The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)

i.HHl SltoatlaM Wowd Mai. I 140 Mlse.Moneeot For Sal 148 MTtetllanteoi for Salt I U0 Mlie.llaneeui For Sal THE TAMTA alurdar, Aprfl t. THE TAMPA TRIBUNE-TIMES TOLL FREE PHONE SERYICE For Placing Classified and Real Estate Ads To Reach Florida West Coast's Largest Market Quickly and Economically ZnWuoV, ST. PETERSBURG 7-0351 CLEARWATER 444-7914 Rsidnts 9t tht arsas may dial tha numbar )ndieatt4 abvsj thtir hma town and talk dirael Th, Tampa Tnbuna-Tims Tampa ffica whtr, trainrd Mrspnnal will assist you in alaring your ad (NO PHONI TOLL CHARGI). FOLDING DOORS CLOSEOUT PRICES DOORS 32vSO recular 19 95, special J6-97 Reiular lis.

9.1. special Regular special So several 36x80. 48x80 and iRU6 doors at special prices. Must doors have latches and can be shortened. A WALL DOOR CO.

31 17 E. JHillshmo Ave 239-IB'il LARGE stock late model used rebuilt refrigeration. Meal-dairy-produce. 1010 W. lass St.

-Y F-0 A Any quantity tor all purposes PHIL A. AMMONS. INC. ijbrsl 607 S. Lincoin, Tampa, (77-3395 LEVERETTE TRADING CO.

4006 Nebraska Phone 234-2291 HOI EL CAFE SUPPLIES WALL lockers, metal fans, photo copy machine. Car-land restaurant ranges, 4 use.l water pumps. WE 4-7192, 11165 NetiraskaAve. S( lb A gear. xvlophone.

all furniture, phone 232-3741 or MERCHANDISE arming daily, wonderful bargains at discount FLA. BARGAIN OUTLET Rear 5120 la Ave. 236 0121 "TARPAULINS Biggest stock-Lowest prices Tents, all sizes, Boat overs Hunk beds and mattresses EVERYTHING IN ARMY 13127ampa St. 229 212 BLACK Canadian La pan com. 16, ntherrnisc.

clothing. 834-8703. Pipe for Every Purpose American Pipe Plumbing Supply Ian Nebraska Ave. Ph. E.

Broadway Ph. 218 "POWER MOWERS" T'iRO. "Snappin Molo-Mower, Sunbeam. Master, ut Famous 18 Sunbeam 5 iear warranty. Sale $49 95 Y.7.

Terms 1 AH' ,1 ST DISPLAY IN ELA THRIFTY 3315 S. Dale Mabrv I I'HoLsTERINr. i machine. Singer No. 111151.

Slot); Tmlor sewing machine. Sinter. No. 3H5, $fi5 or best Oder. Armenia Ave.

SEE OUR Complete Stock for F'urniture. Home re modeling or New Construction. What ever the need do it in BEAUTIFUL REDWOOD. Call EDWARDS SASH. DOOR, LUMBER CO.

Rome at Fuller Ph 253-3491 USED PLATE 5 FAcellent condition. sections, 6" used channel, fi" used beams, one 10.UU0 gal. tank car Call B76-0U79. "SAVE" IT'S SMART TO BF THRIFTY 5H. OfHl KT 2" steel boiler lube tan be used tor pipestnutuiHl i po st, i en pos or man other um's.

Vnve lHc per ft. TICK FITTINGS, screw fiance type, black galvanized VALVKS steel-cast-bronze. GAlCiKS, pies-sure acuum-h draulic SHIP SURPLUS RIGGING F.ITPMKNT LIF boats steel 4 wood. FT. CABI.F.

CHAIN-ANCHORS CHAIN HdlSTSHENCH VISES Steel wood sliea.e Ftlorks WIN! IIES-Sleam 5 to 50 tons 4 ALUMINUM TANKS INTFH-t'lrtl SYSTEMS. VDIO EUPT. sound powered. Fire F'tincuibci Ship Galley Supplies I A dishes pnts pans coffee urns. Steel filing cahineis.

Desks- hairs-bookcases, aluminum storage bins BUNKS, steel 4 aluminum with 4 without rtr.iwcrs GULF SHIP DISMANTLING CORP. NAVY SHIPYARD 19th St 4 foot of Grant St. Buildinc No. 33 Ph. 216 3117 I i 11 144 luildtr Supplits "New" A I SO FOR 2705 E.

Ph. 211 5771 or Sheeirock I Tape Sjsiem 21i' Tt. 2 i NO 1 WTTF rtonpivr, 15 and in Fe i 1 Hi Surface Rolls 2 1 inn Asphalt 2 Shmcie. 11 vr bond 5 71 5 gal Roof Cement 2 71 PLYWOOD Sheathms I SIS Interior 2 10 4 Interior )(V4yfi SIS Exterior 4sS G. Plywood Panels 2 'J' 3 (t STEEL Reinforcinc Rod ') Reinf.

Mesh by Roll 2 I VISQUFFN 1 M'H by the Roil 'P Mill by the Roll 1 CEILING TILE hile all sic ft At ousfii 14c sq ft Acousiua! Texture 16c sq ft. I IBFRGLASS INSULATION I'--'' E. iiiwim 1 40 3" Fullthiek 3 60C AHoG FLUSH DOOR1 7'') to P4 2 66-' A. Idea saitcnt Kev in Knob Lock J3 89 ORN, IRON' COLUMNS 9 In Flat Si 9 In orner 9 75 ea. Price FOR Yard Deliveries small additional charce PREEINISHED V-riank Plvwood $19.

TKXXAXT BROS. I Stop Boildine Supplies .1701 Hillsboro Ave. Phone 236-1774 lin; Haines Plant City 7.12 T'Sfl ART CARRIE HARDWARE BUILOIMa MATERIALS. INC. H71 NEBRASKA Avr 4 MP CM S-0H71 THIINOERSIRD TfRRACf PANASOIFKIE BCSHNELL PH 7'I1V14I SERVIMfi ALL OF FLORIDA Et QUALITY LUMBER Ml 9 Mf Onnrt 94 49 2 6 tf' A4Sa tlrtsri 1(1 () 'i Mtn Onivrl 1 71 mi T'ltur Snti (si H.

Stvtrorh Si 47 f-lyl2 Sprif Shrly. 12' jr It Rnt. Strfl 7r tt 24 fnil (fit 1 01 2 Cnst erd 21V nd "11 M. Nn 2 Osk innrir 11 Hk. I O.ik Flnirini M.

Fih'rjlsv Si-rffn Ilk tl. Aluminum S-fpn Oftf t. Cut Ti Any S' IS" Frnaomv Invul. II 111 C. 3 Th'fk Inviil 11 AH C.

14 Tontirr I'll 3i6 Cnn.t limwr 1i41 4vB Cirist Ti-ntwr 1' l'i -I rommrtn Nmlc ka 1 1,0 14 -2 6'tt" P'n' M. 4v8 Mssonit, Is fit. Cut ind Thrfsrf Pip PRICE FOB a nn I LIVER SMALL AnOITIONAL CHARCt ale Godwin Ik Piv. Home Blrtrn Vt I hr Inc. 1101 E.

Piatt. 223-4731 si-pnoN island ni3n yard a south of 1101 E. PUtl 200-Mile Delivery Mon -Wed Putty Remodel s5: Repair Nothing Down. $2.11.1 Mo Sinon cash Cement, Reinl. Steel ement Mortar, Ela.

