Welcome to the Owl Hotel - Chapter 17 - T_BH (2024)

Chapter Text

Luz, Amity, and Vee run hurriedly, unexpectedly passing Adrian, who is drinking a soda, and Boscha. They both immediately pause as they see Luz and Amity.

Adrian: Holy grubbing fudge balls, am I seeing who I think I'm seeing?

Boscha: What is she doing here, and with Blight? How did she even get up here?

Adrian: Who cares? I'm handling this crow right now.

Adrian goes to challenge Luz and Amity, but Boscha stops him.

Boscha: Wait! You want to start a fight on the promenade in front of everyone?

Adrian: Better than waiting for the bloody DOU.

Boscha grabs Adrian shoulder to calm him down.

Boscha: (shushing him) Sir, what was Ms. Cutburn’s one rule?

Adrian: Uuughhh, "No one but the IW’s know about the DOU”. I know, fine. *slurps drink* Don't bloody shush me, wretch.

Just before they can settle this, Hettie suddenly appears behind them both, teleporting them to an office-like building with just one sway of her magic. The light goes white on the screen before reappearing to show Adrian and Boscha being confronted by a stern Healing Coven Head.

Hettie: You should listen to your student, Adrian.

Adrian turns around and looks at Hettie with shock.

Adrian: Crikey, Hettie. You can't sneak up on a guy like that, jeez.

Boscha: Ms. Cutburn, forgive me, but what are Amity and the human tramp doing here?

Hettie: Well, you failed to control the wild magic’s unrest, and now Camilla’s is involved, setting up an audience for her naive, misguided daughter. I never would have agreed to your...*Adrian slurps his soda drink* 'yearly activities' if I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep. Keeping our covens safe and helping them were my only reasons for allowing it.

Adrian: What do you want from me? I'm just one guy.

Hettie: I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse. Are we clear?

Adrian: *sighs* Yeah. Got it.

Luz and Amity are shown in their hotel room. The lavender brunette putting their big tons of luggage down as the Latina sits on the bed excitedly.

Luz: Okay, I love IR. Amity, did you see the ice cream shop? They had sprinkles made of rainbows!

Amity: Those are just rainbow sprinkles.

Luz: *stands up excitedly* Vee’s going to take me to a zoo where all the animals are actually soft! You coming?

Amity: Uh, I need a break. But hug a koala for me.

Luz: OMT! Can you imagine an actual koala? *squeals happily* See you later!

Luz zips right out of the door, leaving Amity alone for herself. She lays on the bed and sighs, but there is a knock on the door a second later. She answers it, revealing Adrian barging right in to greet her.

Adrian: Hey there, Blight-asaurus!

Amity: My girlfriend will be back soon, you need to get out, now.

Adrian enters the room, with Boscha behind him.

Amity: (disgusted) No…

Boscha: Hey Amity, did you miss me?

Adrian: I'm not looking for the human Latina, darling. I'm looking for you.

Amity: Why?

Adrian: Maybe 'cuz you left the family band, grudgby team, and your dreams behind. You tried for a solo career, or I guess it's more of a... duet.

Amity: I don't know what you're talking about.

Adrian: Do you really think I wouldn't recognize Odalia jr. without her green hair color? (Notices Amity’s hair) Light shade of lavender, I see. I can imagine changing your hair for some human hussy.

Amity: (gasps offendedly) My hair color happened to be more than just for Luz. It happened to match my magic.

Adrian: Whatever gets you there, dear. Anyway….

A flashback cuts to show a past Grudgby game. The Grubgy contestants score a winning goal so far thanks to their star player, which was none other than Amity (who was wearing her old hairstyle and color)

Adrian: (voiceover) You were Hexside’s brightest star. I wouldn't forget a cool chick like you. It's why I watched your game. To root for Amy T. Blight.

Cuts back to the present with the annoyed Amity.

Amity: Actually, it's pronounced AM-I-TEE.

Adrian: Hmmmmm- no. Anyway, you sure messed up your life plan, didn't you?

Cuts to a flashback to few months later when Luz came to town. Amity accidentally missed a goal, causing her to fall and her ankle. Boscha noticed this, then she cuts her off for being weak.

Boscha: Sorry, Blight. But someone as weak as you doesn’t belong on our team.

Boscha takes Amity’s jacket and walks away. The scene then changes to Amity now with her hair down, stumbling down an alleyway, now with a broken ankle. She collapses against a building, before Luz, in the past, spots her. She puts a healing glyph on her ankle, and Amity smiles. In return, Luz happily helps her up.

