The Steelville Ledger from Steelville, Missouri (2024)

1 4 1' THE BROKERS THE CUP.8. THE STEELVILLE LlDtiLK Paul' Second Journey Continued tWf UUI Um Im iJt IS, Anwt fc TU Kk The Methods of Josephine TRIBUTE ROM NATION TO rift(- man LVfcCM or KCW vot. 0 IU MiJJIctun TyUu! MEDAL FDR BRAVERY A Ja Twa I -ll I Hi I'M! I)i, ko bkl IbiiM It-r Ai lbf JtuUa Tb-y i ftMll Mvkrl" It to i At ihm Ut tf TH" ft 'A, i 4 riy ii 1 Bt (est. i Mrfcr a1 14. Sm Vk- -Mob but ta wn wUl t-bgtfeaaf ut ti.

mh bt Wtl lb JU4 tu4l e.t4 lo iiia ty ib iA lb "AM ibl In rufU tlx. ker "il ti, l. tu i.t wi 'til ll I f(4 Ul UU 1 t.ily buy It t. Ibal I lb tuea la iba Klidldg It lb ifn a rti'y aVat ibi wnb lb i4 ep, J'4 tu in ti tbJ. Tbr! Ttl olbrf ti.

I lb lbU-4 try mn4 t- Ukt tut tu -tbi kba ibi ib au la tt r4 ff tk kuU IJ.f'l'U tbklt 4 fw. erep- bkl tbv.l Im Cwi 4e of uif) "Tr. Ttkl Is Mtr lb t-i-i llr uf letHip Tb C'w wl.l be ttt It l.fct it Jitrtf 4 I i ii 4U u4 in II. 1 lull; 1 i MfAII lMM a M. SI l-J liMH titt, A.

i fcia -fci, ia ttutMtait, tvitf 9i. 4 ar(lifsl Tcl lewLltig It lki-fltil at lti, ttba fkui, hi: 4 Tiinuity 4Mm ffom Iki5. llWIeled U4ig ftt SkUitary t4 Wbkb W4 la liufwi At It 4 itinytbf '1 tt.y tlit4 Alfejtiipuli, 4 ibtny 4iJf fnkr Wg u.y rai to Af41)a A fcltbr rily at of Sbtdb lbK1e Ibfa lbn rv(lw4 tbrlr )rattf la Tteb.u, il.tny vm a alivJ I.t-w trau tt. if S'i I Hairy I 4 tt4 la frf trb rarill' uH Jift.efcJl 14 by ltUWbi('4 but "i s.y s-fetfge Ifcg Jic to Utl '4 u. dvia.ii-rjia a4 tvfr-tmttifr.

A. Mii-i lia urrr Tfibtiy 4t4; m.4 14 wat 141 I im At.4 It u.g AM UUi rut4, A4 I pl ra e-kttf fc! A4 twvsbi t. rtt AM I itttk li() ul t.l4'u t-tb AM kvtl wall I3S1 I at.4 44eL! t. uprictt 4 uj4 e-r t.a4 "Vt i4, "fx la. 4 II tonllni la ivmutt lb ati tu ltt l4ot til Ml fct ''4 14 to a4 it tu fc.iry tuf tjr ruibut -t lb A (St-HUk it wler 47 LTrru4 fcl Tt t'fcit4 Mtt tt.t ft w(nrt-ui to It rlOU, Tt fc'et 44 4 tut It tl Jm4) tf wV It-ta 4.4.

