The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

it lHM 111 Three are Held dunagins people On Drug Charges Farm Prices Chicago Grain CHICAGO (UPIi- Wheat was Irregularly higher, corn lower, oats mixed and soybeans Mibslantlally lower it the close Tuesday on the Chicago Board of Trade Wheat wai up I lo 34 cents corn oft A to Ia, oata off a lo up 2a, and aoybeana off I to 16 cents Soybroni and corn future declined under eommusmn home it op lost Killing pro-lure In response to the government 1 bearish export Inspection report Commercial buying In wheal pushed future higher The outside market were mostly higher CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Open High Low Close Prev Wheat-), 000 bu, i per bu Miy 3334 331 332 3374 3344 Jly 3264 3 234 3 194 3234 3214 Sep 334 1X4 3B 2X4 3254 Dec 3344 3174 333 3374 3154 Mir 3 43 4 3 46 3 42 4 3 46 3 44 4 May 344 4 3 49 4 3 44 4 3 49 3 48 Corn-5, 000 bu, per bu May 3 53 4 2 53 4 2 52 4 2 52 4 2 54 Jly 2574 2 58 2X4 2574 2584 Sep 2614 2614 2 60s 261 262 Dec 2654 2654 2644 2654 2N Mar 2 74 2 74 4 2 73 1 73 4 2 74 4 May 3N 2N 2774 2H 2N4 bu, I per bu My Jly Dec Mar Dunmore state police Tuesday arrested two area men and a 17-year-old Peckvllle Juvenile on related drug charges John Judson Lee Judge, 18, 1122 Snyder was charged with possession of marijuana during an arraignment before Moscow Magistrate Donald Andrews, and released in nominal bail for a hearing at a later date. Police said the drug arrest stemmed from Judge being charged for consumption of alcoholic beverages on March 31 at which time authorities found a small amount of marijuana In his possession -Mark Allen Drake, 19, 157 Constitution Ave Jessup, was remanded to county Jail In default of $2,000 ball during an arraignment before Magistrate Joseph Elden. Drake was charged with two counts of theft by deception stemming from selling an undetermined amount of pills at $125 a pill, which Drake misrepresented as speed," to undercover officers In Scranton In October The juvenile, charged with selling $125 worth of marijuana to an undercover agent In September, was released In custody of his parents, pending further action by Juvenile court Shaklee 74 I 17 14 ShellOIICp I 7 129 39A SierraP IB I x51 13 StngeiCo 4 249 134- A SmiUikl 249 17 714 9344 A Sonytp 05b 15 644 b9 A Car El 1H 7 140 I4A SoCltd 241 7 755 26 4 A SouthCo 154 9 923 pl3A SoNRel 125 I 137 394 4 A SoParlf 2 40 7 244 30 4 A So Rail 220 7 46 544- A SwilBc 1 24 6 54 B4 SowslS 121 10 26 144' SpRand 132 I 923 5044 A SquarD IN I 548 24A A Squibb 1 08 13 547 33A- A St Hrnd IN I 86 24 A StdOCal 2N 8 448 49A- A Sid Olllnd 3 9 1255 63 A StdOtlOh 88 13 277 SO A SterlDrg 77 12 546 17 A StewMn 210 I 69 3344 A StudeW 1 25 4 47 29 4 4 A Sun Comp 3 7 145 494- A SunshM 10b 27 467 ISA 4 A Sup Oil 2N 31 3844 -3 --T Tandy Corp 8 532 B4- A Teledyne 8k 7 560 12641 Tennco 120 7 371 uJ24 Texaco 1 8 1265 26 TxCBSh 1 40 8 149 39 TexFXp 2N 8 37 434 TexGas 264 7 19 424- A Texgulf 1 20 18 182 24 4 4 4 Texas Inst 2 14 137 p864 A TexPcL 45b 17 13 54 -1 TexUtll IN 8 1305 UI9A4 4 Textron IN 270 U28 4 4 Thiokol IN 8 354-4 Thrifty. 12 112 16 4 4 TlmkenCo 3 8 4 5744 Transom I 6 745 4 4 Tranln 2 12 7 8 NA4 4 Trans Cp 41281 I 113 ISA 7 39 cp Tricon 124b Trinity 2nd I 7 39 EeeEotp 64 12 4 BA- A Lehm 1 03b 232 10 4 A EOF 3a 282 I27A4 A LiggGn) )4 4 4 4 ally til 1 80 14 1030 55 4 4 Liston Indi 1 1311 354- A Lockheed 134 4 toewlp 1 20 4 38 4844 A LoneStr 1 40 6 88 23 a LTV Corp 8 1808 p944 A Loftr II 10 743 16A- A LukenStl 96 I 87 15 4 A -MM-- Marmlll 73 10 646 174- A Mey 165 I 15 35S Mad Fd 50b 47 I4A4 A Man Hn 3 28 7 87 1 38 A Man Life 30 14 38 9A- MrthnO 2 40 II 723 6844 MarMidl 80 8 154 15 4 4 Marsh 134 I 152 I7A-MartlM 1 80 6 151 344- Massey Fog 168 114- MayUS 140 I 58 25 MayrOscr I 11 234 Mayig 160a 