The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

fAue twklvb MOINES REGISTER. 8ATTBPAT, APRIL 1940 LEADING STOCKS NEW YORK BONDS NEW YORK STOCKS NEW YORK (A Followlna Is the NEW YORK I A Following la the Sales tn $1,000 High END DAY LOWER Rales ln tl.OOO High 100a HlKll Low Cloaa Balea in Low Low FOREIGN BONDS IN NEW DECLINE Norwegian and Danish Issues Tumble. hit of mora active stock. tradpd on the Char. Net -1 ClDM Bales in 1001 Srhmtlf yPlatil 1 1 Sebum Hetstor 27 list of United States government and the mora active domeattc corporation bonds traded on tht New York stock exchanxe UtahLtATrae, 5 44 5 103 10,1 New York atm-k exchange FrMAy wfh sales, high, low, closing prices 46H 46'4 li UtahPAL 5 44 6 10314 miu HowaSound(3) 3 47 HudaonAMan 5 1'4 do pf 2 noay wtui aaiea, nikn, low and cioaink Peoria A Inc 4 90 5 Pere Marq 4 56 9 352 12 PbKeailCAl cv6 49 10 VlrsuuanRy 34 68 2 108 108 1 Scott Pa 1 6' 1 1 Frl.

Clow S74? Ill 4 4 134 109 4 484 73 Hlth 13 i 5-16 1 86), ,3 Low S6 13 Ids prises Wabaahlat 5 30 10 44 ana act cnangee: in Nat loo, Hilh Low Cloaa Ch Seabrd AirLine 44 7 TV4 57V, 57 111 111 4 3 13 13 109 109 46 47V HudHayUAS 4 1 weaisnore a 2.161 jj 464 471 Wei 2W 5 73 3 44 4S14 ltllJ Heaerave Corp Sears Ki-eb 13) 20H 20 54 a-. Selected Issues Fight General Trtmd. 5 1.8 m. till, KJXT HltftUS. (Dollars and Thlrty-sexronds.) Salea pvt.

In 11,000 High Low Close Treasury 5 91 WestnMd 54 77 A 1)1 Phillips Pet 3 48 PiUAWVa 460C PorlKlen 4', 60 73 744 82 PorRlAToh 6 42sl 69 5(114 11 4 1 18 1 1 1 3a 47-41 83 Kit X4 4 17 65 i Servellnc 1 1 1 fcbaronStlCorp Shalt li. ki ir,) 1 4(1. Slmm-na Co Mmms Petrol westnMd 4 52 WestnPac 5 46 asd Weaternlln 5 51 WesternUn 44 50 WheclStl 4 4 66 A WllsonACo 4 55 45-4J 28 20 16. 45 5 16 4 844 5 17 8 694 8 654 10 101 0 106 4 va 2414 23 8.1 83 234 1094 104 4 69 50 '4 8 50 STOCK AVERE. (Compiled by ttie Assoctatpd Prrar BOND AVER4C.K.

(Compiled lv the Associated Press.) 20Raiis lulnduat 10UIII lOKor -1 -1 4 4 4 4 3s 46-44 3s 46-44 rei 4s 54-44 22 22 2 2 '4 21 '4 21', 102:. 1II2-, 2.1 23 7 109 14 109 14 109 14 5 109 26 109 22 1119 26 8 110 14 110 14 110 14 1 110 10 110 10 110 10 10 114 31 114 29 114.31 1 111.4 111 4 1114 5 11126 111.24 11124 1 104 8 104 8 104 8 Abbott Lab 1 1 6)a i Acme fi; (3) Adams Kxp AlrKeduci lal Alaska Juneau I tiO) AlleshanyOrp do pf aw no pis3nw Altegh-Luuijll i et AlChADypXto) WlsCen 4 49 23X HudaoiiMitof 1 llupp Motor 6 I III Central loser Ranili la) 1 Inlarwsthlet 7 liisi'iralCoL-per 18 ImerOKal'Trana 1 Interlakelti'u 16 Int AKntul 2 lntBu.M. h.da) 4 InfHarvi 1 till) 6 lollly-KlecA 1 liitMcrManne 127 3 Int.NirkCam 2) 42 do of i 7 i I 51 4 .1 124 23 la 48-46 4U-4S YoungSAT cv 4 48 22 1064 1051? KIKUGN BOMIS ltKl's 11 124 2s 50-48 124 Fol owlnx is the 1st of cii.s.n. 109 11 '9 104 104 69 69 101 101 107 107 97 96 117 97 102 102 8 62 62 lt'1 1 4 14 8 10 -1 0 2 88 3 102 8 97 0 "49 1 58 2 102 8 97 2 49 8 57 1 102 2 96 6 5.10 54 6 97 9 92 4 54 9 59 9 102 8 97 5 51 5 566 1019 96 1 49.1 64 9 102 0 97 5 61 0 53 4 05 8 90.4 41.7 Net chK. Frl.

Previous day Month ago Year ano 19io lnah 194 0 low 1 hmh 1939 low Net Cloa, dig. 13- 451, 516 1 86 134 14 -1 7 22 -''4 211? 23 11 15 30 12 16 44 35 9 89 7 108 1 16 4 18 23 27 42 33 -1 8 11 15 30 12 16 Net rhf. Frl. I -2 Friday T2 4 19 1 39 2 50 6 Previous day 72 7 19 4 39 3 50 8 Month ago 710 IS 2 3S 3 49 5 Yar ago IU 16 4 31 5 4.1 1940 high 74 2 20 5 40 8 52 2 1940 low B9 9 18 0 38.3 49 2 1939 blub, 77 0 23 8 40.6 5 9 13 low 58.8 15 7 33 7 41.6 the more active foreign bonds trada 08 the New York atock e.8flea 00 PorltlAT 6 42unst PostnlTelAC 5 53 Pul.SWNoIll 3 68 Purity Bak 5 48 Read- 4 97 A 456ww KepublitSteel 554 461 ItepubllcSteel 456 ltevereCopAB456 Rutland 1st 4 41 StLIMAS4 33 StLSF 5 50 StLSK 4 78 StLSf 4 7S ct at RtLSK 4 50 A StLKW 1st 4 89 106 8 108.7 106 8 108,7 J'S 89 11 2' 178 57 32 129 164, 6 3 4 3ti ZOU 65 108.8 3 1119 ll 11 112-, li-', 6i 8 14 14 3S 3t lit, U'a 2 2' 177 178 55 56 4 4 4 10', 1 1 6 6 3214 32X 129 29 16 B1'4 614 37 37 3 3', 3-? 3I 1S1 ihiiihifapa -i iiii.ii.i,l'-..o., AhlHhiPAPS 53 51M, 11 15 3d 13 17 2 45 23 1-9-4 1791, -i 4 4 -1 4 1115 104 2 111.5 104.2 Allied Sir, 2s 52-50 2 54-51 3s 55-51 2s 53-51 2a 60-55 2a 60-55 reg 2 a 59-56 2 104 2 IrlshFreeSts 60 85 ItalPbUt7 52 itaiv 7 10M Argentine 4 72 5 1118 17 108 14 108 14 Allis-Ch Mlt I 4e) hitN 1014 107 97 4 97 1024 8 624 14-4 134 124 134 644 110 33 47 47 64 3 108.1.1 108.10 108 11 Japan 84 54 35H 2 -a 8 28 6 5 20 60-Slock Kng, Sine 1927. Anial Leather 1 107 10 107 10 107.10 in Uiw-Ylrld Honda.

Friday, 1125; prevloua day, 112.5; month aitn, 112 year aito, 110.5. -New 1940 low. no pt b. 2 Snider Pa' 2 Soco-Vae 90 rev I', I 1 S.K.'alKdi 1 '-a 1 7 Soij'hcinPat ilc 26 Soulhern Ky 3 SparksWllhina 4 Siterryl'p 1 2k I 9 SpiceiMfgi lei 1 Spieiilni lad 5 l.30e) 1 Sl.lBrdsi 30 do pf'4l 1 Stand 3 do JI pf 5 1 S.ipr pf 6 StdCAK S7prpf 8 f'dOili'al (1) 20 S'd'lillnd 1) 23 stdtnl.M '1a) 67 Starrett'LSl Inll'apAPow do olile) 1937-38 1932-36 1927-29 1 Am Ag Ch ilel B5-60) I i 17 1 (17 1 7 liu. MilanClty6'i')2 MinaaGekCria iH 13 13 12 12-a, 13 13 64 64 lit) 111) 1.30 9 36ia 24 1914 12 1 41 39 7 106 8 75 3 noma uwnen ioan 186 50 2 36 2 72 8 16.8 2 a 191.

IIS 7H High Low Inl Sail 1 I IiilTeiATel 61 8 108 33.T 3a 52-44 1 107.28 107.28 107.28 1914 mi 12 7Si Feb 834 Am 4 72 Ap 83V, Arr; 44 48 944 An? 44 71 90 Australia 4458 71 Belgium 7 55 904 Relalum 6440 88 BelKlum 8 55 88 Brazil 8 41 14 Braail64 27-57 184 BlienA 44 77 604 Bulearia 7 '468 14 Jl, la 1 1 la 47-4 5 3 1 01.23 1 0 1 20 101.29 33 32', 5 5 do tor ct i 47 niurway Am Airlines, A rn BoMb Am Br Shoa .311 Am Can (4) Am CarAFdy DOW JONES STOCK AVERAGE. 47 47 47 41 41 TRr.Asl'RV NOTES. (In dollars and thirty-aeconda.) (iirway 44 56 44 Norway 41. Kanlllea-oOAE 4 65 Schulcod 46 A at 95 Schulco 6 46 5 Schulcod 46 at 21 ScahAL cn 6 45 10 SeaAL 6 45 ct 5 SeaAL 4 50 at 6 Sea-AIIKIa 6 35A ct 3 High Low Clow N. Ch 6'i 115'j mt: lli JewelTa(2 40) Johna-aiaiivilla 49 49 Tl 71 71 149.20 150 09 Hid Asked 148 68 30.98 2 16 185 23 27 43 33 i'1 5 13 a OrlentDev 6 53 NEW YORK, N.

