The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)

THE MANCHESTER GUARDIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1927 15 Criterion Reataurauta. 75, 76. 7712 BritWi -Malayan Tin.Syn. 15412. 15712, 15Tla New Zealand and R.P.

Land Mort. 280 New Z.iai,nd L. and M. Agency, 94I2. Do.

52 prcl. 8512. 41-, 4. Do. 42 2nd deb.

68 Peruvian Cor. s4. 34. rs. Do.

42 prel. 21a. FOREIGN RAILWAYS AntotagsU and BoL 4I2S deb. 871 2 Arsenune G.W. 41 1st deb.

7234, 3. 3. Do. 2nd deb. 70J2.

la. -Do. 5 deb. 86," 6 id Argentine fi-E. 3034r, v3.

Do. 5X debs. 54, 7a witb'conp'. 30 Bahia Btanca and N.W. 412- End deb.

791 id Bilbao Rirer and Cntabriaij. 52,0 Brazil 60-vbar sold. 26 with coun. 35 LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. Yesterday's Dealings.

Th rolloarlnx list ol the narjolna ofaclally recorded en tlu London Stock Exchange yesterday should noted c1 that tha marking ot bargama nit members el tha Exchange la optional, to Toronto (194-8) 8634, 34, 6, la. Do. 41aX (1948f 9373 7a Victoria. C. i (1933-60) 82.

9112 We)Untton N.S5.V5 (19401 9812. 9, 81, 32 Winnipeg (Cily) 4I2X -(19443) S1. 2 Suppienrlntarir Prices, Capetown (City oil 5 (1969) 981o. S4. Do.

(p.p.) 18r. ta. i6, Port Elieabeth ICity ol) 5 (1962) 9734. s4. Do.

(p.p.) 1, 1, 1, )78, Uu rs, 7S, ISh dis. CORPORATION STOCKS F0REI0.H. Amsterdarn ICity of) 5I2X start. 1031o, I4 Berscn 512X (1922) 100l2r, 3 CopenbaEcn 4x (1901) 88. Do.

(190B) 7912 Dwzig 1 matt. (1925) 96I2. la. Il4. 613.

34 Denmark (As. Man.) 5. 9534 KieK SX told. (1914) fjOJO British Cement Product and Fin. 213, 21712.

21lla. 3111-. Do. new ord- 215. 216p.

21)11-. 212. 213, 210. E1H2P 2171-. Do.

del. 4534r, 43, 46p, 40, 46p, 411-r. 43, 43. Do. new det.

43 British Klec. Transformer. 169, 169. 169, 161012. 161012.

16101-, 1641, 166, I6II3 British Feeding Mcali Mannf. 190 Briiiih XcUi Corp. 62 cam. 1810l2t, 381012, 19,0. 190 British MonomarLs (f.p.l 20r British TJn.

Shoe Machinery 62 earn. pref. 216, 219. 216 British Vlsada del. ord.

50, 50 Bunslcdon Brick. 180, 180 Burton and Sanders del. ord. 93 Canadian Celanese com. 8iis Canadian Western Lumber com.

36, 311-1 Chemical and Metallurgical Corp. 2412. 24I2 Chivera 62 1st mort. deb. 9834.

9la. 18. 834. 9ln. 834 CSover Paint and Comp.

71-2 num. part. prel. dp.) 171012. 180.

180. 17101- iiblAl 'S" '34, I0" 6 lst deb" Port M.Hrvn A 1 I tn41nr Rio Negro (Argentina) Land. iiir and St. del. Ota- rJC 3Z prel.

S2i- Soutb Winnipeg. 17 5 Sudan Plants. rransvaai E.f and iler. 16412. I6H2, 163, 1ft t1 IA.41- Trusi amfa*g.

Airi.r 23 Stock Eichaoge 1581 72 Supptementary Prices, Allsopp Brew. 02 lfrt mort. deb. 9458, 34. Do.

ip.p.i 471-, 1-. 34, t4. 8 Devt. 82 cum. prcf.

20 '0 2 01 Au-trdlian Merc. L. and F. new. 35.0.

35,0. 35.0. 35:6 pin. Bolivia A. 556r.

3341-r. o3)9 Brsri! Land, Cattle, and P. com. 3j, 7a Brit. Empire Laud Mort.

and Loan 32 deb. 52 Canadian and Fcr. Secur. 62 1st eh. deb.

98I4 City ol San Paulo Improi. aud Free. Laud, 8(71 j. S101-Cutton Plants. If.p.) 511012.

511U Dulf Develop. 24(3r 23J9r Kast African Kta. 01U llesketh )ts. cum. 'par.

pref. (f.p.) 197l2r Hudioa's Bay new ord. (p I 376. 3811-. 576.

37-6 3Sll-f. Do. (f.p.) 538 Internat Holdincs and Invest. 13.302301. to.) 106.

109. 105. 10112. 10:112. 109.

106. Do. uew (p.p.) 1 Star, K71-. l(9r Parana Plants. 15'0.

165. 1510. 159. 160. 163 Bhcdesian Land.

Cattle, and Ranching Corp. 200r. 20ll-r Rio de Janeiro Land Mort. and Inr. Ag.

30 Yang-Tse Corp. prefd. 1412 FINANCIAL TRUSTS. American Invest, and Gen. 52 9S14.

3. Do. 42 deb. 7512 Deb. 2341j.

ij. Do. 442 pfef. 753a Acalo-Celtic Trust 134 Army and Navy Invest 52 pref. 891s Bankers' Invest, del.

191r Britiah Empire 52 prefd. 146. Do. 52 pref. 16412 British Invest, prefd.

92 British North bornro Rubber. IB3 British Steamship Invest. 62 pref. 107 Cen. Bahia Rail.

A ceru. 5434 Charter Trust and Ac. 81. 21 2. Do.

62 pref. 8I.2.I2 Charterhouse Invest 210f jConsol. 42 let prel. 70l2r Debenture Cr-rp. 193f Do.

52 pref. 93r Gcn. Invest, and Trust, 273. 112. 3 Id and bonus Tel.

and Trust 1838r Guardian Invest. 2001-. Do. 41-2 Preld. 8212.

3 Merico sterliuK astentt. 241 2 Moscow (Citr ol) I1O0R1 ROID Osaka (City ol) SX iterlini; (1919-391 79U. J8 Para IMon. of) 5K old (1905) I0I2. Do.

Innrrloe 11913) Sr. 10l2 Pernambuco (C. ofl OS guar. 75. 414 Wga 412x 11913) 30l8, 1, 30 de Janeiro (Fed.

sold. 75l4. Do. guar. 9434 58, s3 Seine IDept.l tx 30-rr.

Tokyo (City) 5X sterl. (1916-36) 8914r. Do. (1912) 8034. Yokohama (City) 5X slerl.

(1917-37) 8S Supplementary Price. Para IBelem). 5X Gold (1906) 8 FOREIGN STOCKS. BOHOf, aVa, (Coupons Panabrft In London.) Areeniine 5X I1886-37 IOOI4. Do.

4l22 Sterl. 96121, 12. Do. 0I2S Eat. 98.

Do. B.A. Water SX. 9812- Do. 4X Rail.

Guar. Re so is. 8isa. 12. Do.

118981 763et. Do. (19001 763eI. Do. Port ol B.A.

5X. 9812 Austrian bX Guai dtcr). IOH2. 3B, 3e, lz, Hje, "IS, 38 2. 4.

'4 Babia (Stats of) oX Cola 11904) 54 wltb coupon 41, May 1. 1925. Do. (1913) 5312 with coupon 25. inly 1.

1924 Bclnian 3X Sterl. 11914) 79. 9. 9. Do.

1 Loan. 1064. 3ar, 6. 6, Jis. 6, 3it, Jis, l4.

la. 57a, 6I4 Brazilian SS (1895) 69l2r, 14. Do. Funding, 89, 878. 9, 3S.

Do. Hail. Hes. 4K 587B. 9.

3B 8341. Do. SX ol 1903. 7912. Do.

SX 119081 90t8. 114. Do. 4 113101 S0I2. 5a- Do.

1 Loan (19111 74. l4. t4. Dc Bunds. 5434r Do.

SX (19131 71. 12. 4. 1 34 i. Do.

PondiDf (19141 7934. 7e. 34 1001. 8OI4. 80.

7934 8038. Ia. 38. 80, 79-a. 8038I, 1 Buenoe Aires iProv.i ZlzX 543g, 58( S8, 12, 9is.

5i. Do. Stl. (19081 78. Do.

Eit. 11909) ILondoui 7212. 1Z- Do. IParis issue) 7134. Do.

SX Cold (l15l 7512. 12 Bulsarian 4l3X Gold (1S0'7) 327Br. 3r Chilian SX (lb92) 85. S. Do.

412K (1895) 77. 7. Do. :1896. 5S.

S3. 1. Do. (1905) 7914. Do.

119091 75. 5. Do (1911) (1st issne) 78. Do. (2nd series) 79 80.

Do. 712z (1922) 1OH4. Do. 6 (19261 8914. 12.

34. l- Chir.ce SX Gold (1896) 7913. 8I2. 93b. Do.

(reE.) 7512. Do 4I2Z (18981 S8. 714, 834. 9. 8, 71.1.

9. 71a. 12 B34. 9. 734.

8I4. 7T8. 8, 734. Do. 11908) 47.

Do SX (19121 4034. I2. I2. 14. 1.

4034. 1. Do. 5X Heorg. (1913) (London issocl 50.

50. 12. 50. 4912. 49.

8. Do. litfcoed in France) 4734, 8. 734, 8I4. 8, 9.

8. Do. SX. 3938. Do.

5 Tientsin-Pukow Rjil. 25. Do. SX Sterl. Treaaarv Note.

I9I4. 20. 19l4 Colombian 6 (19201 8934r. 90l2r Ccrrientes lilt '6R Gcrmjn IX Sterl. (19241 10612.

3. Sn. 34 Greek MoiioboIv (1887) 4212. 12. Do.

Rails. (1902 51. Do. (19141 6412r. 3, 412.

Do. 7 Heluaeo Loan. 9fil4. 34, 6. 18.

3e. 6, l. x2. 3e. B.

6f. 534 6l4. la Gnitemala Lit. AX. 50.

iiamburc IStite) 61; BondV. 103. 27s Honduras Gnv. Rail. lOSf (18671 714 Gold Hentes (1881-88-92) 25.

112 with 89. IVi. 7I2X Sterl. IO2I4. J4.

34, le, 14. 34. ls. 3. 23K.

13 Hnnjary 7I2S 20-yesr Sterl. 102. 238. 58. 2.

2 Italiau SX Maremmsna Hail, (stpd.l 66, 18, 6, 7 Jaoan 4X Ster). (1899) 6834. Ts. 7. 7S.

9. 9. 834. Ho. (1905) 94.

Do. 5: (1907 SOUr. Ea. 34. 34.

7a. 34. 22 o. 6X. 9412.

7e. 58, 5e, H. 5. 412, t4. 7B.

5, 433, 7a, 5lB. 434. Do. SX Jim. Rut.

92. Do. 413x, 8412. 14, '4. S.

llo. Tokyo ICilyl 0I2V. S5'is. 38, Tie, 34. fiUI.

57. l. 12. 6l4. 53a, te.

3e. se '4. Ye Meiican SX E. Gold (1899) (ais.i 41. 4034.

S4. Do. 6X 10-year Tresnrv (asr.l 441-. Nicaragua BY (19091 80. 80.

7912. 18 Norweirian (1921) 1027a iPara (State) Gold, 35 jth oonpon Jan. 1. 1924 Paraguay (1886) (stpd.) 36. 7.

Do. 11886-961 (tpd 37 Rio do Jaoniro (Statf) SX Gold. 85. 14, 14 JCotiroaiua 4.V Ltt. Sterl.

68I2. 9. 12. 81c. Do.

isaiiei a. 41 ISatiel 4a. 41-. 1.. 4T r.

I. 4. 4. OI4. 38, S.

434, 5Uf san l-aulo (Mute) 82 Strrl. Tlr, 71- fVIfee (19561 104l4. 334. 43. 4 S3.