0f4c I ieueuu It railroad IwttlM OB tb $rlf1tg cb4ul, HikM lr M't it I Tbat util Tb itit fJ tawity mi. i4 ik tr lately ut4 It II lb Tt t'tiu-4 ti nparie-4 unk 4 r4r4 la Of I at row t4 It iKftftlrM lew fcklul (slf 111 (9 Ilia (tub 4 It Atrvt-U a :iu.U it. Jir, WiVy ibkl tr rM e4 It liqtwr tt( 44 tiky I fiu4 jtoi tt wtcf Ira cuL it ititn.t.'tkl ruMirt at Tfc IMit ra 4t Uu4 Wk i til lk to get ugi ItttcTMlUtltal A ikfei Ixi tr)0n fjlib riufi4 14 BicWr, Ha t'i br! lo trtrf lutk 4ut frnm rttbul Ct 19 cHj 6o Ir lO lAtrdl l0 t.f if 6n Il lt till iuttj la il. A lor I ur (Hi I5, lljl. Now 4o fan kno bt An AtUftiW fc litlailo4 drptrtmrfct inr u' rkurrh.

but tfc 0 if kr. rf rt 5bt, for tlrlf Hlrj tiS-rruL I 4 Kw Tor clijr trjibc lull up to lb of 4.fK)n blu a Irt of io4i tuan rtn Wlih itta tat tt tta oibor ttrmlrr A Cothtm rlub rall4 la tb putlra at lu rcfutw kvtloa. TLIi it mora thta lb mcNt rllk cmtaa' rlub, aifoptiBi lb D. A. If, ba tf 4nn.

Iiut, mil. na will $9 on bold in up to rldlruW tb blljrt-r of tb club frmlnln till tb ti4 uf lb Chapter. Tb nitwt rmwkaijl n.h torr of the p-aKin rornra from ih CtkUU. It relate th Ul of a rtmo tbor who. to work off a larr atrfak, ni out fishing and rrtura4 libin bnur ttb a lumwtti blrh es tundt of caviar, for blch rclT4 fioo.

Tb tBvrsellc 4u-rnilnatioo to ork Off a latr alroak I tl.e point of th remarkable talo. Chicago laUir l-adra roorlcti-ii of calling ttrlko for tb purpoa ntnrtlng money crp4 with a tut and can count thoiumlven mlilitr lucky. Tru frionda of labor ran only aeverlr cond iun tb conduit of curb mm a tbo mho. for tbHr own rn-nebmpnt. mak otber thplr tool and lead ttiera to a court Ulch email liPary lua and urfrln uikjo tbm and upon thdr famlll-, Tb Mtlmatv for tb flucal y-ar 1910 call for appropriation of 00.000 for tb Panama canal.

That aum will prcnt a total pendittir Of on th gnat Interocoo-Ic waterway up to the clone of that period. Tb ntrprie come high, but It will be worth tb money. The Culled State will be tb flrat and realet beneficiary, but the new rout will a boon to the commerce of th world. 1 A profeaaor of political econon. and eoclology In a prominent university ba been lued for divorce by hi wife on account of hi peculiar theorle.

He bold the wife ought to share Id tb breadwlnnlng. take care of the children, and do the housework, but remain discreetly allcnt on whether the husband ihould wash the dtshe and do the family laundry by way of sharing the wife' work. Such dome-tic problem, thrashed out In court, would mak thl the most Inturestlng divorce case of the season. It I gratifying to hear that th shipbuilding biiHtneas at several center of Industry In this country I flourishing. Hath, appear to be especially busy, and In one day had two launching, a monster ferry boat to be used In transferring railroad car being one of the vessels and a big four-masted schooner the other.

All thin Is very well. I3ut how much better If in addition to these craft for use at home or in slow-sailing forflcu service our yards were turning out first-class steamer for oceangoing traffic!" I tiitk I irtdfuiiy it! ii tefx4 th It) tin until- r(ujfc4 wnk tL itl ba ttiiii ti tt Muat iinwau 1 ItutUfet I trf fetor tll! at tt-4, t4 it lo it. KiiH a a ui it 11 ulf. II (' tittijr, fct at id lt 4 c44 lb 4ur I bcf4 tm tb Ilk tbrwli'tit m4 It fcJl.11.4 I far rtuv4 tivm ibwr I.blly. Huirmg an t-r rJi.n, 1 Iri4 tb Veb 4 lb 4 t.tr4 nb uiu a iitjr air, Miy -iut a Jupt4U Uf 4a ar4 Ml lb b4L la ttri rrMt4 r.4 lf'k.