Adrian: To think someone with a broken leg and a disgraced Grudgby title somehow landed a cute human girl with a cat hoodie. 'Grats on that I guess.

The scene cuts back to the present where Boscha is jealous of their relationship.

Boscha: FYI, Ami. A witch befriending or falling in love with a human is forbidden and gross.

Adrian: (thinks of Caleb and Evelyn) Cute as heck though. But I wonder what your human witch would think if she found out your mother’s side of the family were a part of human-hunters, hmmm?

Amity: How do you know about my mother?

Adrian: Does it really matter?

Amity: What do you want?

Adrian: Simple, you side with me, and at the hearing, you're gonna help me shut this kindergarten snowflake crow-spit down for good.

Amity: Never!

Adrian: Oh yeah, you know, that's totally cool. I guess I'll just tell little miss Azura, anime fangirl that she's been smooching someone whose mother’s ancestors destroyed—thousands of her people. I'm sure your relationship will be fine. See you in court!

Adrian and Boscha leaves the room, with Amity scared.

The scene transitions to a Coven courtroom, where Luz and Amity are sat down. Adrian walks by on his way to his seat with Boscha.

Luz: ¡Oh, Titán, no este imbécil otra vez!

Adrian sits next to Boscha.

Adrian: What up, baby? Saw that you went to my manager. Low blow, Amber!

Hettie: We are gathered here today to determine whether or not a wild witch can control their own magic and join a coven via means of this "Owl Hotel”. Princess Noceda?

Luz: *sigh* Thank you, Senora Cutburn. *clears throat* Webster's dictionary defines magic as—

Adrian: Objection, lame and unoriginal.

Hettie: Sustained. No further dictionary references please.

Luz: Right, ok, uh, uh… uhhmmmm…

Luz shuffles through multiple cards, all which have various dictionary references on.

Adrian: If you have actual evidence, then show it already.

Luz: We have a patron right now who is making incredible progress!

Adrian: Who?

Luz: Anne Boonchuy.

Adrian: Oh yeah, the frog nerd/pop princess. She’s totally coven-worthy. *blows raspberry*

Luz: Well, if you know so much, what do you think it takes to join a coven.

Adrian: Uhmm… w-w-well… Uhh…

Hettie: Is everything ok, Adrian.

Hettie: Give me a bloody minute, ok? *mutters*

Adrian scrawls something down on a golden piece of paper, before teleporting it over to Amity.

Amity: *reading list* "Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man". Are you grubbing serious?

Adrian: Uh, yeah. Sure got me here, didn't it? *laughs nervously* Right, Hettie.

Hettie: He was the descendant of the first Illusion witch.

Luz: Well, I bet Anne is doing all of those things right now!

Adrian: Then let's grubbing see it bruh! *snaps fingers*

A spying orb appears in the middle of the courtroom.

Luz: Your honor, may I present: exhibit A.

Scene transitions to the dance club Anne and co. are at, with Blackpink’s Boombayah playing in the background.

Willow: Woo! Isn't this place the buzzing best?

Sasha: I'll admit, this is the only dance club that accepts humans too.

Anne: Ooh, Ooh. They’re playing my jam!

(Anne and Willow begin to sing the lyrics before dancing in their seats)

Anne: 🎵 Been a bad girl, I know I am🎵

Willow: 🎵 And I'm so hot, I need a fan🎵

Anne and Willow: 🎵 I don't want a boy, I need a man🎵

Hunter: Polls, what are you doing?

Polly: I'm sweeping! Urgh, look how icky it is in here!

Hunter: That's because we're at a club, Polls.

Polly: Oh! I thought the hotel looked different! *giggles*

King: So Anne, do you like any other band in this “K-pop” music other than this one.

Anne: Well….there’s EXO, BTS, SNSD, this 13 member band name Super Junior. Oh, there’s this band called SHINee that has 5 members. I don’t want to talk about what happened to that member because it’s too sad.

King: Jonghyun went to human heaven, did he?

Anne felt uncomfortable with King’s words that Sasha grabbed him with a headlock

Sasha: She said she didn’t want to talk about it, squirt!

King: Ow! I’m sorry.

Anne: It’s fine, Sash. Actually, I’m not surprised that he did.

Sasha looks at Anne worried.