4 4' Do. Waterworks. IOH4. la. Sr.

34. 1- l4 34 -Siamese. 41-2 Sterl. (1907 911-. s4.

Do. 62 11924) 10134 SpanFsh 42 (seilrd bondtl 77i4 IT11rki.l1 4-: fnified. 2314. 38, 1-. 3e coup.

39 Westphalia IProv.) 7 2 Bonds, 102 (Coupons Payable Abroad.) 0 ncuics -loo. ano iroo. Iss.i 14fr. 1,. lis.) iisT 4" x- xi- Do- lBrilU1' Italian 31i2 Rentes (iamped)" Supplementary Prlcea.

Bulgaria -72 Settlement (19261 91. 9034. l4, 1- Do. (pp.) 212r, 11-. 2, lis.

2 Cbine 4.2 Gold (18951 791-. Do. 41-2 Gold (19061 IPrerrch- h.s.K 52 "HukuVni Rails SJ Gold (19111 (German isi.) 28 8 Gerrnan 32 Imperial (J and JJ.10.3r. 10:3. 10.

-ri jp 106. (J. and 10flta. ldll VnA- ni 10 5r- 10'9- 10 112 Japivii 5t Ko Ro U90fV-9 SSlj, lai 31. 34-.

lt V. (dol.) 21. Do. Do. current int.

serin rrtrti 1 di i ix.tit. IIHKiS ani ifamo (State) 5 cxr. U907) 771tfr lJ11' nonv ana lytl r. CB. SS RAILWAYS GREAT BRITAIN AMD NORTHERN IRELAND ORDINARY STOCKS.

LJtf.S. 74. Is! la, K. 4. 41.

U. 'a. 'af. H. 3if 41, Metropolitan.

fi57a. 7s s. 4 Surplus Lands. District. 59.

glj id prefd. To. 6. 5Jj. 6.

5J4f. 61j. "s.v,-., om. is. iiie.

S. -Sjf, -V. l. 4014. 's.


34 34. Sc. Dc. 5 21-2. 503'.

34. 50, 50 L.N.b. 02. 561s, 12. s9.

61, 6f, 75. 1. 4e -Id 18. 3. Do.

42. LS. 4, 7g, l9. 8 34. 14.

Metropolitan rVauthern 4-, Whitechapel A. 6Sf B.i Supplementary Prices. L.N.E. Ivvk "72 debs. 1021j.

3ls Do. (n.n I L.N.E. 52 3. 3, lS Is. 38, Sis, lis rro.


5 2 con. 9634r. G.W. and Gt. Cen.

L.N.K 4- ls: 6S 707 1 (4. 70. 1-S38 lo. 4no cuir. 08 S.

5. a 83j. 8 LM.S. 42. 751s.

if. Southern 5.2 prcf. 96 S. 5. 5, 5a id RAILWAYS- PREFERENCE STOCKS SHARES AND 4.

nd pref. lew. 5T cci. '-4f, 2, 3. 2 LSH a lt 6434fr, 4.

4. 31-, 1 "XO' 10, -16. 2. an. 4Ka.

4 -io-. u. os. a-, a-. -3, at4.

o. 81 2. 3. 1, 3i. 37.

SJ 14. L.N.U oi preld. 21. lti 51 st 'Ji, I f' 1'3. ij: id! Do 3 I I Critull ManuL 56412,.

551012. 56H2. 56412. 56j0. Do.

IX prcl. 2o6r, lolfj. Do. 6V deb. 105 Crockera.

100, 103. Do. SX cum. prcf. 119 Croase and Blackwcll.

30. Do. 1st 12ll-v. 1216. 12334.

12412. 12412, 12112. Di. 2nd. 4214.

40. 31012. 40, 42t4 Croales and Winkworth 10 part. orcf. 503-.

5:0 50 CrosEiey (J.) 35OL Do. 5S preL 776f Daily Sketch and Sunday Hcr3ld deb. 103l4. 3. 12 Debenhanii 6I2K 1st prcf.

216. Do. 280. Do. 51-2 1st deb.

1023b. 3r Dcuniij Bras. 68. 9-32, 9-32, 3P. 38 10X preld.

Dickinson (J.) 333, 340. lo. 41 851-4, 6 2.2 1st deb. uominion lar and Chcm. 389.

Do. 72 pref. 2: 2112 a 12. cum. pars.

prer. 4i)U Drapery Truet, 250. 25,0. 250. Do.

7 5: cum. Dart pref. 199. 1911U. 199, 19111., 199 Dunlon Rubber.

2S2I4. 290. 2r- u. 295 29034. 29214.

29'11-. Do. oi-2 A prel 21U2. 216. Do.

..1. Uo. 1U2 r. 244X2. 246 India, D.

and S. Fac. 7" nrel. 17in East Eastman Kodak com. 145 t3twuods.

46712. 4641-. 466. 46101- 466. 46, 6.

469. 45101- EiiBlish Elec. 100, 99, 911 14. 100. 96 t-nglisa Marcanne 7rr nart.

nref. 1 tnglioh ocwing Cotton. 529, 529. Do. 52 com.

nrci. ivyr. no. i.f mort vt Erlccson Tel. 72 prel.

21:6. 216 id Erinoid. 8D Erans ID. H. 6661 Ever Ready (Great Britain! 83715.

Do. 72 prel o03 Ew3rt. 1941-. Do. 162 pref.

1941- Eyre and SnoiLiewonrl 41- 4li 74 Fine Cotton S. and D. 449, 4511-. Do. preld.

106. 173. Do. nrel. 180.

1H41- Finlay iJamee) 790 rosctr i ueuerai -ni4r a. i. Do. 7I22 Beum. pref.

2310u' Goorrcu Mantleand Ccs. 8 2 pref 1710(i XlBieiS. lOU urainppnonc, 766. 769, 773, 77,0. 776.

Grout. oOii. 51,9 id ''a P. Sauce, 8441-: id Handlev Page pref. 4101jr Ilardebeck and Bornhardt, 03! Pr6f- 296, 293.

Do. del. ord. 7 Do. 62 cum.

pre. 210 i KvV "A 2411253. 25'6 Pm' Ilayes, Cari-Iv, 18 'O Henley's iw." Tel. 906. 900, 90 '3 Ilenry (A.

and S) 177U1 266, iicrriiurper tirootF, 453 Lietut-rinsioit f.lonn) 173 17.41 197 199. Do. 7 2 pref. iiintie (1 ras.) and Hardy. 3110Li.

320 and Frjicnti, 30flr ad and boon. Hollins IW.) 23ll2. 235 226 Uome and Colonial Stores. 76 6. 770 Hope Bros.

246 H-ce (H.) 46(6 Hcpkinsnus, 290 Jjuroe Bros. 72 cum. pref. 1971; Ilrtel lork, SSiS. Dc 62 cum pref 18Sf Hulett Sir J.

27,6 Hurnber 62 cum. prel 163 Illingworth. Morris 62 Isl deb 8234 Illinois Car and Equip. 3j0 id Irap. lobacco of Canada, 266.

266 27(0 IC.B. and I I 102,9. 102,9 '10241- ilV0103 SX A pref! Imprcved Wotui Pavement. 576r India Rubber. Gutta Percha.

1871. Inteniatl. Automatic Tel. 420 41,6 Match Corp. part.

pref. 6734r. 70 Chem' 8'" prel- 3'3- Jav's. 15.01 1 Johnson nd Philli 'j '6 51:6,500.516 72 prel. 216.

9Acuni. prt. prel. Jvenys Directories 7ix cum. prel.

2241? Knight (John) preld. 613 KrejjserA Toll B. 32l2. 3, 234j 0. 54, Do' 51zX Prtt- I.e-'ds Firrclay pref.

Ler5? lSJTlof l11. 1904. j.m lnr 1 I.iebig ot Meat ord. bearer. 1534 with coun 88 I.immer and Trinidad.

563. 563. Do. 71- 2 nf 573 Ltaoleum. Manufaetiiriug.

93'0. 94'0 ana 4(22 deb 79 Lipton 129. 120. Do. 52 com 129.

Do cum. prel. 16'7i2. Do. 62 deb 90 TJatsr 5v cum.

160 Liverpool arsliousinc, 59'8l4 London Thames Haven. 976 Lonn Bri-k and Forders, 53 0. S36. 52:9. 530.

3 3'. 53:6, S341-. 539. 536; Lonsdale (J. aod J.I 6 Lotus 7.2 210 pref.

Lovel! and Chrii'mas. 28r3. 28'3 "i B4.oiu. Do. A.

Sl3 8071- m-n Do nV rof4 ne'n A r. w-' cum. 19:3. 189. 19-11-.

190. 1B'9. Do. 239 id. Do.

8 2 cnm. pref. Manbre 52V' ant aKfin Wflii- CD'n mix 26'6. fi71- Maple 35'934r360. 35:6.

3579 ad Mappm andJ.Vehb, 119 Mavnolo D.irv rrefd. 146. 146. Do. def.

16lOlj 5(6- Do. 3.. cnm. pr. naraa-atte.

cum. prcf. 53(9. S-ilOI- r-i, 286. 2871 2a on-jai 00 Tradtug.

'9. 236, 2SO Morns Motors 71-2 cum. pref. IS'O. 179 id Morton and FT 62 cum.

pref. 216 Mc5 tmnires, 320p lu.l P'Pr. 499. 49'3. 494I-.

rum. pref. 22 3 2" Aat.nna! 3- pret. 23-0 25 03a. 2511-, deb.

10434 and CM. 82 pr-l 2711- 273 New Tran-raal Chem Hr a nrVi i 2' itflreei 4n'iui 275. Do. 5 25 9. 26 1012.

27Ho, ram pre! 159 t13er Ss-'; deb. 9914. 83 .,0. 1. i-fitfon Mills nr.l OOft Si 21 22:0.

2'i' 220 nref. SOS Paterson. La-'nr. and B. ana rj.i:aw.n et-2 Pawsona and Leals.

8,6 Frean pref. 17(3 Piiilltna (Godfrevl 6 2 pre! 5V 1 rr-t. 21-5 Ptatt 28'71-. 29,0 Poiah 8-nd. oi Germany 3..

7e pref. 21112. 219 lao 5-1 3. 5 7-32, 5-32r. fold.

105. 4 23 '11 j. 1 rtI-. Cicnma. Theatres A 23.9.

a 3 3 '3. IT. SI de Janeiro City Improv. 6 17-32 Rio Janeiro Flour Mil's. 83 6.

Roberts IT. R.l 3 O. 3 0 Rogers (R H. and S) irl itowa. JO'HU.

Do. 6 a 3'9f- Prefd. io'Sf. lljaj. cufn 116 12 1 t-1 J1" ''nion "31 '5.

32 0 Stii "0Iel; 26'5- 255. Do. pref. 10- 27,0, fc4 O. 64 9 7" riM- 35 TV and Arcer-tin M-r-'-j'a rrcL 22 6.

22 71- 2 del. -rd. 5'0 II Or. 113. Do.

2 5. 22 11-. 22 11- lacia. 40 9. 41 a'ada.

Mend Ga; 5" deb. 571-ta nv rum. prf. 57nr -piers IVa-d. 25 9.

26'9 An 14T1-, 14,9, 14.334, Spratfa Patent. 45 '0 IH. 18'9. 38 71- irard Hoti-t 7- rreM. 4 TV- TV aa.o, Swc isb Matr-h A.

16lM. Do A II. tcl TV. B. 16-'F.

3S. 13-32, 3a, Tarmac. 23 19 1 re fil at a. prei. ro'aj vgrapb acd 2Bh'! 9'ii Telephcn.

6'71a, o-9 c'gi. T4-'-l- Corp. Berfin 7:: Ta.t 69r certs. -34a Theatre Rr.aal, Drury Lane. Thome.

1-- 52'6. 51.3. 22 Tl 2271- 53 '9" Tilb-iry T'lliiiir and DtHidc 45 9r. 46'0r "i 55.0. 55 3.