Y. A serious relapse In Scandinavian and other important foreign loans was a depressing influence in Friday's bond market. A previous good rally ln the obligations of Norway and Den 100.6 54 134 24 30 Ind. 20 15 litll 65 Stocks 44 4 40 604 94 31.07 25.20 50.03 31.24 25 34 50.32 Canada 5 52 101 4 101 18 101 20 fanaina 5 63A June la 1940 1 '-s 1940 March 1 1910 June 1 1941 2H 16 18 23 27 42 33 9 1 I 62 KanCtrytiouth Shell Un 2 51 24 el mi 29 nil 10129 101 31 96 101 .1 ami Peru 1st 6 an 20'4 7 i canana a ou lev Canada 3 61 86 Canada 3 67 84 7 7 7 18 18 18-4 37 37 37 97 96-, 101 101 1(154. 1054 1054 11)4 4 214 13 I 1 Wueensld 7 41 1054 Sinunona cv 4 52 3 64 SofccllTAT 3 79 Am in ca HIM 6 Am Ointtypa i 1 Am Alr-a? I Am Crst t-UK 1 Am A Knr Pw 8 entil 61kl 4 Am II rtr A 3 do pi Kr I 20a) December 1 a 1941 March ls 1942 cplember 2s 1942 Canada 24 44 1110 1- yiiecnsld 6 47 lih-WestB Chile 6 60 asd 13' 11 62 a 99 SollKratt 4 46 o'J, y.i 25 2.V, 34 31 34 91 2 74 15 9 11 50 Colomt6 61Jan 31 4 4 4114 46 45 KloGrdoSuls 46 2) 9 1 1 '4 62 9 21 2 23 29 9 21 21 Colunibb tilOct 314 44 4:, Steiv.

rt Wat a 3 9 SludebakerCrp 91 1 la I .2 Hur.ihMi I 6(1) 2 Superheat! 1 Suiierlor Oil 1 SwitiCoi 1.20) 26 Swifllntl (21 8 1112.11 K'2 13 103.10 103.12 104.23 101 .25 104 14 104 16 102 22 102.24 102 27 102.29 101 31 102.1 100.30 101 102 3 102 5 100 17 100.19 Soul'ac 4 68 SouPac 4 SoP.ic 4 69 SoPac rig 4 55 45 4 5 14 45 1 1 22', 5 6I 5 si 19 It 5-16 CupenhaK 5 52 21 CupentiaK 4453 191, lt.s 1942 June 1'4, 1943 December 1913 Mnrch la 1944, June is 194 4 September Is 1944 March 1945 60 I.ambertCoi riii'i 52 2 1 29 24 30 16 16 32 32 22 22 16 32 22 SoPac 3 46 59 4 52 4 "484 rioumlnsl 7 59 Feb pd SantaFe Prov NEW YORK, N. Y. Air transports and assorted specialties displayed rising strength in Friday's stock market but mostt leaders finished under water. Lack of definite information concerning the tide of battle off 22', i 61 19 2 814 Am M'me rr 2 411x.l Am lee Amlntrrnatjoa Am Loeurnot In of i 7 i 14 Denmark 8 42 294 48-4 81 81 LecKA lrei e) I.etilPortCl t) LeluValCoal LenValKK LehmnC'iM 40e) Lemerf trai 2 I 75V ti4 SaoPaulCtv8457 ij SaoPauloKts -ia 524 49 814 764 8S 58 704 1(16 ueiimara pi.4.-r) 30 Denmark 4462 24 Estonia Rep 7 67 SO 3 4 -3's AmMetal 3 28 50 Tenn Corp TexasCorpi 2) 884 574 704 10 SaoPauloSt7 40 35 roil1 L-0-K()las(le 14 flcrOov 54 83 1114 Am rowau AmRaoAjits Am Mill ti Hernstltasi 8 62 r. SerhaCtsSl 7 17 19 1054 106 ueriiuvi Dttt)r 2.

8 44 108 -V-ii SoPac 44 Ore 77 15 SouthRv 64 56 7 SouihRy ken 6 56 24 SoillliRy cn 94 8 SoiithKy nen 4 58 22 SoHy 4 St 51 5 Sland Oil 3 61 10 StandOilNJ 2V 53 12 Sttidebaker cv 6 45 19 SwiftACo 3V 50 8 TcxCorp 34 51 21 TexCorp 3 59 II ThirdAve aj 5 60 87 Third Av, 4 60 15 1054 1054 Tokl.Hjliy546l' til 2 57 12', 104 28 'a IVi i a Norway between the British and AmSalHi 1 20) AmSARl 4el 1U8 4 unst 74 Oor Govt 7 49 154 Gert3ov7 49unst 94 Ger OenEI 7 45 284 Texnsul (21 TexPCOI40) Thermoid Co Tiuril Ave Ry Thomps (JRI ThompPrl Thonio-Slarr't 5' V.l 2.1 4, l. 16 U'4 101, 53 2SH I44 21 '-i I73 Mi', 1" 1054 AmS'lf'fH e) 1 8 10 12 2 44 44 108 108 109 108 17 17'i 39 381, 34 34 38 37 44 43 jl 3 LibMcNAL 10 60) 1 l.ll.!verii4a) 1 doB'4a) 4 Lid'iidCrbi He) 2 LiKklieed Aire 74 Loew'slnc 12) 13 Inc 107 Ln Str Cm3) 7 LnK HI Lb A 2 Loose-Wll Blac U.I 105t, 24 14 Ii'KloElL 6 53 i' Urug a) 34 4 44 79 Urag 34 7Dec 50 WestphUn E1P 653 Yokohama 6 61 fl'l 4' 4 35 57H 35 1 1(1 23 49 6 19 2 10 22 11 6 46 IS 6 5 35 2 in 24 50 6 21 2 10 22 11 Amstt.ret Am Sugarllef rji-jap 64 50 87V 46 4 4 35 7 4 6 4 5 35 2 4 10 24 50 21 1 2 10 22 4 11 108 4 17 38 34 37 4 43 3i 21 CORPORATION BONUS. Sale, in Frl. Kl.otiO High Low Close (Sale, In $1,000) High Low Close A leiAany cv 5 44 55 81 81 81 Alieghany 5 50 St 49 41 43 44 Allied Str, 4 51 4 98 98 98 AIM; Chalm cv 4 52 5 109 109 109 AmAKorP 5 2030 16 66-' 66 66 AmKiChem 5 49 11 104 104 104 Am lnt 5 49 11 1U5 105 105 Am 1 A 1 5 43 107 19-32 107 19-32 107 19-32 Ann AT 3 66 17 109 1119 109 Am TAT 3 61 1119 109 109 AmW'WAK 75 15 109 1(18 1H8V, Anacon.luCop 4 50 63 104 Ilia KIJ lreek6 68nt Dd 134 AmieiAT (91 1724 1721, Hunz4 470ext 304 TldeWatAsao 34 52 5 AmTubaccniS) 11)8 1IIH 105', 1054 1034 1034 105', lOS'I 24 234 614 61 1064 1064 1074 1074 103 1144 1144 974 97 76 76 89'4 844 1034 1034 Total bond sales Frldav aa Si, 63 5 6 3 61, 1064 1074 1034 1144 974 unKlMo 62 irj UnionOIICaU 3 59 11 ao ni Am Toa Fdr, 3 Am Wat Wia 4 inrac 1st 4 ai 12 'uPac 314 71 13 91 1 5 '4 5 '4 Hi'. 1'4 91, 7'i 7-, 3ll'a 30-4 Lonllard P) previous day.

6.219.700: week au 10 503,500: year ago, $4,798,325: aito, closed; Jan. 1 to date. $lS9 7fiS? year aco. two yean $532,562,555. s0' XIN Kx-lnterest.

CT Cert I Urates. 17T4 17 17 24 24 24 57 57 57 Iff 76 Louia A Naah UnCia-WhStra 5 52 22 UnltDniK 5 53 28 USStpel 34 48 24 894 1034 A rut Del 4 57 Am Wiiolen 8 AmZinc LAS 12 Anacon (et 84 ArmDelpl t7) I Arm LI 55 do pr pf 2 ArmCorkie) 4 Awed OrvtJoo'la 2 3 103'i 103 103 ll'iel 1 I.H hi. mark apparently left them vulnerable to new pressure. The sweep of selling, however, reflected fears as to the fate not only of the north countries, but also of Belgium, whose bonds plunged down to further new lows. Close Lower.

Closing declines ranged from two to around seven points in Norway 4s, 4Vis and 6s, Denmark Sis and 8s, Belgium 6s, 6Us and 7s, Hungary and Italy 7s. In contrast German 7s, the so-called Dawes loan, pushed up about a point, but the gain here was attributed to a recent announcement regarding arrangements for payment on account of the April coupon. Major Trend. Corporate bonds were firm here and there, but the major trend was down, A Tew rails edged up fractionally. Unitect States governments were about steady.