t4 lb lU brr u.l HUk'fc tmlal4 Ikil eJJie Itl4 It rUfl jt, Orbdy aa t.J-r 14 tpsibvi. 4 t3.r Lt4 1 4 If, Hnlt(i34- I n4t'b4 fit; )4 a 1 -4 -)fJ ut ly, 4 mv iiui'l lu t4 i a Il 1.1 tr tf' fi'rt n.f fmj.ituiff, 1 fi-d 1.1 bf4 11 I 't. i b4 I i.i:tiu4. "You Go nd Eiplain Thiej." log ep lt.y adrant and paklts with conticitnn. "yog uhhsppy." ttii a wnt b-r b-4 tn, an4 tb talking Imo tb rouetorpan ictro- OtotlCpd.

"Irr." I wblfpered with onalloyt-d t-ftn, be worthy of ite tirr No 1 ply "l)o lov Mm." I rnn(tou4, dwriy, truly. Jiwofbloo at uprlcht and tb hair out of brr eye. "Oh. Aunt Certrudn." she "It ln't bim It them "Them" I barardrd, faintly. aid my nlc with lb calm Or of dopalr.

"that Ih trwuble fm rfKhl-but ther- Iwo of bim." "Tell about It." I iicK.ii!eil, Chiefly felt Snmelhillg Iefl-d of fjiP "Vn," he ann-ed quit tuirbt Jut as well. I ve got to ti II pome body," "I lirnored the lant and com-posed mtM lf to listen. Her Hory briefly thus: unat.le to witbatand the fa rlnaUon to two callow youth, and finding It Imjmnsihie to prrrve the pear between them, Joxephln bad formulated, th srheme of taking them on alternate days, like two varieties of pills, aa It were. She remarked casually that she had stopped their visits to the house, as she disliked to see Ihem glare at each other, and. moreover, her evenings were thus left free for others.

8hc did not explnin this, however, but Insinuated parental opposition and dally persecution of herself, borne with angelic sweetness. Gently, but decidedly, I luid the facts of the rase before my niece. I told her that, as she could mnrry luit one man, it waa'nmnlfestly Improper to be engaged to two. "You must now," I continued Ignoring her remark, because could not holy comprehending that such a situation might ngreenble, albeit sinful "you must now, dear child, make your selection. Which of your suitors do you love the bolter?" "Yes," said Josephine miserably, "It's tip to we to choose, mid I've done II" "Let your henrt guide you," I advised gently.

"That's Just what I tried lo do," returned Josephine, confusedly, "but the oli tbVg wouldn't work. So I tossed up a penny heads for Xed and tails for Harry. It came down tails." "And," she continued, quietly, ''I'm going to elopo with him tonight." "To-night!" I ejacul*ted, aghast. "Yes, to-night. And, oh, Aunt Gertrude, I don't to one bit It's not Harry, after oil it's Ned.

Just soon as the penny came down tails I knew It wa Ned I wanted, but 1 1 'J-T: iy I t.itc-4 tiiit. Il w. a uivut.1 from lb talk la tbiij. uf 4alU.g lb buttle lb Kuf. ai bot Jt.

lit, IX'I. ibi Jvwi A Uulde Jltf.a lil lb tocas) fiuta cwim Tb ttUwiiiai 4iirr wa ly brb it tirt ocvi. ba Ututk rtke4 bit life fc wjrr to i Ibkl i. "b' N- 9 -iip'I ib tia (4 tb. tll UluiC It cly a fint ibt ru.b-4 iiii i ib buitiit t.uKcag at4 utc4 la mi lb4 WI Lla ft 1lr la tffuit.

tb ur i4bl tuiAibi ttcisi4 i la 11. cu b)'i kufietlt-g tlxjiU lb blb kM ItitMJck it ibat l.iatb bi bea ti.rl brf l4 th Tlv 3rJ-H tut.t bit 1114 lit ttiW 1 u'cj With 14 hllrf) Hi 4 be ba td (J(! tbaljit O-alki (sititt fcu tkii.ti lis ba Wa to lb. i'l tbit llitk, t.a tklltud ojI ul Ties ka 4tk4 etr-lsl Uu.e, ktsd fur twltS otrtmai oai If, lbs! i 11.11." tl In It" 11 Ib tlftl i. Hi H-r It l.i ti. I i af iSnij.