55,0, 54,9 p. 10-r Tea. 0 Trti: 11 62 Etc-coix prf. 301 T-ieV (Raofcae!) ISO! Elec Pjm's. of W.don.

15(41-, b. ,15 In 334, 15 514. 3S'S. 13'634, L541-. is7x 13? fJ? Bonds ilSSSi 10034.

Do. 62 raorJS' 3--' 1- s3 asrlxh conp. 39 storar- 72 pref 20101, Vfii-Tis'a J- P- I'm rs! M())a-F Dre-f. y4j9. in.

r3TArr- 71 r.rr-1 7fiJss; in -n nn 1 Tbiccf) (SGatfc! 96-5. E6.9 eLc.i Vi.DJ 2. 95 0. SoTo" ta 2 pref. 190 Paa-r Maccfaa-f tuxr-s.

27.71, 27:71, rv pS: 24-3. 23:5. 243. 23 9 234 24 3. '5.

23 S. 24 rights Si -Warale ir-d 56 101, id -5- csa. prf. 16'9. 16 3.

15.9 T3 t-J Whitcley 1W.) 75 72,6. 72 3. D. 1st o. 6 oli jiTtL 20 3 i SiJpplgiiwtMT fricv ArT7l (JTHT Oil? O- r.

7 peer. IS'tjr. 15, 6, ISICls- 15 9 lO'Ti-1993. 20 0. tto.

lt awrru 'h, Atriac Orlloi acd t'tteaL. MtiL com. 21. i. I5 1.

-a, 3 e- hi, 7k, la, iA Palp ardi Paper Mills ol-, 30-ear cicrt dttbn- irc.i lOo, 5, 6 5it, 6, 5b 6- Da ip.) 66-2' Cotx Vcrkx 06 3.zozirm. SiUtrs. 510. SO "3, Aoex iBrltisJil ArtiI Silk 3r cats. (Lp-J 36 AiXsHiaar-j ind Jjh.r.-zls.-di-iai- ccrU.

64 Ardittf ju-jI IIoVo SX ccm. prel. 2O0 Ax. Dyiii CUacZM iip-J 2S9 itii: Mctor. 105.

la-ZOS pre Ed. 10.0. Ansrralian Comrnocwealtli rja.pj 11 9, 11 Car'tade 32 part. pref. '-2- Do- deL 4,6 Bar'w.

Tay-cr. 1. 334 I fUcaasoaomear- (Lcad-aaii 40, 3934., 39, aa, Bevbys Brick. Bel! Jehu; and Croyiea 7 2 1st '4-b.

34r Baots Cain Scnth.1 prt4- to 2 cam.) 22 Or iVacia Pare Drv 72 prrjd. 22'Sf. 23,0. Do. 72 pefeT.

24. Or Braaastoa AraUiVial Silk (..) 36. Da. (tp.) 146. 14flOI; BritisJi Celannsa 6-H-.

63, 6IV-Z. 60. 60. 6,03 145. 14.0.

143. 1410, Ul, CK. U.LUVfLlI MI, 44, la Camp Bird, Do. 72 funded Income certs. 123.

1541-f, 12(01 Canadian Lorrain Silver. 11934, l934. 19. lioi-. 1:934.

1,9. 181-, 110. 110, 110, 19. 1(912 Champiou Reel Gold Mines of India, 11412, 11ta, 11141s! Chile Copper. 8:8 Colombian Min.

and Eaplor. 2IOI2. 2IOI2' Cornwall Tin Mines and AUuvials 102 non-cum, preL 43 East Pool and Agar, 50 Eastern Siam Tin Dredsing (f.p.) 263. 260. 26llj F.lectrolytic 7.iuc ol Australasia, 346 Espcranza Copptjv and Sulphur.

16,3, 160 Federation Tin (l.n.) 1411-, Gupeic Consol. 526. 55(1 Hampden Clnucurrv Copror, 130 Itadiati CoppiT Corp. 1:734. Do.

conr. dcba, rec. (p.p.l 29r. 813. 30 llioli Tin Diedging.

466. 46J6 Kamuntina Tin Dredfiuc. 306. 206 Kcelry SiM-er. 6(0, 5'101-, 59 Kent IF.M.S.) Tin Dretlalnir.

39r KeiKanc llrmlging. 413. 4111012. 41101-. 41,71 1 Kim.i Tin Dredging.

245, 24(3. 243. 24 'O Lena 5(112. 4'10l2. 4IH4.

5034. 4 7J-I. 4:9. 1261. Do.

conv. 82 10-yr. bearer. 56r. 3.

3 Malayan Tin Dredcinc 29,6. Corp. 911-Mining Com. of Canada 12y Monlsgo Tin Dri-dcine. 59, 59 Mount Gold Mining.

90 New o( Venezuela Ip.p.i 186, 18' 18tSj. 8iS, 183, Broken Hill, 6I4 tlunladro-ig 106 Oruvillc Dredsine. 70, 6(9 Panama Corp .1 15 Paltani Cona Alluvial Tin ll.p.) 4(214 Penskalen 59 '9r 600. 59712. 593.

589. 595, 59S9. 591 6010. 59'0. 59112.

599 Rantail Tin DrM. 4101-. 4IOI2. 4734, 4734, 46-4 4101-. 4,73.

Do. 62 cum. part, rref. 46 Renong Tin Dreil. 53'9.

53(9. 58:214. 52214 Rnsso-Asialii Cons. 2413. 26I2 26 San Fini Tin (I.p.) 56.

5'6. 5(814, 59 Santa Gertrndia. 156 Siamese Tin 28'9 Copper Syu. 3,1. 3214.

33. 3214. 3-'3. 5rl. 31 3'3 atouth Aaai.rlran acaT.

Southern Malavart Tin Dredcinc (f.p.) SOIII4, Spasskv Conner. 26f Sulphide Corp. ord. 2T0. 22lOlrt.

22712. 22,6 aauugel Kinta Tin Dredylnc (f.p.) 306 Sunge! Way Dredging. 86 Taujonp Tin Dredging (I.D.) 149. 149 Taanv Tin Dr-deing Corp. 210.

20. 20101., 2071-. SO'lOl-. 20,9. 210.

Minerals, 83 Tekta. 206 Trkka-Tadpiim, 299, 290 Tomoh Tin Drclginr (p.p I 65. 63f, 6'5l4. 6214f, 671-. 6,0.

6412. 66. 6412. Tctiuhc Mining Cb'p. 53 Tingha N.S.W.

Hvdraulic Tin. 156 Tronoh 203. 2071-Vcaturr. Trust, 9 01. 91 1 2.

8,6 Vipood Conso'idated. 5(91 Wheal Kitty Tin (f.p.) 641El. 6lOlj. 6101.. 693j, 671j.

6412 Zinc Corp. 550. 55 11-. Do. pref.

839 South African. Afmao aud Europeau Invest. 276. 276. 273 Am Mining Trust.

20'9 Aiicl-a Amen-an Corp of S. Africa. 423r. 41lOla. 42:6.

426, 411012. 420, a)l634. 426 ogola Diamond bearer) 313. 306. 300 Reebuanaland Trading Aeso.

13 Beira Rly. iCia. de Mocambinuel 11101-. 119 Blaiipan, 89412, 876. 8941-Uulnwayo and Kip.

05 Bwaua M'Kubwa Copper Mining. 65l4, 66, 66 Tain and Motor Gold Mining. 494 12 493 C-mtral and luvest. Crrp. 171- 1- 58f Central West Gold Mining.

54l2r. 56. 53, 56 Chirtt-riaml rud Gen. Evplor aud Finance. 126 Cliicagc-Gaika Develop 129 Consnl.

Diamond Mines ol S.W. Africa. 19712, 1941-, 1941-, 19412. Do. option certs.

3:33., Connl. Main Recl'ilinrs and Est. 20O. 199. 20, 0, IRYI2.

IS'lOia. lyta. lfi71-. 20H2, 19'10l-. 20412, 20(9.

20'3. 19101-. 20(412, 206 199. 20(3, 2061. 202) 1 20'034, 203.

206. 191114, 2011- 20'9. 1941-. 19,6 Crown, 67,61. 66'c34 (176 Durban Roorlepoott Deep.

140, 14:6 East Rand Coosnl 10,0. 10:0. Do. new, IO. IO.

06. 0.71;, 06, 041-. O6 nm. Easl Rand Proprietary, 2641-r. 249fr.

266, 23, 6f, 26'11-f. 26.514, 26412. 2619, 2671J. 26:9. F.ileeu Alanuah, 59.

5:712, 51012, 571 Falcon, 511- Gaika Gold, 143 Gelilenhula Deep, 6,6 Gem llthmlcsial Gold, 2(01. 201. l9f. 1(91 General Mining and Finance, 521012. 33lla, 51634 Ii2214.

511012, 513. 33111-2. 52-'2l4. 51634 526 Golriliclds RhcJeaian Develop. 9Of 1 Gtivcrnlueut Gold Areas IModdertcntein) cons.

834r Johannesburg Cons. Invest 506, 50H2, 499. 50,6. 50'3. 50llg.

50U2. 507J2I. 4901, 50,5. 50.3. 40'9, 4S1012 Jumbo Gold.

0934-Kasemna Conceas. 200 Lace Proprietary. 20712. 1981a. 196.

20Tti 193. 20712. 21Sf. 193, 226, LaTislagte t. and Gold, 226.

22 '3 224 Ij TrfetiwpooT'. Tin, 316. 36 London and Rhodesian Miolog and Land, 5llg, 5034. 4111-Lulpaard's Vlei Est. and Gold Mining.

3114 Lydenburg (Transvaal I Gold Eaplor. 03f Mcsaina (Transvaal) Devt. 109 Modderlontein Deep Levels. 376fr. 389,389,39 034 New Era Cons.

10(9. 106. IOIOIi New Modderfootein Gold Mining. 5 23-32. 47-64 Now Slate Areas, 400 North Charterland Eaplor.

72 cum. pref. 130.15(214 Nonrse. 771t. 771a.

79 Oceana Consolidated. 47I2I. 43 Ocana Derel. 50, 5-034. 4J01- Kieterruit Platinum.

10b, 1U'I2. 10(514, lO(6, 10(6. 10712. 1071-. 10'7l2.

lO'lln. 109. lUf4t-, St7SJ4. 4U412 10412'. iod! 1011-.

309. 10334 Premier (Transvaal) Diamond pref. leg. 634. e8 aaana aaincries.

1442 Rand Mines. 700t. 713. 700. 70lll4f.

Tl63 Rand Selevtinn Corp. 22712, 22fH2l, 2219. 22141; 226. 230- 22)41, 44a, 44,142, ,.12, 4(it 029 Bandjonlein Eats. Gold (Wltwaterarand) 139.

13'10l2. 3571-. 33712. 131012. 13712.

1393- i.nm-. rv A- d.a,. 9 Rmndc. 290. 28II2 raroxen still ajeveiaio.

Dfs, aiiuii. 94. oiuaa, 311114, 5'9. 5(10. 5r)l-.

fiO sm Frnlor. 2(112 2034. 2(21-Rho(esian Corp. 29 Rehinaon Den B. 4943 4941? 50334.

500 49:31. 50n. 49,9 aio.S. S-jlukwe Gold Min. and Fin.

9101-. 9HII4, 9(9, 300. ICJO Htmmer and Jack. am xq Saulh Africrn Town. Mm.

and Fin. Corp 193.1911- bouth El-oresin Baa Metals O.rp 9. B8'T rartinga, 69412. 68'9. 6941,.

694l2t Sub Nicel, ET214r, 86101-. 561017.. E63. as, 5:.. PfilDl- PR.i. Gold Mlrdn. 4A- 49 4101, Tanganyika Gcldiieldi. 56. 53 Trs.irvaal and Rhodeafan Ets. 471-f.

5'0 Transvaal Conr. I and and FtnTor. 576. 600 (Nolth) Gold Mining. 3143s.

3r Van Ryn Ileen. 64 '3 X'ereeniging. 45412. 4510 village neep. va2, yta.

T(i2. Y6, 7674, 7g, 1,1114, V1U1-, BU. 7,1114. to. 7'101-.

