa fiom Cape altera to Boatoti Maw Cleveland Weather Report The following data based in observa tions mad? at 75th meridian lime are furnished hv the local office of th? United Stale Weather Bureau Standard iruei Bank Knoekrnarrlcwft MfHtnatmeli Ur Mbiu Seattle 4 Mnrtalr luirranncn Sweeping Lkht Marti Sun I Teta Kae RrM Oor! LINCOLN HELM A Progressive Nursery and Kindergarten School WITH AN ALLDAY SESSION SIX DAY WEEK Now open on th? Heights $12 month Transportation Licilltie YEllowstone 1227 Common Pleas Judge Lee Skeel yesterday took under advisem*nt the suit for an injunction to halt smoke and fumes alleged to emanate from the Master Builders Co plant at 6511 Morgan Avenue The crowded court room murmured mu tinously all through the final argu ments' The case took four days and a half to try At one point In argument yesterday morning a large and excit ed woman arose while Charles Arter company attorney was speak ing and said: "I just can't stay here and listen to any more of those lies" William Dickson assistant city law director represented the city Judge Skeel said he probably would not give a decision until next week Ihe Jaw is unusual he said has more than 70 authorities suit He will present a opinion SEVENTH RACE claiming nld up 1 A (a )The Marquise 114 Black Stripe P'2 Oscar 114: 104 (a)Virado Ill Matagam 107 Dark Celt 107 Entrap 114: Daddy Nehon 109 Hold 114 "Lorara 12: St Tus can 112 Pohvn 109 Seth Black Jewel 1 Visionary Hour 14 Oregon ir Ill My No 109 a)P Gatin and ormica entry allowance claimed Weather clear track fast Oifv iKnirinn1 I aur Th constitutionally ot Cleveland's suspicious person ordinance attacked by Martin A McCormack attorney for rank Brancato Cleve land gangster waa upheld by Mu nicipal Judge rank Day yester day although Judge Day discharged Brancato on the evidence In the sus picious person charge against him Brancato is under sentence to the Ohio Penitentiary for perjury in con nection with the grand jury investi gation of the Porello murders ebruary McCormack had argued that ordinance was unconstitutional cause he said it virtually forced man to testify against himself In violation of the fifth amendment to the Constitution Judge Day also overruled a motion by McCormack to force the prosecu tor to elect under what part of the ordinance he would proceed against Brancato The court held that the ordinance is a single unit and that prosecution can be had under one all of Its allegations Parry Sound Cloudy 6G Port Arthur 54 PrinY Albert Clear 51 Winnipeg NW Clear 5 4 (Continued rom Pegs 17) nobody that can take 'It Uke old op Time" Christmas Card Salrsmcn REE! REE! REE! Trip to Chicago World air and earn 25 weekly with America fatel selling line of 85 personal Xrua card and two 21 Card assort mefifs P'iy Ing 5Uc mid $1 nrnflt with "MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! No We deliver aiul eollcct SAMPLES REE! Investigate now THE PROCESS CORP 10'211 Bldg S50 Euclid 4ln 1 42 1 OKAPI 116 Robertson 5 to 1 5 (a'ILLUSIVE 114 Mill?) 3 lo 1 1 1()4 RnatirrAf tinn Keen (mt Glorv Sun Captor Good Advic? Dnminu Pom pet ta) Crazy Jane aho ran (a)Added By John Dietrich only one in the field do anything with the of rolling terrain and trapped Broad 8 Manuel Squire McCullough Jr real Are mdr Yale iic hi Cleared: Bethlehem licht: Rob bins Vernna Stanton Broad J' A Donaldson grain: A Paine ore A Scandrett mde Ike Michigan SOUTH CHICAGO Sept 15 Arrived: Harvester Sandusky coal: A Smith Chicago Hrht: Starmmint South Haven twi' Milwaukee light Mullen Starmount Bul narvester loteno PASSAGES A fine score of 44 44 86 by Miss Edith Begg club champion featured Canterbury's ladies fieliday yester day Mrs Sawyerhad the low net 92 with Mrs Stanley Ly decker 109 second Among the guests Mrs Chapman scored low gross with 47 DRATING taught engineering hilural special or bln? print i Vergrepn 0sfl2 2108 89 THE JOHN MARSHALL School now: catalog free MAin 3 4 6 ROOMS $4 $5 $6 cloned van WQndhin? 