Losses of a point or more were shown by Portland General Electric 4'2s, International Paper 5s, Intemational Telephone 5s, Bos TWalAOi 15e) 10 TimkenllAdl 19 TimkRB 4 Tranamer( 21 Tr A West Air 54 Trl-Cnt Co 8 Tw icx do pf (1) I Twin Coach 10 Ilndwd EIHe) 1 Union BjlF 1.15a) 74 ItnCb 1 1.10,1 26 Union Oil Cal I '4e 4 UnionPac (6) 4 do pf 14) 1 Unit Air Ln 198 tlnltAlrc 12k) 13 31'4 109 lii, 57 4 I '4 2 13 1034 103 57 57 11 111 Arm Del 4 55 ATASF 4 95 44 48 A Lin, 1st 4 52 Mack 4 27 26 9 103 HH'i 1034 70 56 GRAINS FOLLOW tl YON 41 22 174, 41 22 lit Airn A 8 1034 104 1034 70 56 754 37 4 32 '4 wacy i rt Co I He) 14 MadSnQ 1 t4e) 2 Sli Markets at a Glance Wheat About steady. Corn Easy. Cattle Strong to shade higher. Hogs Steady to 10 cents up; top, $5.50. Stocks Easy; leaders drift.

Bonds Lower; Scandinavians hit again. Foreign a Erratic. Cotton Higher. Sugar Steady. Metals Mixed.

41 41 41 -1 16 15 16 4 82 81 81 16 19 16 97 97 97 84 84 84 1 hlEher and the basis firm. Receipt, total. nine cars and shipping sales 135 (H bushels Corn waa 4 down and oats 2 unchanged. er Cash wheat No. 2 hard, yellow hard, $1,094.

Corn No, 1' mixed, 884c; No. 1 vcllew 614'a6ie; No. 2, ei462Vc; No i 29 29 29 12 12 ,12 3 3 3 5 5 5 a. A.ine 44 64 7 A Liu, 5 45 5 All A Dan 1st 4 48 15 AtlADan 2d 4 48 6 -'2 Manati Suk 8 MarMldl (.20,) 5 754 sua 1 1071 107H 754 37 4 324 7 I 9 Marshall Field 1 1 1 1 ERRATIC COURSE 1.40) ad 107 9 14 14 14 4 22 li 1 4, 22 1 '-4 9 5 12 100'4 106'4 1064 47'4 74 44 45 v4 48 49 4 i oil 304 5 uats wo. 4 mixed, 40c; No.

2 whti. 44V4Sc; No. 3, 434434c; No 4, 42a 17 2 AtlUuAWI 5 59 All Lefin 3 53 AubAutu cv 4V 39 A 95 It BAO 2000 BSO 96 at BAO cv 60 st BAO 1st 4 48 MartiGLlCo MavDpSt (3) M.tvtaK Co MrCrKH 1 1 Id Mt-Oraw Hll. ,1 51 -V 3 3't 27 4 2 27 3914 4(1 Barley Malting. 5364e.

nnmlnti, Tit" CnltBiJ United Corp do pf 13) Cnlted Drua: UnitFrt (4) t'nltoal (1) 714 15S 5 6 '4 10 304 264 27 14 4 68 57 4 4 31 4 48 7 13 40 ti 50c, nominal. 3114 g'. 144 68 4 5S 4li 4 7 7 35 20 6 14 'o Prices About Steady I 1 264 264 It 68 67 454 80 80 so 4 16 iti 15'4 ft 104 7 18'J, t.ara iierces, B.17C; 5.30; 7 38 6-i 12 12 12 BAO PlcAW 4 51st McInPc (2a) M. Kea A Kb oaro no st As Day Ends. BangAAr cv 4 Slat Ant oast AtlRelinK (1) do pf 4 AtlasCorl Hit) do pf (3) Auburn Auto Aviation Corp Bald Loro ct Bait A Ohio do pf Bangor A Ar BarnsdallOtl 1 BavukClgar BpairCrm(la) BcndixAviat (lei BeneflndLa 45e BcstAt'n I l.KOa) BethSteel I la) do Blaw-Knox BuelngAIrp! 60 7 on 4 4 Unii Mer A Mfr ie) 8 Cvp 12) 8 lu? AI do pf tcl.ft 40e) Mi Keesot Tin 19 11 114 lis 7S 38 28 8 10 4 12 5 31 12 11 11 84 84 24 21 6 6 11 84 24 6 28 28 10 10 12 12 5 5 nenira 4H BellTPa 5 60 Beth Stl 34 52 Mead Corp 15 1 164 1154 1154 6 1344 1344 1344 21 1 104 1104 27 1044 1044 104 Leath 32'i 32 32 32 vcnuei co MrslaM He) 3 2 1 3 11 Des Moines Grain.

(Quoted by Des Molnea Elevator Co, Fast Eighteenth and Vine 1 Des Molnea cash grain price, Friday CORN. No. 2 yellow, delivered In Des Moines WHEAT Chicago Futures 31 USPioeAF.lry 121 ITSKcalAImp "'4 32 3514 22 45 11 11 45-U 45 1 1 46 35 35 35 1 1 1 36 35 35 6 2 21 5 4 MiamlC f.20e) Mid-Cont Pet 34 22 35 12 9 13 ociii nil 5U BostouAMe 5 67 8 67st BostonAMe 5 55 BostonSMe 5 55t BosANYAlrL 4 55 474 IT Kubher USSmeltRAM li 15 15 35 22 37'4 (By 14 (40e) Midi Stl Prod Cel Mlnn-HnR (2) Mmn-M(il 37 37 38 63 62 63 63 61 82 119 119 110 38 53 37 '4 mi! 79 80 Od 53 4 1104 ltt)'4 the Associated Press.) Close Hlsh Low Frl. Thurs. .594 .61 ,604 .604 .624 .14 .814 .611, BklyCttyKR 5 41ct 15 BklyKdls 34 86 5 BklyManTr 44 6S 12 BklyManTr44 66 ct 44 12 3'i 12.1 1231, 123.

1 2e I 3 US Steelde) 147 dopf 17) 9 8 Tobacco (1.28) 5 t'nltedStockyd, 2 UnitStrs A ton Maine 5s and Nickel Plate 52s. ,04 .374 .341 68 1 1 36 102V, (12'Z Germans caused many Wall Street-ers to stand aside so far as pivotal Issues were concerned. Industrial news on the home front, while cheerful In spots, also had Its cloudy aspects and served to temper bullishness for the market as a whole. No. 1 hard, delivered in Des Moines, At nearby country elevators OATS.

No. 2 white, delivered In Dei Moines At nearby country elevators FEED PRICES. MieCll 10 10 10 10'4 IO14 DOV Hi', 26H 26 38 26 14 38 38 2 2 i a 2 7 I 45 45 79 1104 1024 91 97 38 41i 414 102 1014 101 4 094 98 9914 014 974 38 4 4-i 45 1.08 1.074 1.074 1 074 074 37 4 44', 26 26 264, 26 '4 26 2614 Mo-Kan Tek do pf Mo Pac pf HnhwC (tie) 2) Motor Protlucta 17 1.074 5 15 6 7 i Bonn A Bras, I Via) RonitStrsU.gO) BurdenCo l.3(lel Borg-warner 111 114 114 1.074 1.064 1 064 1 064 102 1112 Chicago Stocks CHICAGO (A. P. Following- ta the list of closing prices on stocks traded on 23H 23H 36 S6 36 3 3 3 44 44 41 n.v, 14 01 14 16 1014 1014 Vanad Corp Va-Caro Chera Virgin Ry(e) 17 17 MolWhlil.60) 3 Munsinftwi 4 14 17 13 -1 7 13 12 me i.nii-auo Hock exchange l-rldav: JO Illl, Jll'4 14 lilt) 99 12 984 98'4 3 99 4 99 4 The fact that the most active i gStSftf r' 4 Corn-May July September Wheat-May July September Oa's May July Septpmber Sovheans Mav July October Rye May Julv September Lard May Julv September At.hottI.ab B9 7 IntHarveater .414 .414 .414 .374 .374 374 374 .344 .344 .344 .344 1 084 LOT 1 074 1 OH LO64 l.OS'i 1.05V 1.064 .954 .95 .954 .95 55'i 1 IS 12 2.P4 12 2.1 3'i 18', 23 3B 23 '4 22H 3't 234 36 23S lit 23 4 3 '4 14 23', 3 1094 11 JUH'4, l(tU, HklyiiS-QnTrana 2 1113 1024 1024 10 ct Jarviai WBl JefferaonElw Kyl't Jrcumpf doti'pf Lib-McNAL LincolnPrlnt 86 s-14 8b Am Puti Svcpf 95 Armour A Co 6H Aro Equip 14 Astiestos.lfif l.i, AthryTruMWhetl 5M, Aviation Cnrp 7', 45 Murray Corp 14 Nash-Kelv 18 Nat Aviallon 21 NatBtsct.4oe) 17 NatB.IAInvi 1 I NalCashReirl 1 7 NalCyldi.20e) 10 naiyn-Mftn 76 75 (Quotations furnished by Iowa Feed Co 620 Dea Moines building Prices for carload lots on track indt.

cated Freight and handling $6 per to, extra, except on cottonseed meal. Flsb meal. Dea Mnlnes. $69.00. Flour middlings.

Minneapolis, $26.50. Tankage. Chicago, $47.50. Gray shorta Kansas City, $26 00. Pure bran, Kansas City.