1 20 1 to I no Mac I 16 1 26 White ement. Ela 2 27 5 37 6 OH MiE A HI.OCK 19 YD. lleinl Hod i ft I Ol'i ,03 l2" Heml Rod (ft.) .031, ('4 lleinl Hod 'It .07 .07 lleinl Wire. Hnll Atnec. l-sttalleayy sLateis IS Diieen .004 Roll .01 01 VlsUtioen 006 Roll 0Hj 4" ly Oram Tii II .12 Sevver pip ire Itrick 18 .20 Y'f.

l-'. Reducers. Srptio s. Tire las. lue Liner r.eoiKia-i'arnlina Hruk 04' up Elec.

Fixtures 50 Off HOMEX 12-3 9-1 9 21 Medicine Cab. $5.05 up t'nilite flunies' ent cab. 19 93 2f CLOSEOUT Plaster Board, P'vsvnod. Pur1, Doors. MoitldiniJ Sv( Cash A tut iv.

Discontinued Brands Save Off List 1-vti str asfmi-m, spf.i'u. rinipi ted. Raiment a nr Ittu: Windnwn, asti i hrr On ADDllloNAl ITKMS SIM'AY AND TOMoRKOW IT MAY BF I ATTN THAN YOH THINK l.o with fnniiU A- i plo Sumla hunl A 'hut Want Ad Ph. 223-4911 147 Swop This For Thot I I AN '3s I hevrolet po Kuc. Want cash.

car. property or 3071. .3624 Morrison Poll 1 AIH.E IV and tatv'e nio.tcl Will sell or Made. What hjv you' 3116 Del. eon St IIP dec soul OH motor Art Sunn Nell Ave.

pill fans, ndins mower. del'ouiHli' water fount. niis, ti-ut'o. air-copditioners. stcnotvjH'.

l.iiie doors, commeri 'al finor noliheiv W'ont have you I Neliiash.i 2316201 HEADY to move home, want rioai Have lari.e tiaiii own carden 10 4111. 213 3J3! oi 2030 ft. inn te moved Will so iut ol I'lua! Cue in, (urnihed liou-etrailci t- ottr v.iOifi'e "7 ri 111-! 1 or tiade (or VV 1 i'l; I I'-KVVIK Ideal for la' a i don 'laclor vs'fn UK (l 1 10! HI'lUvDOM Sou Wai.l. traoc C'liiilv hod'oom ti.i''et er mower. I or nejvv i id ai -iioplenieiiis.

141 loan Supplies DISCOUNT SKI SALE New 1W1 Model BOB WHITE SKI1S with lifetime guariintee List -3 ts varnished Stl 99 List 522 us enameled 1 3 Hi List 95 evpoyied Sl.i9! TAMPA BOAT MART "Florida's Lamest Boat Pealer" 31.11 Henderson Kiyd Open Pailv 9 til Ph RT7 7446 Own Sat. Sun. 'til fi I'M King Fish Special 1 KT. Lap Strake aluminum loat trailer. 75 HP Johnson motoi.

5 month old. Kleelne bail well. Sll HIKH 210 KIMll PAVIS ISLANDS Windshields tittinc. $16 oi Trailer tire. $8 4S, S' oars.

$2 7 Hew toller. hatlerv boy. S4 05 8 Ih anchor. Jl 45, how- lite. 52 Mahonev Co.

Piatt 13th IT'ij BOAT FESTIVAL Free Boat Rides Free Gifts (April 13 to April 22) Low As 10' Down 15' SUt ALL KING Fihercias Runabout, windshield, ninninc ItKhts, sti'ei ins and lemote con-trols. Km 40 HP Johnson Horse, new Muirav Tilt Trailer, foam double bottom. List Sl.i.'j. Sale I0D5. 15' SI PFRt RAPT Runaliout 25 HP Johnson, eiec, slcennc and lemott controls.

Tilt Trailer. OIVF. Triple Blue Stamps TERMS HHFHCI.AS cloth .99 yard Resin $1 nt Williams Bros. Marine Thundeibird Boats SM.FS ANT) SF.BVICK 6304 Otis Ave 234-4461 Co to fiiofi Fla. Ase.

Turn West on Jean st to Hiver. open eye Plenty Parkins Member TOM TO BE GIVEN AWAY AS DOOR PRIZES! THIS IS A LOCAL CONTESTI Vour Chilli l-VJiP fCt 1 sic; 'tt Iff '1 dn, i jf 1-7 P.M. April 9lh-15th Sport Center 2403 So. Dole Mabry Phone 251-1739, Tampa vinrude Sales and Service IA. or sw.u' 411 HI' motor, iiiilroN, tiriiirr.

l'i' Will M'pfli'alCiv WK 4 M-nfl or WK .1 7') id' I'LVWOol) A liatler, 21' I I UH. 1 mivn. "2'i hp hil'r. ric. trie h.tit well, (fa on.hl pmnl.

47 'ifiul- IT- sI.H'i inw K-'-'r. h.intuait', iiinnmi; J.tio W. Kiiuott. H7 74 ,11. I ON STAR Air nuHlt 70 III' Mt'i't in v.

Hs i' 'i tliini! irn linlm; bip lo IMmI ont 1 imps, Src it ail flay Sun(ia at HI2 K. iver I trivf M' IM n.M MoVot Hatlrr. f4rv 1 vnn SKW or t.t:i mo Owner Io IT Vol HSKI I I- ANN Nru mh(nr runabout 15 hns i.Wt rniiiH plus all tt. Needs nnntir ftmsbmt; off pstnt. or 10 mo ail 7fi for toll 1.V I I HAKT tiitirtbout HP Johnson till tr.tilor iiinu-num port nil lor ill MHr.ilr 2 I'v 11 AIM HOAI.

ontmrntrtl. I ru; St iilii, bnriie M-eis. CASH tor yood 12 ft Itbmi; host 1 Alf mlrt t'-si'-il in 5 HI oulboaid I 4 ItWM I 1111 i Mcii Ci ml' Ifrsll.ivfhivuit p- imnt. )ll-BldiJ 1 1 isi'tti if riihi'i flmwipt" Thvsvui 'f fit A CmTini 7' riir ymr-f-irr'! u-" v. Cwldoor Tim i I USED power mowers S15 THRIFTY 3315 S.

Dale to 615. Mabry. PLUM BIN BARGAINS Freight-Damaged 3 Pc. colored bath seta $49 dhle. sinks 2132- 1.95 ts-HP Pumo tank t69 30 Basins fiom 1.9S PIPE PIPE PIPE NFW ued.

All sUes to fittings, t'lnthesiin. poles, Columns built to v.our used angles, channels, I beams, etc. DIRECT TO YOU PLL'MHING PIPE CO. 2907 Pa Mahry 876 0079 NEED MONEY? INCOME TAX TIME! We make loans on Anvthing of Value, NOAH'S ARK 1116 Franklin St. 223 3073 FI.ECTROI.UX attach.

$18 9J Port, typewriters $32 50 up. Kay bass. Tampa Loan. 1012 Fkln. COMPLETE double bookcase sectional sofa, table and chairs.

23.3-0922. DAMAGED FREIGHT 2 F'ULL sue ranges. I gas. 1 elec sour choice $119.95. Pittsburgh white paint, dented cans, $2 gal.