6555 Clearwater 21 39 5 ROOMS tl5O: piano $2: anywhere in it pe rirnred lne 1313 nm 4 (hi nm ValleyUamp 4:45 pm Greta Glad 530 pm Waterloo 6:26 pm MrKellar 10:50 pm Georgian 1 1 :20 pm Rartelme Milwaukee 10P Man 112 Brother Johnson 112: Jaz Mint 109 North Collinwood Body onnd In Shaker Charles Rericha 41 president ot the Collinwood Motor Sales Co whose body was found late yesterday on a small island in Lake Hiawatha Shaker Heights shot himself with ft 12 gauge shotgun police reported Rericha who lived at 9413 Easton Avenue had been despondent over business conditions police said after talking to a brother Joseph who identified the body at County Morgue Rericha is survived by his widow Mile Av Btwn Center and LeeVERY WEIK DAY RACES 7 IRt'rACI 2:1 ADMISSION 25c LADIES REE Half Hour ftn Henir from tad Ae 12:45 lo ORT WILLIAM Sept neared: SurewatPr Montreal grain Hagarfy King 4n grain Sarnian Sarnia grain Sir Thoraa Shaughnessy Buffalo grain: Mor ri Tremaine Mclntnh Buffalo grain: Manitoba Port McNicoH pas and freight In port: Hamntih Ganandoc barge Glcnbog'ir Ralph Budd Cheyenne Georg? Humphrey Sioux Emperor alrtnmint Grey Beaver Donnaevna Gleneagle Goderich ASHLAND SeuL 15 Cleared: ield ore DULUTH Sent 78 70 62 12 62 60 16 Almanac for Today Ml at at 7 :52 SPECIAL prufrsBional shampoo ami fin ger wave or marcel 5Vc guaranteed permanent $2 95 The Aca rm? Enr Bldg 9th and HuAi eeL MAin A13E TOOTH HOSPITAL: Plate lehncd new tn 5 repaired while you wan Dr Taylor 2077 4 MAin O2Q5 mnuienA twn furlon? Widenr course) DieeL 109' Tetn 10'1 112 Counteract 109: larriew 112: Long Chance 112: Pure Pam 112: Rally Round 112: Bannach Latch 109 Mi Snow 109: Backten 112: Dunbar 112 Renounce lying Sailor 112 Polar Bnuh 112: 112: avorite Lady 109 oral 112 Exiled 109: Prom Girl 102 Tactful 109: (TNeill 112: tSuuak 105: Hom? Goip 112 ive pound apprentice allowance: claimed Seven pound apprentice allowance claimed tive pound claimed for rider Seven pound chimed for rider Weather clear track fast Lincoln ields Entries IRST RACE special weight maiden tw year otas colt and gelding 6 fur longs Penthouse 115 Prince Sulieman 115: Palatine 115: aBianox 115 Ma kur 115 Gh nson 115: 115: Tea Tax 115 Sid Lea 115 alCuriy Head 115: Upon 115 Lucen Lugrace 115: Pnnce Vine 115: Yarnalltim 115 Uncle Donald 115: Cantain Salim 115 Dur Jutc? 115: Salut D'Araonr 115: Simon 115 Bichloride 115 (a I Albert Sabatb entry SECOND RACE claiming three yesr nld 6 furlong Winona Ladv Boy 105 Iskum 110: Cabama 115 Andromeda 107 Actuariu 110 Io7 Grey Kitty 107Volcry ii2 McLeay 110 Lillian To bin lo? Green Wave 110: Big Buin? 115 Raoul HO Northampton 115 Needle lt7 JBuzzy Boo 107: erret not llu Tomhereau 115 Gunfire 115 THIRD RAfzB claiming three year old 6 furlong Mias Tulsa 110? Batthnt Knight 111 Ladv 105: Strap lit) Hoop 113 Romirn 105 104 Oh Dave 112 Up 103 llu OURTH RACE allowance two year olds tHlies 5 Lj furtonr Mi Sparkling 106: Dominant Miss 110 Lucille Wright 106: Brilliant llih Annie urmont' 106: (aiOltv? 