Anne: He was mentally fighting sadness head on during his time with his friends. He was dealing with some heavy stuff, but he managed to smile until the very end. After he died, I thought the band would fall apart, but it didn’t. They were stronger than ever before, with Jonghyun-hyung as their guiding light. (Looks at her cup of Apple blood) Sometimes, I wish I was like him. Even with all the crud I’m dealing with now…

Sasha puts her arm around Anne’s shoulder.

Sasha: Well, Chuy. You’re not this Jonghyun guy. You’re you. And that’s all that matters.

Sasha hugs a now perky Anne.

Hunter leans over to Willow.

Hunter: Hey, captain, uhh… ha ha, I was wondering if you wanted apple blood to drink.

Willow: (putting her hand under her chin smugly) Why would I want apple blood, Hunter.

Hunter: (blushing) uh…cause, I’m buying EVERYONE apple blood tonight (laughs)

Everyone: (cheering)

Random girl: Thanks, Sweetie.

Willow: (giggles)

Anne: Good, I need this after today. You know, Mir-Mir, he wants me to change my lipstick color to fully red when the color red makes me look like a u-know-what, I don't know, it's lipstick.

Willow: Anne, ditch the Mir-Mir talks. He already ruined your whole day, don't let him ruin your night too. *holds out a happy elixir* Here, take this potion, and you won't be worrying about nothing.

Sasha: Here we go.

Willow: Oh look! The blonde human wants to judge us.

Sasha: I ain't the one with a 80-year lifespan. Look, you want to mess up all your progress? Be my guest. I just… *sighs* I just thought you were better than that, sweetie.

Willow: Thanks, Catharine Buzzkill. Come on, Theeny, let’s do something. It's been too long.

Anne: I uhh… I don't know, it's been a long night and I don't need to go too wild with the elixirs

Sasha: *approvingly* Hmm.

Willow: Come on, dude. If you've really been working that hard, you deserve a little R and R, some catchy songs to sing, or maybe a K-pop dance-a-thon. Aw, Nandemo, let's see where the night takes us, huh?

Hunter walks back into frame blushing at how attractive Willow is.

Anne: I.. I guess?

Hunter: Hi, captain~❤️ I was wondering if you want to dance with me.

Willow: Why would we dance, Hunter?

Hunter: Um…cause I want to dance with everyone tonight! (laughs)

Everyone: (cheering)

Random girl: Wanna dance?

Hunter: Okay, *to Willow* Sorry, captain.

While is being dragged into the dance floor, Willow gets confused. Anne shrugs.

Anne: ah…Xarị k̆tām. Let’s dance!

Sasha: *sighs*

Transitions back to the courtroom.

Adrian: Dearly beloved witches, what more do you need to see? The pop princess nerd chose a night of debauchery, instead of controlling her own Calamity powers. That's not a witch worthy of joining a coven.

Luz: Uhm, objection! Are you really telling me you've never had a chance to hang out with friends after the end of a hard day?

Adrian: Uh, we don't have hard days? It’s bloody IR, dear. You seriously gonna sit there and pretend like this behavior is ok?

Luz: *growls*

Adrian: *To Amity with malicious intent* What do you think?

Amity: I-I- I have to go the bathroom!

Amity rushes out of the courtroom.

Luz: What? Sweet potato, can you hold it?! *frustrated groan* Anne has made good decisions with controlling her powers. Come on! We have to keep watching! Please?

Hettie: *sighs* Yeah, I don't know.

Vee: Yeah, let's give her a chance.

Hettie: Very well, the court will allow it.

Luz: (gasps) ¡Joder, sí!

Everyone is confused by Luz’s language barrier

Luz: I mean… heh… thank you.

The scene transitions back to the club, where the gang have kept dancing. Willow walks into frame with 5 cups of Apple blood with BTS’ Euphoria playing in the background.

Willow: Next song, wi-otches! Heels are coming off!

Willow sets the cups down on the table and hands them out to Sasha, Anne, and Hunter.

Anne: Ho ho yeah! Keep 'em comin'! Come on, right here! Come right here to mama.

Hunter: Oh, it's wonderful to have friends! *chuckles*

Polly: reaches across the table trying to reach her juice.

Polly: Everything's spinny! *giggles*

Anne: Ha, I think you're done, sweetie.

Polly: No! Gimme gimme gimme!

Willow: Oh come on, dude! She can handle a little more!

Anne: She's like 10 pounds soaking wet and—oh, toads, where'd she go? King?