$24 00. Cottonseed meaL Memphis, $31.00, Soybean meal, flecatur. $26.50. Linseed meal, Minneapolis, $31.50. HAY PRICES.

Quotations furnished by the Pease fts. Commission No. 2 Ninth st. Price, represent carload lots at De, Moines. Oats straw $5.006.00.

Kansas prairie $1 1.50912.00. Timothy $9.00 i1 0.00. Alfalfa hay 9.0012 00. FLAXSEED. stocks of the day closed on the upside was a hopeful factor, brokers said.

Several favorites posted new highs for the year or longer. Small Turnover. .674 .874 -B74 BrownKboe 1 1.1 23 46 101'. RVk 3'd 24', 29 14 '4 64 6.14 Brunswk-Batka 1004 100 100 6 15 24 18 14 12 17 5 V- 64 6 4 .674 .694 .704 6 20 8 42 6.62 4 I.incoInPrltitpf MapesCona MarahPl, Id .684 .69 .70 .70 .704 8 17 8.20 6 15 6.35 6 40 6 35 6.57 6.62 6.57 tnipt 8 I1 37 ESKiy UHS 5 au BulRAP 57 st BurCRANu 5 34ct Bush Term 5 55 Can Nat Ry 5 70 Can Nat 5 69 July CanNat 5 69 Oct CanNatRy 4V 55 CanNalRy 44 51 CanNatRy 44 57 Can Nor 46 Can Pac 5 44 Can Pac 4 4 46 Can Pac 44 60 Can Pac 4 perp CarriersAGen 5 50 CenolGaen 5 45 CenNewFnK 4 61 Cen Pac 5 60 Cen Pac 1st 4 49 Cen KR NJ 5 87 34 116 CAO Mir 34 DBS CAO rfg 34 63F ChiAAlton 3 49 rfn 5 71A CRAQ 44 77 CBAQ (ten 4 58 CBAij 4 III 49 CBAQ.34 III 49 5 51 ChicC.tWest 4 59 Chi IAL 6 66 5 75 C.MMPAPa)5 2000 CMASP 44 89C ChiANW 6 36 CI11ANW rfs 5 2037 MerchAMIrsA NatDeptStoreg 3 53 47 70 184 99 4 i Biicyrus-Krla BuililMrx Bu.ldWneel BulovaWatch I 2a I BurllnnMlllsfl) BurrArtdMacb l. 20a i 52 47 681, .18 94 99 '4 Mickelliprry'aFd 28 9 '4 5, 30't 19' in 14 25 10 10 7 iNa' 1 list 2 ixa NatLeadi 4) a via at (ran, BcMen Mik Bemlia" Av RerKhoffHrew Bliaail.aiiBhlln RorK-Warner RrachASom BrownHtW nf as 11 21 22 4', 1111', ldV eatCorp Modliie MontgWard Nut-Stand Nohlltl-Spark, NorAmCar 2Wj 5 2 '4 27'i 3li', 10514 105 Nat Tea 53 47 68 18 994 99 3054 14 SS'Ji 814 91 100 97'4 16 23 99 5 3 4 1 25 -V, 23 4 38 23 24 114 32 37 32 12 10 6 3 3 4 6 4 6 6 3 2 Wabash Ry 1 1 1 do pf A 13 -1 1 Walgreen Co (1.60) 30 22 23 do pf ww 141 1 99 99 Walworth Co 8 5 5 Warn Br PIc 2 3 3 Warren Br 5 1, 1 WaehULU) xd 2 25 25 VVaukeshM(l) 3 19 18 WayncPile) 1 23 23 Webster KI 1 4 4 WAutnS(2l 2 38 38 West Un Tel 9 24 23 WeatAlrBi He) 7 24 23 WKIAM.inci 14 114 113 West KI Inst 2 32 31 WeatvChlllO) 1 37 37 Wheel Sleel 20 33 32 White Mot 14 13 12 WhRkMSp 31 11 10 White Sew 4 6 Wil.nAili.10e) 1 3 3 Willys-Overt 504 3 2', do pf 175 6 5 WllsonACo 38 6 Wonlworth (FWl 12.401 18 41 40 1111, 22 67 7 12 16 19 i 6 15 21 18 It 6 25 67 8 12 17 19 33 31 22 34 24 in o.

6 14 24 18 14 12 17 10 67 12 16 19 32 31 20 34 24 22 57 2 Newportlndust BtishTermlual BullcrBroa 88- CHICAGO, ILL. W) The wheat market, which usually is extremely sensitive to war developments, continued Friday to take European news calmly as prices drift 17 4'i No. 1 flaxseed delivered In Dea Molntl 38 2 28 28 5 94 9'4 5 5 '4 5' a 5. 5 4 30'4 30U 6 10 "if 10 11 1014 2 4A 17 7 '4 4 4 2 ll'i 23'j 23 8 14 14 22 8 7i 15 22 21 'j 15 5V 5', BurdPlatnnRlnit Tie i Nor'wpt Rancnrp NYCcnt KK NYCtnAStL do of 34, ess man canoau loia, ,1.00. SOYBEANS.

ButteCopAZ 7 4 ll'i 3 3 32 1 V. PM 1 ,1 pi ti OmnlhuaCrppf 109 uerai AAljCO NVcrimnlhO) IVY NH A No. 2 yellow less than carload lots 11 IS 79 1 4i- 00 22 2 ed through a fractional range Lies juoincs, v-tc. 29 22'4 13 nui ifrnrim CnCnMStiir CmtHWIH ChalnBrlt ChlCnrp ChiFlexShafl ChrvslerCorp Com'wIthKrtla PpnnKti-wA PennRR Prpsse.KStlCar QuakprOata QuakPrOatapf SlilphMk- 230 60e) 2 Nor Am Avia 46 10 4 57 21 14 R2V, 87i 32 i CallaZ-Lead Minneapolis. 23H 14 7-k 116 150 31 24 22 57 9 4 6 27 4 19 el CanllryC.AIa 2I'4 5 NAraCod 201 25 1 North Pacific 16 NorwalkTAR 4 8 4 Vt Ciinipresaed Ind LanadPHciflo above and below previous closing levels.

Traders who spent much time scanning war bulletins exercised unusual caution in the futures pit in view of conflicting and confusing reports. 884 814 91 100 974 16 294 9 14 6 1 27 4 19 104 174 24 10 174 17 444 7V 64 14 "4 14 154 104 r.aa 15'4 CannonMtUa ChiANW urn 5 87 81 4 914 100 16 29N 14 27 4 19 104 18 24 10 18 174 44 4 74 6, 14 174 14 IS 74 Wei MINNEAPOLIS, FRIDAY (A Wheat receipts today 235 Pars compare! with 131 a year ago. Trading basis, us-changed. Quotations. 4c higher.

Cash No. 1 heavy dark northera, $1 07 4: dark northern, 07'41i fancy No. 1 hard Montana, $1 084; aard amher 8846 014c; No. 1 nt durum. Curiami 7 ConlainerCorp 17 v.

19 'lO CaterpilT (2) 1 3 24 19 17 cp( Cer ile F2e) 174 3914 51', 3 2 '4 39 6 Mi 17 43 23 YellnwTrArh 2fi ie) 1ft YgstStllXV.e) 1 '4 17 43 23 td fr Ohio Oil 17 7 7 DhverKarmKd 3 22 21 llmnCorpi I 20) I 13 1:1 OtlaKlevl.ia) 5 Otis Steel 12 11 11 Ow-ln-UK e) 5 62 62 ,7 13 1 5 II 62 44 CliaitiB i 4, I 9i 86 30'i 2 lr 27 8 27H 234, 2014 46 nH 16 81 'i 2' S-1 62'i Trsitlm searnKopb SarrlrkC'-irpB SiKnodPStli.f SoBpndl.Wk, St.lDrPilg StdOIIInd Stpwart-Warn Sunslrand Tool SwIflACo Swlftlntf 2) TpxasCorp ThompHiml JR) Tranet'n UnionCarbld, UnltAlrLlnc, irscivpsum Rtepl 2 16 2 1 Corn No. 3 yellow, 5S1T57C. basis, unchanged. Quotations, CliehAO I21-) Chi IV BV 14 ChiANW cv 3V 49 ChiANW 414 2037 ChiANW 4 87 ChiANW 34 87 Chi Ry 5 27 CH1AP 44 52 A CR1AP 44 52A ct CRIAP cv 4 60 4 88 CRIAP 4 88 re 4 8S ct CRIAP rfk 4 34 CRIAP rff.4 34ct i ChUnSta 3'4 51 7JpnithRle)xrl 4 1R iStmitPprtKi 2 2t '2K V4 201, IS 23Vi 5 3-H 29 4 S3 4S 54 ti 7' do bf 39'4 i 51v 3'J'4 39 6 Hi 20 39 i a-i6 6 87 39', 42', 17 Spreading warfare and cold weather over the domestic grain belt inspired some buying that lifted prices as much as cent at one stage but thia was offset Chi Piitu Tl 2 5-16 Cn Kk I A 2 i4 15 do tine Dt 2 CrannCo CuniilnphamD Stra DeereACo ItexterCo KIHnuHehfild KIcinNatWalch KullerMfK GenAmTram GeilFoofla (IpriMolnrs ailldtcSafR t.HOl OondvenrTAR ntLakaaOredE, HallPnnt Houd-HerR HuhliflLH lino IndepPnPuTool luwer. Oats No.