Iwteg on able, t'-lt O'J. -S ti Ktse HaS deed is be b4 ib an tt tt, t. i Vp'trkui atilase )lvtij to trt "1 a tbt- t. J. l.b II "f' to Ibe irl," at4 I.j in in t.

tin-ii i' 1 ii.tb.J kt.isld kr.J ic ftU t- l.i'.-' a ofte ln.t i khuftj ita klid tbli tl I 1i ii' (but I a f.iM!.aii t.d lo to tair sbi on tg tii.r, .) k'trr Ibl lstb t. ku lo lie lial fc- rt r.i l.j(!t In lb llvrr, ut all tr tu ta bear 1 V'rM terror Patrick J. Lynch and M4l Prnt4 I Him by Conor. ih burning hlp When I rrtv4 near enough to lb Gen.

Hloeutn 10 render alunr women and chll dren Jumie4 for n.y bt. wbbh, Ing but a ktuall one rould not posMhly bdd all who wanted lo get in Tb rekult was that most of those who Jumped ihe first tlm Ml Into ih water. Then Cpt. John Wade of tbe tug Wade rain lo my amslstnnr and the refugees In my boat were transferred lo the tug "Ther was so much ashlsianct needed that a hundred men with tntr would not have been too many IC render help. When I 10 the burning boat from the tug Wade I spied, near tbe paddl wheel, half hundred women and children holding on.

Th flames hod almost renrhed them. I rowed nearer and yelled to them to hold fast and I would try tc save Ihem. I got a boat full of women and children and rowed ihem out to Ihe tug Wade. Tbe crew pulled tbem aboard, while I recovered breath enough to go bark for another boat full." Again and sgaln Lynch repeated hli trips between the rapidly burning Blocum and the tug, each time carrying a boat load of mothers and theli little ones. Detective Sergeant Henry C.

Flrnelsen owes to Lynch the safety of his wife nnd two children. When Urnelsen heard Ihnt the Slocuni was ablate be rushed almost hysterically to the scene and, to his Joy, found Lynch had saved those dearest to him. Desiring to express his gratitude to Lynch for saving his family, Flrnelsen presented to him a gold watch, chain nnd locket. On the watch Is Inscribed the following: "Presented by Henry C. Flrnelsen for heroic conduct In saving the lives of his wife and two children from drowning at the burning of tho steamboat Gen.

Slocum on June 15, 1901." The American Lengtie of Honor and the I'tiiled States Volunteer Life-Saving society, Station No. 1, of Port Morris, also gave him medals. Potatoes from Sprout. The British agricultural colleges have been testing the growing of potatoes from sprouts with groat sua cess. The ylld and quality have both been Increased, nnd tho disease-ruslstlng power strengthened.

km Te lr Tbry m-m la be It by bckti.g tlitob. inik" 'Ski Itry at Mil lakes tbeir t.kc(i.U 4gv at Vtnui" "a4 ibl ibnr lit "WU, It.aio uf ibrta tt.l4 1U) a n.o'.rto.n it II aot fur lb bea fH.jiis of lb Ita- ltiti lc. i j.k ''le O'SSIt C'ili. Ilti 1 a all. ie ef l.e iif Ib t4 i JH Ili-Ot tjt.g ltHil, J11 tf If. HH4 l-rtdrlk wblrb tLnl kb4 irtpt-kli 1 In lb I lO btkl utrlkt tlk Tbe til- ly tu ert tbe nsfr lull be I. kti tf. tb widiaw bt.a.l a ablle m-'iI. it t4 t.f I bus lb jll( tt.4 t-4 i i 1 M- t- r. 1 1 t-t i ibkll i bat tie rent I i-l ai4J 1 I 'o rif a.