10 nice carpets, solid walnut office desk 1 2 late model Underwood tvpew riters. 1 manual. 1 elec. King Engiander foam rubber mattresses. Lots of mium Stamp merchandise.

4 op- per tubing -V 60' reel $15. K-tvpe $13.50. Bargains on Groceries bv the case. MWY OTHER I1AHGAINS FREIGHT WAREHSE. 4.101 F'la.

235 9111 race car, fiberglass body, extra sharp. Phone 831-3732. 9 PIF'CF" dining room set. As-I sorted books, etc. 3302 Granada I I DTA I "port ab I i sh ash -er.

used 4 menths, S'75: utility trailer. $75. Phone WE 5-0355. Bit YCLES- 75 up. Tricvcies $2 50 up.

Hwv 301, south of K. I Buffalo. NF'W tent 30x60'. 3 pole pushuo, gold trimmed in red. exhibition space, priced to sell Lake Wales, Fla.

2-4164 WRINGER washer $29 50; auto" washer $15, 50 to choose from. Will finance. 6706 F'la. 235 3072. NAMF; brand air-conditioners.

25 units in the crate, cost pius 10, 5 R268. UPRIGHT 18' Amana freezer, "all new parts. $150. Call I.VTF" model GE vacuum cleaner. 1 horsepower.

$10. 1901 Nebraska Ave new standard register. $20 Ph. WE 5 6623. New Used Restaurant 4 5' 6' Dis(iav Cases New Bar 30" stools 12 50 8 50 Sinks 3 romp $29 95 B.

ANTON AND SON 1710 E. Broadwav 248 1344 CUT RATE PLUMPING 4 SUPPI IKS Dgd. new Tubs $9 .95 up New Toilets $12 New Lavatory (D'g'd) 1 50 Flee. Water Healers $24.95 1" Gal. Pipe New O.

ft. Gal. Pipe New O. 15c ft. I Perfect 2 Bowl sink $7 95 I D'g'd 2 Bowl sink SI 95 Birch Sink 4 Cabinets 4CT- off.

i Louie 4-U-Ri Anvwhere I'm Loaded with Vaicains 1212 E. BROADWAY 4 Blocks "OPEN SUN 1-5 P.M. We Beat All Prices Tubs Toilets Sinks 3-Pc. Bath Sets NFW BASINS $4 95 NEW TOIL IS $12 95 WATER HFATER $23 95 Kitchen Cabinets! 42" Sink cabinet 34 93 96" Birc Sink 4 Cabinet 69 95 Birch Wall Cabinets from 7.95 -4i2 ft. trailer tubs toilets Furniture Appliances NEW used refng wash, machines, stoves, furniture.

SAV-ON Plb. Supplies 1924 F. HILI.SRoiiO 237 421 Home Improvement MODERNIZE your kit. baih. New appliances cabrnots.

bath fixtures tile. 5r HIAfinanc-j tng. Armstrong. 226 Nt) money down. Consolidate your debt add a Florida room, potch, new kitchen, anv home repairs with our own payment plan.

Call Sun Homes, Inc. i 2.17-7011. 217-7161 m- modeling, additions, pamt- int'. tilumbinc and electrical. Tree Estimates.

2.1.14(1.11. 2.14.(101.1 S.A'E on all your remodeling needs wilh Preiser onsiruction I'hone Income Tax Income Tax Consultant CALL ANYTIME. 7 DAVS WK. 6TK COURTEOUS SERVICE 1205 W. Hil.sboro 876 4317 ALL type forms short 2.

long 4 up. Dav or nilit. Office 3407 Nebraska, K'J-7488. INCOME lax service. All types.

Appointments anv time 5U2 S. Mai-Dill Ave. Ph. 8.1.1-64-1 WAGES. Long form S3, others siinhilv hither.

Yi'ur home or mine anvtime1B76-5676. SlUiRT TORM. lone torm or any form $2 ii up. IHs I PA eviier. Afternoons, weekends WE 8-4243.

EARL'S INCOME TAX SEHVICE 3 MOKE DAYS 3 Licensed Stale, ntv. Citv Ofc 1785 W. 1I11.I.SHOHO Re. 8 77-1674 7 dav 876 2 X'5 Insurance OR PROTECTION ALL 223 80.18 ire. Windstorm, Auto, Liability Kistncr Realty Insur.

Realtors 213 Lalavelie Insurers Lawn Service Yl AH a ound awn seiv om-Mac, picte joh. I i a I 4 -0O75. I G. edging, fertilizing. Kciiuiar service 837 3.131.

MOWING. UHS ()R ACREAGE WE 5 4685 Days 229 2632 Nites GREEN'S Lawn seivice. edcinE Tree Estimates. Moving REASONAB1 rate long distance household nioviME. 872 Hi -I Hoi I) lurnituie.

appli-amcs. etc. Reasonable rates. 21 1.2731. Pointing JJfl ill 'J A 1 I s.

140 Miscellaneous For Sole AUCTIO Wll.l, sell anvthinc for von at puKic 1 piece oi liuckluail. Will pickup. I'amtia, 87d W. Hillshoio I oi 4 Frontier. .4.1 ammo.

lodl, ku'kcr. archerv. Hu sell, trade. 5i N. Dale rirKT ruR Nexer ued sceil roll in original (actorv wiappiniis IJvli.

I.NIS. UI2, Heice. Ke-icwooil. t.ieen in o. Mi JM Prixate Home :7 13 KI I'ldo it i ti rh ii I'OHTAHI V.

nd console seuinK nmchine. New snrl userl. Ter-fccl condition. 50 7olM y. Broadwav.

3 lMsrox1 ITO Havon nils KH I SKI) Hnth (or $Ti Will sell seperateiv. 3713 KI lllvri H324IH.S WIZARD riding mower. 57n4 N. lUbuna. 7 8.ISM.

I1ABV crib. $15, lawn sweepei Jill, $JS, i 3 10IIMAI.S: one white, one Kiecn. one blue while. 2 Hoops, ulnt.M new. 5 MKN's' Smt.

Sue 38 lunK. 5 h. I'honc 872-tl8iu CiTNS, ft mm nmeia, flame. lountex. hahdina beds new.

timk. 2 Ion out, new mi'tol Irfwn Mower JKt Water pump. I'esk. Wheel ihinet. ho xwim'1 other mis, clmneotis ailitlcs li)n ail week.

W. Aiva. 872 wif New Lincoln lRfl and MI AKC Wei.lei. inn AMI' Welder li.s in) AMI" Vvel.icr Jl OH toMI'll IK with Helmet. iahle.

I-lei ttiMle Holder and Kiouiid Hrinn this ad and reretxe III lbs r'W ISO electrodes tree with purchase of welder, t.cneral WelduiK Supply t'o Adamo Hi. 22mi St I'ami'a. in IV Al.lMIMTK tiavei trailer. evcelli-nt condnion 1501 K. I ski- mo Am-.

V. K. 5 1H'I2 KT; Ii exhibit. Hevil'n bow liny alic. Set plndle.

'ii ii i i i boxes, l.fii ATI MINI llldltv rm. sie. I'h ft i8 7" onl $141 l. Hi VVI )H bed and niatu ess. vanity, desk each SI lh A bed and matiintiK chair.