3 white, 394404. Parley 41 'aBOc. Rye No. 2, Flax No. 1, $2.122.14.

Sweet clover seed 5 00 cwt RANGE OF PRICES. WHEAT. Pril'Llfht I.D 1'ackarflM'itor Pnn-AmAirw Famrn I'ict 39 '4 5 1 3.1 39., rt't ''4 i 12S 5-16 7-ltt 6 68 394 42', IP 21 24S 14 64 Despite the liveliness of scattered issues, the turnover of shares was the smallest for any five-hour proceedings since Apr. 1. It compared with 889,690 the day before.

Willys-Overland was the fastest sprinter with a yolume of 50,500 shares, up 94 In new high ground at 3'4. Next was Martin-Parry with 23,700, up l'i at 13 '4. Down fractions to a point or so were U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, General Motors, Montgomery Ward, American Telephone, Anaconda.

Eastman Kodak, Douglas Aircraft, Sperry, Santa, Fe, Standard Oil of N. and trtternsiional Paper preferred. New 1940 tops were scored by American Airlines, up 3'j at71'3; N. Y. Shipbuilding, up 2 at 22'i; and Dresser up 'j at 28 H.

Minor Gain. Chrysler held a minor gain as the company reported first quarter factory sales a record for this period. Earnings prospects aided the airlines as well as individual climbers. Eastern Air Lines, United Air Lines and Transcontinental Western Air ended well ahead. Chilling followers of the steels was a cut of J4 a ton in hot ami cold rolled sheets by principal 6 75 116 Clilldt Co 1 Chryaic (li4e) 28 cl*tnax Molb 1064 106 by profit taking, spreading and 106 92 i 1 20) 9 IT Stpel pf 1101, Ch A Ind 4 52 18 CCCASiL 44 77 6 ClevUnTerm 5 73 14 23 2.V1 504 93 924 50 4 50', 764 754 6944 68.

10 1 3 5 CIPbd I'ie) CoiK-Paim hedging sales, which caused reactions of about a cent from the 75 1744 17 32 1 Tout palps, S2fi.2T0 ihan-a; previous flay, KSn.tifUi; week ago, yehv aKr, All) two veara bko, voser; Jan. 1 Ui (Ute.; ypar aso, 77.S90,-377; two yeara ao, fO, 918.544. Rates nf liivirten-ia In the forpnnln(t tahl are annual rtlahuritementa on the laat quarterly or semi-animal declaration. Unless otherwise noted, apeciai or extra dtvi-dcnilft are not Included.

AS Aciual sales. XH Ex-dlvldend. XR Kx-riKhta. a Also extra or extras, peHart'd or paid far this year, Pvabte in utock Paid Jat year, or Accumulated dividend PHid nr declared thin year. 6 Accumulated dividend paid lant year.

87 '4 39 42 20 21 68 High Low May LO34 1.024 July 1.03', 1.03 SeptemBer 1 03 1 034 I Cm 1024 1.03, 1-034 W'alerppn 22'4 WpttlnKhE'AM 1131, Woodalllndust Si, ZenlthRad cievi 1 erm4 '477c Col A I 5 43 CnlmhiaG 5 52May 34 47 3 23 4 7 2 41 21 11 94 3 20 -IV. 22 3S 94 39 ColAAik (2al 5 IO44 KLIlj 1044 7 1 04 4 104 4 104N II 1(1 24 3 highs. Near Day's Lows. il rl A Iron Col Brest A I 45ei Pkl'tsshConMln Fltpltavf hue) ParkRutPr(l) Pathe Kilm Penney UC) Penn-itxOm flo pf A PrnnRl 1r PhRpa-i rL PhMornsi PlnlhpcPi'I 2) BONUS. 1714 3.1 20 24 6', 7'4 13014 sharea; 314 ss Stock ate, Friday.

26.000 bonda. 34 47 3 22 21 11 9' 3 20 38 93 li 38 7 21 II 13 69 42 26 .434 .444 .55 .55, Col A El 20el Colum pr.t tolmhlarj 5 1061 104'. 104V 104 Rd 34 68 10 111 111 iii ComwIthEdcv 3458 41 130'i Con Fdia 34 48 10 1074 107 107 Con Oil cv 31, 51 27 105', 10514 1054 Ci.naurn Pow 34 70 4 110 1119 109V Cuha No Ry 5 42 2 294 294 29 Cuba 5 52 38 38 38 38 38 49 2 31 47 3 23V 2 44 21 11 94 .1 2 22 38 PI 39 9 7 21 1 1 13 70 43 26'i I 0(J 85 14 14 Wheat closed near the day's lows, or unchanged to cent lower compared with Thursday's finish, corn was to cent omlCredlt 4) ComllnvTr I 4 2 46', 54', 15', Mav July May July May July September May July September 46', 15', 1'4 CORN. .56 .554 OATS. 384 .36 r'Vb.

.644 .654 Insurance Stocks 58 57 4 58 .55 .554 .38 .36 ,324 .644 .65 t'onil s-ilvenla 48 ComwIlhASout 24 Del A Hud rfg 4 43 19 4 38 5 .324 I I'lrrie un PKmtW 1 4iii 94 94 94 110'- 1107.: off, oats cent lower to (New York Prima.) ,4 i'ei r.n 4 65 DulMissAI 34 62 Ouriuesnef.t 6 32s 23 10 1074 1074 1074 7 21 Bid A Cm higher, soybeans cents lower 1074 1074 itif 12 Commodity Index Following: is the AssoclRted Press Index of 35 basic commodities of which the 1926 average equals 100: Friday' 7S.11 mi illf to higher, rye Vs to cent 29 '1 164 107 18 16 70 4 3 down and lard five points higher. 32'," Til 48; KlPCAutoL cv 4 52 2 'rie rfk 8 67 19 Erie rfir 5 75 38 f-ne gen lien 4 98 33 Krie cv 4 53 A 12 Krie cv 4 53 10 Fla Cst 4 59 4 26 154 16 244 234 23 4 53 Press 811 Car 14 i 2a 6 7 13 Pure Oil 40 1 PurBakt,) 4 It Pit brokers said the apparent 14 9 I- 31 7 -3-16 ,3 Asked 1 27 4 53'J X' 14V 49 22V. 53 36 S4 633 1 6 4 254 Aetna Cas (4nl Aetna Ins d.lioal Aetna Life (1.20al Am Fquit (1) Am Ins Nwk f'-al Am P.elna i1.60a Am Reserve 1 1 1-.) Am Surety (24) Autorrt'ihile (lal. Bull Amer t.20a) Boatnn (16al 244 23 23 I 1 31 204 13 47 Si 374- 10 85 14 14 reason Tor cautious action in the face of increasing warfare was 0.1 71 704 70', 10 1054 1044 1044 Kl'4, 114 13 854 854 1 sin xil 55 Conn-Nai 2 3 Consol Airrr 7 CmsCiKiu-t 4 t'onnCupt 15 i 21 25 ConOlli.soixii 35 ConlainCni i.e) 7 Cont Itak A 1 do 2 ConiCan He) 8 Ci.ntlni 1. 6na) 3 font Coiltdllell 1 Conttstee! i t1 1 CooprHt I 20c) CornProdi 31 Colvlnc el 21 t'oty Internet 7 Crane Co 7 Crown CorkAS 8 Ci wn.elli 37 Crucible Steel 5 Cult-Am 1 I Piii 1 Cuncol'r 14) 7 Curl laPublWiK 2 do of ilk) I 4nn 3 4 23 3(1 2 I '4 32 30 1024 113 uen Cast 54 49 Goodrich 41, 56 Gt Nr 5 73 Gt Nor 44 76 Gt Nor 4 46 Gt Nor 4 46 Gt Nor 3 67 Gulf Ht stl 44 61 HariemRlvAP 4 54 HneACo 1st mte 44 Houatnnlc 5 37 HoustoilTex 44 54 a cja New York.

NEW YORK, FRIDAY (A Rf-Spot, steady: No. 2 American, f.o.b. York, 86c; No. 2 weatern. c.t.f.

York 854c. Barley Stpady; No. 2 domestic. New York. 66c.

Wheat Spot, steady No. 1 dark, nor em c.l.f. New $1.21 No 1 northern Manitoba, f.o.b. New York. $1.04 Corn Spot, No.

2 yellow. ci.t New York. 764c; No. 3, 754c. Oats Steady; No.

2 white, c.l.f. See York. St. Louis. ST.

LOUIS. FRIDAY (A Whtit-No. 2 ted. Corn No. 2 yellow, 634c.