7Sla. 7.r,. 741- Colliery. 2641-, 26f41-, 266 Wet Rand Cons. 2041? 20412.

206. ZU-rj, 20(71-. 20'6. 20'5l4 20(713, 20ll2f. 20S.

2071-. 205'- 201 Soringr. 2SH2. 2S3. 290 Willrmghby's Cons.

7:0 Witwavrsrand Deep. 179 Zambesia Erplor. 420r. 410. 413 West African.

Akoko. O'Olj Amari Tin. Sjl; Anclo-Nlcr-rian Tin. 63. 65.

60 Blaicfii Tin. I2P. 123. 120, 1241- Hallo 'lin. 3r.

ra(2lr, ia4r. 733. 54Is Entnsee Trim. 3(634. 3 -71 2 Nigeria.

5:, 5'6. S'Sla. 56 Fant! Ccniol. 11H2, 110 Cold Coaat Corn. Lands.

13T 13 r.rptcrers, 014. ura, t3Oa. 0(a. 0'5. 0-5 Jantar (Nigeria) Tin, 57! -a Jos Tin Areas (Nigeria) 76.

76. 7733. TS. Jafa Valley Tin Areas, 70. 71I-, 0414.

Tin (Nir.ria) 106. 10712. lOTI Karre Tin. 33. 3(3 Kasaa Mining.

70 Xelli Cons. Tin. 69. 6934 610. 69, 69.

6334, 6 Dia. 610 Koahr- Tin. 3lll.a. 3IOI-. 3101-.

Xanj- I-indbnrat Dep lvel (gnSd and silver) UIOI2. Ifiu.a. 1IOI2. 1712. 13 Madobi Tin.

12, 12 Moogn Tin. 15(412, 366 Morkwa. 119. 11732. 118.

12(3 araiu a Ite-mlrl (Nijr.ria) Tlo. 4:6 NarsguU Korayl Areas (f.p.l 141012 Nr.rag.uu (Nigeria) Tin, 450r, 4S9 7-igeraan sjas. aiais ljrp. 15. 14-713, 2'6.

126. 12(3. 12712. 123, 32(B. lZJS.

126. 12514. 12(1012. 127l3.l28l4 Niceriara (loaaanladatrl- 4'li- 5rO North Ropaa Tin, 3HJ. 313.

3 0 raortnero ireata tunchiy Tin. Z6(a. zo(4. iv. prst.

32(3. 323. 3110S4. 326. S26- 323 OHin Riirarr fluid Ests.

04. 041 3. 04 atayiieia iraigen iui prer. icnta BJbon VallsT; fN'igerla) Tinflelrls. 6(4f2.

6Uj, 641a. 6214. 641-, 6H2. 6'3, 6II2 Roop Tin. 1561.

356, 157l2. 15712 Rnkuba Tin. 46'-2r Tokatea. 041- Uptted Tin Areas ol Nigeria. 4fTl2.

4(9f West African, Nigerian snd Gen. T. 8(712, Yard Xerri Grnnp Tin, l512r Zenebi Tin. 20r. 21 NITRATE.

Asnaa Blancas, 21 ,2 0. 2'1. 221 2. Allanza (rea,) 62. Do.

(br.V l2r wrtb coup. 1.3 As.gltydiiVwn 72 1st db. GO Syn- 1(9. llll- Lantaro br. (240.0O1.

Iw.) 6Sit. 636. 650r. 04S and aaouaa. 62.

Do. 61-2 deb. (Antolagaita) 84 Rcdario, 130 OII Aocir-Ecnadorian. -I0f04r. 3ra-'tl- 3941-.

3'S41 40:34. 40,0. 400, 407II. SSlai 30ltg, AnrlcPrrslao. 1IXW0.

9S0J4. tBOO. 99814. 9S11-, 300712. 93:9.

Sa 5J4. 100712. 10032. IOO.III4. 9903.4.

Do. 82 cum- lrt pref. 25H, 2S6. 25(5. 2SIH2.

25412, 25,0. 25 3. 253. Do. 92 2nd, Attock.

22 '3 BrOTiah. 61-. 3sf 17-32, 31-64, 3344. 33-aS4. 1732 17-32.

31-64, tjs, 31-64. Do. 82 cum. prel. 2611-Kern Elver ot tWornU 1210I-.

12Sf. 12I01-; Lobaaa. 8 23-32 212, 23452, 21-32. 21-32. 474, Bas.

23-32. Meiican Eaatiat, 17101-. 130. 18U-. 17101-.

13:0. I7III4, 1815- 183. 171H4. iao. 1311- with conp.

21. Do. 72 lit rtf. 15llU. 16-3 Pboania: Oil and Trans, fill 24.

246, 24(3, 24. S. 243. 24171-. 24412, 24 '9.

2479, 84)6, IV. n.l 110, llllj -Royal Dntcla Pet. 313a. 3a snth conp. 61 Shell T.

and T. ret. S9(41-i t)9034. 9941-. 95'0.

94T5. 955. 54834. 94034. 94 '41-1, a5334.

948I4. S57I-. 95S3J. Do, taeaurrr. 950.

95713, 95(0 963. 95-0. 95334. ScfjaJ-- SSlHa. 9r5-'ri34 wiln eaaun- 49.

IV. 72 2nd pfrf. 2310:2 Epical Part. 17(4, 1TJj. 221af, I6J4.

Ssrpplcstlgnrjl'ir Prlala. Anglo-American. 776. 73514. 73'514.

73514. 77.9 78'9. Do. narw (eoc-vottnr) 763. 7613.

75al4 AaeJo-Klrp'-iari B. 2441-, 2410'i Apti Wnitiad. 4l6Ia. 4163ar. 426.

431 ts. AfllOls. 40fTl-. 41105-. 40 '335.

26, 4175, 4311-Britiah Borneo pet. Byn. 19712. 1974-. lWTlj.

20C, 20,0 Continued on page H.J) Baenos A. 4 Pac. 92. 2, 17s, 2, 3B. Do.

1st deb. 7314. 14 Do. 4l2x 2nd deb. 8014.

'nH rieb. Irt. 11. uo. a-s 871b.

14 con, aeo iari- uo. 35 11912) deb. Buenos Ayres Cent. 5 2nd deb. 79 Buenos-A.

GJ Bonth. 104, 3B. 12. '4. 4, 12.

4, nrel. 10414. Do. 42 deb. 761 -i 3 JU- VA LIACI.

OU, lrr '(j UU. KJ Buenos A. Midland 4X prel. 71 Buenos A. W.

893B, 38, 34. 38. Do. deb. 733a.

414. o-4. 1JO. 3 2 JU-yr. notes, aa4r, h.

IVi. fi Olio or. 513, Cent. Argentine. 8558, 8, Je.

34. t8. 5s, :2. 'a. 4.

34. 13. Do. 4I2X 77r. 6a.

Do. 4X CCD. 'a. 24. "4.

1. Central of Chnbnt. 11(01 234, 513, 414 Cent. Cruguay East. Eat.

Cent. Uruguay of M. Video. 7934 Colombia Ulya. and Nav.

30. 33. 30. 3(0. 33.

3llp. 3i6. Do. 6V debs. 53r, 5r.

4l2r, 6. 7. 61 2. 6. 5.

71-. with coup. July 1, 1926 Cordoba Central. 441 2, 34, 34. c.

Do. 5 2nd prel. t02. 110. 4 let deb.

68l4.7t4.8l4 id. Do. SV 2nd rlh 1., 43. kl Entro Rios, 72. 2.

Dn.651 1st nref. 9014 fit. South, of Spam income deb. SX, 24r, 334r, 4 Gt. West, ot Brazil 62 nref.

800. Do. 4V debs. 6134 Inter. Cent.

America. 24l2r t-oopoMtna, oZlar, 414, 3S, lnt sa, 78, la, 3a, In S3- 4. 3S. 4. 1-, S8.

lg. 78. 7a, 4. 15. 3-c.

7a. 4. Do. 3l2X pi. 89is.

Do. AX deb. 681-. Lctpoldina Termioal shares. 6H2.

60. 6'3. 6'2l4. 6II0, 6(214 Manila 4H A debs. S8I2.

Do. 3I2X debs. 48. N.W. COIn.

i4. Do. SX 1st mort dep. -ec. 42(6 Midi 6 etcri.

8613. 901b. 14, 90, 891a, 3034, 14. 894. 34.

oi4 Mc-Eyana 5X Sul Min. F.i. 8214 Nitiato Bails, res. 82(61 Northern ol France 62 sterl. 9134, 214 Orleans 6 sterl.

9014 H4. 14. 90U Ottoman to 700. 713 with coup. 40, Do.

D-; 1st deu. Paraguay Cent. D. 6la3' income deb. 4812.

34. "-4 Paris. Lyons, and Med. 6X sterl. 9212, 12.

34 Salvador prel. 989 San Paulo IBrailian) 17912, 80. 79. Do. 51-2 per.

deb. 93 Sororabana 5l2 1st debs 43 with coup. 31 Southern San Pnulo 52 1st debs. 42. 112, 22 with i-orip.

32 Taltal, 700 Trana-Alricen 5.2 1st rrort. 35, 2. 3, 3. 2 United of Harana, 78. J.

8. Do. SX irred. deb. 87I4.

Do. AX deb. 7H2. Do. SUS Cuban Central deb.

88I2 Cruguay North, per. deb. 18 Venezuela Cent). bX 1st debs. 6432.

t4. 5 Supplementary Prices. Bcnguella 52 debs. reff. 68I4 Bueuos Ayres Cent.

6I2J; 10-yr. (I.p.) 9H Cent. Argentine 6x cum. conr. prcf.

10234. 12, 2, 1- Mexican 44 Salvadoc 1 10-yr. certs. (1921) 951i United of Haraua del. 331-T V'eneluela Cent.

11012 BANKS AND DISCOUNT COMPANIES. Agricul. of Egypt 42 cum. pref. 8 3-32.

8 with cp. 46 Anglo-South American, 6 31-32, iie. 7. 7. 7.

6 31-32. JB6IH16 Australian ol Commerce. 379, 37'9 Ban. Nacional Utlra. (80.000 4c 376 I rights with coup.

35 Bank of 14 15-32. 38 ad Bank of Liverpool Martins. 634. "tp. 25-32 Bank of London and South Araer.

Bank ol New Zealand 4 V. 92. 2 Barclays Ac.l A. 30H2. 306.

30H2, 30 41 30'112 30,3.30412. Do! Ban Ian A. 734(r, u. tib. 7170.

734f, 7(17(0. 7Lo33. 23-32. S4I. Do.

B. 571 13. 56) 570. S70, SSflOlj. 569, S7(S.

5c 1DI3, 56j9. 569. 573 Ctu.di.ui oi Commerr. 49t4 Char, of India. and China.

19Uie, 15ts. Uii, 3 Com. ol Australia, 303. 30(5. Do.

4v priff. 6''. Difitnct. 10 17-52pr, 17-32p, I2P. Isp (lambros.

Sl2 Ho-ig Kon and Shanghai. 112. 11. 12 xd and bonus Imoeria ol Persia, a 9-32 9-32. Sn, 9-32.

5a. "a Inuuslrial ol Japan. 5 with coup. 42 Lloyds A. 62-3r.

62'9. 62j3. 52(71-. Do. B.

209. 20,91. 209, 20D Merchant 4i9. 49:0. 48(9 49j0 Mercantile ol India 30U.

Do. B. 301s Ilidland (12 share. 21-. pd.) 87ta.

9, ri, 15-32. V. 15-32. Do7 iE21-l 8 25-32. 29 4- 27-32.

n. 34. 34 Do lU 73.0, 7'41t. 73,0, 73-Oi 73 3. 73.3.

73 0. 73 lif.73 0i. 7341. 73H-National Dueount B. 8,8 National Provincial 7-32 7-32.

Do. i41 78. 312. 121193, ii4 la IX M-ou 2H-o2. a.

29-32. Io. iC5. 173., 25-32. 25-32 Ottoman.