11, -t, Tl 3, I bl re-4 I T. et i t. 1 kt.1 wilb 1 1 i' I. I Tii VA lli in Ih lit-! -5 t.i a IEctI I ul Ibe t.i- 6-t. Tl Jty st We.

Hi- I fi at 1 II, a nmr. in I'tn i i.e. M. 1.iih Wraltil Ukkt il kl kotbtte thltlg like liS'xtiiw Hut ttiw IjKtg Jtsr sk Ibe it lit in Is Jnf of arid b- toe jiM lkra d'irr- It Ma bx lt nkt. lute tif T't kl a plkflbsl ktii4e 4 artbtlrtriwrv r.wl tul4 li.ak It jiitile fur bt-r lo eai-n fcrr own l.vii.g if eerkary.

Her iir. abby I'-rt b-r l.rir La a Cnubed eduratli.n In muir hbi rou)4 ttiak It lb tehicle for eaitng ber a living Ml ll-bn 1. prr.ldnit of tb woman' mrlety of ibe 'Tech" Bd Hi art dlt'ir of Ibe rr U'k. fin Cotltcln of Doll. Tb Ctwiateks de I'limsy I said lo) bav tb ImI roll't tlod of doll la lb world.

Her collect un Jut been on rtbibitlfn In HruU for ih benefit of Ih Calvary guild Th oldest dull ram from tb rusitt of Nineveh and were preeti(4 lo Ih greal grattdniotber by yuee Marl Antoinette Tb iol striking dulls In lb collet lion am said lo th lingo dolls fnim 8ouih Africa. A Ooclor't Blunder. is otrnsionally well for Ihe medical nmn lo heed what bis patient say. After rboktng at the dinto-r table, and tuyin 1 hut he had a butt in bl Ihrtwt. a three yt-ar-tdd boy wss declared by dortors to have diphtheria; he was treated for that disease In BL I'nm-nis hospital, but died, and a postmortem showed that th" little fellow tnd been tight I hew was piece of bjtie In Ibe larynt and no diphtheria at nil.

Of course Iher were London tl tors, bul they err ibe same way It n. iiw'Ul CprlliK fli'ld ItetiiibllraB. THE MARKETS. LIVC STOCK. NATION' At.

HTCKK Tt.U Ckttl Nnllve be-f ilwrt, ttSoiiT't; enws and heifirs. I'. insiT lu; tn In-rs se.d femti.1-. t3.7elr 4 rnlv. In enr lots, IMntldin, I l.ii-.- Mie.

ntnl buteherw. (n.1 ht-iivj? 17 Shi a nmirli. I7SO07.TO; llahl. ti ij( I i. pias.

tett 7 H. Ihe-p Mutluna, Illmui.iK); lambs. KANSAS CITT MO. Cnltl Nallv leer. 4.

riiw an Iw-tfers. ll' Wl; st" kern nnd reefir. 1.1 5 Ml; tmlls. It ei'li cuivin, .1 7'. 7.

ml. I l.ra jiark-rs anil butchers, Ilehl. rlt-s Ifi i 7 up Mil I una. Inmbs, lu.ooy C1IirAC50. If.b.

fnlUe Itievni, tneker nnd feeit-r. i 5 r-0; enw ami heifers, t'2 Wi'-i enlvr-n, 12 Horw Mailt. 7.1.H; niiti'd. Mfl.0'; heavy, 17 17 45 plant, 7.15. Hiieep Native.

tJ.i..(il.3l lunilis. (j.iMiv:;. CRAIN. FT. I.nfTS, No.

red. tbSTSV l.xo. new: 0II; 3 reil. Jl new; 2 hnnl. tl.LT.

ft I 30; 3 bnrd. II 1 4 hiird. tlfmid Corn No. V. hHUJIlif: 3.

Tm-; 2 white. 75 Ti'; 74; 2 yellow. T1'4; S. On is No. S.r.iH,; 3.

rm; 4. 49; 3 whll. 3, tl(i 53; 4, KANPAS CITT. MO. Wheat No.

d. 3. tl 4.f 1.2"; i hard. I.M?i l.a: 1.M' 1 341,. 4.