Oats No. 3 white. 434c 29 'I 14', 9, 31 4 1 404, 4 23 3 I '1 21 -1 6C 7 I SO Hi 3.V, 18', 14 42', 1 nv. 34 manufacturers, attributed mainly tb a competitive jittiation. This offset to some extent a modest in S5'4 1024 93N 76 101 534 1110 24 103 21 94 5 77 4 10 101 12 66 3 734 8 55 6 100 79 6 8 6 1 681, gmj 2 1', 1 I 1 21 21 21 6 1514 J5 15 6 9 94 9 6 I 1 62 22 21 21 2 14 14', 14', 7 42 42 42 6 7 7 7 1 20 20 20 J(( 66 (iiKTVpf I .1 Ranio Keith or i Riivb-Mi llcid Co i I i Hi'inRii'K 40e) I Itco Mol ct I Repnb St I i Hevn ItevnToH i lei i Rn-hfilOill i- B) Hub' 1.1 On) 1 Carolina 1 1.301 City of (1 201 Conn (len Life 1 SO) Contln Cas 1 1,20) Fid A Hep 141 Firem'a Nwk (.40) Frank Firp 1 la I 1 (Jen Rpinsur 1 In 1 CporK Hi, me (la) ifilena Falls 11.60) Ololie A Rep (4) Clobp A Rut 734 72.94 72.10 72.51 65.05 75.29 71 81 75.22 63.78 71.37 63.80 41.44 Thursday eek auo Month (in0 Year bro 1010 I1I2.I1 low 1939 low 1938 high 19S8 low 193S-S7 hiRh I9S3-S7 low crease in this week's motor 334 04 100 34 48 44 31 7 .15 18 27 3 42 in 24', 48 34 48 454 444 434 47 "Free" sterling weakened In terms of the dollar, but recovered ,4 HudAMan rfe 5 57 14 111 Cen 4 52 11) 1 Cen 4 53 5 III Cen 4 66 a JCACSlWo 5 63A 1 3 JO 44-4 44 44 4 434 4II 43 IS1 Mi tj 51 3014 SafeSloicl t.e) Sl.loLeHd i i nt partially in late afternoon.

Euro pean markets were shaky. 4414 44 44 31111 intiusnayon 44 48 6 10. Kansas City. 104-4 104 Sav Armsl el 111 IS3 7 32 ct 23 74 'I1, 73V Curtlsn-Wntht 60 do A I Set 32 Cllll-HamtUe) 1 I 77 77 69 1: 601. 694 72 Iowa Securities 18 734 72 29 1004 K10, l-'ll 11 31 44 4 2RV1 45 12 19V 2S 27 864 3 344 20 II 2 3 69 59 8 IS 49 17 4 4H 27 854 38 2S 26 5 253 1254 340 468 234 I004 124 94 29' 42 26 4 3'i 10 2 67 14 57i! 17 is 34 254 Rl', 247 121 290 45H 22 514 OeereACo leis-VV-Gie) I'ei A Hud New York Curb Ji) Jii.l 103 il' 4111'.

Nominal Quotation, 10.1 39V 43 rel lck A 39 43 37 371, due to the fact that the fundamental world wheat supply and demand situation has not been altered. Demand for United States wheat from abroad, stimulated greatly during the world war, is not expected to be revived in the near future especially as long as there is a large surplus in Canada priced well below the domestic market. Selling of loan wheat continued to press the market. Minneapolis reported hedging of around bushels, with about 100,000 taken by a cash interest who hedged In Chicago. Shippers here sold 135.000 bushels to mills, the best business in some time.

Cold Weather. Cold weather, although accompanied by sbme precipitation, caused uneasiness because of a belief that plant growth, already delayed, may be checked further. No material damage is expected in most regions because (he crop is not believed to have progressed far enough. Moderating temperatures were predicted. September corn led an early ad 2MS 3rt 111', S7 17 fit Amer Ins la) Hunover 1.201 HMi'tford Fire 2a) Home Fire Sec Home Ins 1.20a) Homestead (1) Knickerbocker (4) Lincoln Fire Mnrvland Caa Bund 134) Natl Fir, (21 Natl Liberty 20a) New Aniat aa 1 Hampshire 1.60a) Fire (.801 Nor Fast Ins Nor River (1) Phoenix (2ai Prov Wash (lal Rep Ins Tex 1 120a) Revere (PI ln (1 20a) Rh Isl Ins St Paul Fire 18) Sprinyfeld (44a) Sun Life (15i Travelers 16) Fid AO (1) II Fire (2) Westchester 1 1.20a) 22 22 IS', 14'i l'i IK', 3 3.1 3C.

S't 14', K'l V.i VM, KS, 471, Itifi ItiT St4 4t 1ST 147 IHIMF.xTIC BONUS. nt Mpp Mar 6 41 Int Paper 6 55 Int Paper 5 47 IntTAT 44 52 Inl TAT 5 55 KCFtAMtm 4 Keith 1 RFI 6 46 Kopoer, Co 4 f. LehValCoalS 54 st LehValS 2003 and LehVal4 42003 asd LehVal4 2003 asd LiseetlAM 7 44 01 Lomjlsl rl'K 4 49 LonllaniCo 7 44 1 Follow-In th, on thp m.irp active New York curb ex- KriK OAK UmnTMotor iMstil C-Si 2) IouKAirc(3(t lnw Ch Ct) 1024 10214 104 104 22 22 151, 154 1024 101 234 15', 144 144 1 26 AlaPowSsSl 106', AIhP.w56h 111414 1(12 5 50 NKW YORK AP cl ploslnii pricp si'ii ks tradpd on ilia rhanvP Ir'ri'lay: Aoro Sup 5N Air lnvpKt.ira 3. KANSAS CITY, FRIDAY (API Wheat 128 cars; 4c lower to hlplw: No. 2 dark hard.

$1.06441 1 04; No No. 2 hard. $1.06: No 1.O84; No. 2 red, No. 4 $1.02401034.

Close May. July, $1,014: tember. $1,014. Corn 4 cars, s. lower to 4c higher No.

2 white, nominal, B5'Vfj66c; nominal, 6-1 4, 16614c: No. 2 vetlnw, now nal, 6346I4c; No. 3 nominal, fiJf 6.1'ic; No. 2 mixed, nominal, 63S6; No. 3, nominal, 82V'f6314c.

Close May, 59ic; July, 59c; W1 temher, 59ie. Oats None: unchanged: No. 2 nominal, 414Sf41c; No. 3, nominal, 1 4t4l'4C M1I0 malse Nominal, $1. 34 1.39.

Kafir Nominal. $1.01 He 1.34. Rye Nominal, 67ji69c, Barley Nominal, 404 We. No. 1 hard and dark hard wheat over May; No.

2 hard and dark hard 814P OVPP' Vo 1 red u-hnat 3 5c 0V 11 14 aihs4htp 111:1 I.I'4 ArkPAI.Sar 10 126 1'H 123-, 123 Alllanca Inv 1 Alum Am l3 2 yiVA 9N 5'. 3 1 9 1(13 L-inp Star Gaa I. iuij A Majpstlt RAT MrWill IlrpJg Mrtal Tex Mich Rumppr Su Mid Wpat Curp MolvliiU'iiiim Alum Ltd Am ('van 25 '4 l-2 t.ouisiaAArk 5 69 84 4 8 L.OU. A A.Klpct'c',3 AnCAKrinfiO AfTATrSa.VSA Riildw-LfiaOU BcllTCan BpllTCan 5a 60 531, 17 16 17 69. Ill', 110M 112 4IU, 13H 3.V, 7V, L0UAN41.

2003 1 1 'A" H0'4) Munatl Suk 57 4 tili 92'' ManhIRV4 90 A 25 801 McKeK a 82'4 82 Blarkhawk Hotela 39 Blnrkhaw'k Ferry Corp Central S'atea Eleetrle 4 64 Central fitarea Klertrlc 7 Central Slates Flectrie 6 2es Molnea Hallway 5 55 Olnhe Hotat Hawkeve Portland Cement F.leetric Co 4 61 Iowa F.leetric Co lry leva Klectrlc Co Iowa Elect rirUehr A Power 7" lowali'lectrii'LiKht PowertS'' lowrtKlectrW-LlKlil Power 6'4 lowv Power A LiKlit 7', Iowa Power A Lmht Iowa Public Service fi 68 Iowa Puhlic Ken Ice $7 Iowa Public Service 56 Iowa Piihtn: Service common Iowa Sout hern L'tlllt tea 5' lowaSoutheint'tilMlea 6 oil lowaSouiheroI'tilltica 7dlv arr lowaHouthernrtilitics arr lowa.SoiitheniUtilitlea common Iowa UntverKily Stadium Lennox Furnace 6- ptd Mil Conl Atrimea. common .4 1 5 3S in 15H ti 68 99 07V 103 108 105 109 103 10S 95'4 '4 lSti 3r 4IIV, lfi 9 33 Mia Ward A 16s Eni! CAE 5 47 Kna Pow 5', 54 Fnu Pow 5 4S St EAQ 4'4 HO St KAO 31 64 No Bo, Lt 3', 47 Ohio Pow 3 6S Okla A Wt 5 4S Pac A 6 41 Pac PAL 5 55 Pen Cen PAL 414 77 Punhiii int 4 dul'deN' 1 rt do pfi44 2 Kastern Air 47 KastKohWHI 1 MawlmanKtlit 17 KatonMli e) ri KIAtito-L( 'JO KlerHU 60 SO KI Tw A Kn t'Ub Hvc 12 Krie 1 pf 2 Koreka ri i Kx 6 FairbkM'1a 2 MlchCfinflos a A 1 I7, 5 10Vi 10f. i -1 -l Si 4 RirmincCa.i.r,!i59 97 Bid Asked 24 24 101 )C4 11 '4 1 2 8 ll'i 32', 8 II 1-3114 loin, 311 33 29 32 87 9(1 80 83 77 80 104H I113 106(4 I (H) 10.1 101 1117 102 105 5'4 O'l 102', 1115 lll'i', 1 1 IS 99 1112 l.V ISi, 13', 16', 3', 98 9 101, 7 58 61 7 4 101 107', 102', 105', 17 19 55 90 93 82 85 81 84 76 81 5 Mt Cllv Cup 44, Nat Auto Fib ION Nat Bella, Nat Citv Linn 16 Nat Cont ll'i Nat Fupl 0 12 4 Nat Sub Rpf 10 Auction 3 tilP.ivf.!i.--i7 11 looi No. 2 red 2'4c over; No. 2 whit, mj 6Va7c over; No.