10 Willi t-oup 35 Standard nf South Africa. 131-1, 14, 131S1. 14, rl. 17 32. V.

18(9(0. Do. Ill a. en. 4y v.

4a, Supplementary Prices. Allgemeir.c Oesterreichische, Commerrial of Australia ne 14 3. 14 3 129D. 140r 11927) (p.p.) Iceland National 61; 20-yr. sterl 9812p BREWERIES AND DISTILLERIES.

Ailu.fp 19'3. Barulav. Hrrkins 10 Vrttt. 51. Ut6 Bass.

Ra.cUiT. i Grettoc. 60 3, 606, 603 Bcafcin's 49r3, 49'3. Do. SX cnta 72.6.

Tin. Ay rf.sH 7nt 7n prel. Bochrtan-pwir 6' lai pref. Do, 71a 2nd prei. afo Cannon 5 cnm.

pref. 7J City ot London. 716. 710. Do, 6 19712.

CouriiEf. 60 5. 61f-0. 61f0. 615 DumJers.

5S'7l2. 53S9. 53 6. 53 3. 53'0.

536 do. 6. 53 '0. RntnTtess tA.l 504. 5.

34, 4. Hcaro, 58 6 TlndgFon's Ktnzpton. 33 Ind, Cocnc, 6501. 66 0 Manchester 4 irr. A drb.

63 ilirjton, Thomrwin. ETershed 5 15r'6. Do Nrjakes 4'; let deb. 673a. 8 Nottingham 5 mort.

deb. red. 64r. 4r Cape. Koral Brew.

TVt prf. 2312 ivom ax cura. nrel. Knmh --r c-iw. Do.

Streuor.s D-rby cum. ort 1" '3 Style rfi Winirh, 46 3 45'0f. 4s'6 Do. 7-2; nrel 21112 219r Wa'AtT P.

and R. Cain. 20 6. 2071 20r'6. Do.

7X 1st ZA, Watlnoj-. Combe. Reid dsl. ord. 264 i nr.

4. 4 TVtnlocJc. 59 '6r Suppterntntary Pricea. Bcotb' Distiiiery. 14-9.

149. 15 City of London new 62 non-curn. 19,9, Flower debs, (reg.) 6512T CANALS AND DOCKS. King's Lynn deb. 45r Regent's cap.

391- Supplemtntary Prlcea. Havana Marine Term. torn. 2 6 Manchester Ship Ctntl. In 0 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL.

Aerated Hrca i. 27.0, 27.3. 276. Do. 61r2 can orti.

21. 71- African and Ijit. Trj.ic. 28.S. 29'41-, 296 Agr.rcra 65 3 Agricultural ano Centring.

IIOI3. Do. 82 Pref. Allied 519. 51(3.

Do. 82 euro, pr-J. 2o 9, 2o 71-, 236. 23,9, 23:6 :8.1s def. ord.

4 2:4. 4.27-. Do. preL 16.6. 16 6.

16.9 Apollii'ans and Johanms, 3. 6t- Dc. 5 2 deb. 7412. Arnalh Tobacco 6 2 cum.

ptef. 20 5 Ardtng and Hobba 72 prel 19 Of Army and Navy Co-op- 35:6. 5SJ0, 33'3, Artisane. I4ib aoc Gen. D.

861- id. pref. (18841 77 Do. 41-2 Assoc. Brscaiii Manuf.

6122 pref. 229 Nit -r. 13 6. J5 5. def.

6 5-32, 1-5. 1-32. i-. r4. ls.

3-32. 6:19. 1 6 Do. 5 2 cum. pref.

17 '3f. 173. 176 -saaoc. fortland Oaitct. IB112.

Do. 5a "caT cnC4. pr'f. 1 1 1 '9 IXa. 11 mort.

Atastin Motor 7 2 cnm. pref. 23,9. Do. 62 pref.

2071; 20101-p. 20:10:2. 20:6. Do. 6122; lat o'eb.

S81- Teletarine 50 6 Baker (AltVrtl 1 Bark-r IJ 1 63 or 65.3. 65 9. 65.3. 65'9. IXa.

I 51-2 preL 5t4. 14. Do. 62 prcf. 217'2r.

Do. 2 deR 11907) 8755 Juto Factory. Do. 52 pref. 80 0 Barrv.

Ostlere, an.) Shepherd. 66:6. 67,0. 670c 66IOI2. Citato and Pills.

20712. 201012. 210. Oa. 8 2 prcf.

and Br-Prodncts 6r prcf. 16 '6 Birmingham Rail. Car. and Waggon, SO'BlaP Id Birmingham Small Aram. 137t-r.

13'934. 140. 14 11-, I4-0. lO.l-ii. l-'l--.

la'O, 13.71-. IV. 52 A prcf. 70.0. Do.

12- Year Nctes, 98. I4 Bleachers' Am. 42'6r. 433. 43,0.

43,6. 4261. 43.0 Boake (A 1. Roberts 52 Tef Boots Pure Drus nic. -2- 1 2.

Eerax Con. prefd. 92'6 TV. del. ord.

Boa-ril 71-2 runs. ord. 2J.O id. Do. ski.

416. 41 6 ad. IV. 62 e. pra-t 209.

20,9. 201012 Id Biaadlord Dyer. 49 6 xd Bradleis ICbepatow Tlacel 73.0. Do. 51-2 cnm.

pref. 18'4l2 Bright (John) and Betas. 62 deb. 3-Britash Aluminium. 4311.1;.

44-9. 44,9. Tobacco. 100(3. 1000.

IOC9, 10O 6. 100.1c. 100 72, 1DO9. 10C.0. IOD 71.

ICO'3 1f)'6. 100 45 id. TV. 101.412. 1002.

lOlH-. 1013, 1019L 1C14 avttit oo'rrpoa 117. Do. 32 prel. 190 ISll; id 71-2 pref.

10T-2. 1045-. 10.3. lO'S. 10H2.

1O034, 100. 10 Britiah Cfclton and Woo1 Dyaars. Brrtisa Ilrtj Hotues- 199. British Dyaastnli. 17,6 British FJec Tracsiormstr 72 aa-cf.

189. 1S.S British lat Oablera. 713. Mesa litter 62 cum- pref. 63 Bnrish Oil ad Cake MllU nrei- 26- 0 Briti'h Portland Ccmcu-- 39 0- Do.

52 1st deb-971a. British "Taciaaon-Hctrston 72 deb ICS. 6 Brcwn Brca. 23,6 xd Brenner. Vn.l.

38 S. 35,9 Bryant and May. 53Hi. 53:0. 53.3.

526. 52. 51(9. 52, 551.9. Do- 52 deb.

11932-42) 9TU. Caiicc Pririrs. 27Hj Can: West. LnmbeT 52 ion. inc.

ce'tx 100 Cariton Hcatet. 29:3. 29:0 Carreras. 15.. lot.

Do. A 14s. si. Do. 72 nraaL Chinese Eaf.

and Men. (bearer) 35 1 '-2 with corjpon 30- Do- 62 deb. 8012. 52 City of Santos Imp. 2073.

20 3- 209. CUy and Bock 62 rlebs. 791c OxV and'P.) 58'ca. 580, 55r6. 57,, 571J12.

579. 58412- Do. 61 carra pref. 22,3. 2241-r, Cblaasbta Ga-apbt-talscar, 64'3.

649. 64 3-65-0. li 64,6. 64 St. 649.

ti49, 65 O. Do. 72 pnL 21H2 Carts- Iorden Prtrperlin. 34 Cook (St. Pacral-lTMl.

17.7a. Do. pref. 210 OrnrtatUdi. S-s.

31-6, Tg. 23-64. 38. 23-64. 3mo.

535-64, 25-54; 13-32, 25-64. 13-32. ll-32r id. Do. S2 cars, prct 18712.

1S.712. 136. 16'4l2. 18:6. iSMlj.

1... 5.. Amai. Cotton Mills Trtw. 5(6.

5 6. 5 6. I I cen pref. 11412. 119.

119, 12, 3. Dental S-' aTft; 17-s sttii- i Dn ntn a 4 2: 1 I I i I mat ui Dartain an not recorded! 12 that tha bargains are not recorded in tthronDlafjlcal order, ao that no deduction as to' tha moirinient in the price ol any tenuity during tha day can da draam trom the record, and 3 that the record Includes bargains at special orics, (marked 0. barxalna duia with cr bcttMeen non-fnernsirl cp), and bargains done durins unofficial hours or on the previous day Cr) BRITISH FUNDS, 4c. 2'22 Consolidated Stock. 54tit*, 5.

"is, s8. 3. 34, "is. 7a. Sn 7a, 34.

7e. 212.2 Annuities. 5234. 34 522 War Loan 11925-28) 987a 29-32. iSti.

7a t-V 22, 1 "ft- 412 H925S) 96la! 378. 6B. 53j. 78, Bit, 6. 534.

'a- Do. 52 (1929-471 10134. S3. 21-32. 3.

a. "16. a. "is, 23-32, 21-32, 21-32. 23-32, 23-32.

78i 'nl. tlo. trans, by deed. 1015s. "is.

-jo. 34. Do. 42 (1929-421 9934, 7a, '9. '8, "15, -4 XO 7a.

Ub. Funding Loan -(1960-90) 873b. la. si. iB 5ft.

1a. Jis. 3i 14. 1U 7, US. Do.

trana- b. deed. R71o 4 2 Victory Bonds ffcbO 10 1.000 915Ifi, Sg. Je- 7is. Do.

(Co.OCD 9H4, l4 S'iJ Conversion Loan IIS6I1 74 sg.32r. ISrs, S. 47,, 5: 41! 5. 415a. 15K.

Iln. 136, 29-3. 2932. Do. 412X (194044) 96116 In.

6. 6. -It. 14. 6, Ja.

'la. 14. 14. 18. 534, 34.

34, 616 42 Consolidated Loan. 859,6, 5n, 7te, 916 ss, -it. 13. Is. 1-.

1532. tto. A S4 23-32r. 'a. Big.

27-32r; tit*. J4. 29-32. Do. (p.p.l 14i.

ti. 31-32. IS SI22 Treasury Bonds 119291 tOll-, 34, se. Do. (1930! lOlis.

2. 134. 2. 2. 7a.

Do.41-2 1 1 WO 21 UK, l2, i.f ss, 50. DJ. 4iiX 1929-341-995sr. 13, J4. a.

Bo. 4 (193133) 'JS12. 13-32r Nal WJr lists 5S (19271 'r -58. 'is. 13, i-l.

17-3Z. 15-32. 15-32. 15-32. Do.

res. Do. 42 (19271 lOOiit. 1-32. 100.

100, 100. 99 31-32. Do. reg. 100 1-32.

Do. (2nd ser.) 5X (192(11 105'is, 12. 12. In. S8 53.

15-32. 15-32. Do. res. 10512.

Do. 11923) I OOixa. Do. (3rd scr.) SS (1928) 1053B. "is, 12.

38. la. 15-32. Do. res- 10514.

Do. i (192S) lOOlij. 18. Do. (4th ser.) 119291 105.

5, 3, 1-32. lj6. Do. res. 1051a.

Do. 4X, Guaranteed 234 2 (Irish T.nd 57U. IWU'B 'tat. 'B Loanr, 6Z.s:s. 7S.

oie. 3. 3. 2T8. -'J.

M. 3. In. lrtek Gnar. 21jj; Gold Liao (1893) 94 TriniTml Coir.

3Z Cur. 11923-531 811B J2 Bjiik Knsland StocV. 248. 71-, 3. td India Stock S-iX (19311 681t.

3e. -8 1b 1b H1 5- x-- E- s0- Ho. XX (19481 -93a. 5o, Sg, 12, 14 3n 9.. 3.

3 rs IV. 2125: fal. Iz. Do. S1S if 932s! 5B, s4, 3j.

Do. 4l2x (l-JSO-aS) 913er. 14, 1. lo. Is.


'odon EJ-ctric Roil. 2ai jch. (1S42-72) N'orth Brlttrb Alumioiuni 4I2X deb. 933.,, 3, 41 Pesrsoii snil Doraian Vitig 5 dch. (19561 I'arsi Hirer IlyHt-o.