$4:. dinette table. 4 chair. 0. blonde co*cktail tabie.

i2 reel tM iawn mower, ex, client con-dition. 51(1, luttate can ict. cup and lanvas. U.S. Kno.lyiood MMtV-MAl' I li cychnri cushion, cost soil Nek masvacer Jli.

PTfi 2y2. Sl'KKH Craphic. Kxaita Scuba miscellaneous items, tnoy -ins I'll. 2.12-3741 or 2J.S r.o.", WlXill lathe 4 motor Hell s.mdcr v.iti to Amp ark welder i iS. 22 caliber shooter Mil Hu soil, tiade.

Marram enter mi K. ol .101 on I s. 92 (ISIuM made I.ourite Ii Bahama beds, made to older 4H14 W. Al. Drew Park.

R72ntilti l.AIT model cefriijerator. at pii-vatc home. )Hu8 Mitchell. III SI At KANT 24" trill and deep Inn lllli K. lilsl I IV iNlT aster (lit eiiciii talking Hud.

sioo. WK CH2 SI All Ul) loi npe inail toves. years old. I'hone Hoi i kcrson's. I'aimetto 722 I22! lOHTTNt; future plies, wholesale ti Electrical.

1204 W. WE 4 'M72 WMIHK sup sou- tAhite Watcis Ase. col El-meat maker. ei Most .1701. PLUMBINC SALE Rath sets 10 up; New Guar.

Unlets S12 91. lavaloiv trim $iil 4 t'-i' totis chcip 1 anettes pi, Nivy '33 l3" Pipe 10c 1l It Birch Sink Toilel scats It. Pipe Cabinets mil a top 12 in sink lli 111 5 I 1 i sink ft rah A rah J.1'3 50. Amei kitchen sink ft i ab. Bifi discounts on Norge Washers, Manges.

eal elec. heatn -40. nil li.cier toilets. Sol's Trading Post Broadway PI, 2132411 KEN MoRE tons, ile Sewing Ma-, 00 i tidd Hoi king Horse Sli'im Both excellent condition I'hone H3I Ml.TAT uvoihead gatave iloor. 1 Hlli.2 HIT II It; ER AT OR S2" Portable tvpcwrili't 2o Aitoariiim, (0111 picie.

ill) Two Penn rods ft leels comiilete. J25 each. 677 I12U ()EII moving Trcejer Large ciitnc left, upright Petteit cuidilioii ost 72(). scltinc lor I'Mh Ave FLEET of 1 heavv duty wreckers for sale Exeell. condition, reads to go, 228 N.

Blvd. Sarasota Ph Be'rigerator with ctosston freeor. Nice electric range 5-88. SHOT Rifles Pistols, Trade or Sell. l4 Florida Ave.

'62 model SWING needle ZIG ZAG. Makes buttonholes, overcasts, monograms Take over $6 per mo. payments. Hal. due $71.

Ph. 529-0714 i COIN otvr. co*ke machine, change- maker. Good cnnd.Ri7 25 fl. ONE laiioad new fire bmk.

various sues, cheat), call Sol Walker 6r CO. 213-5796. 35th Adamo Dr. ONm.VA ELD" 4 "formica ASSORTED patterns and inn. 35c SQ.

FT. American Lumber Co. 3fid9 15th St. Ph. 248-3782 BOAT, 16 HP motor, and trailer, old.

Furniture. 877-lfiU. Tut) Basins Sink Cahirn't! Water J'ump Shower Strtlls Medicine i 'ItMiIrr Tur ioilet h.tins (l.ilv. topper Sewer Pipe Pipe Ori" lur ft.) ft 2624 E. Broadway PH.

24-554 7 Automatic washers, AMKH'it AN FLYKR trains. A-l I condition, t'all 8T7-3U4y kVniAL arm saw $100, 4 tb9 HP itas enyinc $25 up. Ketri- erators $20 up. ma. -nine t'otton candv machine $0 Uiup ttanipoline.

Hmitt yuur trHdmjj lin alone. Trade anvthing. Closed Thursday. Art's i Swap Shop. Mdiifi Neh.

Ave PHOK) RKPHODl TION Fgl IP Thus is an AUSnI.l'TK AIVTION uf hard tu tmd lai te rcpt oduc- tion i vtneras. photostat equipment. HUii'prmt machines and atuum tr.une phi office desks, vh.tir. filing cahinets, di a 1 1 a tile, etc. You 11 tsnd bartam tt Im-Ikmc titm M'nda a' 4nth Ae at 3'.

"it si Pefershuta Joe ict'k lfniiif.1 Pa i Inspection bctimnini: 8 AM day of sale. All sairs for cash. Tnnmas Trustee in bankruptcy I STERLING 8RICK If you art a horn ownr thinking of painting, don't wait your tim and money! Now you can convert your preacnt ranie. htfitii( block or anbestos home tasily to th pfrmanunt brauty of Sterling Brick. Protpct and qracc your homt with th vtrlaitmg prestig and attrctivne of AntiQuc.

Rust. Red, Buff or Whit brick. Your horn will increase valu and comi 100o insulated, as wil as having ftr termit free protection. CaM today for your estimates. STERLING CEMENT PRODUCTS 5201 Florida Ave.

6542 239 5471 UAVIKl) JO'" radial arm jaw, Pott alt or UTr; 0.K7 2ii0 SUKIJ, frame Mint be mover! Will m'11 ur tradf (or lot oi equal value. YKl-Nii 3fi" KIT-K IK power mcwtr. ideal for larye aul or heaw mow inn 1 1 -a tie riding sa r-rf trartor ith imj nirnts tt ui'i. RdAT. uith tiailer.

f-V. 110 volt wolilrr. .13. 13 Hi Alina. MKAVY duty floor hydraulic taik Admsts (ur varunif widths.

Kxtra larne ruhher wheels for easy roil irut: Ph WANT AD. Ph. 223-4911 OH SAI.K KRY CHKAP l.C V. quanl it ips of rati Him hv-ritate NMtrr known as lime slnlajr. i arhule trncaliir Murr.

lmie Indrale Phone Mr. Hester. 24W 1777 17 I HIC font Coirivnot nrM te freeer. like new Keasnnahle. 74'i7 ehi aska Ave GAKPKN MARK Hoia-Tiller." Vi UV Like new.

Heasonahle. 4 WHK KI. dine HP air-condittoner. almost new $150 i all or Set at I 24ii.) l.ois Ave. Plastering ri.AsTF.RINt; and patching.

Lame or small Neat woik. Reasonable. 876 H1.14. Plumbing PI. I'M RING REASONABLE PH.

2.13 281 1. WE SEPTIC TANK REPAIRS I'honc 2.16-2 i21 -WE PI I'MMING repairs, sepuc tank repairs. Lutz Land o' Lakes. Dav or nite WE Porches PORCH srieen.s. cue tosiiic 877-7283.

windows or Pump Service Water Pump Service ft Repairs Phona Anytime WE 4 6.157 Refrigeration Service John's Refrigeration Treeera. refng. car ft Hniue air i ond. ommeri lal Work I'h. 40 3552.

Refrigerator Repairs ALL MAKES. ALL WORK 8716 Nebraska Ut It SERVICE I ARAN 1 El Ave. VA 4 Roofing Tampa's Irish Koofer NEW ROOT ROOF REPAIRS UE give written No Leak Goaran tees. Anv tub $1 A up. 832 8,7:.