110: Syrinx 1 108 Advising Anna 10H a) Albert Sabath and Lowenstein entry ITH RACE claiming fou year old up mile Englewood Ill Judge Lender 114 Pm Til: Mad Career 114 Inferno Lad lOIL White Legs 14 SIXTH RACE claiming three vear old up 1 mile 108 U6': Arcturus iuv toiimn juo I I HOW Lady 1t5 107 Sour Mah 113: i nnoew a a iw 125 ROOM niano $2 large closed van Endrrsnn 9756 EVergrern 3200 LOW PRICES' Moving hauling covered I van reliable (tArfield 0497 75c HOUR niy kind of hauling: quick service HEnderson 707b alls Rratknton la Sept 12 service from Se Reed Home 114 Washington 8t ran HINSON: PRIVATE car all principal cities share exnenae plan EVergrecn 5855 LORIDA Leaving about the 2 4th taktj3 15 KEnmore 1564 EAST THE lISMPPI RIVER Tombereaa Andromeda Gunfire3 Mk Tnlsn Wrream Dn Komim BrilHan: Adtlsln A Dvinlnant Mls Communists ind Mayor Out Present Relief De mands to Secretary beloved Cal herine entered into 1932 Re am Service at Epworth Eli Mn! if it ni riekse umu beloved husband Jun? residence 1705 notu'i later 19151 Oi He4nreri wifw nf William anti mother of Eleanor and Alice Now at Mark Jon? (uneral Hnm 1 812 82d SL whi services will be held Saturday Sept 17 at 2:30 9 a 73 9 Noon 77 Highest temperature Thursday Highest temperature same dale last jear Lowest temperature Thursday Lowest temperature same date last jear Mean temperature Normal temperature' Excess of temp this month to date Accumulated excess since Jan 1 Total precip 24 hours ended 8 ni Deficiency 4 preHp this mo date Accumulated deficiency sine? Jan 1 Meteorological Report Elston) Sb3 HI'EI' 115 S154 MISS MELODY ion iMeAultne) LI1M initie Roguish Mi Dear Spartan aaouiA or the fourth time in as many days four favorites registered vic tories at Cranwood' half mile oval yesterday The bangtails have been running dose to form as sixteen of the 28 winner at the current meet ing have been the talent quartet nf fancied top per and the prices their backers were Broadmoor In the first $540 Miss risky in the sec ond 85 20: Tolhe Young in the third $460 and Isoard in the fifth $6 20 The fourth heat was won by Hard Lines who hoofed past every post in front to pay 3 to Joan Pat took the seventh at 7Lj tn 1 while Zclla staccd a cyclonic finish to nail the sixth and pay the lengthiest price of the $2040 Jockey Moore continued his consitcnt booting bv piloting twn of his mounts Miss risky and Hard feur vesr old mil? BLACK DUST O7 3 54SS SCIMITAR $6 $31 GALAHAD $3 42 2:06 3 5 Sea rum Chip Tiger alo ran SEVENTH RACE claiminr tour yeae nlds up IL SEARINGTON Martin) $1594 742 $166 Z1DA 1U4 rW TnddL $s22 $592: QU1BBLER 112 tL Cunntinrham) 574 Tim? 2'07 Sand iddler Chum Alle gretto Ed Lark Coral Beach also ran EIGHTH RACE claiming three year olds rA lAHlt ll's It BILLY ENOIN'EEK amiliar with produlim meth od a establishment '( pruduc Hon standard Reply giving edu cation and experience lst ten veara age 'married ainsl? Box 21824 Plain Dealer AGENTS Organizing now fo fall and winter market new article Sc? Pill Kane Rot? 1 Statler after lit riday AGENTS: Make mom selling electric bulb: eann open Superior High Wire Madge 1 1 non 118 THIRD ACE purw JTOO claiminr three year old up 6 1 1 Brown Gold 115: Tappanaurh Blak eather 112: Annie A 191 apuin Daughter Joan 115 'King om mander llu all lo7: Tpi? 109: Cmmun 115 One Grand llo Ser geant arter 115 Ivan 112 OURTH RACE claiming nld up 5 GnL ll 8 Hrh Sonata 11: Hilda A 115: Rae Tag lib: Kinfolk H5: SumndaK 118: tspjanadp 116 Gold 115 Morning 0ar Ho: Th? Nil 113: License 113 Chow 115 Broompaicb 113 Mike Carey Way to Score Moore Two Toppers Emms Rowland and KEW YORK Rent Twenty Grand thundering through! the stretih as In the days of his three year old triumphs returned to the turf today and drove to a hard earned victory a rce at Belmont Park The big bay colt from Mrs Payne Greentree stable making his first start since hl? victory in the Jockey Club Gold Cup one year ago was forced to stage one of his fa mous stretch drives to beat Masked Knight bv neck Pintail and Americana were third and last respectively far be hind Twenty Grand returned tn the scales limping