1W1.37. Ciini-No. 2. 6i.i-g67V' 7'i(ti7': 5 white, 3. 70.

Oat's No. 2.4fi So; 2 white. MiQjMi. CTnCAOO. If.U-Whent-No.

refl II. 4: 3.II.30&1.35; I hart, il iff-f S- 1.2110-1 -M. standard, il. "a tb gulf tf ta tin a Jih ytsM'u. fur it gugu fr ibi AlltFj ty lb Jr Tl-eo Hey i-P ti.elf taa4tikliet J.

)ut Oalcid l4 IJ ttft.t'-te clle Her Jut fHK.ed if 4 fouiubiag fbtj.b, tbirff 4 t.d. i oj I'. If to 111 by ik )i Ht bi I tt.d. e.kifed Ttlr.Mtb lO urit -P l-4 if lrr Ibe lo Ibr Vtl. Iio, of tlig I.J raM.iirg t' -i 1.

U. or. f-d. be t.i.l lb irulfc tf tti r'; kti4 4 itf t4 Until Td. "it alSufit ll.rv uti.l.

r.tu.S lo lie ttr eljn-tl be j. Out li tlte fan if ie flf if Utt b'tt'E'b It. jt rtt itb tel. 1 aj n.Stit kfid with Oil i irm tl Cr 1 a Ihe 1UJI5J krrni.i lt tktwlou. kg.

Wirt a In CS 1 II V. I If.r. Cn laolit.g r. tbe I'fltJf of v-e. wbne an -elai .1 klrndnlii.

Ket I alt bkiin. TOuid an bumbi i. el 4 H9 IS" rtwi liul ul bwr4 tbw tbal fcly by aer)bC ftwtn Sbd thai by bif baring riwn to ftetn tb d-d, J'u Is a )iie r-4 glutlous klftg fouftb, by lb Mpel. so Ibat Ihry rould Interprel Its eirao-Irg by what be was and did As fetuit i his labor in The. Ionic fm Jrg tK-liet-d.

and roq. iurte4 with Taut and PiU Tb (Jroek gathered In. great multitudes, who wer looking and hoping for a rrllCloi) life Tb asiault en Paut Flit and Timothy in lr.t'gted by tb "Je whl'b believed not and wer moved by Jealousy envy. tvu ihey er d-rllnlng n4 lb ('brUtian Were growing Tb Jew Ue4 Ihd rabble, tlln fellow, aa their fUt-tie t.t.. ad turning them Into a wild mob lhy "aautt4 th boese of Jen." with whom Ih tulluarie were Tbe roiMlonarie wer tsot at bom, but the mob dracged Ja-on and certain Christians befor lb rulers, shouting.

"These that bar turned the world upMdo down ar coniing hither also Tbe charge against the missionaries was treason, for saying that there Is another king, one Jesus. Th same charge was mada against Jesus tefor rilate. They were bound over to keep tb peace by a sum of money, or property, whlrh Jason and other Christian must forfeit If tb missionaries wer again the occasion of another riot. Heme Taut and Hlla were Immediately ent way secretly by night They went to Iierea. licrea was Inland about fifty mile southwest of Thessalonlca.

Cicero, In bis oration against Plso, says that, unable to face tbe complaint at Thessalonlca, riso fled to Herea. So Paul may bar gone to Here on account of It seclusion. A usual they went to the synagogue where they wer Introduced by their escort of Christian Jews who left them at this point The missionaries remained at Herea for several weeks until another popular disturbance, stirred up by their ThexHalonlan enemies. Paul was se-rretly and hastily sent to Athens, while Silas and Timothy wer to follow later. The most Important book In the world for study and reading Is the Iiihle.

It gives the largest, fullest, widest education. It educates all the faculties of the soul. It trains for th best life In this world, and for Immortal life, Horn reading and study of the ruble dally Is the most Important means of becoming acquainted with It truths. The chief cauRO of tbe Ignorance of the Bible, often charged to Ihe account of tbe Sunday school, lies In the neglect of Dlble reading at home, the decadence of family prayers and family Instruction. The Sunday school, especially where the International Lessons are used.