8 101 B44 A McDonD 75 I 6B p4 McGrE 180 I 43 26 4 4 A McOrill 1 28 10 239 25A McLean 64 6 98 14 Mead 1 60 92 28A- 4 Medenco 40 I 31 gl64- 4 Merck 1 90 17 627 67 A4 A MerrllLy 88 10 1335 20 41 60 12 3099 p26 41 MidSou 1 52 6 350 15A- A 3 40 12 319 59 4 A MlnnPL 1 94 6 60 204- A Mobil 4 80 7 454 U771 Mohasco 90 I 61 11.4 a Mongrm 52 9 1437 39 4 41 Monsan 3 20 6 159 524 MorgnJ 2 50 7 476 47 4 4 A Knud 1 50 5 150 254414 Motorla 1 20 10 352 39 A4 4 Ml Fuel 2 20 II 60 31 MtSITel 206 6 68 254-4 Mrphto 1 28 8 70 14 N--Nabisco 1 50 8 405 B4 A NalAirln 50 17 324 NtlDlstl 1 80 7 457 Nil Gyp 1 32 5 178 NUSteel 260 Natom 2 log NCRCp IN 6 501 NevPw 2 12 9 46 NE EIS 2 10 7 315 6944 A A 4 A 20A- A Judge Refuses to Extend Time for BurglaryTrial SEW TRAVELING EAST WITHIN the speed HE MUST have something- TO HIDE." May J'y Aug Sep Nov Jan Mar May Soybean May Jly Aug 83 Dec Jan Mar May Jly TRW IN 7 631 374 4 TwCF 140a 6 596 414 4 A Line 1 2 648 4 A llnCarb 2N 7 348 394 A On Elec 1 44 7 356 13A GnOCal 2N 8 306 6941 On Pac 2N 11 450 63A 4 64- 4 94 A 29 A A 94 llnlroyl Inc 172386 UtBmd I5d 5 63 USGypsm 2 5 181 bids 64 (168 Judge Kosik held that Robinson received notice of his arraignment after the arraignment date and It was the responsibility of the district attorney to schedule another arraignment "While a capias was issued at the instance of the Commonwealth, it proved to be without basis in fact Thereafter, the scheduling of the case for trial on Dec 8, 1978, without an arraignment was a senseless exercise Accordingly, we do not believe the Commonwealth exercised due diligence and its application, be denied, Judge Kosik wrote Judge Edwin Kosik handed down an order Tuesday declaring the Commonwealth failed to exercise due diligence in bringing a defendant to trial. His order denies a Commonwealth motion to extend the time for the trial of Eugene Arthur Robinson, this city, on burglary charges.

Asst. Dlst. Atty Sandra Semak represented the Commonwealth in the matter, Atty. Andrew Hailstone represents Robinson. The defendant was arrested Sept.

6, 1978, and indicted Oct 5, 1978 The 180-day period for bringing Robinson to trial expired March 5, 1979 Il Bl II NOTH The WtbeasUrn durational In tirmedialc I ml 19 Operating Agent (or Ihi I arkawanna County Area Vocational Tethmral School will receive requests lor hid innditions and specifications lor instructional and administrative materials supplies and equipment at the South Center ol the Lackawanna County Ana Voiatlonal Technical School 3201 Rockwell Avenue Scranton ti nnsylvanla Sialcd proposals will be received up to 12 no noon on April 2n 179 and publicly opened at the April FI I 19 Board meeting JOHN THOMAS Secretary Northeastern Fdueational Intermediate I nit 19 MW A a 1 1 Soybean meal May 198 Dtlltll topi 161233 56A4 DllU uYg 9 7 29 A 4 Disney 4ta 12 919 39 DrPeppr 64 13 213 15a DomeMo 80 10 37 88A Dow Cb 1 40 1 1475 c28a DowJna 1 44 12 82 36 Dravo 128 I 20 28A4 Dreaser I I 395 44 A4 DukeP 180 7 2009 11a DuPont 6a I 330 I42A- a DuqoeL 1 72 10 90 ISA 4 A Easco 1 20 6 304 A Easier Air 2 366 In EaslKo 2 40 12 1221 pSn A Eaton 225 I B2 38 A ElPaaC 132 I 490 UI8A- A EltflCp 1 34 7 92 29 a 4 A EmerE 144 II 127 33 a Enarch 1 36 12 402 2IA4 A Esrnart 1 84 7 29 27a- A Ethyl 1 20 6 81 24A ExCelO 1 60 7 25 29 ElXOO 3 60 9 1752 54 4 A -rr- Faberge 40 I 115 9 a FairCam 80 9 475 38A Falrchildl 1 8 103 29 a 4 a FairmtF 76 10 18 8A Farah Mfg 3A4 A FdNlMI 1 28 4 878 16 A Ferro 1 08 8 55 BA Ftrstne 1 10 8 574 pl3A4 A FsPaCp 132 I 179 X13A Fleming 90 7 82 16A Fluilkt 140a 7 126 34 4 a FlaPwr 2 76 170 30 A4 A FlaPLil 201 6 517 27 A FMC 1 40 6 58 25 A FordMo 3 60 3 916 43A FrMcK 1 24 5 42 19 FreptM 1 60 18 208 41 A Frhaut 2 20 5 191 UJ0A4 A -Q CAF Cp 68 5 147 11 Gam Sk 1 50 5 2 29 4 A Gannett 1 76 14 390 43A- A GnAmOl 60 24 