but all signs nf lame ness disappeared after he had cooled out or hia initial effort as a four year old Twenty Grand was asked to ick up 125 pounds and give from 7 to 24 pounds to hi three rivals Despite bis hea package the big bay turned the mile in the fast time of 1:36 4 5 His hackers received the long DAVENPORT and chair cushion with new spring 195 Liberty 2332 PERMANENT WAVE CEDAR 3740' OPENING SPECIAL 2015 ROTH 5(1 nm Alkali 400 pn Hrnn? 14040 Euclid Ave riday Sept 16 at 2 RALSTON: Jam? son of lh? late Robert and Mary Ralston brother of Mr Timothv William Dr Robert Dr Joseph and the late Elizabeth rrsitirnve 4904 Osborn Rd uneral Monday Sept 19 Service al resident? 2 tn REDHOVSK: Anna fne? Prutton) be loved wile of Albert and mother Grace at ihe residence 1302 Gladys Av? Now at Klanke Parr uneral Hom? 15407 Detroit Ave funeral erv we will be held Saturday Sept 17 al 230 Rrigld fnee MoNamamonl be loved wife of the late William mother nf Mr Margaret Arthur Mr Lhxt? Dreher Hugh William Mr Anna To man and Mr Julia Chamber sitter of Mr Anna ish and the late Mrs Mar garet Kilbane suddenly Tuesdav Sept IJW2 Sept 17 SPECIAL 12e ROLL LAP WORK 15e roll butt work: also painting work guaran ecd 7224 PAPERING $3 un with paper namting work guaranteed WAshington SO74 A I up rourn wTih paper: A 1 paint: clean $1 room KEnmor? 461 5 Cranwood Entries IRS'T RACE purje e0 claiminr three year old up Nancy 114: Ecoba Land 113 Tin Hat 1 IS? Cheating Cheater US riend llv Ballinaloc 113 Wild Ohvr 1) Chatwaw US: Nusduh 115: Lull? Haiti? 115: Woody Long 118: Walmac lib Sc Marco IIS Bright lag 118 SECOND RACE purse $200 claiming maiden twn year old futurity course) litter Light 112: Strolling Time Ho: Game 115: Northern Slip Mr Walker 112: Girl Ho herapp 112 lnrkv 112: Honor Bound Ho: Miner Alloca frnm th? home of John 1 1748 Braemer Dri LEWIS' ftielnda JSU' Cleveland Home tor Aged Colored i in imeral 1 ti fcini tho Anaric uneral Home 8405 Cedar Ave MERCKENJCK: Paul beloved husband of Lydia father of Mr Gertrude ont ot Detroit and Mrlani? residence 765 95th Si Service at the De Vaud uneral Home 11130 Euclid Ave ri day at 3 i MILLR: Rhoda beloved wife of' the tale Robert mother nf Robert Roland Rhoda and Richard daughter of 1 Blancetl and sister of James passed away suddenly Tuesday Sent 73 st 9:45 age 55 rears uneral service Saturday Sept 17 from ihe late residence 3355 S6(h Si al nj and from Kirtland tOhiu) Temnle at ni OLIVER: Vernon beloved manes ana rua away sday Sept dene? 13904 Ardetiall ield OURTH RACE claiming ihree year fillie mile ZENKA IUS tCaherri $3682 $12 04 742 RY GRACIOUS iii'w ymnni i tc 109 i I Martini $33 1:38 3 5 Rhzslteih I'nt Iditv Bright Beauty Tonow Plucky Girl also ran ITH RAI allowance three year old up 7 ERRILY ON Hainewnrth I $13 nd $5 34 496 PRINTK HOTSPUR 17 Marlin)4 48 3 52 M4RMION 107 IMnranl722 1 25 1 5 Betty Derr Jimmy nvin niugeview aso ran SIXTH RE Haiming up i Elston) 82: Dainty lunch 50c reading GArfleld 405 Benmaple MARIE UP My Taylor 6:30 am nrrwaun Ijrbannn Hcrchbav Dell 1O: Cesare 113: Dewey ins 107 108: Huntingdon 113 SEVENTH RACE claiming three yar old and up 1 mile Drop 105: Whn Win 113 Oaten 108: Ultramarine HO: Dean 1048: eaiuing on u' fni amhl 1 OS 113 Dawn Mist 107 108 Storm Angel 108 EIGHTH RACE claiming three rear oM up 1 i5 mile Preui Sing 100 Spectacu lar 110: Underdun 105: Last Attempt 108 Haramzada 113: Outcry 113: Snud 115: Bin Cloud 113 Cosmo 108: Peter 108 Madelon 110: James 103 Apprentice allowance claimed Weather clear track Iasi Thorncliffe Entries RATE claiming yar old up 7 furlongi Santa Crest 104: Circu Pt 112 rc? Thinker 110: Hayloft 110 ata! Gift 103 Earthen Jar 10: Ma trr Bobbie 107 Rock 