Klec. Power 5K deb. 107l, l- riljintou Ironwork 41-i' deb. (1951-451 34 Cvtti. aod Kquip.

4lji deb. (19S1-45I 93(i. -Supplsmanlsry Prices. (edan-! RaiI. -Ver.

(Sudani If.O.l lOnin. la tuar. deb. (19521 Tiorlh Mitropr.htsii- Power StaUon 5X rur. deb.

'I'-l'-l OU'li CORPORATION AMD COUNIV STOCKS GREAT SRITAIK AND NORTHERN IRELAND. Free ot Stamp Duty, WetropoliUa JlJ 11929) K. Do. 3" (1941) 82l4. 2ljX (1920-491 68I-.

London Countv 2I2V il920i 515s. Ja. la. a. 52- Si; '4.

i. Do. 3lj (I92'jj 3. I). (1940-601 103.

3, 3. Do. to? I so- r1- 41- con- (1945-851 Corp. liirjon 51 119281 101. 1.

Do. I031sr. 2ij. i4. rio.

41V db I1940B31 943j, -s Bella.l 3i (1946-351 993. i4 Birmii.fham 6V 11936-461 1071. Do. 103-s. 151S.

4. 3V Do. SX 1 19it- J6l 3n. JB n-mriienin-Jtii 5X. 3.

T6. -4. lIp. Itradford 31; 119451 823n. Do.

3- 11954) Rrlsh(on bX (1940-501 IO7I4 Hn.tMl 6K (1940-501 IO51.1 3d. Do. Sta? 1932-. 42)10254. Do.

4S4i 11345-35) 98U., lorentry 31 (1920-60) 691. Do. 5- ins. ,1954.

741 10014. a. 1-, EB.r,s, 1, la Derby 6S (1940 601 1071 1 (1940-60) 10B1-" (1930-60, IO8I2. a Hull 5.V 11941-61) 1001s. la, tpskh 6 (1938-50) IOdSji.

r3 Kent 6X (1940-601 1081-. 1-ri 515b r. Tieieeiter (1947-57) IO2I4 Llterpnl 73f. 3. Do 6 3.

3. 27n rt 11930-50) 102sr. Maucheitc- 3.TJ (1941) 62jb Vtiddlesbroufh 41a 9178, 7. MiddW.r 65; (1940-60) inoi, Ncwcsstlo-opon-Trne 6X (1936-51) 106. 6.

6 Portsmouth 6X (1940-50) 106 Khcltield OX (1930-401 fl. I4 f-ltH'ktoti-51 (1946-66) 1001-. 5t; I1945-52)' 9n34id WaiedcM 3t U929I 947, "WalUst- 62 11940-60) lb712 2'" lUrtlevool 5-; (l4o-53i 100t4. ad Sv (lS45-5bl 100U. is in.

16. Td (Subleet to Stamp Duty.) 3l2. 729 3n Soi.hsnipton 3l2 11945) 91r. Do- 6" 1931)112 Supplementary Prices. Ayr CO.

5K (1947-57) 4. i. hi, 14. Do. (PP) 9a.

"le. 13 Blscjsroo! SZ (1947-571 100'u. 1. Do. (p.p.) 605o, 5rs.

Bri.tol (Citvl 52 (1948-581 100. 100. 99U.3. 100. 9SJ3.

Do. ip.p.i 30lii. 30. SO. 'j Derbv -f.

73. 34 11946-501 10038 52 (1S52-62) 9934. 100. 997s. 78.aa, -is.

34. IOC. 34. "Do. lp.p.1 ir.

p. 'it. si9 par. par Noiunchiia (Cit, oil 11943-52) Ip.p.i fil7s llotbeiham 52- 11943.58 IOOI4. I4 52 1194757) 9973.

78, 78. b.6. Do. IP 2T-a. 34.

-d. 8- 34, liit, IIib. 34 Wakefield 52 (1946-50) 1003a. 58 aura PUBLIC BOARDS, Ac. CREAT BRITAIN NORTHERN IRELAND.

Free of Stamp Duty. Metropolitan Water (1534-2005) 6Sb. Do 51; Do. 4 (1940 60f 8334. Do'.

62 lia'so-ib) Sub)ect Stamp Dutyj Metro. Water Hirer 3 2 D. 6234 Supplementary Prices. Marsev IVjcks and liar 3 2 b. (1330-60) 60.

60 lVntynridd and Khocddi. Joirra Water 5t (1946-56. 13. 1J. tp.pj 4S8 COLONIAL AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES.

Canada 32 I1S5S) S4'-4r. Do. Can. Pac. Rail.

31-2 I19SSI S734. "-4 Mamiotu 42 ilelep. aod Tel, ft.) (1047) 8S34. 34 N-w Skjuih Wale. 534 2 1132551 100rs, 7F.

53 sterl. I1D41I S3. Do. 52 119511 100. 9934.

100. "934. Registered and Stechs. Australia 51-2 11922-27) 10114. 14.

Do. 1011-. 5s. C-s. s.

1-. IV. :2 100. 100. 100.

-s- 34. 3j. 7S. is. 4J42 11S4O-O0) V--.

Do. 5 lOO'-j. ms. 18. o8, Ij.

Xj, 38, 14. 14 Oinjia 3V- tlPC9 54 ijjlsr. Its, j. at. (liiiS) IV.

3'-22 J1930-50) 803.0, t'l J4; -Z. -j. -6- "4. 4. 1K5.

(140-50) SO'4. 14, 3g. -2. I4. 12 Cap- of Good Hope 35-' 4- 11934) f4t5 (1929-491 B.

Do. 791; 11936-511 lorij. :4. CoM 1'ast 42 S5. Do.

62 Nasal o-. 75. 'i. 1 034.441 82 14. 1 4 N--- Seal-Nc (IG55I Si 1 -30-501 731j.

Ij. 3. IXa. 4' '4 7, Do. 41-- (1922-271 Do.

jt ll22.27l 101 14. In. Do. DO. 34.2 (192r-35) ICO I0li3.

i4. Do. 0I22 (1930-401 aa. -4. 3.

LKv 41-; (IPS; 95:4. la. L. Do. c-2 U930-40J 87 14.

IV. 5 2 i 11935-53) 941a. --'dt. 4. -j.

l8r. Do- l-155t 3c. Sc. 3c. 1 7..

1- -v traiaur. lit- 4 --4, 4, 1. 1 v. 11940) 8o-ae. a- 38, 4.

IXa. OX U.4SI 76. o. tS. IVk 42 U943-63) 5.

Da. 02 (1936-511 1074. 14. Do. 52 3c.

lOOTfj, 11,. 1007c. IV). 4-1. 11S44) i5C-c, S8.s ilprsi 95:5.

i4. :4. 4. 13- IV. 119461 3CJ1 la.

ll'a. -z. 15- IXa. I1S3S-4-1 lOoU. l4l vd.

tVv 4-. (1963) Ml. rv I OS's. 2 1930 95-f. If.

IXa. 32 H922-47) 6734. S4. Do. 62 (193OJ0) 10O34.

3. 34. IISO-SS) lOOla. llo. 52 1190-130) --ea'ra.

3a. Sc. JCe-0 9-5j. Airica 42 US43-o51 S41-. is- 1ol 62 1037s.

7E. 5c. D. 5- (1533-43-, 1007s, Ts. Do.

52 11345-751 1015. 7S. South Australian cat; 2 (1930-40) 102C8. 35. 7-.

IV-. 6t I1S30-10I 100rs. 7s. Ts. Do.

5- 52-4-41 9.3. ae, ls. l-. Do al (1945- 9Ss. ifr.

Daa. 5 2 'Jn 1927. -4. S. 14.

si. -4, .5, lit, -S -It. is. la. -3.

IV laCriP 4. 4. li 1, 18t I.e. ls Rbocesla 5.2 (1934-t9) 10O34. 14, 34, 34 Sectiemeats C2 ila36-511 10S.

Sf r. 31r- (152O-40i S354. 3. Do- 42 (194O-50) SSSii. Do 61j2 (1930-0- 1031.

Do. 52 Do. 52 1S45-75I lOOlet 522 (1329-4SI lc. Do. 4 I1S40- r-O: S0-'4.

3v. Do. 5 (1924-34) '-00. 997c Do. 9S-34 34.

100, 10O. 52 I1SS2-42) 9734. 3. Ec Ss. 52 11945.75) 100.10O.

34.3a.7c'i 52 (1515-351 Do. 51-2 IV 723.. Do. f)930-01 10I1-. TV 2 (1930-401 I01o4.

-aj. Do. 4---2 1IS355I 12- Do. 5 2 11945-751' 14. is CORPORATION STOCKS INDIAN NO COLONIAL Aticiiain.1 tCstv) 52 (1S34-S) Do.

514.2 07- (IS5?) lOo. 2T3 Aucaclard 52 Water (1S45) S61-. (PC47) o2 (1S52I 107ta. Briabacc Tramariy T. 5l4l (1S4J Cantta (Port) 72 '(1931-51) D7 ekba.

(1953) 1061-. In 4. 3.4. 12 54) S6I4. '4 .06 '-4.

14. Do. 4J 11943) StV34. 714 Iror-ediji 4at reetenn. (19531 52' (1927-48) 9S3a.

34. Dc. fl933 9914. 4. Do.

(1933-531 754. -a- 8I2 Hofjart 52 '1S441 973a. 34 Johmrrwranrc 4 2 (1S33-11 917s. 7E. 7- I-aaincesion 52 deb.

981K. 14. S. "4 Mclbonme and Metro. Trams 52 (1S44) 9434f Vetrco.

(Bris.) 52 25-yr- deb. (19481 95 (CjtM 42 (1939) 8Sr. Do. 4:22 (1940-60) E3T. T.

rruebec: 3122- "34. 5 Rand Water Itoarrl.oS (193--J01 S512. "4 R-sricoa (CSlyl- 51-2 (1951 991-, 1-Regtna 41-2 (1925o2i 89r "ttttiaxi-l Ecc Tama o2 (lQieV54) X045s Sadiwi 6I22.U-SS. (1931) 10314. 14.

Do. Sldeba. il-ao, 57-i. 1, Rio 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I i I 1 I I -ir. 3--2 '4.

IK. Cope Bros, 6o8I4 anrl Wintrworth Cons. Jiille. 011 Minor 6 132. 15-32.

13-32. 11-31 n-e fin2. 9-3 670 6 13-32, 9-32. hi. 38.

Do. 82 cum. preL 25(71- Debenbams Sees. 62 cum. part.

pref. (I.p.) 2211-. 223. 223. 223 Dolanev (Jobu) Horton Limeworka 72 1st mort.

deb. lOOr (bearerl 371 Dobson and Barlow. 38II3 Dominion Tar and Cbem. new ord. (f.p.l 3601 Drage'a.

15(5, 156, 1571-, I0H2. 156 Dubihcr Condenser (1925) 49 Dunstable Portland Cement. 550. Do. new (p.p.) 173.

1771-. 173. 176. 1741- 176. 173, 176.

1771-. 18J0. Do. 7122 cum. nrel.

(Mar. is.) (l.n.) 21(0. 210. Do. 11U2.

1101, 10(9. 109. 10'7i- Eaut India Distilleries and Sugar Faca. 15412. 15S Fisher and Ludlow (1920 229.

Do. 72 cum. prel. 230. 226 Forsler's Glass 7I22 cum.

part pref. 43f Fortnnm and jTason. 615. 613 Guy Motors. 140r.

13(9. 14(0, 13(71- 2' Ir. 5'01 30. 30. 30.

2IOI2 301-. 31. 31 14. 3'034. 2III4.

3(1! Holborongh Cement If.p.) 246. 24(712. 24(71-. 24,6. 24-71P.

24c 239 Illnslrateil News. 2S'71-P 25'3, 2571-. 253. 25lOla. 2531.

Do. 72 oum. pref. 1B'3. 190, 190.

193. 190 22034. Imperial Cheni. Industries. 220.

21101- 22(31-. 22(034. 211012. 21'10l2. 2210.