165 49 41 Gn Elec 260 9 1350 U48A4 A GnFood 1 80 7 303 32 4 A GtnHosl 60 24 16 A Genlnsl 60s 10 274 39 4 1 GnMills 1 16 9 775 24A Genl Mot 4a 5 1996 58A4 A GPubU 1 80 6 5313 XI3A4 A GnSteel 40g 7 9 GTE 2 48 7 1206 p28A- A Tire I50g 5 328 25 A Ga Pac 1 10 10 855 29 4 A Gerber 1 50 9 113 29 a GeltyOl 1 20 12 804 47 4 A Gillette 160 8 214 254 A Global Mar 10 301 19 a 4 A Goodnh 1 44 5 53 20 A4 A Goodyr 1 30 6 1389 17 A4 A GraceW 190 7 709 29A GtAAP ltd 64 7A4 A GtNoNk 140 9 72 38 GWstFnl 84 5 597 19 4 A Gryhnd 1 04 9 169 ul2 Grumn 1 20 7 127 18 A Gulf OH 1 90 7 1874 p27 GulfStU 1 36 8 B5 13 GulfiW 75 3 294 14 A H--Halbbto 1 80 11 766 A- A UamPa 140 6 106 BA4 A Harrahs 50 13 226 25A HarrsCp 60 12 165 27 a HarteHx 56 10 15 20 4 A Hecla Mine 1460 11 4 A Heinz HJ 2 8 166 39 Hercules 1 9 466 20A HershF 1 30 6 68 19 a Heublin 152 10 198 294 A Hewitt 60 17 236 95A HiltonHtel 1 13 2084 32A Hobart 108 7 251 16 A4 A Hoi Inns 66 10 5218 p2041A Homstk 1 10 12 73 33 4 A Honywl 220 7 279 69 4 A Houstln 236 7 538 31 4 A HowardJ 44 8 963 UA4 A I I IC IndS 1 68 5 75 27 A Idaho 2 28 9 27 25A IdealBa 160 6 59 23A4 A 111 Pwr 228 8 156 BA4 A ImpenICp 1 4 161 21 4 A INACorp 3 5x120 44 A4 A IhCoLtd 40 26 725 20A- A Inexco 14 21 IB 18 A lug Rnd 3 16 8 197 52A A IntndSU 2 80 5 139 39A- A IBM 1376 15 1015 320 41 IntHarv 2 30 5 711 X41A4 A IntPapr 220 10 835 47 A4 A 220 6 756 g28A4 A Itek Corn 16 164 25A41 Jantzen 1 6 10 184 A JelfPlIt 1 04 8 47 32 4 A JohnMv 1 80 4 523 24 A4 A JonsnAJso 2 14 581 69 A4 A JonLogn 60 8 79 14 4 A Jostens 84 9 20 I9A- A JoyMfg 1 64 10 165 p33A- A --K Kaiser Alu I 6 383 21A4 A KCSthn 111 6 100 25 A4 A Kan GE 190 8 37 18A4 A KansNb 1 48 7 26 20A- A KanPU 196 7 56 19A Kenmet 1 32 8 60 37 4 A Kenncott 60 159 181 BA- A KeMcG 1 55 11 539 49A- A KlddeW 1 60 5 65 31 A 4 A KimbCl 2 88 8 IB 48- A KLM 135e 6 4 51A4 A mart 72 9 931 25 A4 A A KnightKl 60 10 5B BA KJC Drive At $74,796 Peter Moylan, '65, general chairman of the 1978-79 Annual Fund Campaign for Keystone Junior College, reported that $74,796 73 or 60 percent of the $125,000 goal had been achieved Moylan made his report to volunteer fundraisers assisting KJC with its efforts at a special evening report meeting held Tuesday night at the community room of the Third National Bank and Trust Companys East Mountain Office The KJC annual fund drive will continue through June 30 with the current personal solicitation phase scheduled to end with a final report meeting on Thursday, April 26 at 5 at the Northeastern Bank Administrative Office, Central City Barbara Rose, KJCs college relations director, may be contacted at the college in La Plume for further information 100 km, I pc 198 196 10 X3 00 200X X3N 200 XIX 198 90 195 00 192 195 00 192 194 194 00 197 10 197 00 too 196 200 l( 201 30 204 30 XI 30 204 20 199 XI 90 193 195 193 195 194 196 197 00 198 70 USSteel l.N 9 740 x24 USTob 184 10 116 A UtdTch 2 20 7 1519 39A 1 UmlTel 1 44 7 578 UI8A- 4 Upjohn 152 10 467 43414 lnds 1 8 605 384- A --V VananA 40 11 49 174 Vendo Co 34 544 Va Elec 1 32 7 1027 X124 4 --W (V-- Walgrn 1 40 7 30 27A 4 Warn Com 1 8 315 374 A WamLa IX 9 1338 p234 A Wa Wtr 2 08 9 72 -1 WstnArL 40 2 IN u8 WsBanc IN 6 282 27 4 WUnion IN 8 260 X184 4 WesthEI 97 5 1888 4 Westvc 132 8 115 N4 A KOKH (mi FliowinC kIkW nlon- composite pricei lor mfU listed oo the New York "Sele. Not PE Ihdi) LostChg I 1)120 JJH- IhmU 2 70 021 a oo io 2o Alcan AtU 2 0 17) A 4 Aiwnyty 1 an- Mull 121 I 04 II a All hr 172 129 114 AiiVtuii 2 I i p35 a aimm no 120 an- a AllliCh 170 I 40 S44o Alcoa 240 4 070 55 4 JHAX 2 20 1) 171 544 AjMTldl II 0 462 an- AoiAirlO 40 050 UlJn ABrand 4 50 7 102 158 4 AjuBdc IX 2 706 36 An Can 210 I 112 A Cyan 1 00 505 274 ABipwr 2 II 10 390 a I 0 77 16 n- 'A Home 1 40 12 363) 4 AmHosp 61 10 1364 24 H- An Motor 0 1970 pin- AStReS 3 