King: On it! (Scurry off)

Polly is shoving other patrons' drinks into a sack.

Guys at a table: Hey! Lady!

Polly: Dirty, dirty! Make it CLEAN!

King: Dang it, Polly.

Anne walks over to the patrons table to pay for the drinks

Anne: Sorry fellas, here, next one's on me.

Guys at a table: (Heart-eyes) Thanks, nice Thai human female.

King: Polly? Crud!

Polly digging through a supply closet.

Polly: Chlorine…! Bleach…!

Anne: (worried) Polly?!

Willow: Theeny, what the hey are you doing? You're supposed to be relaxin', not playin' nanny!

Anne: Look, she ain't used to this scene, I-I just don't want her to end up in the gutter like I used to.

Willow: Pfft, whatever, nerd, just catch up when you're done.

Polly: *laughing*

King finally catches up with her.

King: Hang on! You can't take tha- For the love of me, Polls, why you bein' such a mess?!

Polly: I'm... the mess? *Polly starts crying*

King: Oh, crud. Anne, help me?!

Anne: Hey hey, Hey calm down. *Take deep breaths* You ain't a mess, he was just looking out for you, it's fine..! Shh.. Hey, you wanna play with Sash.

Polly: *stops crying* yeah...

Anne puts Polly on Sasha’s shoulders while she giggles about it.

Sasha: The heck is this, Boonchuy?

Anne: She’s hyper, just go with it hmm.

Sasha: Re-Really? *Sees Polly nuzzling her hair* Ugh, get the...okay.

Scene changes to Hunter smoothly sliding over to Willow at another table.

Hunter: Hi, captain. I found a Make- out spot, and…I was wondering if you wanna make out with me?

Willow: Why would we make-out, Hunter?

Hunter: Um…cause I wanna make out with everyone tonight! (laugh)

Everyone: (cheering)

Random girl: (dragging Hunter away)

Hunter: Whoa…(stutters) The lips are for the captain…wrong person…(girly scream) Help!

Willow was confused by what happened before turning around to Anne.

Willow: You know, we can hang out like this every single night! You don't have to spend all your off hours "working on yourself", dumb-dumb (she taps her head at the words “dumb-dumb”)

Sasha: The hotel isn't a problem in her life, Park. It’s…um…what’s his grubbin’ face?

Anne: (coldly with a deep voice) Vitimir.

Sasha: Exactly. So why don't you-

Anne: No, Vitimir. (Whispering) He’s here.

Camera pans to Vitimir at a large sofa-bench talking and laughs with some female witch.

Sasha: Uh…the TOAD?! What’s he doing here?!

Willow: EXACTLY! Only I use the word “heck”.

Anne: Guys. Let’s get the frogs outta here, okay? Come on.

King: Guys, where’s Polly?

Polly is seen hopping towards Vitimir.

Polly: Bad boy! *giggles*

Anne: Excuse me. Pardon me. K̄hxthos̄ʹ kh̀a

Anne tumbles onto the platform and grabs Polly, who is springing midair as Anne holds her.

Vitimir: Oh my, Athena. What are you doing here, darling? You didn't get enough affection today?

Anne: (laugh sarcastically) Funny.

Vitimir: Who’s the tiny froggy? You bringing me fresh meat?

Polly pokes Vitimir in the eye with her tongue.

Vitimir: Ew.

Polly: I just want a taste.

Vitimir: Ehh, weird, but there's a thing for that, I'm sure!

Anne stands up, still holding Polly as she confronts Vitimir in her native language.

Anne: Xô t̄hxy xxk pị mīr̒-mīr̒.

Vitimir: In English, please?

Anne: It means “Back off!” I may have to put up with your frog-spit on a daily basis, but I’m not letting my friends get involved in your mind games, you hear?

Vitimir uses his magic to pull Anne close, but to no avail as Anne’s necklace glows a dimming light.

Vitimir: Don’t forget who you're talking to. I own you, wretched girl.

Anne: Yeah, you do, in the Potion Coven. And you can do anything you want with me there, just like our agreement says. But out here, I get to do what I want. So will you please, BACK. OFF.