102: Pelorus 110 Rose Lady ll'P Golader HO Spey wood 110: Anoka 106 Sphere of Beauty 107: ejarrv 101 oggy Dew 101 Rnval Guest 103 Sabana 110 SECOND RACE two year old 514 fur long Papalioo 117 Smdic 169 Aca jou 117: Doer 112 (a) Khaki John 117 117 Pepper Prince 112: Sur fun Ill: Spcf Crest Ill: BethankfuL Bald Trr 114 Pertoxtcal Ill isiBy the Sea 109 a)Thomchffe Sta ble entry THIRD RACE claiming thr? yar old up 6 furlong Len Sweep 110 107: Cloirado J09: ederal Reserve 118 Don Vcm 165: Timon 115: Just Imagine 104: lying Don 109 Chanson Belle 109 Master Stroke 109: Joe Daytch 109 Saints ancy 108: Paddock 110: Center March 105 air Jack 110 Znnd 109 Balai D'Or H2 Abduction 110 OURTH RACE claiming two year oldmaiden 6 furlongs Circle Roman 113 a) Rattlesnake Tom 116: Lacquer Ill Crumplay Ill Absinthe Ill: Peeved i i nan nt i i i Hl Polly Ewell Hl: air a) Walter Jr Ill Grand Jack Knife 114: lahy Kin 112 Janville 114 (a) Mr Iselin Before the com croup mav meeting in the city as long Is orderly and the police never or never will break It up" ouan Makes Report Cowan leader of the march on City Hall returned to the throng on the stepa and said one of its prin cipal demands that the mayor or his spokesman address the crowd had been denied He urged everyone in the crowd to bring five other per sons to attend a demonstration at the City Council meeting Monday night After that the crowd dis banded The group yesterday demanded a meeting place for a conference of the "central rank and file committee of bonus marchers and Workers Ex Service Mens League which in tends to hold a convention in Cleve land Sept 23 24 and 25 to discuss the national atti tude toward immediate bonus pay ments ree food and shelter for the convention delegates and garages for their automobiles were asked The committee also demanded free water gas and electricity for the unemployed: no more "forced labor" free clothing and books for children nf the jobless a new Wayfarers Lodge for homeless men and the placing nf a committee of workers in charge of the lodge DE3 DOW Sumatra itzgerald 8 Wav Wahcnmiah ra iz TriMan rriiRsdei airia AiJrrsnn I 06 am Acadiahte 4:00 am 13 1932 at her residence 118th St uneral Saturday St Church Bridge a ni SPURRIER mother nf Clininn grandmother of Loren A eet Sunt 1 4 mains al Sharpr Parrish Chap6 prninart a lid Chanel ridav Interment Clarksfiekl CITY UP Seubert a a ton 920 arn Conner 1 () 00 am MACKIN 5 DOWN URNITURE SALESMAN I roa 1 1 1 130 1 State Erie Pm SALES MANAGER: exneri capable of building ilirwi asks organization mini lc financially rr aponeihle furnish excellent reference: gond income or interview phone Mr eigenbaum Allerton Hotel 118 ITH RACE pur? 300 claiminz three yea ok up mile and 70 Overbrook 113: Mi Mari? 103: Billy Baughn 112: Evelyn 112 Waiting Maid 115: 8urkit 104 Pnn Nancv iuh: sxy Joemma (Shakitnn Vernon 112 SIXTH RACE nurse $309 claiming fnur oM uo 1 mile Albert Blan ton 115: air Mnt 112: 114 115: Reform 115: Gold Mint 112: Joe 107: rhoriMer 112 Paulin? 115 107 SEVENTH RACE purge 3OD cHirainz ycar oM up 1 mil Bag ft Gold 109: Zod? 112: All Luck U8: chief' Gvnv Hi) Grand Kin? 114: Bob Palp St Mica 109: Sharon 114: 109 Arrowdike 115: Prine? Tomntv 05 rench Aeew10: Observa tion Ill peace Dove 115 kpnrenur? allowance claimed Weather ckar track fat Belmont Results lRT RACE claiminr three year old uo AL NEIMAN 103 4 old) i to 1 even I to 3 GOLD PRIZE 112 (Malley) 2 to 5 nut: MERRY OX 10 (Gilbert) 1 to 3 Mome Musing also rail SECOND ACE allowance Meeplechase bree vear nld up about 2 miles 139 3 to 1 6 to 5 3 to KING JUHREN7 L3U iG Walker) 3 1 to 5: GALLETTE 136 i Slate) even Time 3:51 Cnq Major Black co*ck (a) Afloat nray alo ran A entry THIRD RCE handicap twn vear nld 6 furlong (Widener course) QUEL JE1 Postal OffirlnU of Air An educational campaign to urge increased use of the air mail was planned in the office of Postmaster Henry A Taylor yesterday afternoon by postal officials and representa tives of air lines flying out of Cleve land The meeting was one of a aeries being arranged by postal officials th? Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce and the air lines In the compaigD here business men will be told that there is no point in the United States more than one business day away from Cleveland The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and other civic organizations are to be asked to support the campaign Taddywawa CoaMn Jud1 Ddl The Cleveland Amateur ootball I Association holds Its first meeting of the year Monday Sept 19 in Room No 5 at City Hall at 7:30 AGENTS wanted money making article: local 1 ranportation Iim6 Hanna Bldg ASSISTANT manager long ct music school no Mr ulkert 9 12 Rnnm 201 2029 1 02 BARBER: IRST UITaSS 203QQ MILES AVE Belmont Entries IRST RACE claiming 1wo nd 6 furlong Widmer cmiw Chat terinl 111 Doray Ill: Coat Tail 114: Strafing A wav 107 Rroad Licht 119 Clarifv Hl: Lite m2 Wct Mam Ill Vested Power Hl 1Ev 105 SECOND KCE selling icenl? hae thri'e yearnld up about Sun EcHpcp 142: Specie I Delivery 140 ICr 135 Mmninick 145: ISneckled Beauty 11 133 Knorkrnarncan 142 135 Huffy 142 THIRD RACE condition three year old up rail? Chaumont 112: abu 112: Scuttle 115: Old Master 109 War 112: Jim Rebin 104 Natural Charm 101 improvise uh OURTH RACE handicap ntn 105: Hai 126 ITH RACE rlainung tip mil? Marti 113: Sun Un 19: Renaissance 109 109: lag Trick 102 SIXTH RCE claiming year oius 4 Gmiy rnmer condition maiden two 5 furlong (Widener KNOT 114 (Hanford) 7 to 10 6 In 3 5 SISTER 114 (Workman) 3 to I 1 irainn i nip th i so i a 'r vll Dav Nur? Brown Slewfoot Tern kin Mud raker (alMaradadi taiShowa also ran (alM ield entry SIXTH RACE cjdming threeyear old tin 6 furlong (Widmer BLACK WATCH 112 Waiter) 7 to 2 6 to 5 3 to 5 (aiCHIO BUY 112 Work man) 8 to 5 4 to 5: SUN SHADOW 114 Hanford 3 tn 1 1 1 2 lalDurbani Rohm Io Beguile Most VMe Donate Single Star Turf God Panax also ran (alP Randolph pntrv Lincoln ields Results IRsT RACE claiming two ld maiden 6 furlong BELOW COT 115 it si PKN infi (C King) $1332 668: EAGLE 106 Todd) $292 Time 1:14 1 5 Last Second Driiihl Rattling Grl Buddie Cooper Mar? Chan ENVELOPE LOST: Contamin snap shot and negative downtown Call Mia Greve CHerry 40t hi HX'KETBtXlk LOST Blue reward Arr mount 9786 RUG LOST: Chine? pattern between lorcnre Elyrii Rout? 59 reward Wil ha JDM nr I lorrnee WRIST WATCH LOST: afternoon in May generous reward Evvlvn Thompson May Co Dept 91 LOST: Velvet dr? fur piece and hat: vicinity 1 15 Eivbd ltbcril reward HO le a rd 0124 IA)NG DISTANCE 2O MILE LOW LOCAL RATES CEDA 5360 CALL WOOD 1030: Large mal 1 1 van aHi 11 contra tf ree 1 1 a MOVE REE TO MAin 7396 tot' AL '125 R(KJM (XiVlfREI) VaW'U CAREUL MEN LIBERTY 273ti 125 ROOM large padded van firm expert men Diamond 33O7 MOVING 125 room: careful work: who? men: covered van EDdv 9440 A cadi a i Socnnv 4 '30 am smnn Arrived lITY SUE 109 (Hlad) $20 1:13 2 5 rankie Beie Little Naney Bjrd Michael Kennedy BP ran ITH nr? 300 chiming thre old up mil? and 70 ISOARD 116 (Cheatham) 620 S3: CLOWNISH Ill (Erwin) S420 ALL LUCK (Wdlawl $3 Thu? 1 4 4 5 Martha Ixmg Sam (oeOn Tnil Tender Sneezer Mad A alM ran SIXTH RACE purse 100 claiming old up mil? and 70 7ELLK Wallace) 2040 SS4 PEAL 103 (Erwinl 4 so SL PRINCESS ELSIE 109 LBlanc 340 Tun? 1 19 Woodgain Lord Marnuon Vaniiv Case Water owl lorence Dolan also ran SEVENTH RACE pur? $3tKi claiming three