2 yellow 4'i 44c over; No. 2 mixed corn 4'u4co 6 39 1 7 '4, 36 15 2 2 21 3 1 4k 12 31 It. 17 1 7'-. IS 2S 29 37 a Also extra or extras; declared or paid so far this year; paid last year. (Quotations furnished hv National Association of Securities Ilpalpra.

whtch mates Ihpy do not necessarily reflect ac-tui or firm bid, or offers but ahuuld indicate approximate Investment Trusts Following are the latest quotation, available on Investment trusts: pn CenSH'AI. Omaha. ShipPd fd M.PASS.Mar5449 MRPAssviarles 38 MSPASSMstds 38 MaPASSMen 4 38 Mo-Ill 5 59 MK-Tex 5 62 4 MK-Tex 5 fi7 K-3ex 1st 4 90 Mo Pac cv 54 49 JJ" P'lc 5 77 Pc 5 78 (I Mn Pac 5 78 Get Vo Pac 5 81 I Mo Pac lit! 20 ah 47 21 ajii r.l..S( PI OMAHA, FTtlDAY A .) Cash 101V 5 11 6 10 8 5 5 89 10 10 41 55 Ni CitipsSerr.sfiO I'll 614 BO'I 154 54 274 14 194 19', 194 10 194 64 70 154 27 4 IV 19 20 194 194, 19N Nlaa Hud Pw NilesBrm-P KflMASI Pen F.I 5 62 10S 64 64 70 16 284 20 211 194 204 19 324 67' 47 2'i'a 24 I 23H 17S 39', o. 2 dark hunt. $1.04 1 do; $1.02: No, 4, $1,014: No.

3 hard, $1.02 I 03:, No Am Lt A OmahaAComicilBiiiftHStreetRwy 21 1 17 39 i.ii() No. 1 mixed. i Corn No. 1 yelluw, 60c; No. 2.

W' I vance in the corn pit, rising cent to 62 '4, duplicating the two-year peak established Thursday, 4 1 S6'I 95 S7 92 96 R2I4 TCiine, Pnw No Am LA pf 9 IN Ni, Sta Pw A 13 Okla Nat Can 19', IMc iK 6 pf 33 Pantcppc OltVan 23 17 3D 10 311 17 37, 5 324 32 4 but profit taking as a result of WIIHB, Rye No. 1, 65'ic; No. 65c; No- 64- nouine tiosierv conv SiolixClkvllftfl A Klectric 4 66 HloiixCllyilas A 7 pfd FinuxClfvOtviA Klectrlc common Third A Brady Streela Ctnta United Lleht A Kinlwava 7 1'nilcd Licl*t HallwayaS 1'nlled Lisht A Roilwaya 6 Weslern fJMM'er, 1 37'i Comir-imPAL 5.37 Conilaf 6a 4 1 ,1 Contr; Kri5A CuilahvPiick 55 DptlRiBr 6's 52 ct fikllaiuiKlIllum 3 '4JI6S EIPa.x.KI Sa.VlA Elei'PAL 5s 2030 32 1014 10014 jnfj, 9 324 32 ji 5 109'i 1094 1094 '3 S44 54 54'! 1064 106N 10l! Barley None, I'emimad 2 Am Kxp l.inpa Ainlian A KI AniLinlll A Am Supprpow Ark Nat (la, ArkNaula, A Amo A Ao (IAK1 pf All lst Kisb Atla.iCnrp war Aviaiii.nATrao HiHilrun Wka Aire Bill Aire Bliaiua Aire "Buna iK W) Bine RiititP Bra, Tr LAP Hipwst A 'To BndKpt A ttnmti Kiii.lipr. lilmk Hill A t'lin Col Alrw Can Mart'om t'urnpuip Mpt Cairipr Corp t'alaim Am On A SW Ht CIIIPK Si'fvu: Tit Svc Clum A 1 Comwlth A So war Ton, Oaa 't ms S'l Corp rcpiipr inua O''lpn lirora Rpcorda llprhv Oil tipt SM Prod Hnvpr-llar lliival Ti'X Sul Pvll Ld FI R.1 A Sh K.I 1'Arih pf Kiiully Corp Kstnire Inc Falriliild Av Fa Ire ltd FnAA Fannterl MpI Kr.l Trk Ve list cii, I ern. i 1 a I ImiIPKIi 1 (ilia) KirpKtTARl Sa) tl.) h( i KrcciiLSullM 1 GarWnndlnil HAm Tn SNtl (leu Hrctui.

(Ii-n ,1 rii'iiKicci 2 1 P.tiM!!la (4al 2 10514 llis.1? 7 20 14 11 102 I'a-CVnt Alfl Plloi'nlx Sec Pioneer flold Pitts Forit Pill, PI (11 Plough Inc Western Ormier, common tguoted by Mc.juire, Welch 7 53 26 103 1024 1027? 42 42 1264 127 fi 4 a three-cent bulge the past week and some hedging caused the reaction. The spot market was '4 cent lower, with 32,000 bushels sold to shippers and 25,000 bushels booked to arrive. Receipts were only 63 cars and the continued' rise of hog price helped 42 127 39U 394 Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Friday (a.p.i wjf ftllurea closed unchanged to fee hiK May, 80c; July, 014c; October. 92)a U.S.

Treasury WASHINGTON, D. FRIDAT (f' The position of the treasury Apr Receipts. S7.S.18 027.57 eXMIWS? 4 1051, 100 K'l 102 101 "4 36 S9 4 59 59 Foreign Exchange NKW YOKK, Y. FRIOA Y) t.V Th Canadian dollar maintained trs a'a-bilttv In the forein-n exchani: market todv 1(1 4 19', 6 4, Si! 29', 1 Powdr A AI, Pmd Inves Pu Sd PAT RcptitiliP Avia Koasia lntl St Reel, Pap silt Horn, oil Siovlll Ml SeaalL.K-kAH tciberltmr Ruh FpdWafer FlaPAI.5'51 FlaPnw I S66C CJarvKAfl 5s1t.t OalineauPow 12-, 94 1 1,5 BO 2 3-32 A IN 2(1 tin, 3d 7 12 6 6S 4'4 1011, VI, 14 ft 7't 14 311 4sH H'l', il! 5(1 71, 17', 3 3ta 10', to strengthen corn. i r.r,M i iel dut A'tvt i (iepRvSliinal 7 S3 11 la 34'4 44', P'1'4 54 6 19 64 50 17 4, 1SS Oats and rye trade was quiet, iOen 1 20) 7't I.

4 4S vj io us, so 1 II. 14 S4H 90 3'. 69 QpnHuhl'l net balance. I2.417.W 463.14; working balance Included $1." 270.343 48. Customa pppelnta fop month.

iCPnTA lt( Selecipd Itiilti, 9-16 96 97H 1UV, 154M- ions 96 91 91N 91 112 1094 704, 704 70 70 70 70 18'i 105 98 68 124 83H 91 994, 102H Bid. Asked. .86 .95 3.50 3.S3 3.19 3 32 3 49 15.88 17,0,8 3.25 4 00 25.52 27.44 10.93 11.82 3.64 3.96 2 50 2.89 501 6 80 7 53 19 15 20.61 1 83 2.01 3 85 123 134 19 15 20 61 6 SO 7.53 17. S2 19.37 5 17 5 95 4.67 30.S5 33.17 501 546 10 20 11.08 5 96 6.49 15.99 17.19 4.25 5.45 20.S5 22.42 6 35 6.76 3 SB 125 1.38 12 68 13.66 2 37 293 2.ST 13 89 I4 86 7 6b 8 90 4 53 5 08 905 4 38 .73 M4 16N 2 29 1 01 5-l t'co lat; 4MB Peo c.aa IC 4 61 I) Phi 1.1 FI Puh Sv 6 rt Puh sv Okla 4 66 A Piik Sd A 5 '4 49 Pub Sd PAL 4'4 50 Shaw WAP 4'4 67 A Shaw WAP 4'i 70 I) PAL 6 2025 A So Cil Ed 3 60 Stand CAE 6 48 Stand CAE 6 4R cv st Stand A 6 51 Stand fj A 6 57 Stand OAK 6 6t St A 57 Stitrrett Corp 5 50 Tex KI 8 5 60 Tld, Wat 5 79 A Twin CRT 5t 5'i A Ulen 1 Co I 50 4th it Unit LAP 6 75 Unit LAP St, 52 Utah PAL 4H 44 Vlre Pub 8 5 50 Wise PAL 4 66 A Sharps Divers Affiliated Fund American Business Basic Ind. Shares Boat on Fund Canadian Inv.

Fund Ltd Century Shares Chemical Fund Commonwealth Inv. Tr. Corporate Tr. Shares Corporate Tr. A.

A. Mod. Cum. Tr. Sharp, First Mutual Tr.

Flilpllty Fund Inc. rovers Aviation nivers Tr. Share, nividend Shares Inc Fldelllv Fund Inc. First Munial Tr. Fundamental Inv.

Fundii menial Trust A Fundamental Trust Henera! Capital General Inv. Tr. Group securities: Avtatlnn Buildlna Incorp, Invest Maryland Fund Mass. Inv. Tr, Shares National Inv Nationwide Sec Nationwide Vntlna: New England Fund North Am Tr North Am Tr (1955) North Am Tr (1956) Putnam 101 Fund Quarter Inc.