Vitimir removed his mask to use toxic breath on Anne, sending her tumbling to the side onto the ground. As Anne coughs up the poison, Vitimir walks over.Vitimir: Enjoy the rest of your evening, wretch, because I’ll be sure you’ll forget about the confrontation tomorrow.Willow: Uwa ̄ , nante iyanayatsuna nda…Anne heals herself with her Calamity powers before standing up, and walks back to her friends flipping her hair.Anne: Lụ̄m mạn sa, It was so worth it.Sasha smiles and puts a hand around Anne’s waist as they walk off.Sasha: Atta girl, Chuy.Polly appears taking off Vitimir’s mask before the latter covers his mouth in shock.Vitimir: Ah! What the heck?!?Polly: *chuckles* For my collection! *further chuckling* Wait up, guys!Willow: Did you just call these guys your friends? Thought that was my job.Anne: Hey, I know you have a good grip with your magic and all…but there’s room for everyone, and ya know… you could come crash with us too.

Willow: Okay, look, Theeny, I'm glad this hotel thing is workin' for you, but you know me, girl, I’m fully in sync with my magic! I'm gonna find someone and talk to him or her about my flyer derby game tomorrow. But if you need me, you know where to find me, yeah?

Hunter: (now covered in lipstick marks) *panting* Is the captain still here? [Willow is seen talking to the girl who just made out with Hunter] Darn it! Ugh!

Scene transitions back to the courtroom.

Luz: See! She did everything on your checklist! She was selfless, she stopped Polly from stealing with the help of King, she stuck it to that potion man, and…wait for it…she used her Calamity power to heal herself from his poison!

Adrian: Uhhh… well, uh… Then, then why didn’t she join a coven then? Hm?

Vee: Yeah, why didn’t she join a coven?

The healer and illusion witches observing the court all murmur together.

Luz: Wait... none of you know what makes a witch coven worthy?

Hettie: *abruptly* This questioning stops now. We know when a witch is ready to join a coven. It just takes time for them to control their own magic.

You Didn't Know starts

Vee: ♫ But she was right, Hettie ♫

♫ She showed us a witch can improve ♫

Vee walks to the orb and shows the scene of Anne defying Vitimir

♫ She saw the light, Hettie ♫

♫Checked all the boxes that you said would ♫

Vee using the orb to show to ask the witches observing the court.

♫ Prove a witch can deserves a second chance ♫

♫Now we turn our backs, no second glance?♫

Hettie ♫ It's not as simple as you think ♫

Vee walks back to Hettie, who takes her hands.

♫ Not everything is spelled in ink ♫

The camera turns back down to Luz staring defiantly with Amity

Luz: ♫ It's not fair, Hettie ♫

Amity steps steps forward and puts a hand on Luz’s shoulder

Amity: ♫ Careful, Luz, keep a cool head... ♫

Luz pulls away and looks at Hettie

Luz: ♫ No! Don't you care, Hettie? ♫

♫ That just because some witch is there ♫

♫ It doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways ♫

The orb shows multiple images of Anne and the others.

♫ Turn the page ♫

♫ Escape their draining fate ♫

Hettie: ♫ I 'm sure you wish it could be so ♫

♫ But there's a lot that you don't know ♫

Camera turns to Boscha and Adrian’s seat abruptly.

Boscha: ♫ What are we even talkin' about? ♫

♫ Some nerd-tramp who messed up already? ♫

♫ She blew her shot, like the potion she got ♫

Boscha stands up and release her signature bun from her hair and puts it in a ponytail.

♫This discussion is senseless and petty♫

Both Adrian and Boscha walked toward Luz to make fun of her before walking toward the orb

Boscha and Adrian: ♫There's no question to be posed♫

♫ She’s unworthy, case closed♫

♫ Did you forget that "Heck is forever"? ♫

Adrian: ♫ The girl only lives once ♫

♫ We'll see you in one month♫

Adrian walks away from the orb and gets closer to Luz, who briefly turns into her full titan form.

♫ Gotta say, I can't wait to ♫

Hettie: Adrian….

Adrian: ♫ Come down and dispose your powers ♫

Vee: Wait!

Adrian: Huh?

Vee: ♫ What are you saying? ♫

♫ Let me get this straight ♫

Vee lands in front of the orb, which now displays a silhouette of a witch who is weak without his/her magic standing among frames, staring sadly.

♫ You go down there and drain those poor souls? ♫

Luz: ♫ You didn't know? ♫

Adrian: Whoops!

Boscha: ♫ Guess the cat's out of the bag... ♫

Adrian: ♫ What's the big deal?♫

Vee looks up at Hettie

Vee: ♫ Hettie, tell me that you didn't know ♫

Hettie: ♫ I thought, since I'm older ♫

♫ It's my load to shoulder ♫

Vee: No!