20 0 293 40n- Am Sid 260 2 196 41 AmStrs 224 0 109 55 AmTfITel 5 1 1269 61 n- Amelek ISO 9 46 34n amp 124 I 271 17 Ampea Cp 12 90 U15 Amslar I3J 16 519 20 Armco 1 36 5 220 22 Armslork 1 I 61 17 Asirco 40 12 340 19 AsblandOl 2 7 994 p44 AtlRchl 210 10 1156 65 4 Allas Corn 53 13 AvcoCp 1 20 1 167 2in- Aioctmc 10 7 137 19 B-- Baker It! 44 15 731 414 BanporP 60 4 21 20 Bokam 1 10 7 902 25 BailerTI 50 14 720 C37 Beat Fd 120 11136 11 Beckman 16 250 24 BellHowl 96 7 48 16 Bendix 2 56 7 IB 40 Beth Stl 140 5 444 24 BlackAD 68 12 585 21 Boeing 1 50 91194 U66414 BoiseCa 150 7 469 35 Borden 1 72 6 283 27 Km 2 5 103 28 244 7 64 2ln- Branill 36 5 143 12 K108a 9 193 28 1 44 11 697 34n- BnlPet 34b II 966 25 BrGrup 1 80 5 66 25 brunswk 80 7 792 15 Bucyrus 88 8 310 20 BunkrR 84 8 75 Bn-n Burllnd 1 40 7 356 18 Burl No 180 5 469 44 Burroughs 2 12 546 73 --C C-- a- 1 76 9 127 34 A 1C 60b 6 627 26 CaroPli 1 96 7 502 4- Carrier Cp 1 7 146 25 CalnITr 2 10 9 946 58 A CBS 260 6 219 U45 Celanese 3 6 50 454- CentSW 1 42 7 419 16 CentTel 1 84 8 26 25444-14 CertnTd 90 5 120 16n- Cessna 80 8 143 pl8 44 ChampI 1 24 8 1291 25144- 44 ChmpSP 72 7 167 10n- ChaseU 2 40 6 1547 34 441 CbmNY 3 16 5 135 39 A Cbessie 232 7 150 3044 A Chns Craft 81746 14A4 A Chrysler 40 560 10 4 A Cm Gas 196 I 92 19A4 A CIT Fin 240 9 IB 35 Citicorp 130 6 2054 24 41 CitiesSv 320 14 165 61 A City Inv 1 20 4 229 15 CleuEIc 1 92 8 151 18 A4 A OoroxCo 68 7 268 11 CoastSG 36 8 331 21A- A CocaCol 196 13 556 40A- A CocaBotl 40 9 257 6A Colgate 1 08 1 1501 17 A4 A Col Gas 244 7 215 27A- A Comb Eng 2 8 356 38A- A CmwLd 2 60 8 573 p25- A CommSat 2 11 250 46 4 A Coo Ed 2 44 6 1459 BA CoosFd 1 60 7 584 8 4 A CotFrg 1 10 6 8 27 A4 A CoosMGs 3 8 65 39 4 A ConsuP 2 24 7 289 BA4 A Coni AL 40 3 349 104 A ContlOll 1 50 8 53 1 34A- A ContTel 124 8 721 16 4 A Mala 40 7 487 35 4 A CornGI 1 88 9 291 57 A4 A Coi Brd 75 12 12 60 A CPC lntl 3 8 93 50A- A Crane 140g 9 109 31A4 A CrownZ 1 90 8 366 34A4 A CurtissW 80 8 125 15 A Cyprus 42b 6 336 27A4 A DD DanRivr 88 7 89 15a A DanaCp 1 44 6 25 1 27 A4 A Dartlnd 180 8 453 u43 41 Dayco 56g 3 14A- A DiyPLt 166 9 91 15 Deere ISO 8 554 36 A4 A Delta Air 1 i 420 p40A4 A Jenmsoo 1 9 39 21 A 4 A DetEdis 160 8 185 U14A- A Ulahbm 1 48 7 614 BA 4 A heboid 60 14 104 8A41A Jly Aug ft Dec Jan Mar X300 M3 00 XIX 194 194 00 194 00 197 10 SBA Loans OKd INF.W YORK DAIRY NEW YORK HJPII Butter market Tuesday Offerings adequate Demand fan Wholesale selling prices In cents per pound (bulk in liber boxes) Grade AA 193 scorel 1X1X4, A (92 score) NS 19S- A 19A A Weyerhas 1 10 476 WhlgPitt SU 5 34 Whlpool IX 7 272 Whit Co 1 30 6 532 244 4 NEW YORK EGGS NiagWo 1 44 7 535 A NLInds 1 20 9 138 x23A- A NorfkW 1 84 5 197 25 A4 A NoNtGs 2N 7 48 43 NoStPw 2 16 7 348 uBA NwBcp 1 16 7 89 244 NortonSl 92 6 1099 ISA OO OccdPet I A 1208 p214 Ogden IN 5 10 304 Ohm Ed 1 76 13 :50900 I5A OklaGE 1 8 301 16 OklNlG IN 6 17 21A- A OllnCorp 88 8 3871 p22 41 A Omark 1 12 6 18 324 A OrRckl 1 52 7 X43 I4A- A OutbdM 1 40 5 1294 18 4 A OwnCF 1 20 7 154 28 A4 A Owenlll 1 26 5 100 20 A PP PacGE 232 7 486 pBA4 A Pac Light 2 7 71 p21A PacPwr 1 92 8 261 20 4 A PacTT 1 40 8 190 pl5 4 A Pan Am Air 3 775 6 Panban 2 80 7 215 46 a -1a Penney 1 76 7 393 p284- A Penn Dixie 328 5A PennPL 2 04 7 384 Xl94- A Pennzol 2 20 10 270 37 A4 A PeopIG 288 7 87 35a 4 A PepsiCo 1 10 613 25 4 A Pfizer 1 32 II 526 U3341 Phelps 24 553 27 A4 A PhilaEl IN 9 622 16a- A Phil Mo 2 50 10 633 66 4 41 Philips! 