vear ora up i i 104 tHUd $17 $480: 1 106 iChaihani $14(O DELL 110 I 360 Paulin? inn Southland Toy ran Thunder Rav Orr Quarrie 8:40 am Wind wet liaht: clear PORT COLHORNE trict Golf tournament at Lake orm Club Hudson Playing th? second nine par Jaeger scored 40 36 76 th? field bv four Strok? Whiteway of Pine Ridge wa next Uh 42 and tl ere wai a triple tie for third place: Jt' Pole 40 41 81 A Canning Aurora 43 38 and Bill Penros? Acacia junior 49 41 81 Jaeger's round included one birdie on the 116 yard No 15 Young Pen rose with a nine handicap won the day's net prize with 81 Canning being second with 81 6 Jack Piri? was one of the guests8 The scores included: Player Club John Sleepy Hnfinw Tnm Whitrwv Thnc Ridve Rill Acacia A Canning Aurora Joe Bnk Pm? Rdre aber Madison Pal Yung Madinn Ed Milkr Hawthorn? rank Enright Aurora Al Dishm Acaria Al Schnw Lake Jphn Robinson Hawthorne Kent Hammer Bandy Sleepy Hollow' Chiir lr Miller Maj'jkrtll Alden Painesville 46 rank Quicley Pine Ridg? 47 Pomeroy Painesville 4 8 Jim Alpert Madison 45 A Dowd Shaker 4 A ncr Acari 49 Albriht Lake orest 4S Leading Card 434 454 453 534 555 454 543 542 454 543 542 454 RANWOOD Woody Ixw BalHnaoe ftrltht Sept 15 UP ou pin50 pm40 nm LAkewnod 3800 RBASONABLE MOVING Return load rate qjjoted STORAGE SPECIAL ALL RATES Local and Lona Distance Moving CENTRAL STORAGE CO ENdimtt 0557 5601 Hough RENT A TRUCK Hcrtz Drtve Ur Self Station Prnanect at 14 CHrrry 3969 a in STATED HOURS SO 86 MEXICAN Chile Uh Tamnle: 6 can 5c at all hod More Or SHadvaid? 1211 3522 Hmrttr? A re pcrmanenl wat $250 WHITE CROSS BEAUTY SCHOOL 2 1 I lurnn9lh Bldg CAREUL dentit 20 rwcrKiire eriraetrd painlcaalv 51 Ireih cleaned 1 Dr 280 The Arcade 6:00 antCleared PORT DOWN AM Byer am Cadillac A 1KIJ1AD1 12:10 pm Conneaut 3 40 nm Wind amith cloudy MACKINAW 6:20 pm John Rpi 9:26 pm inru pm 1:10 am LOST AND OUND A ERTISEM ENTS for the Next Issue of the PLAIN DEALER Received by Phone Until Midnight Each Night CALL MAIN 4500 BUALO Sept 15 Arrived: Coalfax Mont Jxnn Cil Toronto Welland ('anal light Clmago Mav Jr Cleveland light: Pioneer Duluth grain Penohrcot Detroit atone Loomi Chi rage md? Cleared: Clarknon Gn Garretson Barteime Toledo light: Brandon Miller Aahtabula light A A Aiiguatu Milwaukee eval: Thompson Toledo fight King I) Willard Duluth Sandusky buhl ERIE Sept Arrived Wolf Buffalo light Valiev Camp Pori Cob borne light McKellar port fight Duhnh Buffalo mdse: Loomis Chicago Nr ronic Buffalo pass Cleared: Wolf Superior coal Valiev Camp Port coal: rt MeKellar Hamilton coal: Duluth Chicago mde Loomis Buffalo mdse SANDUSKY Sept Arrived: Tanlin Gen Garrelaon Buffalo Clarkson Conneaut light Pilkey bula light Cleared: Tanlin Houghton coal son Garretson Superior coal Milwaukee coal CONNEAUT 0 SflH Arrived: A Leslie Erieau light Cleared: A Lesli? Erirati coal ASHTABULA Sept Arrived: Ash tabula Port Burwell mle air Lake Erie light Brandnn Buffalo light Pricnl doo Port Colbome light Cleared: Sulhvan Duluth coal: air Lak? Hamilton coal: Brandon Gode rich '031 BriooMoc ort William coal TOLEDO Sept Arrived: Cet4 Rerrvton Gallagher Huron Sumatra 8 Coolidge' Providence Socnny oil Maida Cleared: A Kling Mcarland Panoil oil: Ball Brother Berry ton Huron Gallagher Sumatra I onitdge AIRPORT Sept Arrived: Barielm? Buffalo light cleared coal Clear IV Molu? NW t'loud Galveston tear Hetena Clear Kania Ci I Clear Angel? SW ('tear Hs Minneapobs NVV Clear 61 Oklahoma City SW Clear 84 Portlandy NW Clear 82 HH Rapid City (tear 66 St Louis NE ('tear 86 Salt Lake CiLv Clear 82 San rcisco SW Uloudy 60 CANADA Calgary SE Clear Clear namiwi'B 1 1 riEHRL Clar PILES treated bv modem rtcvtnv method RECTAL C1JNIC 10517 SUPERIOR ACCORDION (n