832 8171 WE S-6'l35 24 llol RS SEHVK "ATTENTION IloME OWNERS SME your Sjvrnsh Tile or Kiavel Roof Bntlitcn it with a high quality Snow yVhite tltlish ill I ft BRIGHT 5-1(121. 4 H3II-I. 4 1 P'iS SIIINGI.I-'S. hot mopping, bmlrt- up pericnied vvatlts wotK. John Real.

an, ROOTING ft laipcntiy. Day or niyht tails Tiee est. guai. Self employed. WE 9 60S I ONE LEAK OR 1 tlMIM.I ROOF WORK GUAR AN lEEl).

2.17-4834 it ALL ANYTIME). ALUMINUM roof coating, teituiar or heavy horlv. for all metal or 1 omposdinn loof. while it lasts, 5 ca! ran. S(i M.1 oliimhia Pa.nt ft a a 2201 E.

Broadwav. 218 2')9I. Septic Tonks lSTPTIC TANK SERVICE Dav 23h-2 21 Eve. WE 5 6968 LIMITED Time Only Home Si-e hotouthly $1.1 Bonded 232 6181 Ai I I'M pumped ft washed out. lie.illv 1 leaned.

SI5 Ph. 234 9271. WANT AD. Ph. 223-49 11 Slipcovers oiu iledspi and two dtapes $24.

I 75K.I Swimming Pools POOLS. Noltiitig 1I1 pav inv 1. 1 leiamii' tile 8.31-3 veals to -etp. steel, vv 5 patios. (arports Anv conire'e wois.

in. hp arranj.ed if ilcsoed Ph. TV-Rodio Service rfssd A 4 I 1 Ill 6.. 22 Ml I 18 It tilt I 5 '0 h0 2') 40 Bank 12U22 1HI2 PATIOS, Block, Brick, arpentrv, Repairs, Additions. Odd Jobs.

876-454S. rAINTlNG. Int. Ext. Experienced, reasonable.

Mack. 246-3031. 1-XPERIENCEDMntel manatee wants position a desk clerk in hotel or motel. H. S.

grad and course training. Write Tnhune-Timcs Box M-579. FXPERIKNTED voting man wants to crew on private yacht. Phone Knapp. 23.3-9761.

I'ARPENThV. Painting. Additions and Hepans. ree Estimate's, WE 4j76. jjoC'KES jacked, leveled, potted reams and floors replaced, roun-dntinns.

S72-01HB. ic Articles For Sale 140 Miscellaneous For Sal 1 000 COPIES in 53 minutes $J) 95 WE'LL copy our statements, letterheads, maps, etc. ELECTRIC BLUEPRINT CO. 0 Twiggs St Ph. WE BUY TRADE SELL AND MAKE LOANS ON ANYTHING OF VALUE NATIONAL LOAN CO.

J101 FRANKLIN Cor. HARRISON Phone 229 1643 SELECT your Faster cards now at Fulghum's. 608 Florida Ave. opposite P.O. steps.

(.) (.) 50" OFF NFW KITCHEN CARIVFTS FORMICA COUNTER TOPS (Factory Rejects) formica Tops 12.00 up. 72" Wall Cabinets Rink Bases ftronm Cabinets Formica Top Base Oven Cahinets 91 UP I '24 95 up $37 50 6r up. I $47.50 i up $47 50 up. Alum, wall liles 3oo so ft. Open Mon.

Thru. Sat. 5 30 BEST DEAL CABINETS 5102 N. 22nd St. fcAKERY equipment.

Hobart Machines. 1010W. Cass St. ALUMINUM patio awninc-carport. Never installed.

cost $219. Sacri- fue $115. WE 9-4670 GUNS, TOOLS, COINS We buy, sell, trade, or make loans NOAH'S ARK 1116 Franklin St. "COLUMBIA BIKES APRIL SALE priced from $34 95 ROLLF'AST priced from 132 95 Trade in your bike. V7.

Terms THRIFTY 3315 S. Dale Mabry 000 POUND flake ice machine. Completely overhauled. 4410 N. Armenia.

877-6028. FORCED PA Amplifiers stereos radios-trumpet Duplicator violins-guitars snare drums mikes new 4 used. All records greatly reduced. SPRINGS RECORD RADIO SEE us for hard to cot items. FARM HOME STORE.

390 1 E. Hillsboro, open daily Sunday tnpOTlomesleff ON EXPRESSWAY AREA A THIS IS our first group of fine homes. 1, 2. 3 4 bedroom frame 1 red brick home. To be moved to your lot in Hillsborough and adjoining counties, otlice open 7 days 9 A.M.

to P.M. Cash or Terms. Expressway Homes. Inc. Office till E.

Columbus Drive, Phone No. 229-0166. TvEW BURLAP 4- BAGS RICKETTS BAG CORPORA ION i 40O8 W. Alva 876-2474 SPOT CASH! Yes, Clas- i sified ads turn un-j needed articles into spot cash! See fori yourself! Ph. 223-4911.

1 Air-Conditioners PKCON DITION FT) air-eondit loners $19 50 up. Jack's Refrigeration Service. 1424 W. Piatt St. Alterofions ALTERATIONS, dressmakins, re-weavinE.

pickup and deliver. 2SD9 JV.Hjllsboro Ave. 876-7271. Applionce Repairs Washer repairs. Work Guaranteed.

23.1-3(172 Washing machines. Refnss repaired. Free estimates. Dons Repair Serv. 23-8481.

2.12-341. MAYTAfi WASHER SERVICE Phone Anytime WE 4 65.17 t.i2-630iyVISE Repairs. Clean, oil, check window air April Special. Automobile Repairing TRANSMISSION Motor Trouble: see Iludil ad Classiltcalion 221. Auto Speedometers AT TO Speedometer repairs.

Cables, 97c. 1110 ampa. 22i-1525. Bicycle Repairs American Enghah THRTf TY 3315 S. Dale Mabry Bulldozing lU'LLDOZER, tractor work, disking, clearing, levelling.

Pump trucks. Cicero. 229.7449. Carpentry CARPENTER repairs, painting and alterations. Work guatan-teed.

C. J. Close, 8.14-1721. HOME" repairs, additions, roofing, plumbinc. blot work, build anything.

WE LONG experience, all kinds of building and alteration repairs. 2.12-4311 4 ARPENTRY, repairing, lal.unet. millwork. Free Shop 877-400S: R.H-88t13.WE SeTvAIRS. Remodeimc.

Additions. Nn job too contrai tor. 4-7tK4. AI TERATIONS. REPAIRS.

ADDITIONS. NO JOB TOO SMALL. FREE ESTIMATES. Call 232-5 '-1 1 ABPEXTER, rough, finish, painting, roofing. No job too small.

243-S3S4. ODD JOBS, carpentry, paintins. masnnrv. Houses jacked and leveled '872-0168. iloME Remodeling.

Carport. us-tom cabinets Boat Repairs. Power tools. 9-7871. ADDITION'S, alterations, garage, windows replaced, repairs, mason ry work.

Licensed 83 2 1 Concrete TRECAST STEPS, floors, drives, patios, walks, patio stones 0-1379. fiRIVES. FLOORS, foundation, walks, expert shuffleboards. machine finished, Norbeit Luke. WE 4-9344 ANYTHING in walls, floors.