28 5 72 4 4- A PhllPel 1 20 8 1403 X35A- A Pillsbry 1 52 8 576 36 4 4 A PltneyB 1 20 8 253 27 4 A Polaroid 1 11 708 3944 A Potlach 1 10 9 17 364- A PPGInd 184 7 375 28 4 4 A ProcterGa 3 12 332 b814 A PuS Col IN 10 98 16 PSE4G 2 20 7 218 21A- A Pullmn IN 5 69 31A- A PurexC 1 16 8 46 pl64- A Purlatr 128 9 14 27A4 A QuakrO 1 20 7 208 p24 A Ralston 58 8 448 11 A A RapidA 40b 3 18 15A A 308 45 4 A 557 p2744 A Ralhon 1 RCACp IN While Motor 272 Whittakr 6 625 Wickes 1 04 5 82 64 4 104 A 15A at $2,242,278 the number approved for small businesses in Lackawanna County since the start of the government's fiscal year in October, and assured employment for 360 persons The loans were approved under the SBA's Financial Assistance Program, and for information on other SBA programs, write SBA, Wilkes-Barre Branch Office, Penn Place, 20 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, Pa 18704 or call 717-826-6497 Two loans totaling $850,000 were disbursed to small businesses in Lackawanna County during the month of March, it was announced by the U.S. Small Business Administration Marjol Battery Equipment Co Throop received a $500,000 loan, and Bracey's Supermarket, Daleville, a $350,000 loan assuring new or continued employment for 91 persons. The loans bring to nine valued FIIOCLAM4TION VttlhKkAS the Borough of Clarks Summit which was founded under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in August 30 1911 and TfcHMM'AS through the functioning of local government the democratic process has provided the opportunity for voters in Clarks Summit to participate in the selection of their political leadership and in the policies that their local government pursued in providing public services and MHtKhAS through our Federal governmental system local branches of govt rnment work in cooperation with both the State and National governments to improve the quality of life for citizens tach through the exercise of its proper governmental powers NOW TlIKKt POKE we the Council and Mavor of the Borough, of Clarks Summit do hereby proclaim the week of April 16th to be Local Government Week and urge ail citizens to recognize the important contribution of local government in their lives and to pledge their full participation in the democratic processes which are essential to Its success A II Williams 1 18 492 pl94 WinnDi IN 9 x63 274 4 XYZ Xerox 2 10 954 58S A ZaleCorp 1 5 57 164 Zayre Corp 5 174 134 4 ZemthRad I 12 329 14A Zum Ind 7 314 174 A FOOTNOTES Composite tables include trades from eight markets identified by Iasi price indicators for markets other than NYSE as aAmex, Boston, c-Cmcinnati NASD Insti nct block trading system used by institutions, p-Pacihc, u-Mktwest Philadelphia IRS Offers Aid NEW VUKK (GPU Carton eggs selling prices as reported by the LSDA Prices paid and delivered lo New York More-door steady Prices paid and delivered to retailers Extra large 7174, large 70-72 and mediums 61-63 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK JULIET, HI (L'PI) Livestock Tuesday Cattle sales insufficient to establish a market Hogs 1,100, trade fair, barrows and ellts 25 cents lower No 12 210-2M lbs 45 505 85, No 1-3 200-2N lbs 45 005 No 1 3 240-2M lbs NOO5M Wednesdays estimated receipts Cattle 1,000, bogs 1,200 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE PHILADELPHIA (API- UbUA Trading was moderate and supplies were fairly light on the Philadelphia produce market Spuiacb was lower while most other nearby grown commodities were unchanged price Apples-controlled atmosphere storage carton tray pack Red Delicious extra fancy 88 125s 12 00 carton 12 3 lb dim bags Pa Red Delicious 7 20-7 80 Cabbage-N 50-lb sacks Danish medium and large 10 00-10 Greens NJ dandelion 4 -bit basket best mostly 2 00-3 broccoli rabe loose bu crates mostly 2 50-3 00 Mushrooms Pa 4-ql baskets medium to large 4 50-5 00 small to medium 3 50 00 Omons-50 lb sack yellow medium best 3 50M Green Omons-carton-buncbed 36s 40O6M Potatoes 50-lb sacks round whites Maine 300-3 25 Spinach NJ bu basket mostly 4 50-5 DRESSED POULTRY NEW YORK I API IlSUAI Dressed poultry North Atlantic carlo! and trucklot turkey markets. grade A.