Is a great aid and inspiration to bom study. The whole family read, study, and discuss the subjects together. No other scheme can accomplish this end so walL Itinl. all. cUic J.IJ.1 It.f 4idje4 lg.

l'tl rtk iii4 tu la II; i aiticd witfe a Ui Lai twui tit, IrJ. Ility lc Ju.i tlt t. uii.r lltf U. tat l.e a litk if t.

iii'nj 11.ii t.n f' 10 It. ud l'Jtr in 4 t.f 'Tf I Hr VU'm t.e ie4 ir.tcrirfcU. li la Hi" 1 1 t. IHudr. I l.y 1I kM dl- w.y ft It pSfSfsfcl rtibtt' A tre, -rl fell (he IttJ l.l'r.g bf'l.

jifcr, vrf I (tu? (J I Ti'i i'r ttyiits 'Je I itl r.1jr 9 Ij lt't It let) j.ll kul t-r- ci. iti-4 I 1 l-'be4 12-e frft.e td Usd ti.y h.r.4 in ny I t.i lh- Jl hr lit la $1 i ratifci IL tml lliiT lit.ine a -id. :j.l all fry f-ifiifvile. I I44 la U.e a 4 Iti rl.un-h Ibio. tb ifi4 a fnw.

n4 drawn tlr fliv It.e aa a l.rrO'f cab. Puditr )r an ajra a far (b to mln. n4 I dxtinriiy I' it th prhking of a Riuvtarb I blutbed t-rtlb and lb ctrwt fcp tb4 10 dark h4 qu)l, I fnur4 injtlf g'fctiy but f'ircibly prt.prllt-d loaard tb fsb. the donf of which ihI Invitingly otn Twlr I strov lo antrulat, but txitb lime Uty tle fald Die "I'm going on lb U'l with tb," coiitlnued. "lo ti.k sure be grts tb right ptac.

It won't do 10 any miiak. yon know, Now, then, lo you An4 I found nMlf p)k. 4 up and d-pnlted In th rati Tb d'r and nff I el.ij.ll.g My flrt tiipul to rrm. but this I retted firmly; my en4. draw the laprot cber about in, and to this I yielded and reigned to the Inevitable The rb shipped abrupllv and tb rb Bung opi-n.

Htrsnce undulations traveled up and don my iine. We were In th rhpe by tl.l tlm. and the elereynmn In his r. was for with tao witnesses t-vrryihitig very proir and legal. As I could riot iruM my voi began to with my veil; at least I rould uncover my face.

"l-l me help you," he said, gently, and untied th knot. I turned and faced bim. and for a moment stand at each other aa though petrified, "The devil:" he exclaimed, Tcry rudely, I thought. I made gigantic effort to speak. "My d-nr young friend." I snld In a vote which sounded weak and au toinatlc tw my own ears, fear my presence may be somewhat of a disappointment as wkdl as surprise" Hut I got no further, for he turned helplessly to the clergyman as though terrified.

"Take her awny," he gssped. "there's some mistake. It me out of this!" Hut the minister lifted hi band solemnly. "There seems to be some strange misapprehension," ho said, sternly; "let us get to the bottom of this matter nt once. Did you expect to marry this gentleman, madam? I'ray explain." And 1 explained ns well as I could.

When I reached home a long time lifter, for the distance was Kreut Bnd the street cars slow I found my wrapper nnd slippers laid out In my room and Josephine hovering anxiously about the window watching for me. I told her the whole story, and he lanched In a way I thought ungrateful and uniippreclatlve. "Josephine," I said solemnly, "I shall never recover from this night' experience. I hope you will always remember all I have done for you." "Oh, well," returned Josephine carelessly, "of course it was awfully good of you, but do you know, Aunt Gertrude, I think you bungled tbe thing moBt awfully." 1 "I i- 1 rMU raw 18 i 1.

The Steelville Ledger from Steelville, Missouri (2024)


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