Hettie goes to Vee and takes her hands.

Hettie: ♫ You have to listen ♫

♫ It was such a hard decision ♫

♫ I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to ♫

Hettie cups Vee’s cheek and forces a smile, the sadness on Vee’s face reflecting in her eyes.

♫ Do what was required ♫

Vee: ♫ To think that I admired you ♫

Vee removes herself from Hettie’s grip as her basilisk form takes over her partially.

♫ Well, I don't need your condescension ♫

♫ I'm not a child to protect ♫

Vee turns to the crowd and questions Hettie before she turns back to normal and walks towards Luz and the orb.

♫ Was talk of virtue just pretension? ♫

♫ Was I too naïve to expect you ♫

♫ To heed the morals you're purveying? ♫

Luz: ♫ That's what the crud I've been saying! ♫

Both Luz and Vee fly onto the orb as the camera spins.

Luz and Vee: ♫ If “Heck” is forever, then covens must be a lie! ♫

Hettie: Vee!

Luz and Vee: ♫ If CH’s do whatever, and remain in the right ♫

Luz and Vee fly off the orb and move out of the way, showing an IW hurting a powerless witch

♫ The rules are shades of gray when you know what you’re saying ♫

♫ And drain the other’s magic just to hurt them again ♫

The members of the court are shown to be horrified.

Luz: ♫ I was told not to trust in coven heads ♫

Adrian: ♫ By her? ♫

Boscha leans on Amity’s shoulder.

Boscha: ♫ Ha! She should know ♫

Amity walks over to Luz, who takes her hands.

Amity: ♫ We should go ♫

Luz: ♫ Wait! Don't you see? ♫

♫ We've come so close ♫

The camera cuts to an above view, showing the witches all talking together and Vee refusing to listen to Hettie

♫ Look at them fighting; they're at each other's throats ♫

Adrian: ♫ Don't you get all high and mighty ♫

♫ Did you ever think your girlfriend’s mother might be a problem ♫

Adrian walks through the gap between Luz and Amity and approaches the orb.

Luz: Huh?

Amity: ♫ Mr. Gray, please! ♫

Adrian: ♫ Why so concerned? ♫

♫ Why hide the fact that you're royalty ♫

Adrian sinisterly turns while Boscha grabs and pulls her over to them.

♫ Just like her ? ♫

The orb shows a younger version of Odalia as a human-hunter before finding Blight industries, a shadow of her falling over the darkened courtroom.

Song ends.

Luz in a state of shock falls to her knees in disbelief as Amity runs to her and Vee settles back by Hettie.

Hettie: *Inhales to keep composure* I'm sorry... but this court finds that there is no evidence the wild magic can be controlled.

Adrian: Oh, HECK, YES!! I WIN!!! BITE IT, WITCHES. You better save the date tramps, cause we're coming to your hotel FIRST.

Adrian uses his Illusion spell to reopen the portal to the Demon Realm.

Luz: What... NO!! NO!! You can't-

Amity: Oh my ti—

Luz and Amity scream as they are transported back to the Demon Realm through the portal.

Vee: Luz!! Don't give up on this! I'll figure something out, I promise!

Hettie: That was uncalled for, Adrian.

Adrian: Yeah, But did you see the looks on their grubbing faces, it was.... d-d- *stammers* Sorry....

The court, Adrian and Boscha leave

Vee: The Day of Unity… bringing witches together by draining them from their own magic?! Wild magic or not there is NO reason to be doing this!

Hettie: Wild magic was overpopulating, Vee! It is my position as the head of the Healing Coven to help the witches in need. And it's your position to keep them happy and joyful with your shape shifting magic.

Hettie leans forward, putting her hands on Vee’s shoulders.

Vee: How can I bring joy when I now know we are bringing misery to thousands of innocent people?

Hettie: The Healing Coven needs us, Vee. Everyone looks to us... and we can't doubt ourselves or worry about the fates of wild witches when we have our own kind to protect. Please.... if you start to question... you could end up like Camilla: Human. I couldn't bear to see you suffer that fate, so please, let me worry about this, ok?

Hettie kisses Vee’s forehead

Hettie: I'm sorry.

Vee puts a hand on Adrian’s list gently, as the episode ends.

Welcome to the Owl Hotel - Chapter 17 - T_BH (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.