ready-tocook, frozen fob or equivalent Trading on frozen is especially light Rep Stl 1 DIVIDENDS Annual rate unless otherwise identified (al plus extra, (bl paid in 1979, no regular rate, (c) payment on accumulated dividends, (dl paid in 1978. (e) cash plus stock paid in 1978, (0 cash plus stock paid 1979, Igl annual rate plus stock dividend lb) paid in 1979 -latest dividend omitted, (i) percent in slock paid in 1978, (jl rcenl in stock paid in 1979 -latest dividend omitted, Ikl rcent in stock paid in 1979, rsh Pi distribution. It) liquidating THK JEWISH HOME OP PASTERN PENNSYLVANIA OPEN ADMISSION POLICY The Jewish Home of Eastern Pennsylvania as a matter of public record hereby states that It is operated In accordance with regulations of the State F)t partme nt of Public Welfare It complies with the laws and regulations (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the Ptnnsvlvama Human Relations Act of 1955 the Governors Code of Pair Practices and to applicable agencies and facilities the Governors Affirmative Action Program as outlined in Executives Directives of 1971 and 1972) which prohibit discrimination against persons because of their age sex race color religious creed ancestry or national origin This facility Is also an Equal Opportunity Employer A II Taxpayers have until midnight, April 16, to file their tax returns this year since the 15th falls on a Sunday. The IRS information numbers are AllentownBethlehem 437-6966, Harrisburg 783-8700, Philadelphia 574-9900. All other 215717 areas, toll-free 800-462-4000 IRS telephone lines in Eastern Pennsylvania will be open from 8 30 a to 4 30 April 16 Prior to calling the IRS, taxpayers should review their instructions to try and solve their questions If this doesn't work, they should have their tax form front of them when they call the IRS Last minute telephone assistance for Eastern Pennsylvania eaxpayers will be offered by the Internal Revenue Service on Saturday.

IRS telephone lines will be staffed to answer tax questions from 10 a until 2 m. PHILADELPHIA EGON (USDA)-Demandgood Prices to retailers Sales to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in cartons delivered store door A extra large 71 74, A large 70 72. A medium 01-64 The prices listed do not include all sales-some may be higher or lower than listed PHILADELPHIA POULTRY I PHILADELPHIA! (API- ILSDAI-Plant Grade A broilers and fryers part load and selected packs 469 Butter Prices to retailers quarter pound prints 1 3025-1 4575 quarter pound solids 1 2825 1 34N a on 07 4. Revlon 1 30 12 525 494 -4 Reylnd 3N 7 434 59 4 4 A ReynMt IN 6 569 3944 A shw IN 7 45 21A- A RocbG 144g 7 54 16A Rockwll 240 7 210 384- 4 RohmH 152 9 70 374- A Rohr bids 7 101 15 4 A RoperCp 90 4 51 11 4 RoylCr 1 04 88 57 pl44- A RoylD 4 86d 7 189 674- A Safwgstr 2 50 8 89 42 A SUMnrl IN 14 97 27A- A StResis 1 80 8 IN p3IA bank to 2 40 6 2U9 37 4 Scherag 1 24 8 972 29 4 A Schlmb 1 65 18 775 107 4 A SCMCp 1 10 5 107 BA- A ScottPap 84 8 1582 pl9A4 A Seagrm 1 12 12 299 324- 4 Sears 128a 7 1489 204 (wll when Issued (wt warrants, Ixl ex-dividend, ex-distribution SALES In hundreds (Ml omitted except (or those (z) which are traded in 10-share lots and earned In lull RATIO The price of a stock as a multiple of per-share earnings -derived by dividing the latest 12 -month earnings figure into last sale pnee Kraft 2 80 7 136 45 Kroger 232 7 63 40 4 4 LearSig 104 5 67 20 Dow Jones Averages What Stocks Did Interest tor fresh packed Is spotty and good for delivery the balance of tins week Retail movement is good where advertised features developed at 69-79cents fair at 89 cents By Dr George W. Crane Ph American Closing NEW YORK (UPII Dow Jones clostn range of averages Stocks Open High Low Close Chg tods 872 23 882 54 869 80 878 72 5 02 Trm 234 61 2N 02 232 96 235 25 1 03 15 Utils 104 10501 103 55 104 26-0 21 Ribbed breast ranging 10-14 lbs are only fair demand at slightly lower prices Demand on other frozen bulk parts is light and confined to previously negotiated shipments Sales reported None Oflenngs reported Fryer roasters 4-9 lbs 72 cents Hens 8-16 lbs 70, Toms 14 20 lbs 67 cents, 20-22 lbs 67 22 24 lbs 689 24 689 26-28 lbs 71 73 28 30 lbs 79 80 lbs and up 85 87 cents NE Following posite stocks Banks Closed Good Friday All branches of Northeastern Bank will be closed Good Friday, April 13 To properly service the public, all branches of Norheastern Bank will observe Friday hours on Thursday, April 12 Scranton Central City Drive-In will be open until 7.30 m.