Better for les. concrete, curbs, rinvewavs, etc. Days 5 2:04 1 sy I HI Wl VI I CI TH i 141 BeaM Supplier ALL new Hr-'HRhH CLASS boat a ith Murtav tilt trailer. 4S Mercurv, nn lax nnlv Hm ILVIiS BOAT MOTOH 11112 Nebraska Ave New outboard II' thru IB' HA1 I'niCF Johnson's, 5iiu7 dandy. 2V Hot A r.niWE tvpe.

immac ulaie cll eqiiipix'd llliMi Johnson's. 45il74iantl 27'" CUIUS CHAFT CrinVer Nice ennd Sacrifice Johnson .1007 dandy Blvd Ph, LA UK CRAFT, windshield, top. .1.1 hp elec. IR sl. tank, Gator trailer, ready to in.

S711 Mahonev. Piatt 1 1th 142 Fishinq Tocklt-Baif i.l NS. lunc. ti anything Art's Trade for 'Hi'H Neh Ase 143 Sporting Goods Bl sell, trade, fluns. or modem.

Art's Of'fl Neb. Ave. GI NS. Archerv. Buy sell trade Repairs.

Lea' 5.1 Pale Mabry 144 Airplanes For Sal '62 Debonair demonstrator 59 Cessna 310-C. loaded 5ti Bonanra. clean $12 10(1 'fit -180 HP Comanche almost new I Pinellas Aircraft, Inc. St. Pete-Clwtr.

Airport St. Petersburg, Fla. HE 6-9161 DI'MONSTR A'TIONS on Cessna Skylines now available at COASTAL AVIATION International Airport 876 914(1 ERCOl PE 41.1C majored, painted, radio instruments Reasonable VI 5 6106. WE 5-007v) .11 i uh. covered '') 3.1 Prop A 1 1 OMNI a.M'Kl Skvlane Urns Fresh lie 1.

2 Rllev Mark .1. estr.u $12 Autotlite. P.A24 1.1 hi l.tam ,0 iliHV '19 Apache 522. IN at. ha Mcl o.lum Ph 21.1 2S71 .13 111 I II 3.1 .6 id St i son I'lA SIIDI.

ph. R76 4.1U7 WANT AD. Ph. 223-4911 MS Builder Supplies, Used AN1IOUE PRICKS S21 Nehtaa- ka and Hwv. AN 1 lljl I- BRICK ''hone WE .1 2644 LUMBER PI UMBING- ROOITNO DOORS ft WINDOWS CONCRETE DRAIN Til RED LAY DRAINS PIERS ft BASI SDO.PC0 ANTIOUE BRICK Cuyahoga Wrecking I 3100 tnth St Ph.

2tS 23251 White Antique Brick TH 2 ft H1I4 Antique Red Brick FINE Heart lumber 2x4, 26. 2xR, 2x10. sills, sheathinfi. floorinc. doors, windows, electrical ft Plumhinc fixtures, pipes, steel neams.


all swes. at reduced i price. Bath tubs. Poots Win (lows. Pipes.

Till 243-4362, USED corrufiatcd roof inc. new teel frames 6 ft" sewer tile 2n0il Idle vxild 146 Builders Supplies "New" Jalousie Door Complete JALOUSIES WE MAKE ANY SIZE J3- 7 3fl, 9 17 37y IO, ll 03 AWNING WINDOWS 37tis 2.1 ATVV TO.MP $12 9.1 $73(1 2 ATVV CUMP $15.77 8-Ft. Sliding Glass Door WILLIAMS CO. INC. 37:6 E.

HillsbokuiRh I'h 23l-3im nr 231 S61 SOIS int plv 15 33 hcet lylll Spin' tnckvvick panel 4s8 sols est plv Is6 2 noveltv mdine 2 Tir 6' to 16' En- to 112 Spruce hti; 13 sheathinc Sheuthini: plvwd i CM licet T.imp.'i Material, Inc 213 Ease Ave ph 223 SASH and DOORS 2 0 t. I nan (lush dr 4 3d 2 i si I nan fln-h (It 3 Oil 2 06 8 2 panel louvre dr. 7 SO 2 6i 8 2 pane! doors ft II) 2 8 6 6 I hie doois 53 8" 1 3 statcer II. (Its I 1 1(1 2 8Mi 8 I'ooihinaliori 15 2') 3 i 6 8 Alum wire scr dr. 6 33 2 86 8 Alum wire scr dr 6 05 BARN A 4:21 ehraska Ave 737 6433 SPECIAL! REDWOOD 2x4s 8' and 10' Lengths KUt 1.1MHEH AI SO I I.

TINE OI- PLYWOODS CALI, L'51-lBril liKl WOOl) AV E. Also Ilomr Improvement Store 6719 ARMENIA I'hone 9U5-1487 Culp Lumber Co. SINCE 192.1 "SPECIALS B4 o( HI-IK MIX "I'tibr aiilk Close out Hat Knamol $2 ga. I'l YVVoo, cut to Sir S' 11 lor Hon! 1 n.i.r KHA Home Impinvetnent Lonni We (iivr Ssl (iipcn Stamp I III Hrlnrrv BLAKK LUMBER CO. Nehraska Ave "SHEETROCK" ATLANTIC IfMIHR Ave Ph.

218 33(17 PLYWOOD Int 4vfl Int Int Int i shcetmu 2 ')'' .3 SO 4 20 .3 91) 234 6231 4B 4 48 Hillshnro WINDOWS Dl'H AI, Awninu W'ndow Totrjiie har iifctime oper 2 3 16 2 I .17 66 6' $34 Hi) Class- Door 8'- 6I .1) 2 3 T'conoinv A S12'i3 2 4 Economy A VV 1 3 73 tee del T'ree estimate WINDOW SALTS 1112 VV lliilshcto Ph 7t I7''6 loo I Ml) PINE 2'. I 2H 26 I 'me ss'-i v-lieal funu Pivvsood s.i Ijelmont Lbr. Co. 30th H.iV I.ct!. Oalv Alum.

Hon fin i lump A i-nrr 1 1ll pi i IT SI I 30 Ph 211 ej 1 crimp A E. HilNhoto 4 10 3 2 a. Til i VV i 14S 'iTlT'fl'P'P Sil vT3c m. Ndi SMk 7m i 141 Boar Supplies WIZARD tll.IVKR parts, repairs. All makes outboard.

Ken-fix 3.i00 E. Hillsboro, 2.11-9171 Tampa's finest Host Selection JOHNSON'S YACHT SA1.KS $007 Candy Blvd Ph. 133 3321 RUSKIN' MARINA FREE launching Ramp. Shrimp. Bahia Vista Restaurant.

Phone 47 2S61, Huskin. Ha. 1S litii FT Runabout, twin Johnson elec. startinK outboard. heay duty (lator till trailer with wimh.

windshield, canopv, compass, steering, dual controls, battery etc. Kull Price ot NATIONAL Al'TO SI PKH MARKKT 1711 K. Hillsboro A. 20' A II. sailboat, trailer, motor.

hmRins mast, cabin. $900. tieaiwatei, 31R7 ian Mateo. 72 18.i 51 it) HP Johnson, with tank-stand. $fi).

No less. Call 832-7601. 23' CHRIS CRAFT cabin cruiser, fnllv equipix'd, fitverslass bottom. Many extras. $lfon.