31 Si21, 22'034 22(1I2. 3K9. 220. 22034. oer.

oro. otir. J4. c-i2. S'SJ- 5'- 61 1n? z.

,4 cum. nrei P4l-2-71-. 23514 251 3'4J2. 2o'8l4, 2a712. 23H-f.

236, 23J6, 23'3. Tnternatinna) Auto. Tel. def. ord 40 Or.

416 Inveresk Paper. 5f. o. l-32r. 18.

RrxUurantf, 376. 376. 380, Jones IR. E.I "nref. 86 376.

380 Jurcpn fsulshares) 346, 34'934 34934r, 349r, o4934. Do. 1st pref. (sutubaree) lll-r Ladies Dwellings. 186r Leyland Motors.

83r. Llovd (Edward) new 7.2 cum. pref. It.p 1 21101-, 21101- lVindon Housing- Soo. 113.

110 London Palace 11921) 109. 11(9. 109. llO. 11(9 Lotus.

17712. 174l2r, 17:9. 179 17101- 1771-. 17101 Mackintosh t.Tobn) 102 cum. 86(41-Mrlirtc aud Evans, 43, 4(3, 43 Melhvish IWm.) 3'6.

3101. 3101-Murdoch (John (p.p. 11 712. 116. 1141- 11712.

1171-. 1K41-, 1141- 119, 11(9, 11fi. 119. Jl6 ll634 Non-fnfhmmab'e Film (p.o) 63. Sf6 5'3 Do dcf.

ord. S0. 5(0. 4'9 Nnera-Art Silk (f.p.) 219. 21712, 216.

213. Do nt. on). 140 131 17. 133.

140. 136. 13(3 14-0, 13(9, 1331. 133 Orlhamr. Prwu.

5(3 Oredate prefd. (f.p.l 19712 Cns'riiction 72 cum." guar. pref. (f.p. 199 19r9.

19,9, 20'3. 203 Pascall James) 72 cum. pref. 176. Do 82 cnm.

part, prefd. 173. 17112. 17113 Peters (G. 62 part.

pref. 89. 70 Phillips (Goillrel 963. 96(3. 94412 950.

9441- B4 412. 9510. 941EI4, 9613 9418(4. 9410 11 (1 0.1 900. 900.

900 Phillips Rubber Sole (f.r,.) 319. 31712. 3171- Do. 7122 cum. pref.

If.p.) 2211-Pln-hm Johnson ord. 51-32. 3-32. 1-32, 1-32 Pirelli Cen. Cable Work 62 1st mort.

guar. rleb. 102 vmiia cum. part. prel.

39(6 Puilman Car. 303r Ri2Mp CUm' Rayon Manuf. der. ord. 20.

20. XU. 7122 oum preL II.p.) 90. 93. 90 Raywvjtvers prafd.

28(41-. 293. 296 2q(9 zqiq Trade fecs. 230. 230, 230.

2271-, 22ini- 64'41-. 6403... 64(41 Sugar. a4ij. a6.

s4iz. 8412 lTUst. S66I, 550. Do. 62 cnm nref.

16101- 17(11- 17n kic Setfridge Provincial Stores (p.p.)' 13(0, 13412. 133 Semon (Charlea) 28I4. 2712. 2634. Do.

62 Xotea (1930) 14 Shepherd (Wm.T 71:2 cum. part. pref. (f.p.) 130 13H2. 13(112, 130 sni-.

lna pr.rt'airl r-nnt Mannf. 93r.r QI IV, 6ia 1st mort. deb. (f.p.) ls, l2, 18, STaters near ord. 236t Smart Bros.

72 oum. part. pref. Ip.p.) 93 Smithes.) (Motor Accessories) 7I2X cnm, pref. (f.p.) Snla Viscose 7z star, lat mort.

bonds', 100, 99t2. -is, ,4, j4 Southail Bros, and Barclay 52 cum. nref. 179r catar Tea rlef. ord.

15, 9, 156 (A' J4? H914I 26ll2pr. 26lljn Stol! Picture Production 82 cnm. pref. 26 Snntlav a iXHU 7S 4M. 736.

"S'6, "3'1'-. 736, 739. 744l2. 4ai- 7111, Swin and Blear (1927) fp.n.) 60. 5(9.

S6. 59. oa. 60. Do.

(f.p.l 183, 183. 193 Swears and Welt, (1926) 229. Jk? 82 cum. Dart, tiraf. (f i ra.Tra ot new (f.p.i lS7n.

at. lla. tawilt of Cn.enlrT. 4.r7tt A xQ Tale ar.d Lvle. 30'S' der.

ord Z0ir. 2llj. $-J'iX cum. prefd. (p.pll 4,0, 4.0.

Do. (f.p.) 19(3 Bros. 7'5 Tillirgterens Motors. 20, 2'6. 24ti.

24. 24la cnm' pref' S0, 9'0, 9 9'1" 8'9, 33r Tamer ani Ncwall, 389 349ofd 39''9' 39'1011- li4' 39'3' United Oil Importers new ord. 240. 240 Lmted Statca Rubber 1st prefd. 115r auihiil Motrins 7 2 mort.

deb. (f.n.) 92 "iP-l SI-'3- 51 '5. S2'0' Sl7ii 526. SUM, Gramophon-. 6llUr.

73. 73. 7IZH. Wainorf Hotel. 280, 28,0.

2810 (inomasl 72 cum. 2nd pref. Ollt-Sr. 0 5. 031s'o3.

Oia, 03, Waring and GlIIow. 11loii. 1H9 ebb' Crvstal Clan, 5 '101. llccr (L and and Phillips. 156 iJr 13 3 Mffl' 10S Pre" Teano a919) 138U Wilkinson and I.iddell 52 cum.

prcf. 51 Wir.terbr.ttom Cloth, 80-0. 799140. 79.3 arra 270. 26 '9, 269 Yora-ihire Amal.

18-7Ij ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND POWER. Atl.s' 16 0 Ti ir.ioa and P. 61-2. 10234r. 1- Canary Potr 5Jf 1st raort.

931a i vadiAn Gn. prcf. 5D3fl -Ouapore onp. 7 cum. 216 Sup.

256. 25.0r, 250 lo 2 preL ItjilOir ChIics Eltf. 241 Citf -of Lr-ridon. 429- 433. 429.

433. 42-9 6X pr-f 23112, 23ll- Ciyd- VnUc? Pr.ser. 3OI45I Conip. E.e..-. dc Arre.

55'Or, 58 0. Do vj.u. County of Londrri auppiv, 27'10l2. 271012. 280 taT'-tm.

oa-a otajra a. lale ol Thanct Supply 62 pref. 216. 21 (3 Kensanclou and Kraigbts. 256r 260r Uma and T.

62 1st debs. 921-London Supply, 24,3, 24:3 London Power 52 deb. 11926) 9331 nMr S3f 44I. -r'af. -34f.

s8f Id Melbonrne Snp. 52 1st deb. 94r, no con. deb. 96r Metrop.

liln Elec. Sup 270, 273. 26 9. 273. 27-ll2.

269r Elec L. 5 2 1st mort. end. 643 arith cp. 44 Meanc-tn I.

and Pow. Sr 1st mort. end. 7034 with 9. IV.

2nd. 941; arith coup. Dec 1. 1919 Midlani Co miles Eic-a. Sup.

6 2 cum. pref. 213 Midland Elec Power Diitri- 550 Mcntreal I. and Pow. 8114 N'cwraalWn-Tyne Elec Sap.

2I6f. 22(6. 22(6. Do. 52 pref.

179. 176, 176L Do. 7 prel 2472. 24lla Pacl.uca 52 It mort. nd.

64 R-rr I(jdrEIec. Paw. 'X par. deb. 9214, St.

mii Pall Mall, 263 Han Panio 52 50-yr. 8538. g. a rs-ottiah 82 rum. pref.

246 Sbaannigaa W. and P. cap. 751a bmithfieid Markets Elec. Sup.

23(0 Tokyo light 62 sterL Torontrj Power 41-2 guar, deb- 96t4 Vancouver Power 414 2 deb. 793a. Victuia 551012. 55101- We-ittninater EI4C Snoply. 25 Sr.

"251 'ThKehaU Ec. Isaaat, 7l-)( Prel. 20 9. 20 9. Do.

62 1st deb. 102. 2 Yorkshire FJaac Poer 62 cnm. pref. 223.

Io. 512.2 deb. 102 harcalriiaa Tra -r. Liant. and Power 42-3-a Ciav of Klec.

Lighting 52 ocas, den 991-f Cotap de El-- la Ptot. ri Bascaci Ayrea new non-cum. p.ri. rW. (f.p.) 280 Cornwall Pwer 72 conr.

pref. (p.p.l jy, 20'6f. 20-S Elec ihs. of Yorkshire new. .30, 3ll2 pna.

Midland D-unuea r4ec Sup. new 62 oum. arL 21 North Mearop. Power Supply. 366 Northern Marvico Power aodi-DevfeL com, 53 Shaarinigan W.

and P. 51z2 lat aeort. 1081-Shrooahiraa. and Srjlf. Psrarcf n-w 25'9, 2591, 25-9.

259 taouth-Eastrrt P. and I option avarrants, 3 -a FINANCIAL, LAND, AND INVESTMENT. AnslcVreaeh Eaplor. 26(71-. 25,9, 25.5.

41-2 debs. 90 Arg. Est. of Bovril 62 deb. 9SI3 Argatine Southern Land.

25 '3f Australian Eat. anal Hlorl. 7934. De, 41; 2 1st dib. 821; Australian Mere.

Land (1. ske.) 958 er ngtta. Do- U2OJ0O1, tic) 11S eat riarh-J Brit, iunpirat I ml I 50 British facrtfa Borneo. 741-a. 74Ij Brituh South Alrica rest.

28:0. 38034. 379. 280. 28034.

26:6. 27lltx. 27712. 28112. 2S0.

2Sn-. Do. bearer. araaia casrrp. 4 Brccboro Port Est.

41-2 tieb. 72. 11-CalararT and Erlrnonron Land. 140 Ciurscn 3y- 2119. 226 Cr.r ot London Real Proo.

20:3. 20-6. Do. 42 pref. 19,0.

19.112. 193 Dalseaiy 52 praf. 3 -is. 3ar Earjptian Delca f-acd and Inr. 22,9 coca.

13 Fa-resti! Laaad. 25-0. 25.3, 253. 253. Do.

62 riaisai. pref. 1911- xd HoUom Viadturt 3oT3 Bwiion a 3ay, 53g. '3. 19-32.

Do. 52 Ari prel. 1614. 2, 3, ST 2. 34.

-'4 Hyderabad (D-earan) 22; 6r r.r Java Inraait. Xaian. and A. 46,6. Leaeh's Est.

51-2" 1st ajeba. -London Countv Freeho'jl and latatas. Props- 280, Do. 6r lr inort. eiab- 103 id TxmajVya Profaert Invest.

1000 Mgrarabarjaic tbearcrr 13712 1 inoaan and Gen. Invest. tz B4r l4indon and Co). Invest. 52 prefd.

8312. Do. del. 143 London Irish Trust 52 cum. 68I2 id London Midland and Scottish 52 pref.

34, SI2 Melbourno Trust. 1511a Merc. Invest and Gen. ord. 2871-.

6. Do. 52 pref. 931-. 434.

Do. 42 deb. 79 Merchants ord. 215Ir id. Do.

42 pref. 72! id Meiican Cen. Rail, circs. 4.2 A deb. 25 id Mid-European Corp.

108r. 10. 8 New York and Gen. 2121 id. Do.

52 prel. BZ! id. Do. 4 2 deb. 72, 13 Omnium luvest.

16612, 51g Parent Trust and Fn. 82 ord. 186f Rhodesia Boils. 29ll2. 29(412.

29712. 293 Rfo Claro Rail 52 prcf. 8834 Rubber Plants. Invot. 44(3.

44(3. 446, 4416 Sanitas 102 pref. 219. 210. 21H2.

213, 216 second Guardian Trust. 114, 14. 10, 14. in Second Mercantile. 12B.