Thursday, April 12 Those branches with Saturdays hours will be open Saturday, April 14 observing normally scheduled Saturday hours Astrology (Continued From Page 18) want is coming up it is just over the horizon PISCES (Feb 19-March 20) The number 8 figures prominently Accent on mystery, taxes, leases, rentals, reaching legal agreement that will remove emotional pressure Partner, spouse and money are part of your personal scenario Do plenty of listening, observing IF APRIL 11 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you learn by teaching You are a psychologist, sensitive, loyal and you have tendency to brood, especially where family and security are concerned Cancer, Aquarius persons play key roles in your life You get rid of a burden before this month is finished. You make valuable, new contacts in May December could be one of your most memorable months of 1979, a ear featurirg -change. -creativity, travel, variety, a relationship that could lead to a "permanent arrangement Social life accelerates in July You know when something of importance is to occur you detect clues, subtle nuances You have digestive problems, a charming manner and a desire constantly to break new ground You can be stubborn and temperamental, but when chips are down you respond in splendid fashion You definitely have more plus than minus marks' (Learn "The Truth About Astrology Send $1 35, which includes postage and handling, to Omarr Booklet, in care of The Tribune, 0 Box 2000, Los Angeles, Calif 90053 You'll open doors to fascinating study and self-revelation!) GOOD WEATHER OR BAD. A HOME DELIVERED SCRANTONIAN IS ALWAYS THERE. CALL 344-7221 Ad, 24 i 6 1 298 273 376.

3d! 347 223 244 243 864 842 Hm 1 Intelligence Test Score one point for a correct solution of each of the first five problems. The last problem counts five points. 1. Which nicknamed creature is linked with a cabbage patch7 Tom Biddy Peter Polly 2 A maverick will furnish which menu item to our table7 Veal Chop Bacon Giblets Lamb Chop 3 A bailiff works in which location7 Diamond Gndlron Alley Court 4 Which term suggests bankruptcy7 Dissolving Liquidating Resolving Terminating 5 Which one of these suggests a piano7 Prologue Preview Prelude Epilogue 6 Anlayze the five "lines indicated at the left Then try to match them appropriately with the entries at the right to whief! they pertain. You deserve one point for each correct judgment (a) Headline (v) Tramp b) Breadline (w) Bricklayer (c) Timber line (x) Editor (d) Plumb line (y) Ship captain (e) Plimsoll line (z) Mountain climber Score yourself as follows: 0-2, poor; 3-4, average, 7-8, auperlor SF-10, very superior ANSWERS (X) uieideo diqs Iiosuiiid O) w) jaXeinoug auq quinu (p) (z) auq jaquitj, (D) duiejx-auiipesjg (qi (x) jojipg auiipean (R 9 apniajg Sufjepinbn 6 (MB'!) umo (jB3) doqo V9 fliQQBH) I 238 p2 8 15 164 A 6 279 5941 21 57 124- 4 10 246 110 4 16 XA- A Dividends By United Preu International Period Amt Pay Record INCREASED Bessings Cp Brenton Banks Emery Air Hazelline Cp NFC Corp Noble Affiliates Parter Hannifin Procter 6 Gamble Boyal Bk Cda Southwest Gas Tampa Elect Vulcan toe SPECIAL CASH Staff Builders 05 INITIAL CASH 03 INITIAL STOCK Alpine toU 5 PC $-31 Missouri Pub Svc 3 PC 612 Topps Trousers 2 PC 614 STOCK SPLITS Noble Affiliates toe Staff Builder toe 4 for 3 PINDINGOFNOSIGMFK ANT LPFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT TO ALL INTP RESTED AGENCIES GROL PS AND PERSONS Dunmore Borough proposes to request the I Department of Housing and Irban Development to release Federal funds under Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 IPL 93 3Ji to be used for the following project Public Facilities replacement of deteriorated walks and curbs in Dunmore Borough Lackawanna County Pennsylvania This program involves the replacement of curbs and walks on Blakely Street (from Rigg St to Swarte St and Drinker Street (from Blakely St to South Apple St Total program cost Is $209 200 1979 I9KO Hold Harmless Entitlement funds to be used amount to SI6 000 This Borough is requesting the release of this $16 000 It has been determined that such a request for release of funds will not constitute an action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment and accordingly Dunmore Borough has decided not to prepare an Environment Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 tPL 91--.