Sh Republic Inv. Fund Sel. Am. Inc. SpI.

Income Superviaed Shares (lA.) Trustee Std. Oil t'aelua A tJselps Uselps Voting although the latter fluctuated with wheat. Shippers sold 34,000 bushels of oats. sentry con sherwln-Wm? 56 flpnWWkSat.tA 9SN Pr.wj,67 107 MAPI 077.67. Receipu for fiscal year 'July H-Jf, 551.539,931.08: expendllurps.

Si 867.97: excess of expenditures litiarinv 5S4SA 3IVi 514 524 534 604 60 60lJ 794 794 794 59 4 sr. 59 934 93 93 ll'i 77 774 86 86 86 66 65 65 57 56 57 J074 11174 107tt S2' S24 52 M24 1004 1094 109'' 3s iH" 19 184 19 19 19' 19 194 IS'4 IB 28(J 28 28 57 57 57 54 44 54 104 1034 104 164 164 .164 SB 4 56 4 56 4 104 164 564 Chicago Cash. 387.93B.80. dross debt. S43.5K8.851.757 flol'riitf pr Snu Union c.aa StanlCapAS St Oil Kv St Oil Ohio Stand Prod Sunrav Oil i rulptnn pDin, t.

64 22S 22 15-16 1318 44 77 Mont Pow 34 B6 MorAEssex 44 55 MounlsiTAT368 NassauEM 51 ct NalUalry3V51ww Nat Distill 34 49 Natl Sleel 3 65 NFne RR 5 45 NKnuTAT 4'461B NOTpxAM5B54ct NYCrfsS 2013 NYC414 2013A NYC cn 4 98 NYC 34 46 NYC PV 3 82 NYCAHR 4 42 NYCAHR 314 nt NYChASU. 6 41 NYChASi.Sii7,A NYChASTL1v.7s Nvriivk pv 5 47 NYIWk Co 4 51 NYEiti. rt'4 B6 NYNHAHcv 6 48 NVS1I4H clt 40 NYNltftH 4 4 67 NYNHAH 4 55 NYNHAH 314 47 NYNIIAH 34 54 NYNHHcv3 S6 NYSAW rf 5 37 NYKAWTermS 43 NYWAItost 4446 Nias-aeaBh CVS45O Nnrf Soil (I 61 A Nor Pac 6 Nor Pac 414 2047 Nor Pac 4 97 Nor Pac 2047 NorStaPow 3'4 67 Ohio Ed 4 65 OrtPwNFall 5 43 OreShLIn aids 46 Or-WashfiRAN4 61 Pc TAT 31; 66C ParaPlct cv 34 47 Pen Co 4 63 Pen-nix A 41 A Pen PALt 34 69 Pen RR Ben 5 6R PenRR gen 44 65 Pen RR 44db70 Pen RR Ken 44 81 Pen a "4 70 Pen 34 52 PcorlaAE 4 40 crease under previous day, 23 1 94 4 301, 3 13 20 'j 35 10 141, 70', 5s wheat prices Inday were unchanged to 4c uoin assets, bii 1 3.V4 35H 35', (to Pf (M I1r.a till Man Cn (ViehflUri 20) Hl-'l do pf ini OrlvrTR Oraham-fMut Urnnti WT) 1 1 20,1 OtNorlrOr, ct RIN.irthnRypf ntWcjiSiigi 2) Onii HL) (2al xl OraiHilOi 1 1 (if. Mi Ouaut'inSuaar II 15 3 a ins '4 38 34'4, 471.J 69 OMPLETE BROKERAGE SERVICE Ford Can A Ford Ltd FrtlPhallf Tr CSIen Aid CI at a A nt lllPnwAL 5 56 IIIPowAL scssib IniPSco 7a 52 IntPSec 6'-p55C IntprsPow6s52 la-NeliLAP S57 laPAI, 4V.s SA 1St4 1314, 15'4 26 23S 2S 27i, 27 laeiiart Ti-chniculnr T1I0 Roof Todd Shipyd, Tiilili, dial -Cilylli, Corp 1'nit Airr Pr 1'nitCls-WhStr, I'nlt Ga, 4 13 6 2 31 2 pf 130 Ct Nor Pan 44 rieyplte severe dclinea In the British pound and Belgian beljia. The Canadian unif often movei (n unison with the n-und but while strrlmt; dropped 7 centa tlie Canadmn illar moved Up 'i cent to 84 United States rents At the same time the hclua.

pressure all week as new war forces wre unleashed around the neutral countries oi northern Kump. tumble! 11-1 oo of a cent. 1 he French frnnc dipped .04 of a cent and the ttuiider .01 of a cent. The Swiss Irano was unchanged. Closinn rales follow (Great Britain In dollars, In renin).

Canada ficial Canadian control hoard rates for United States dollara; buvnifi in per cent premium, sellinK JI per cent premium, equivalent to discounts on Canadian dollars In New York of buyins: IMM por cent, selling 0 09 per cent. Canadian dollar tn New York open market 1 per cent discount, or h4 75 United States cents. Kurope Great Britain, demand, 3 84. cables. 3.49.

Hi day bills, 4 7. ll dav bills, 146; Belgium. 1tl8; Ienmark. unquoted: Finland, 1.9'in: France, 1 DN; Germany. 4.20n.

benev den. 3H fK); Greece, Hunit.iry. Iii5n; Italy. 5.05; The Netherlands, 5.S.0S; Norway, unduoted; Portugal. .1 Pweden.

2 son; Switzerland. 2.4J; Latin America Argentina, official, 20. 77, free, 22 00; Braril. officii, fl.Oli, Iree, 8,10: Mexico, Far enst Japan, 23.48 Hong Kong. 21.05; Shanghai, H.l.i.

Rates lp spot cables unlesa otherwise Nominal, 10 IN CHICAOO SINCE 1880 NEW YORK James E. Bennett Co. 23 flrtirn Aire nuif oil 33ti 33H 33H 1(1 16 16 11', 1 1 'i 11', 2 4 2, 2, 36 4 4414 IN 107 107 20 39 15 4 444 13 674 6 414 12 1004 5 107 7 105 Hartfd Rav vtc 67 I'n it (las pf "a 12 41 MpiroFdls71 1041, HiMpua Kutilll Hold Htimtile Oil 109'. 1094 MEMBERS 6i, ION 62S WFlPrt 107 107 Mull 1 1 I 1(I91? 11 104T4 ina III Ii.wa Pow t'lllt Ch, war 5-16 A 13-16 I'nlt L'AI'uw I'nit I.lAP pf 35 Foil 6 Lines pf 4' 1'nilpit ft'irea V. 17'i 17 MINNEAPOLIS CHAMBER 0 COHMERCI KANSAS CUT BOARD OF IT LOUII UERCHAN1S EXCHANGE 1 7 MiimilWati Haih-Wi NEW YORK ST'OCK ((CHANGS NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARO OP TRAOE NEW ORLEANS COTTON EXCHANGE Npl.rPw4'i..'Sl NpvadaCalK 112'.

109 11 17 ICS 11 18 div cl III la Pw pf Imp Oil Ltd In, Co Am 26 s. KIN 71 I11.1 10', IK NEW YORK COMMODITY EXCHANGE, 2 (101 22 Hitcu(pM 1 1 3 ins in', 17'1 79': 5S56 Land Bank Bonds NEW YORK, FRI11AY (A. ClOsInK Int Pap A Pw FUR HON BONUS. 2'. Danish Con 53 A -2 s.

(, '4 97H 06 96 ttervuipst'ow HollamlF! '4,) 1174 1174 ll74 8 107 1 07 107 9 1114 1104 1114 15 88 87 87 10 104'i 104 104 1 96'i 9114 964 24 1094 1084 109 109 1(19 109 16 1024 1024 1024 2 87' 874 87 4 12 974 974 974 18 91 904 904 13 854 84-4 85 I 664 664 684 autoip, 4 40 16i4 IS1', war lnt Pptrol Irvine Air Ch Jacit.a (F L.I federal ana nanx bonds: 1 'nit Wall Pap l'mv Cnrp vtc I'tll PAL pf Wneiuel Pat Waco Aire West Air Exp Vftlcbt Harx 1064 194 36 354 38 .14 STOCKS COTTON GRAIN SUGAR RUBBER BUTTER EGGS 642 Warnopk Kldg Slots, CITY 70S Omnia, 8t-(CDAK RAPIDS WATERLOO 40J Merchants NfttL Bank 411 First National Rant STORM LAKE FORT DODI1B OMAHA 622 Lake Avenna 508 Knell Hulldlng 11 drain ExchanM ak fur pamphlpt on Selected Income Sprtlle, 17 1'4 S'4 74 9 8H 14 14 HoilysiiHAr 2N a 55 Isarro Hyd El 7 52 PlPd Hv El fl'4 till A 20 41 45 53 2d at Ternl Flee Mt 53 Unit El Sv 3714 it Innpa A Stt 30 Lake Shor, IS Uhkh CAN 2 l.ii, 5S 3714 5 Rid Asked 1114 1114 107 4 1074 106 KI64 IO64 1084 106 11)04 Hi.melMi-tH) Hi.tld-HA(2tj doR. V.Pl HoustoD Oil 4, Julv 1946-44 34s May 1955-45 3a July 1935-45 Tanuary 3 ilay 1958-46 Ruhr Gaa 64 7 56 Slock aal Friday, 173.000 tiaret. Bond Salt, Friday, (1,600,000..

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.