Slip 28, Waring' Manna. 837-2IW1. 14 ri.AVMUV. Boat, trailer, electric starting .10 hp Lark motor, equipped for skis. Sacrifice sale, or trade.

80 224 SCOTT 4 VRTIN SKKVICE SKAI S. INC 4500 NKI1R AVK. BISHOP'S MAR INK Fviniude Sales servica r.randon Hwv. Ph. 178 FACTORY SELLOUT PR AM) new 1.1 ft Kiher gas Hiin-ahouls Walk (hru (nam dotation, urap-a-rownd nitlshield.

PI. I a hiand new Ml Rh A trailer These are i on 1 1 nued 1 i a ft orv model Ue Hought .1 Trm loads, and thev are joinjj fust'. Ideal tor tishin or ski enihmiast. Per-fojnis tieautilitllv with 5 HP to 2't MP motor. (let rid nl that old ood boat Nou! SPORT I I-'NTKH i letting ihee boats and ti Miters ito at the unheard prir of $29!) $299 SPORT CENTER 2403 Pale Maby opn Man and Ph 2511719 FyeninK I glat and All Material Vahonrv Piatt Hth 22-17t2 SMMI boat Pontoon 4 trail er Jio Art's Ofi Neh.

Ave WUJ- pav tah for .12 to 118 font boat equipived for inhinu. tnit nd st nte P.O. Htx V.nm. Ru mmtham. Alabama.

20' i Cruiser. 75 Pvin- rude, shtp-to-fihote radio, tandem ttailer. 41 sal. ya man eviras $)8o0 Xf, I'errv Ae Prom North B'vd turn wen on Indiana to end. turn lelt, on 1 1 er NFW Pi Pintfhv hoat.

in Hiding pamt H77 24tt 4f HI Pvinrude motor, elertrie -ifd appt ovimafely 2'0 hours with rontrol tea tank. Phcvne 5113 lams-leliow Ae 191 HO AT (outboard. ahin 1 lc 1 1 Needs some work. Sl.vll 25 IIP eic, trie stall. iWest Mend) 1.1(1 876 76'IS YACHTS FOR RENT BE YOUR own Skipper Get awav now rulse wlicie mil wish.

-37 New Chi is 1 afts. 2 to 6 Sleetvers. w-eeklv charters fiooi $1.10 Monthly and Seasonal har tiis also available Wme Miami Yacht Rental 312 SW 4lh Street Miami. ioiiiin .1 HIT Maas Brothers Marine AUTHORIZED JOHNSON SAI TS ft SERVICE Boats. 1 tailors ft All Acc 4i.l0 Gandv Blvd TOMA Jf IINSON SALT'S ft SFRVK CONNELLYS MARINE 732 N.

Dale Mabry 676 3157 SH for boats, mtrs ft tiailei Mahoni to Piatt ft 1 nt ll 22'' I7')2 SPORT CENTER'S SHOW SPECIAL THK Al I II I. IS I Kihpr KljijKt lilnl's MISS" uith nw wttM cuiti-r kcol for 8 mf( ritlf in ftnv This wfrk 2' $195 $49!) 20 i.iif Mahrv Ph. 17T.9 open Snmirtv A Id I 1 I fllI lilHVI 1' KlC. lHl. blUll IO trlrvP 10 HP motor.

With om vhfrl udi-iipKN inSHill I I II. 8 BAKNKY'S 17 I- BoHl liM RMGII 1 ER Rl NARot with sleetinii windshield, coin el iliie top. seal and lunik insliions. juinp seals, si-ll-hailinii motor well, sl. plates, liiilllinii bthts.

deck liatdwaie $371 18 I I ART EH AT wilh on 1 1 nits. vcntilatuiK indslii. Id. lame bow Inilili. inn pint linliis.

step plate, niaime selTh.iilillll motor well, convertible top. ode curtains, sicin (over, yi'cen. seat ft tiunk in limns hclinsmari seat.eli $,, i 4 173 I -Tot uln 1 A 236 112') .11 ST nt lived, new full 12' Dee fiatl fibemias lish*tiu boat with ft new ttailer yCsl Bend Motors, Boat. Trll pi AN'GFI i Mo TORS to' 11 T'la Ave 16' BOAT, trailer, and Fvinrude 21 IIP Mil). 676 2.171 1728 Bed inclield Dr.

i VA ellsw ood 17' 3,1 IIP Johnson. 4 lei 1 1 ic Heavy duty ti aiier. Palm Harbin ishmi; l.odje Alt II lii' HBI'RGT VSSED mahocanv, id lu I i i ti aiier. 2 16 liKKI "la" ROVAL ER illun head, tmnks. top.

side! nfis io HP tilt ttailer. Phone VST. 4 fllll. 16 A I A nvertiishter. loaded Murtav Tiailer.

l-vitiiude 4111 36D1 Empedrado Fishin' Special! hHAM new ,2 Afi Swan nil aiuinin.ini. H' ish-ini: (ifiwt -tmplPii1 br ncv lt 4 HP outh.Mrc! moim COMPLKTE Ibiwn S3 Weekly TAMPA BOAT MART Eloiiii i' I arte! Boat" Oil Hcndeison Blvd Open Daily 9 'til 1 I'h 677 7146 i. ITL1TY speedboat, with ttailer Verv last. 260.1 Mai Diil Ave MS Builders Supplies, Used mutt -4 U0 Contractors AI L-HOME repairs, add rooms, alterations, remodel, floors, sili. windows teplaied.

Roofmc. siding, painting. Tree est. 5 r. to pa v.

ARMSTRONG Ph 226 211 WILL build home of your choice on your lot in Tampa or Brandon' models S12.0iin to SIO.fKW. CHARLES HICM I I General Contractor Ph. 8.6 11676 i Drafting Service "drafting by Campbell COMMERCIAL. Industrial ft Residential plans. Will assist In financing, New Const Re- modeling.

Phone 22fi 3173 Drcglines DRAGLINE work. All type free1 innate all Harrv De Mont-mo. hn. Plant fits 7r12ft'i01 Dredging LOW areas reclaimed, suction or rtiiterheail, also dragline work. WE TSUI.

WE 4-0293. Dry Wall TIPPING i INCHING CALL FRANK I'H. WE 5 5.114 Electrical Contracting EIEITRICAI. Worn, all kind. Air i onilitionmg.

Keasonabie tales. 87ti 2277. WANT AD. Ph. 223-4911 Fill Dirt 7- YEI.LOW sand, topsoil.

peat, fill dnl. shell, gravel. Full loads. Low Prices. JOHNNY HARMON WE 4-0345 Anytime.

ILDERS. fill dirt, yellow sand. lop soil. clay, shell. Reasonable pi i.

ast delivery BIG loads "priced rutin. VIE 8 4Hu4 heioio alter 5 Pete lail ED FREE vard dirt, yellow and. fill. peat. lifl WE 517 BTW1RE OF SOI'R SOILS BUY WHOLESALE TESTED pulv.

iieat a-k top soils. Fa-t delivery. Nde 242 2153 I LOW sand. fill, topsoil. shell, pea! I.aige loads.

Reasonable I-: fio; i AWN topping, yellow sand, ru black dirt. fill. 216 3471. 236-4373. PI'AT.

and fill I oadtne. riiscins. leveling. Aaton tiodwin. H77-2WHI FAN I.

aw Toppinc. ill Dirt. Topsoil, Shell. Wll.tev.