190) The reasons for such decision not to prepare such Statement are as follows It has been found that there are no special problems associated with this project It involves no relocation of persons or businesses minimal construction no disruption of the natural or social environment and no endangerment of any historical area Also, adverse impacts are negligible and other effects are neutral or beneficial An Environmental Review Record respecting the within project has been made by Dunmore Borough This Record documents the environmental review of the project and more fully sets forth the reasons why such a Statement is not required This Environmental Review Record is on file at the above address and ts available for public examination and copying upon request at the Tax Office between the hours of 6 30 A and 4 30 No further env ironmenlai review of such project is proposed to tie conducted prior to the request for release of ederal funds All interested agencies groups and persons disagreeing with this decision are Invited to submit written comments for consideration by the Borough to the Office of the Secretary Manager Such written comments should be received at 409 South Blakely Street Dunmore Pa on or before May 3 I9'9 All such comments so received will be considered and (he Borough will not request the release -of levral fundi er take any administrative action on the within project prior to the dale specified in the preceding sentence ARTHIRJ MORAN Secretary Manager Dunmore Borough A ti AdobeOll APetrof Augat In Banister BradRg Cal Carnatn Champ CtrcleKCp CrownC DayVIn Dome FelmohlOl FisherPrt Ford Can Fronler Giant GrtUCh Hormel HoustOil Kaiser LoewsTh McCullch MdchllE 0 Okep RemArmx RescCou Solitron Soundsin Starrett Sup lad Syntex Teleflex USF liter yoBnc 144- A (14 12 94- 4 31 A B4 A 19A- A 24 18A 4 4 4 I 15 13 ZX 6 22 II 77 16 7 7 II 979 5t 264 16 817 10 IN By United Press International NYSE 4 pm Composite Tuesday Monday Wk Ago New Highs 71 51 63 New Lows 16 22 15 Advances 872 571 1171 Declines 542 881 370 Unchanged 473 453 356 Total 1887 1905 1897 NYSE SALES Stocks-Comp 34081,048 Warrants 176 IX Bonds $16 680 000 NYSE common stock index 10 up OX By United Presi International AMEX 4 pm Composite Tuesday Monday Wk Ago New Highs New Lows -Advances Declines Inc hanged Tout AMEX SALES Stocks-Comp 4 IX 000 Bonds $1 050 000 Index Hih 181(1, Low 180 93 Close 181 up 043 Man Subdued A 28-year-old Central City man threatened to jump from an upper-story window at 518 Lackawanna Ave. early Tuesday after he took three unspecified pills and consumed several drinks. He is Andrew Orimck, a roomer at the Lackawanna Avenue address, who was subdued by Police Capt. Thomas McGinnis before he could carry out his threat Police were sent to the building at 4.27 am after Orinick smashed a window in bis room and threatened to Jump He was taken to State General Hospital tor treatment of scratches of his left wrist and to have his stomach pumped out Authorities quoted Orimck saying that an unidentified man gave him the three pills and that he also "had a few drinks Petro 1 St 5a a 148 tods wt Ol 12 Cop 24 Dev 40 40 64 i.Y Stock Sales By United Pres toternauooal Tuesday total 34 081 048 Previous day 30 871 8X Week ago 624 800 Month ago 35 278 140 Year ago 27 981 XO 1979 to date 22N817 9X 1978 to date 17966X046 NYSE BOND SALES By United Prem International Tuesday total $16 680 (100 Previous day 14 690 (WO Week ago 14 602 000 Mooth ago 11 774 000 Year ago 19 118 000 19X to date 940 35o 000 1971 to dale 946 000 AMEX COMPOSITE SALES By United Press Interna unit Tuesday stock total Year ago 3 632 000 Tuesday bond total $10X000 Year ago bond total $1 080 000 Most Active Stocks NEW YORK IUPH Ibe 15 most active stocks in New York Stock Exchange 11700 42424 16 11 3A 74- 4 74- A ISA A 364 A NA- A 124 4 12 OMITTED Cook Paint 4 Varnish Cot USUAL II 910 II 36 I 7) I I Other Closing Prices CRYPTOQUIPS IZVXI XTHBKF AKBAOL KF ZTHO-ZOFHOF LIZVBAO Yeiterdayi Cryptoquip URGE LICHENS OFTEN ADD CHARM TO INFORMAL GARDENS. Todayi Cryptoquip clue: equals A The Cryptoquip is a simple substitution cipher in which each letter used stands for another.

If you think that equals it will equal throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words, and words using an apostrophe can give you clues to locating voweli. Solution ia accomplished by trial and error. in King Feature Syndicate, Inc Furiuhed by Dean Witter Reynold BIN Wuhingtoo Ave Scranton. Pi Am DM Tel Addreuo-MulU AtUona Urlijie Corp Charter NY ChK-ejo Pemira Chart Equip Emery Air Frt Eng Ihrd MAC Fuqua Ind Technlcon Corp Banker Tnut Gearhart Owen Dynamtca arner Com 44 toll Mineral! 46 1(4 JPSlevens 114 Nurthwestlnd 34 Raymond toll 33 TrtnaeonUne 4 Wallace Murray 4 Plenary Ud 13 14 McDonldiCorp 4) 3(4 HelmeriehAP 114 Rockwell Ml Jl 134 StoketyVnCmp Potlatch 444 Potomac Elec 114 Pmgolad 174 Hayes Atone 144 304 114 124 334 Sow Ms 3(4 134 14 Gen Pub Util Hobdny tons I totoU Otin Corp Amef Home West Publish toe Texts to! Co Manott Corp Rama da tons Storage Tech Hilton Hotels Citicorp Genl Motors Batty Mfg.

The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.