Do. 52 pref. 91 South African Cold. 28lle. Do.

62 prcf. 176 Staveley. 200 ex rights Stock Conr. end Inr. 4(J dis 3(9 Sloe)-.

nlders Inv. 52 prcf. 87. 6. 7.

6J2 Tonopah and Tidewater 4122 deb. 7712 Trust -Cmon. 21. 14. no.

4122 pref. 8. J8 Trustees Corp. 206. Do.

412 2 pref. 82 Trre Inv. 102 prefd. 126. 12(6 United States and 52 prefd.

91 Lmted States Deb. 262 Supplementary Prices. Alliance, 550 Aurochs Inv. 85i. r16 Bolivian unrl Gen.

Tin 1 126,12, 6,12 7'4 British Combined Inv. 496, 48Of Contiurntal and Industrial. 1518 Daily Mail (p.o.l 82(6, 82(0. Bl6, 8216. 816.

824t- 82(0. 82,6. 8165.t. 819. 829 Tea Stare, 263.

26(9 Tin Srlfctir.11. ZB-'6. 28 '6. 283. 286.

283, 289. 28.3. 28 '9. 283f. 2871 Wet rdou and Prov.

Kicc. Gen. 171l2r. Ir, 34r OAS. Alliance and Dublin.

81f Cape Town aud Dis. Sr Continental Union. 291- Gas Light and co*ke. 8714, 14. 14.

Do. Do. 3122 mai. 4.2 preL 7534, ouijr, ai2. ouia.

2. 61 4, Primitive Gaa of A. 146. 141012. 14612.

146. ljltli- Soulh Melropol. 9734. 8I2. 12- Do.

deb. 585s caemth Suburban 52 ord. 1021ia. 1- id (Tottenham Diat, 0I22 901 S'jpjHenaentary Prices. British 52 deb.

96l2r. Do. Norwich 32 mort. debi. I2, 4 INSURANCE.

Atlas, 1934, 3. Commercial Union. 2434, 34. Do. British Got.

deb. tuuog. 12. (4 Employ. Jjab.

Assur. 776, 7H9. 789. 780. 776, 770.

773, 770. 776. 73:91. 78ll2, 7771n, 78(0. 776, 773 Gen.

Ac, Fire, and Life. 85ts. la Lew Union and Rock 42 deb. 83 Licenses and Gen. 69 '3 London and Lanca 227 Lond.

Ai. Re-insaranoe 72 PreL 7H2r, 69 London Aes. llUtf. ll. 11160 Motor Union, 8.

Do. Sl2i pref. 171015, 171012 North British and Merc 2413. 34. j4.

3. Northern 52 deb. 96l2r, 7, 7 Phoenii (1, etc.) 13I8 Prndentla A. 211- ad and bonua Royal Eiciange. 730, 7y36, 7n Sun Office.

2438, 38 World Auiiliary. 210, 210r Suppiimerltary Prloaa. Associated Reinsurers (pp.) 123r Ctlmrrlt-rcial Union Ass. new (p.p.) 117B. 3.

13,, tc 7s. 1,,, Cll190. 12. i-SSi! 1178. 11193.

1118(6. 1134, 12 11196. 11(18(0. 11179. ll7l79 Pearl (I.p.) IRON GOAL, AND STEEL.

Amal. Anthracite Colls. 190r. 1810l2r Armstrong. Whitavorth.

33, 3334. Do. 61a2 3rd d'ta1 2'10'2' "o- 2nd dtb- S2 Do. slSl'no 523, 519, 62412. 62412, ss''i-'9' 6l71z- 69' Do 412 1,1 d4b- oengai iron.

1441,, 14112, 146 71-2 cum. pref 19G 190 riorctovr. Vanghan. 6Sr. 711- 711-Cammell.

Laird. 7101-r. 7193., 7934 7q Cargo Fleet. "l2(9f 143 aa-eit iron. 1.7,41- 1741- 1 TV.

a. 82 cnm. prcf. SS''6- 119, 513. Do.

52 pr.f. 89(41- ncnab-7 anrl ,11 r-, u.i a.t. OCD Irtjla pref0" mri- 2312. Do. 62 tcng.

9i9. 9(9, 99, 100. 1011-. 071, tn. ax prefd.

139, 14(0. Do. 51a2 lat dik. 90 Ebbw Falrbafrn LawiDo cmbe Barb'r 52 1011 Pref. 10112.

Keen, and NettiefoldiT. 370, 36B. Do. 52 2071, OTE' pref. 2IH2.

I 169 166. l70r Horn 28'13-1 Lambert Brothers, 4T0" NaU) Narig. Co), and Est. 30'Ot aataiisn i-oromotlve, 2111-p Ocean Coal and Wilsons, 257I-" Projectile aud Engineering. 6I01-.

711- r-outh Durham. 49 'rt rin. 41 4.v Steel of Canada 62 1st mort. 1071a. laseararta and Licads def.

31 -O. Ta.ra .1 a Jata 72 lat deb. ajola 6': 2 cnm. pref. 13(7tc, ITlornvcroll (J 239, 239.

230. 2S0. pref. I-nited KUUbs Steel com. I68ar.

Br vK i.s Piarf. 86r 8 8'Ji. 8'3, 86. 8614. TV.

52 noo-cum. prrf. 13(7u. ljfsu, id? TV Workman, Clark 72 Jeb, 151, Strrajlerrstrrtara Pricaaa. Baaarrfmore fW.) 32 7-yr.

notes. 46 rfj Kmpir Strl Corp. 72 cum. 1st pref. B.

33I4 "gYoia8' 72 smu. 5X nwrt- debs. 8334r Shipley Colls. 190. 1941-r saort, worka 7l2Z lit mort.

sterL debs. rtg. 983, White (J. Saaretl) 1:0 MINES, Anaconda Copper. 1 fa -00 a atl'-41- 1391, 14112.

143. Becbusnala'airl Tjj, 1011- CentraJ Prtrrtncca Manganea fire. 678 ol S. Africa). 39814.

400. 40,334 "IO, 39 814 39101-. 400. 40U5 39101-. Do.

6X prtL 0-v' -letion. 283r. 28l412r, C.w. -OrO'4, 44SQ, elS. 2371-.

28,9 Dc Been 40 aaref a ai- 1. IV- del. beararr. 161k. 16.

Is 533 -04. 4, 14-4. 14. I -O. 5-S2.

JYs. l4 wirb oaaip. 38 Froouno and Bolivia CJi- 1110:2 GedoVl Proo. HS171. HArlnz-.

GbxMl 1 9hM.f. ra ,7,,. Mason aa.rl Hun. aara aa -ra oarr 1 raJji ac'o TOf. Minint.

53. '51O. 51I-. 53. 53 -J-aaaa as.

ana sup. 7dlt2, porerom G.lf. ol India. 15101; Pahang. 12(41-, 12:3 Kio -rato.

a7j. 35116 with coup. 3L John del Rear 102 pref. 244 1- Taa-aavika OaaaaKwaioaa -49Ofr, 1 4 o3i'0f- 526L 4819." 47934, 4,76, 489, Vital. JU flnion 6812-.

Ryn Gold, 24 ,0 Axutraltas. Aastaciaieai Cold of W. Anaatralia (nw. 01 Of BtwVier Pearser. 18.

IH2, I8I4 I8I4. li'Sf Lake View and Star, 3:1 1-r. 3212, 31. 31. 0.4-2, ,4.

AJ1442. alia-aafonnr. fia. 37934. 37(934.

376. 37V0, 3711-373. 576 369. 37S34. 373 T.iVt- i'M.

'O tCS VO a Star ErKrail, 2li9. 220. 216. 44, sa, 44, 2ica, ViaestllaJVCasuy. inpai; (PcraV) Tin Dredginr (I.p.) 2C.TJ, IS.IOI-Asasuiyo aaTineas in Bolrvis.

Assoc-. Wintnr a-d Pltaaace, 56 Ayer TCtam Tin Pa-dgine; Ip 70. 70. 7f Balaa-ut Gold, BiTkia. f(6! Barerm Tin DrraJiinr, 376, 376.

a-w trtntoia. Trvt 0914) 46. 471a. tit. Bev new.

10. 10. irry pts. 6 rum. prer 24'3.

23.6. 7-. Jen, yj 16 -9''712 O. 271 07,1 '3- 25 01 Ir-ltiS 2 707s id 70. 34, 70.

70. 70f. 14. 34. 701 70f id.

Do. 32 119551 95. 5 5' Do 4-(1942-62) (19S3) 68. 8. 8.

3B. 3j Mrtropolnan 31 -i. 61f. 2. Do.

tear wi. 1 Cl I c5tr. 4. Do. S.

-2- (IS64I S5f. 5t I i NDIAN RAILWAYS. 14il Light Kla. 4 rCTJ. 74 14 i a'.

1 'tiibav. I I jt a nj Burin." gu.r. 21 2. li)--a. 183.

East In.ijaaAin A HS531 13 id. Do. B. ISJa. 55- id.

Uo. Al3Z deb. (1935- Tlastam Benad mar. 4 deb. 77 G- Prsinsnia class A (1S48) 12 7-32.

7- d- 77. u. Do. 31:2 deb. 6834 Madras aco S.

Mat. 4 .19381 7SI-. 1-Souii. P-aajib. 312 id and boons Do.

RAILWAYS BRITISH POSSESSIONS. AIjWnaCer.1. and Uudsoc Ear 5 2 Atlantic and N.W. stpd. 14 with rp.

Atlantic and St. LaTencc 62. SSt'a ei coop. 25 Buffaka d'Lakc Huron, 1 Caaad Atlanaio 4 791. sn; Canadian North.

Pacific 4 iit niortr-87l4r jort. ter. S434; Do. LaraaHan xenr-ern 42 pern. deh.

70'ii. 14. 4- itiiKirh 1 ee. 5 da-b. 731a Can.

crffimoQ. 1S734, 8, 1-. 77a, 8, l4 5Uf- S2. 1.4. lr.

T7V -yi-a got "got" 1 iva- Fret. 771a. 34. J6. 3t.

14, 3. 1, IV. 4- SOIa. 3S. 5- 14.

U. SS. 3a" 1 IX. Ali-ccai. Br.1.

ttVVia Iinliitb. Wjaaicaaf. and Pxc 43; jit uiari. 80. Is l.rani Trcnk PaciSo ISaak.) 4J, 917.4 Grand Trunk al Canada 42 Satar 1.

Do. 4 2 perp. deb. 79 834. 34.

9. 9, '-4 Grand Trunk West. 4 2 50-5 ear grain. 75:4. 14 52 guar ocbs.

Ea4op Otalario and Queiaec 52 deb. S834, 34 Ocel! and Lake St. 42 la deb. 6S Rhodesia 52 1st debs. 8934.

Do 4 2 cefes 8014. 1. 8034. 34. Do Trust 62 lO-year.

10334.34 1 3t-iaocOTttary Piicaaa. Canadian Xatioaaal gnar. eeb- cjaaj, le, i Khoisix and Masbonalaod 62 waa debs. 94, :4. 1.

Im. Is. Is. 3-Sis, 4iK, 4. Do.

(p-p.) 60 AMERICAN RAILROAD STOCKS AND SHARES Baltimore and Ohio. 116 PeanayivarTa. 6012. 4r, "2 TNiuthcra. 12314.

14 Union Pacific. 173r Snsjiwii iiieiiuuy Prices. Orcarc and N.W. AMERICAN RAILROAD BONDS GOLD. VaHey 42 (19421 Nat- Rail, of Jleiicc- 41; 2 PJj- aaa.

(1S26) 241-. Do. 42 1st raorx. asa, 14. Do.

a-'-20 4 Near York Ceatl. and Hnd- Brrarr 42 11S341 1OOI4 Union Pacific 42 1 racrt. ilS47 98I2. 1 Prlcea. Nat.

Rails, Meiico 2-yr. 62 sec (1915) ass- 16,18 AMERICAN RAILROAD BONDS STERLING. Alabama 3a. O- and T. 52 (1940) 9S1 lllilroU 3122 (1930) 791a mort.

119451 SO.

The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.