exi'erl teacher rnd i irci 1 1 3 Carrp 1122 1 1 air wave on budget plan any method Call ATIantlr 3486 SUITABLE REWARD will be paid fftr intonnation to Ihe whereabout or 1be recover ot tn fol lowing peroti nr automobile: WALLACt HUTCHISON 9837 Lake Av? or I92! ord coupe Motor No A 1 338 1 58 STERLING MINOR 1374 Kdrodal Rd Cl veUnd Heirhi nr IM" (rd rout Srnl No A 2733858: Ohio llceue No 794 389 NATT BRENNER 2744 Hmphtr? Rd or 1929 Nash roach Aerial Nn 1 83313 Motor No U3279 Ohio license No (W6 933 SKULT STE DOWN HriH 1 0:30 pm Seubrrf pm Atterbury 1 am A 30 am Tipo 12:3) pm WIN AT CRANWOOD ANGELO: Ban Dominic bclovrtj o' Nick nd TIi tm neo donee 10701 Dove Ave Wedneedjv Son) 11 ueerl Seiiirtlev Son 1 Service al Holy Name (hurch 10 a nt John Thuradav beloved httaband of Julia father of Mr Kenneth Taylor and Mr Harrv King uneral Saturdav at 2 fry1 the late residence 1327 Richmond Rd Lv tidhurri CLEARY: Elizabeth (nee Mitchell) at h'r home 131 Prospect St Painrvillr Tueaday wife of the late Jbn mother of Mr Mildred McNamara nf Cleveland Joseph at Paineaville niral Saturday Sept 17 II a Si Church Bunal St Mary emetery DCVI llvrtiafl wife of the lai? Karl moth nf Mr Alvina Retrh and Helmuth grandmother mid great grandmother nad Thurtdav Sept 15 at 8 a nt year uneral service Saturdav sent 17 at 2 from reatd 4 ce 4oOU Buh Ave GINLEY: Sarah (nee Sept 14 1932 belnvrd wife of the late John and mother of rank John Jam? Robert Paul Siatrr Jam? (St Joseph Academy) Grace and Helen at residence 1347 6li Si uneral from St Church Saturdav Sept 17 at 10 a Member of St Branch 175 A GREEN: Philip 1591 Crawford Rd be loved httaband of Elie father nf Stan ley and Bernii brother of Rosa Hattie anti Mr Grllnrr neral from Deutsch's Chapel riday al 2 Plea? omit flower HENDERSON: Tahtha age 85 year LoWKsT RATES alj nolnt private rar Hollenden lob by Roapei 48 95 7 UAL 22 I LA 18 i tterrv pi 7 CAL 22 LA 18 (hi 5 Allerton Hotel CHrrry (80 TRAVELING? Car pacuam all point 1600 Euclid 8860 Alpena Clear 62 Atlantic NE CIoudj 6s Pt Cldy SW Ctear Charleston NW Cloudy Chicago Cloudy Cleveland SW Clear Cincinnati Cloudy Duluth Ctear SW Ctear Ttmr Grand Haven Clear Green Bay Clear acko i lie Cln Knoxville NE Ctear iuisrille NW Marquette Ctear Memphis SW Clear Milwaukee NW Pt Cl jy Ctear New Ortean NE tear N'pw 3nd PHtburh SE Pt tidy 80 Rateigh NE Rain 66 8 8 Marie NW Clear 60 Toledo Cloudy 78 Waghingtun NE 72 WET THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER 0 PORT DOWN bay 4 0n pm Waterloo 12 00 tm Swiflwafpr 75O pm Itenmaple 1 :45 Gilchrist 9:20 pm I Kling 2:00 am Maplcbay 10:15 pm I Arrived: Vak Camp coal ctearen: SAULT STE 1 pin on pm 9:30 pm 4 :30 am 5 am BARBER and ladv waver: teady 963 79 St near St Clair BOOKKEEPER a nffic? manager: grow ing buine: Ohio bain: re turnable deposit Box 24110 Plain Deater SALESMAN: Rig earning new product: no competition 316 inance Bldg SALESMAN: Rug cleaning and repairing commission GArfield 5769 Sun ric LYNN Moon 1 1 i "i I I I iKf MffN I I'WI 0NLY Amylil Za IbR I I Ph I IL A 7 ft son BaRTY' TmK? EAfie toBi 1 i jLjKUI A Bwl rrj Ol9 Wswl mtn 1 Cl vul'Mk 1J 1 1 i i fc mi emu i wwjk Zz amaiko to Pino th WIRITBR 1 1 i I Al 1 Av A3LBNMR1 7f Mm I 111 YOUTH ar fflft Ji iZr mRvaIM Uli Amateur Gridders Meet Monday achat have your ex UN I) flAfVk Mg 7OWVJi llLG A I STUPEMT AT 1 1 klHG'S CMLB6e gWjKl UJROTB A StQS of oeMAQkABixz A WrrX pwees Jii oereusEO THB RIGHTS YTOlk (' THE I Hit AmEQiCAH COLOHUTS 13 1st 12 Building Sept 15 1932 A am 1227 pm pm 2998 2993 2987 65 8( 81 56 6 1 62 56 40 34 0 0 sw 11 Ctear Clear (Tear ritv 21 miles per hour io 0 Station Wmd Weather 7 ia ir a lo 5.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.