IIoHIDA Peat $1 yard up. Rich soil i id' I oaded vuur irins. live vard ti(i delivery i rv i e. i'l S'i-i: AI TOR work. Rulldnnng.

Till Dill. Shell. Call Chuck. WE 8 42u9. YEI.UiW sand, fill and ilav, from our pit wnoicsalc tall VV'illiatns O'H Florida Rooms i- Rooms Boats Supplies HANDSOME 22 1 hr is raft.

Ex-, press iihin Cruiser. Sorvevcd $:4 in asking $18o coinplcte'y eoniit)ci! from Dishes to Dan births. 2r.4-9.1M MODI-UN MARINE. INC Chrl. ran I yuan.

4 leal alr-r, Ma-licna llcai ft SI. Peletsbuiii KING IMI I BOAT, Twin .11 P. Elei ll 11, eici halt well, ti.iilct Canvas, completely loveted almost new Petlect condition. Pnvate owner. "A IT AT an )e seen at 51 12 loiuta Ave.

week davs 8 to 30 m. RAYSIDE MARINE BOAT SALES 24' Bahama-177 Chrssler 179.1 24' CO Ranter-I611 IIP $3995 (. Sedan SS Falh Tw.n 121. $1710 Whoe'er Sedan-twin 771s $12 'Oil nanc mt open noes A- Sun Gandc Blvd HE 6 8910 St Petersburg. Fla MxVIKR MARINE SAILS INC.

Tampa Itav on'v Authorized TlloJAN DEALT II 1209? Candy. Pete RE 56738 'Gray Engines' A. 4 6 yl i in Stork Paint. TibeiKlass ft Eouipnit. Distributed Bv s4 I 171 muntl'v i iu2 Dt'ven We'de'-I lor house trailer 2s or over, or cash Phone EOKD Toi.loi.

re iijci c'-'-'ot trccrer 'f icane or lake properly. oos; VNSi- 1 HII 1 11 -cil or 1' isi old home cm' in I cms ad (an t'e icey 3 KH. Sic poi ii t. a or in Hio at S' IP hoy O'Hf lot 6 la'iie C'ccti t'n i motor. K.ll' -121 or 12 Its' T.

HI' motor- top, indsritrid and cont rols vk im (MUipilirnt Hi' Ih" Mol'UH-'n muhnK.inv. Hf I-v itirude Mm tilt tiailer Top r. 21.3 I a Own- BILLS HAFvD TO PAY? Sell things you're through with through Want Ads for CASH. Call 223-4911. POSTON MARINE HARDWARE E.

l-v St lei 223 18 36 SPOT CASH! Yes, Classified ads turn un-needed articles into spot cash! See for vourself! Ph. 14S Builders Supplies, Used eve. WE 8-2471. f'ATIOS. porche.

drive, etc. Ha rooms, lie. ft Ins Terms, Tree estimates ph 229-7438 TATIOS 1020 $69 Esnert workmanship. Licensed and insured 836 5D01. 831 5251 Mil 1,4 A I I G.

Papering. Master painler. .12 seats evict ictoe. Bonded. Insuicd WE 8 1212 PVA Latex paint lor all interior ft estei or masonry seivues.

White ft Jl 36 gal. Clear one. vs I proofs aii tnason-iv surfares ft iiiiKicie fioois, $1 98 gal Columbia Paint ft Hat dw are. 2201 E. Bioadw a v.

FAINTING interior, estcrior. A.o pacer hangmi' Reasonable. Noe Holding 876-4016 PAINTING at a pine you tan af-loid. Prompt servue. WE5-iii7.

PAIN TING Notlnns Down. 3 Aai to Pav. Intel io! Eytcior Licensed. Bonded. Insiued 9I5 072F.

935-2P11 FXPT RIENt I painter neat and (lean. local reien-nie. Phone 61! AIN TING, interior, exterior. Guaranteed 21 veats experience. rank Jugo 833-5121.

TAINTING 'exterior, uiter ori, i npairs and rai'cr hanging Prompt service. 836ftivi PAINTING Repairs. Reasonable plione Boh Kevser. Dav or Eve- nines. R3.1-483!, PAINTING avg.

room fast scivue. also exterior. Phone 676-3645 HOUSE painting inside and out Sisn painting. Taper hanging, 5-4367 Paper Hanging EXPERIENCED paper Wide selection. 877-7134 days, 876767J nights.

AIN'TING and Panepng. Do vsork mvself. Ttondd. Insured, s-a; SPECIALS l2 i fire- Furniture Trailer Moving HOUSEHOLD. Pianos.

Helligera-tors. Rniise Trailer I r.ish Distiosal Service. I-' 1 '2 2 Furniture Rewebbing alum, furn Expert wk THRIFTY 33! 5 Dale MM; Hauling MOVING! hauling, large, small lobs Reasonah'e rates Detenri- i.b'eeryiceWE 8-ltiS Home Improvement VF BUILD CUSTOM HOMES ON YOUR LOT Repairs Remodelme Additions TRI I SIIMATI S-DORBS CONSTRI CTION CO WE 8 2fi.4 Phones WE 8 NOW UP TO 20 YEARS TO PAY. MAJOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS. CALL ANCHOR CONST.

838 8571. FOR" YOUR BUILDING NEEDS Cali WE 5-1)743. Tinancins avail R. CURTIS Gen Contractor FLA rooms, remodeling, additions nw construction. Terms Free f.i.-r'e 2) 7" 1 ODDJUANS TV A1 1 ft rvii-e TV losned Tree on Rcoiie-l I -ed IV a-h or Teim 6 8 Ml? TV HOME CALL Jl nn BELL I PH 22f'l Mm 'II I- TV Hillsboro Ave 91 Day B76 3223.

Eve-ninjIS 876 464)1 Tile" CI A MIC tile installed 4 feet over tanriaid tub. S47 50. 876 7BI1 Window Repoirt repair ft servue all type windows ft carafe doors. Scott'a Window Repair. 876 3727.

Upholstering ROSE UP HOLSTER Y--By expert! lowest pneea. K-Z term. Tree stitnatea 233-01 31or36 0891. Quality Upholstering Rfinih. Repair.

William 2SI-711I 1 PC. SUITE J19 95 FULLY upholstered Guaranteed yr. TV tet-n Include Uhnr ft rehiuldinc free estimate Ph. i 221) Fum K'n F'4 CASH CARRY Iil2" SHEATHING $80 1000 ft. MASONITE PANEL GROOVE SIDING 2V ft.

4 Antiques SS I I INC, oc st VN I'WJl K. Ilniro. ip.ire, paper HI 1 'us Hi VI 1 1, te I alei Ik-M iv) aoprecate IF YOUTREASURE TIME, save lots of it by solving problems through Classified sids! Phone HOUSES FOR SALE! Last of the Low Cost Houses in the Freeway. Moved on Your Lot, $100 Down. Also Houses to Wreck, $25 and up.

P. Burkhalter Sr. Co. OFFICE 1500 N. HOWARD TO PLACE YOUR AD In this always up-to-date Service Directory Ph.

223-4911 Ask for Miss Joy D. SHEATH. ING 1. PENNY PLYWOOD soir iooo ft. COMMON NAILS Key ttUJuaH LOWR HARDWARE LUM8ER CO.


The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.